34 resultados para REEF FISH ASSEMBLAGE


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Groundfish survey data from the German Bight from 1902-08, 1919-23, and 1930-1932 and ICES International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) quarter 3 data from 1991 to 2009 were analysed with respect to species frequencies, maximum length, trends in catch-per-unit-effort, species richness parameters (SNR) and presence of large fish (Phi40), the latter defined as average presence of species per haul with specimens larger than 40 cm given. Four different periods are distinguished: (a) before 1914 with medium commercial CPUE and low landings, Phi40 approx. 2, high abundance in elasmobranchs and SNR conditions indicating highly diverse assemblages, (b) conditions immediately after 1918 with higher commercial CPUE, recovering landings, Phi40 at > 4 in 1919, and SNR conditions indicating highly diverse assemblages, (c) conditions from 1920 to the early 1930's with decreasing commercial CPUE, increased landings, decreasing Phi40, SNR conditions similar to later years indicating less diverse assemblages, and a decrease in elasmobranchs. In the IBTS series (d), Phi40 remains low indicating an increased rarity of large specimens, and SNR characteristics are similar to the third period. Dab, whiting and grey gurnard have increased considerably in the IBTS series as compared to the historic data. Phi40 is suggested an alternative indicator reflecting community functional diversity when weight based indicators cannot be applied.


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Two of the major threats to coral reefs are increasing sea surface temperature and ocean acidification, both of which result from rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Recent evidence suggests that both increased water temperature and elevated levels of dissolved CO2 can change the behaviors of fishes in ways that reduce individual fitness, however the interacting effects of these variables are unknown. We used a fully factorial experiment to test the independent and interactive effects of temperature (3 levels: 28.5, 30, and 31.5 °C) and pCO2 (3 levels: averaging 420, 530, and 960 µatm) on food consumption and activity level of juvenile anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus (Bleeker 1852). Experimental levels were consistent with current-day ocean conditions and predictions for mid-century and late-century based on atmospheric CO2 projections. Sibling fish were reared for 21 days from the end of their larval phase in each of the nine treatments, at which time behavioral observations were conducted. Food consumption and foraging activity decreased at the highest temperature. In isolation, CO2 level did not significantly affect behavior; however, there was an interaction with temperature. While rearing at high temperature (31.5 °C) and control (420 µatm) or moderate (530 µatm) CO2 resulted in a reduction of food consumption and foraging activity, rearing at high temperature and high CO2 (960 µatm) resulted in an elevation in these behaviors. Maintaining food consumption and foraging activity in high temperature and CO2 conditions may reduce energy efficiency if the thermal optimum for food assimilation and growth has been exceeded. Maintaining foraging effort might increase predation vulnerability. These results suggest that changes in foraging behaviors caused by the interactive effects of increased SST and CO2 could have significant effects on the growth and survival of juvenile reef fishes by late century.


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Changes in olfactory-mediated behaviour caused by elevated CO2 levels in the ocean could affect recruitment to reef fish populations because larval fish become more vulnerable to predation. However, it is currently unclear how elevated CO2 will impact the other key part of the predator-prey interaction - the predators. We investigated the effects of elevated CO2 and reduced pH on olfactory preferences, activity levels and feeding behaviour of a common coral reef meso-predator, the brown dottyback (Pseudochromis fuscus). Predators were exposed to either current-day CO2 levels or one of two elevated CO2 levels (~600 µatm or ~950 µatm) that may occur by 2100 according to climate change predictions. Exposure to elevated CO2 and reduced pH caused a shift from preference to avoidance of the smell of injured prey, with CO2treated predators spending approximately 20% less time in a water stream containing prey odour compared with controls. Furthermore, activity levels of fish was higher in the high CO2 treatment and feeding activity was lower for fish in the mid CO2treatment; indicating that future conditions may potentially reduce the ability of the fish to respond rapidly to fluctuations in food availability. Elevated activity levels of predators in the high CO2 treatment, however, may compensate for reduced olfactory ability, as greater movement facilitated visual detection of food. Our findings show that, at least for the species tested to date, both parties in the predator-prey relationship may be affected by ocean acidification. Although impairment of olfactory-mediated behaviour of predators might reduce the risk of predation for larval fishes, the magnitude of the observed effects of elevated CO2 acidification appear to be more dramatic for prey compared to predators. Thus, it is unlikely that the altered behaviour of predators is sufficient to fully compensate for the effects of ocean acidification on prey mortality.


