50 resultados para Texture gradient


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The microfabric of 11 mudrock specimens from ODP Site 808 (Nankai accretionary prism) was quantitatively analyzed using X-ray texture goniometry and optical petrography. The objectives of the study were to learn about rock strain and to detect a component of bulk lateral shortening in the deformation of the mudstones. Strain evaluation is based on the predictions of March theory, and on distortions of initially homogeneous marker particle distributions (the Fry technique). The main results are as follows. The specimens underwent a strain path of progressive flattening, which is closely related to loss of pore space by vertical loading. A component of bulk lateral shortening is detectable in the top 550 mbsf at Site 808, but compared with the amount of uniaxial vertical shortening, its relative magnitude is probably small. Moreover, it cannot be said with confidence whether this is caused by toe contraction of the accretionary wedge or by gravitationally induced downslope movement of the sediment pile. The mudstones examined were deposited in a marine environment with an oxic bottom water column. Micropore collapse is an important fabric building mechanism, but below 400 mbsf its effects are at least partly overridden by recrystallization of smectite. We conclude that mud microfabrics are not very precise deformation gauges, but can be used for rough estimations of strain.


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Climatic and oceanographic variations during the last 2 m.y. of the Maastrichtian inferred from high-resolution (10 k.y.) stable isotope analysis of the mid-latitude South Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 525 reveal a major warm pulse followed by rapid cooling prior to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Between 66.85 and 65.52 Ma, cool but fluctuating temperatures average 9.9 and 15.4°C in intermediate and surface waters, respectively. This interval is followed by an abrupt short-term warming between 65.45 and 65.11 Ma, which increased temperatures by 2-3°C in intermediate waters, and decreased the vertical thermal gradient to an average of 2.7°C. This warm pulse may be linked to increased atmospheric pCO2, increased poleward heat transport, and the switch of an intermediate water source from high to low-middle latitudes. During the last 100 k.y. of the Maastrichtian, intermediate and surface temperatures decreased by an average of 2.1 and 1.4°C, respectively, compared to the maximum temperature between 65.32 and 65.24 Ma.


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Aqueous dihydrogen (H2,aq) is produced in copious amounts when seawater interacts with peridotite and H2O oxidizes ferrous iron in olivine to ferric iron in secondary magnetite and serpentine. Poorly understood in this process is the partitioning of iron and its oxidation state in serpentine, although both impose an important control on dihydrogen production. We present results of detailed petrographic, mineral chemical, magnetic and Mößbauer analyses of partially to fully serpentinized peridotites from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 15°N area. These results are used to constrain the fate of iron during serpentinization and are compared with phase equilibria considerations and peridotite-seawater reaction path models. In samples from Hole 1274A, mesh-rims reveal a distinct in-to-out zoning from brucite at the interface with primary olivine, followed by a zone of serpentine + brucite ± magnetite and finally serpentine + magnetite in the outermost mesh-rim. The compositions of coexisting serpentine (Mg# 95) and brucite (Mg# 80) vary little throughout the core. About 30-50% of the iron in serpentine/brucite mesh-rims is trivalent, irrespective of subbasement depth and protolith (harzburgite versus dunite). Model calculations suggest that both partitioning and oxidation state of iron are very sensitive to temperature and water-to-rock ratio during serpentinization. At temperatures above 330 °C the dissolution of olivine and coeval formation of serpentine, magnetite and dihydrogen depends on the availability of an external silica source. At these temperatures the extent of olivine serpentinization is insufficient to produce much hydrogen, hence conditions are not reducing enough to form awaruite. At T < 330 °C, hydrogen generation is facilitated by the formation of brucite, as dissolution of olivine to form serpentine, magnetite and brucite requires no addition of silica. The model calculations suggest that the iron distribution observed in serpentine and brucite is consistent with formation temperatures ranging from <150 to 250 °C and bulk water-to-rock ratios between 0.1 and 5. These conditions coincide with peak hydrogen fugacities during serpentinization and are conducive to awaruite formation during main stage serpentinization. The development of the common brucite rims around olivine is either due to an arrested reaction olivine -> brucite -> serpentine + brucite, or reflects metastable olivine-brucite equilibria developing in the strong gradient in silica activity between orthopyroxene (talc-serpentine) and olivine (serpentine-brucite).


