116 resultados para Peak periods.


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Sediment core M23414 from the Rockall Plateau (North Atlantic) covering the last two climatic cycles, marine isotope stages (MIS) 7 to 1, was investigated for glacial-interglacial variations in the deep-sea benthic ostracode fauna. A highly diversified ostracode fauna including 98 species was found. Two climate-related assemblages were identified, associated with interglacial and peak glacial periods, respectively. The 'interglacial' group occurs during the end of MIS 7, 5 and 1 and is composed of the genera Henryhowella, Pelecocythere, Echinocythereis, Cytherella, Bradleya, Aversovalva and Eucytherura. The 'glacial' group consists of the genera Acetabulastoma (which is known as 'sea ice indicator' in the modern Arctic Ocean), Polycope, Bythoceratina, ?Rhombobythere, and some species possibly belonging to the genus Pseudocythere and is found during MIS 6, 4 and 2. These longer-term variations within the ostracode fauna seem related to the particular glacial and interglacial climate conditions that affected both deep-water production as well as primary production in the surface waters. However, a detailed comparison of ostracode abundances with the occurrence of events marked by increased ice-rafted debris reveals also much shorter-term climate related changes in the ostracode fauna. Thus, the temporal fluctuations within ostracode assemblages reflect long- and short-term alterations of the deep-sea environment that are clearly linked to climate changes.


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Precise measurements of ice-flow velocities are necessary for a proper understanding of the dynamics of glaciers and their response to climate change. We use stand-alone single-frequency GPS receivers for this purpose. They are designed to operate unattended for 1-3 years, allowing uninterrupted measurements for long periods with hourly temporal resolution. We present the system and illustrate its functioning using data from 9 GPS receivers deployed on Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard, for the period 2006-2009. The accuracy of the receivers is 1.62 m based on the standard deviation in the average location of a stationary reference station (NBRef). Both the location of NBRef and the observed flow velocities agree within one standard deviation with DGPS measurements. Periodicity (6, 8, 12, 24 h) in the NBRef data is largely explained by the atmospheric, mainly ionospheric, influence on the GPS signal. A (weighed) running-average on the observed locations significantly reduces the standard deviation and removes high frequency periodicities, but also reduces the temporal resolution. Results show annual average velocities varying between 40 and 55 m/yr at stations on the central flow-line. On weekly to monthly time-scales we observe a peak in the flow velocities (from 60 to 90 m/yr) at the beginning of July related to increased melt-rates. No significant lag is observed between the timing of the maximum speed between different stations. This is likely due to the limited temporal resolution after averaging in combination with the relatively small distance (max. ±13 km) between the stations.


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Organic geochemical and visual kerogen analyses were carried out on approximately 50 samples from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic). The sediments are from four sites (Sites 552-555), Pleistocene to Paleocene in age, and represent significantly different depositional environments and sources of organic matter. The Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles show differences in sedimentary organic matter based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic phosphorus, and pyrolysis/mass-spectrometry analyses. Glacial samples contain more organic carbon, with a larger proportion of reworked organic matter. This probably reflects increased erosion of continental and shelf areas as a result of low sea level stands. Inter glacial samples contain a larger proportion of marine organic matter as determined by organic phosphorus and pyrolysis analyses. This immature, highly oxidized marine organic matter may be associated with the skeletal organic matrix of calcareous organisms. In addition, Rock-Eval data indicate no significant inorganic-carbonate contribution to the S3 pyrolysis peak. The Pliocene-Miocene sediments consist of pelagic, biogenic carbonates. The organic matter is similar to that of the Pleistocene interglacial periods; a mixture of oxidized marine organic matter and reworked, terrestrial detritus. The Paleocene-Oligocene organic matter reflects variations in source and depositional factors associated with the isolation of Rockall from Greenland. Paleocene sediments contain primarily terrestrial organic matter with evidence of in situ thermal stress resulting from interbedded lava flows. Late Paleocene and early Eocene organic matter suggests a highly oxidized marine environment, with major periods of deposition of terrestrially derived organic matter. These fluctuations in organic-matter type are probably the result of episodic shallowing and deepening of Rockall Basins. The final stage of Eocene/Oligocene sedimentation records the accelerating subsidence of Rockall and its isolation from terrestrial sources (Rockall and Greenland). This is shown by the increasingly marine character of the organic matter. The petroleum potential of sediments containing more than 0.5% organic carbon is poor because of their thermal immaturity and their highly oxidized and terrestrial organic-matter composition.