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Recent research has shown that exposure to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) affects how fishes perceive their environment, affecting behavioral and cognitive processes leading to increased prey mortality. However, it is unclear if increased mortality results from changes in the dynamics of predator-prey interactions or due to prey increasing activity levels. Here we demonstrate that ocean pCO2 projected to occur by 2100 significantly effects the interactions of a predator-prey pair of common reef fish: the planktivorous damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis and the piscivorous dottyback Pseudochromis fuscus. Prey exposed to elevated CO2 (880 µatm) or a present-day control (440 µatm) interacted with similarly exposed predators in a cross-factored design. Predators had the lowest capture success when exposed to elevated CO2 and interacting with prey exposed to present-day CO2. Prey exposed to elevated CO2 had reduced escape distances and longer reaction distances compared to prey exposed to present-day CO2 conditions, but this was dependent on whether the prey was paired with a CO2 exposed predator or not. This suggests that the dynamics of predator-prey interactions under future CO2 environments will depend on the extent to which the interacting species are affected and can adapt to the adverse effects of elevated CO2.


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Determining which marine species are sensitive to elevated CO2 and reduced pH, and which species tolerate these changes, is critical for predicting the impacts of ocean acidification on marine biodiversity and ecosystem function. Although adult fish are thought to be relatively tolerant to higher levels of environmental CO2, very little is known about the sensitivity of juvenile stages, which are usually much more vulnerable to environmental change. We tested the effects of elevated environmental CO2 on the growth, survival, skeletal development and otolith (ear bone) calcification of a common coral reef fish, the spiny damselfish Acanthochromis polyacanthus. Newly hatched juveniles were reared for 3 wk at 4 different levels of PCO2(seawater) spanning concentrations already experienced in near-reef waters (450 µatm CO2) to those predicted to occur over the next 50 to 100 yr in the IPCC A2 emission scenario (600, 725, 850 µatm CO2). Elevated PCO2 had no effect on juvenile growth or survival. Similarly, there was no consistent variation in the size of 29 different skeletal elements that could be attributed to CO2 treatments. Finally, otolith size, shape and symmetry (between left and right side of the body) were not affected by exposure to elevated PCO2, despite the fact that otoliths are composed of aragonite. This is the first comprehensive assessment of the likely effects of ocean acidification on the early life history development of a marine fish. Our results suggest that juvenile A. polyacanthus are tolerant of moderate increases in environmental CO2 and that further acidification of the ocean will not, in isolation, have a significant effect on the early life history development of this species, and perhaps other tropical reef fishes


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Cretaceous benthic foraminifers from Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, western Pacific Ocean, provide an environmental and tectonic history of the Basin and the surrounding seamounts. Age diagnostic species (from a fauna of 155 benthic species identified) range from late Aptian to Maestrichtian in age. Displaced species in sediments derived from the tops and flanks of nearby seamounts were deposited sporadically on the Basin floor well below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) at abyssal depths of 5000 to 6000 m. These depths, characterized by an indigenous assemblage of benthic foraminifers, recrystallized radiolarians, fish debris, and sponge spicules, existed in the Mariana Basin from late Aptian to the present. Early Albian and older edifice-building volcanism had reached the photic zone with associated shallow-water bank or reef environments. By middle Albian, the dominant source areas subsided to outer-neritic to upper-bathyal depths. Major volcanic activity ceased and fine-grained sediments were deposited by distal turbidites, although intermittent volcanism and the influx of rare neritic material continued until the late Albian. By the Cenomanian to Turonian, upper- to middle-bathyal depths were reached by the dominant source areas, and the sediments recovered from this interval include organic carbon-rich layers. Rare benthic foraminifers from the Coniacian-Santonian interval indicate a continuation of dominantly middle-bathyal source areas. A change in sedimentation during the Campanian-Maestrichtian from older zeolitic claystone to abundant chert in the Campanian, and nannofossil chalk and claystone in the Maestrichtian resulted from migration of the site beneath the equatorial productive zone due to northwestward plate motion. The appearance of rare middle-neritic and upper-bathyal species in the Maestrichtian interval associated with volcanogenic debris gives evidence of the remobilization and downslope transport of pelagic deposits due to thermally induced uplift. Episodic redeposition of shallow-water material during the Aptian-Albian was produced by edifice-building volcanism perhaps combined with eustatic lowering of sea level. The Cenomanian-Turonian pulse coincided with a low global sea-level stand as does the transported material during the Coniacian-Santonian. The Maestrichtian pulse was caused by renewed midplate volcanism that extended over a large area of the central Pacific.