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Ocean acidification threatens the survival of coral reef ecosystems worldwide. The negative effects of ocean acidification observed in many laboratory experiments have been seen in studies of naturally low-pH reefs, with little evidence to date for adaptation. Recently, we reported initial data suggesting that low-pH coral communities of the Palau Rock Islands appear healthy despite the extreme conditions in which they live. Here, we build on that observation with a comprehensive statistical analysis of benthic communities across Palau's natural acidification gradient. Our analysis revealed a shift in coral community composition but no impact of acidification on coral richness, coralline algae abundance, macroalgae cover, coral calcification, or skeletal density. However, coral bioerosion increased 11-fold as pH decreased from the barrier reefs to the Rock Island bays. Indeed, a comparison of the naturally low-pH coral reef systems studied so far revealed increased bioerosion to be the only consistent feature among them, as responses varied across other indices of ecosystem health. Our results imply that whereas community responses may vary, escalation of coral reef bioerosion and acceleration of a shift from net accreting to net eroding reef structures will likely be a global signature of ocean acidification.


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Global warming was reported to cause growth reductions in tropical shallow water corals in both, cooler and warmer, regions of the coral species range. This suggests regional adaptation with less heat-tolerant populations in cooler and more thermo-tolerant populations in warmer regions. Here, we investigated seasonal changes in the in situ metabolic performance of the widely distributed hermatypic coral Pocillopora verrucosa along 12 degrees latitudes featuring a steep temperature gradient between the northern (28.5 degrees N, 21-27 degrees C) and southern (16.5 degrees N, 28-33 degrees C) reaches of the Red Sea. Surprisingly, we found little indication for regional adaptation, but strong indications for high phenotypic plasticity: Calcification rates in two seasons (winter, summer) were found to be highest at 28-29 degrees C throughout all populations independent of their geographic location. Mucus release increased with temperature and nutrient supply, both being highest in the south. Genetic characterization of the coral host revealed low inter-regional variation and differences in the Symbiodinium clade composition only at the most northern and most southern region. This suggests variable acclimatization potential to ocean warming of coral populations across the Red Sea: high acclimatization potential in northern populations, but limited ability to cope with ocean warming in southern populations already existing at the upper thermal margin for corals


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This data set contains measurements of plant height: vegetative height (length of the main axis) in 2003 from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the Main Experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2003, plant height was recorded twice a year just before biomass harvest (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August). For 30 target plant individuals harvested at 10 cm distances along a 5 m transect in a control area at the margin of each experimental plot, vegetative height (length of the main axis) was measured as the length of the main axis of the plant. Provided is the mean over the measured plants per plot.


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Ocean acidification causes biodiversity loss, alters ecosystems, and may impact food security, as shells of small organisms dissolve easily in corrosive waters. There is a suggestion that photosynthetic organisms could mitigate ocean acidification on a local scale, through seagrass protection or seaweed cultivation, as net ecosystem organic production raises the saturation state of calcium carbonate making seawater less corrosive. Here, we used a natural gradient in calcium carbonate saturation, caused by shallow-water CO2 seeps in the Mediterranean Sea, to assess whether seaweed that is resistant to acidification (Padina pavonica) could prevent adverse effects of acidification on epiphytic foraminifera. We found a reduction in the number of species of foraminifera as calcium carbonate saturation state fell and that the assemblage shifted from one dominated by calcareous species at reference sites (pH 8.19) to one dominated by agglutinated foraminifera at elevated levels of CO2 (pH 7.71). It is expected that ocean acidification will result in changes in foraminiferal assemblage composition and agglutinated forms may become more prevalent. Although Padina did not prevent adverse effects of ocean acidification, high biomass stands of seagrass or seaweed farms might be more successful in protecting epiphytic foraminifera.