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Current attempts to understand climatic variability during the early to middle Pliocene require paleoceanographic information from the Pacific and Indian Oceans that may serve to test and/or constrain future circulation models. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 885/886 are located in the central subarctic North Pacific at water depths exceeding 5700 m. Recent studies of rock magnetic properties suggest that the fine-grained Fe oxide component in sediment at Sites 885/886 experienced reductive dissolution during the early-middle Gilbert. Because such an interval in the North Pacific Red Clay Province suggests a maximum in the sedimentary flux of organic carbon and/or a minimum in bottom water dissolved O2 concentrations (and hence, a peak change in North Pacific oceanographic conditions), a geochemical investigation was conducted to test the hypothesis. Quaternary sediment at Hole 886B was subjected to an oxyhydroxide removal procedure, and chemical analyses indicate that bulk sediment concentrations of Fe and the Fe/Sc ratio decrease significantly upon reductive dissolution. Downcore chemical analyses of untreated sediment at Hole 886B demonstrate that similar depletions also occur across the proposed interval of reduced sediment. Downcore chemical analyses also indicate that a pronounced increase in the Ba/Sc ratio occurs across the interval. These results are consistent with an interpretation that abyssal sediment of the North Pacific experienced a decrease in redox conditions during the early-middle Gilbert, and that this change in oxidation state was related to a peak in paleoproductivity. If the zenith of late Miocene to middle Pliocene enhanced productivity observed at other Indo-Pacific divergence regions similarly can be constrained to the early-middle Gilbert, there exists an oceanographic boundary condition in which to test future models concerning Pliocene warmth.


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Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene abundance fluctuations of the radiolarian Cycladophora davisiana (Ehrenberg) davisiana (Petrushevskaya) are documented from North Atlantic (Site 609) and Labrador Sea (Site 646B) to provide the first long-term correlation of its abundance fluctuations to oxygen isotope stages 1-114. Also examined are temporal and regional fluctuations in abundances C. d. davisiana and the global dispersal routes of the species. The first occurrence of C. d. davisiana in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (Site 609) occurred between 2.586 and 2.435 Ma (oxygen isotope stages 109.66-102.19). During the early Matuyama Chron, prior to oxygen isotope stage 63, C. d. davisiana abundances were less than 1% and never greater than 12%, while abundances of greater than 5% are found in stages 65.71-73, 74, and 83-84. The initial major abundance peak (35.7%) of C. d. davisiana was noted near the stage 63/62 boundary. Abundance peaks of greater than 15%, between oxygen isotope stages 35 and 63, are limited to stages 63.02, 58.07, 55.07-54.26, and 50.76-50.22. These represent the only such abundance peaks detected during the first c. 1.5 million years of the species within the North Atlantic. The character of C. d. davisiana abundance fluctuations in Site 609 changes after oxygen isotope stage 35; average abundances are greater (7.7% vs. 4.3%) and abundance maxima of more than 15% are more frequent. Many, but not all, peak abundances of C. d. davisiana occur in glacial stages (e.g., 8, 14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 34, 50, 54, and 58). Increased abundances of the species are also noted in weak interglacial stages (e.g., stages 3, 23, 39, and 41), and significant cool periods of robust interglacial periods (e.g., late stage 11). Sample spacing is adequate in some stages to note some rapid changes in abundance near stage transitions (e.g., stages 4/5, 25/26, 62/63). The sample density in Holes 609 and 611 and the upper portion of 646B is sufficient to detect a synchroneity of many abundance maxima and minima among sites. Some abundance peaks are undetected in one or more of the two holes, warranting further sampling to obtain a more accurate record of regional abundance fluctuations. Prior to stage 36, few ages of Hole 611 peaks are the same as those in the more precisely dated Hole 609. The highest abundances of C. d. davisiana were noted in Labrador Sea Hole 646B where the earliest known occurrence of the species is documented (3.08-2.99 Ma). C. d. davisiana is inferred to have evolved in the Labrador Sea (or Arctic), and migrated next through the Arctic into the North Pacific (2.62-2.64 Ma, stage 114) before migrating into the Norwegian Sea (2.63-2.53 Ma) and North Atlantic (2.59-2.44 Ma, stages 109-102). Additional migration of C. d. dauisiana into the southern South Atlantic (Site 704) occurred much later (2.06 Ma, stage 83).