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The micro-scale spatial distribution patterns of a demersal fish and decapod crustacean assemblage were assessed in a hard-bottom kelp environment in the southern North Sea. Using quadrats along line transects, we assessed the in situ fish and crustacean abundance in relation to substratum types (rock, cobbles and large pebbles) and the density of algae. Six fish and four crustacean species were abundant, with Ctenolabrus rupestris clearly dominating the fish community and Galathea squamifera dominating the crustacean community. Differences in the substratum types had an even stronger effect on the micro-scale distribution than the density of the dominating algae species. Kelp had a negative effect on the fish abundances, with significantly lower average densities in kelp beds compared with adjacent open areas. Averaged over all of the substrata, the most attractive substratum for the fish was large pebbles. In contrast, crustaceans did not show a specific substratum affinity. The results clearly indicate that, similar to other complex systems, significant micro-scale species-habitat associations occur in northern hard-bottom environments. However, because of the frequently harsh environmental conditions, these habitats are mainly sampled from ships with sampling gear, and the resulting data cannot be used to resolve small-scale species-habitat associations. A detailed substratum classification and community assessment, often only possible using SCUBA diving, is therefore important to reach a better understanding of the functional relationships between species and their environment in northern temperate waters, knowledge that is very important with respect to the increasing environmental pressure caused by global climate change.


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Concerns about the impacts of ocean acidification on marine life have mostly focused on how reduced carbonate saturation affects calcifying organisms. Here, we show that levels of CO2-induced acidification that may be attained by 2100 could also have significant effects on marine organisms by reducing their aerobic capacity. The effects of temperature and acidification on oxygen consumption were tested in 2 species of coral reef fishes, Ostorhinchus doederleini and O. cyanosoma, from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The capacity for aerobic activity (aerobic scope) declined at temperatures above the summer average (29°C) and in CO2-acidified water (pH 7.8 and ~1000 ppm CO2) compared to control water (pH 8.15). Aerobic scope declined by 36 and 32% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma at temperatures between 29 to 32°C, whereas it declined by 33 and 47% for O. doederleini and O. cyanosoma in acidified water compared to control water. Thus, the declines in aerobic scope in acidified water were similar to those caused by a 3°C increase in water temperature. Minimum aerobic scope values of ~200 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 were attained for both species in acidified water at 32°C, compared with over 600 mg O2 kg-1 h-1 in control water at 29°C. Mortality rate increased sharply at 33°C, indicating that this temperature is close to the lethal thermal limit for both species. Acidification further increased the mortality rate of O. doederleini, but not of O. cyanosoma. These results show that coral reef fishes are sensitive to both higher temperatures and increased levels of dissolved CO2, and that the aerobic performance of some reef fishes could be significantly reduced if climate change continues unabated.


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Predicted future CO2 levels can affect reproduction, growth, and behaviour of many marine organisms. However, the capacity of species to adapt to predicted changes in ocean chemistry is largely unknown. We used a unique field-based experiment to test for differential survival associated with variation in CO2 tolerance in a wild population of coral-reef fishes. Juvenile damselfish exhibited variation in their response to elevated (700 µatm) CO2 when tested in the laboratory and this influenced their behaviour and risk of mortality in the wild. Individuals that were sensitive to elevated CO2 were more active and move further from shelter in natural coral reef habitat and, as a result, mortality from predation was significantly higher compared with individuals from the same treatment that were tolerant of elevated CO2. If individual variation in CO2 tolerance is heritable, this selection of phenotypes tolerant to elevated CO2 could potentially help mitigate the effects of ocean acidification.