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Anthropogenic CO2 is causing warming and ocean acidification. Coral reefs are being severely impacted, yet confusion lingers regarding how reefs will respond to these stressors over this century. Since the 1982-1983 El Niño-Southern Oscillation warming event, the persistence of reefs around the Galápagos Islands has differed across an acidification gradient. Reefs disappeared where pH<8.0 and aragonite saturation state (Omega arag)<=3 and have not recovered, whereas one reef has persisted where pH>8.0 and Omega arag>3. Where upwelling is greatest, calcification by massive Porites is higher than predicted by a published relationship with temperature despite high CO2, possibly due to elevated nutrients. However, skeletal P/Ca, a proxy for phosphate exposure, negatively correlates with density (R=-0.822, p<0.0001). We propose that elevated nutrients have the potential to exacerbate acidification by depressing coral skeletal densities and further increasing bioerosion already accelerated by low pH.


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A detailed analysis of the texture, matrix, and elements of the microfacies from the carbonate sequence recovered in ODP Hole 639D resulted in a typological classification of 10 major microfacies types and their variants. The variations in distribution and succession of type microfacies allowed us to divide the carbonate sequence into 12 facies-defined subunits. Based on the analyzed characteristics and their relations, we also propose a paleoenvironmental interpretation involving a mixed carbonate/terrigenous ramp model instead of the previous, classical zoned carbonate platform.


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Species diversity is the most common variable reported in recent ecological research articles. Ecological processes, however, are driven by individuals. High abundances make arthropods, despite their small body sizes, important actors in food webs. We sampled arthropod assemblages in disturbed and undisturbed vegetation types along an elevation gradient of from 800 to 4550 m a.s.l. on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In our analysis, we focused on 13 different lineages of arthropods that represented three major functional groups: predators, herbivores and decomposers. The samples were collected with pitfall traps on 59 (of 60) study sites within the framework of the KiLi-project (https://www.kilimanjaro.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/). In each of twelve vegetation types five sampling sites of 50 m x 50 m were established with a minimum distance of 300 m between the individual sites. On each of the 59 sites, ten pitfall traps were evenly spaced along two 50 m transects, with a distance of 10 m between individual traps and 20 m between the parallel transects. Pitfall traps were filled with 100-200 ml of a mixture of ethylenglycol and water (1:1) with a drop of liquid soap to break surface tension. Traps were exposed at 2 to 5 sampling events for seven days in both the dry and wet seasons between May 2011 and October 2012. The reported abundances per lineage were averaged twice: first over all samples per site for each sampling event (3-10 analyzed samples per site and sampling event), and then averaged over all sampling events for each site.


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Three stations along a productivity gradient north of the Canary Islands were investigated for surface-water properties, particle flux, and composition (biogenic and lithogenic components, and stable nitrogen isotope composition, delta15N) and export production. Investigation sites along the east-west transect off the NW African upwelling margin included the European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean, Canary Islands (ESTOC), one location contiguous to the NW African upwelling zone in the Eastern Boundary Current (EBC) and one station north of the island La Palma (LP). The seasonality of surface-water properties along the transect was mainly influenced by the winter cooling and simultaneous phytoplankton maximum and, in addition at EBC, by nearby upwelling. Accordingly, particle flux and composition along the transect were closely linked to the winter bloom sedimentation and upwelling related enhanced plankton biomass stemming from the primary upwelling and the Cape Yubi filament at EBC. During all seasons, particle flux was highest at EBC and had the highest contribution of biogenic opal and lithogenic components, and the lowest delta15N compared to the offshore stations. But contrary to what would be expected from the productivity gradient, particle flux did not decrease from ESTOC to LP. Below the upper several hundred meters, particle flux was enhanced by additional particle input along the entire transect, manifested by an increase of flux with depth and lower delta15N values. We offer a scenario in which intermediate nepheloid layers originating from the primary upwelling as well as particle dispersion from upwelling filaments, mainly the Cape Ghir filament, impact on the trap stations as far as 700 km into the open ocean. This study contributes to our understanding of the poorly resolved biogeochemical transition between the productive shelf and subtropical gyre provinces.