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1119 is located at water depth 395 m near the subtropical front (STF; here represented by the Southland Front), just downslope from the shelf edge of eastern South Island, New Zealand. The upper 86.19 metres composite depth (mcd) of Site 1119 sediment was deposited at an average sedimentation rate of 34 cm/kyr during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-8 (0-252 ka), and is underlain across a ~25 kyr intra-MIS 8 unconformity by MIS 8.5-11 (277-367 ka) and older sediment deposited at ~14 cm/kyr. A time scale is assigned to Site 1119 using radiocarbon dates for the period back to ~39 ka, and, prior to then, by matching its climatic record with that of the Vostok ice core, which it closely resembles. Four palaeoceanographic proxy measures for surface water masses vary together with the sandy-muddy, glacial-interglacial (G/I) cyclicity at the site. Interglacial intervals are characterised by heavy delta13C, high colour reflectance (a proxy for carbonate content), low Q-ray (a proxy for clay content) and light delta18O; conversely, glacial intervals exhibit light delta13C, low reflectance, high Q-ray and heavy delta18O signatures. Early interglacial intervals are represented by silty clays with 10-105-cm-thick beds of sharp-based (Chondrites-burrowed), shelly, graded, fine sand. The sands are rich in foraminifera, and were deposited distant from the shoreline under the influence of longitudinal flow in relatively deep water. Glacial intervals comprise mostly micaceous silty clay, though with some thin (2-10 cm thick) sands present also at peak cold periods, and contain the cold-water scallop Zygochlamys delicatula. Interglacial sandy intervals are characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates of 5-32 cm/kyr; cold climate intervals MIS 10, 6 and 2 have successively higher sedimentation rates of 45, 69 and 140 cm/kyr. Counter-intuitively,and forced by the bathymetric control of a laterally-moving shoreline during G/I and I/G transitions, the 1119 core records a southeasterly (seaward) movement of the STF during early glacial periods, accompanied by the incursion of subtropical water (STW) above the site, and northwesterly (landward) movement during late glacial and interglacial times, resulting in a dominant influence then of subantarctic surface water (SAW). The history of passage of these different water masses at the site is clearly delineated by their characteristic delta13C values. The intervals of thin, graded sands-muds which occur within MIS 2-3, 6, 7.4 and 10 indicate the onset at times of peak cold of intermittent bottom currents caused by strengthened and expanded frontal flows along the STF, which at such times lay near Site 1119 in close proximity to seaward-encroaching subantarctic waters within the Bounty gyre. In common with other nearby Southern Hemisphere records, the cold period which represents the last glacial maximum lasted between ~23-18 ka at Site 1119, during which time the STF and Subantarctic Front (SAF) probably merged into a single intense frontal zone around the head of the adjacent Bounty Trough.


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A sediment core from the Lofoten Contourite Drift on the continental slope off Northern Norway, proximal to the former Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream, details the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the time interval 25.3-14 cal ka BP, including the Last Glacial Maximum and onset of the deglaciation based on high-resolution IRD records. From the core interval between 25.3 and 17.7 cal ka BP we report data points with a mean time step of 10 years, between 17.7 cal ka BP and the Holocene time steps are typically 50 years. The core is divided into 7 informal ice-rafted debris (IRD) zones based on the variations in IRD including 7 major IRD maxima (A-G), inferred to represent periods of high iceberg production. Petrological identification reveals dominance of crystalline IRD (monocrystalline, plutonic and metamorphic rock fragments) accounting for 75-80% of total IRD assemblages, while sedimentary fragments generally account for 15-20%. The crystalline fragments (including eclogite and mangerite from a nearby terrestrial source) increase across the IRD peaks while the sedimentary fragments remain constant. This points to the importance of erosional products from icebergs originating from fast-flowing paleo-ice streams including the Vestfjorden-Trsnadjupet Ice Stream draining from the Fennoscandian mainland during the IRD maxima periods. Increased temperature of the adjacent surface water masses was probably an important external forcing factor on the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet behavior because some IRD maxima and plumite deposition from meltwater plumes post-date periods of increased sea surface temperatures. The peak IRD depositions occur in centennial and millennial time cycles (~200, 1030 and 3900 year) indicating some external forcing by solar variation. Both mechanisms could explain the observed synchronous instability of the northwestern Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to other European Ice Sheets.


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Site 1146 (19°27.40'N, 116°16.37'E) was drilled in ~2092 m water depth in a rift basin on the continental slope of the South China Sea. A total of 607 m of sediment was cored in Hole 1146A, and a composite section from three holes extends down to 640 meters composite depth (mcd). Three stratigraphic sedimentary units were recognized at this site: late Pliocene to Pleistocene nannofossil clay (Unit I), middle Miocene to late Pliocene foraminifer and nannofossil clay mixed sediment (Unit II), and early to middle Miocene nannofossil clay (Unit III). This study reports the mineralogy from the late Miocene through early Pleistocene, 150-440 mcd.


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Seismic data acquired over the eastern shelf and margin of the South Orkney microcontinent, Antarctica, have shown a high-amplitude reflection lying at a sub-bottom two-way traveltime (TWT) of 0.5-0.8 s. There appear to be two causes for the reflection which apply in different parts of the shelf. The more widespread cause of the reflection is a break-up unconformity associated with the opening of Jane Basin to the east. This is clearly seen where reflections in the underlying sequence are discordant. In contrast, in Eotvos Basin and the southeastern part of Bouguer Basin, the high-amplitude reflection in places cuts across bedding and is interpreted to be caused by silica diagenesis. A post-cruise analysis of core samples from Site 696 in Eotvos Basin by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of a silica diagenetic front at 520-530 mbsf. The position of the unconformity at this site is uncertain, but probably coincides with a change of detrital input near 548 mbsf. Fluctuations of physical properties related to the depth of the diagenetic front are difficult to separate from those related to the variation of detrital composition over the same depth interval. Correlation of the drilling record with the seismic record is difficult but with a synthetic seismogram it is demonstrated that diagenesis is the probable cause of the high-amplitude reflection. In Bouguer Basin at Site 695 the depth of the high-amplitude reflection was not reached by drilling; however, the reflection is probably also caused by silica diagenesis because of the biogenic silica-rich composition of the sediments cored. The estimated temperatures and ages of the sediments at the depths of the high-amplitude reflections at Sites 695 and 696 compare favorably with similar data from other diagenetic fronts of the world. The high-amplitude reflection in Bouguer Basin is commonly of inverse polarity, possibly caused either by interference between reflections from several closely-spaced reflecting layers, such as chert horizons, or by free gas trapped near the diagenetic front.


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A high-resolution, 8000 year-long ice core record from the Mt. Logan summit plateau (5300 m asl) reveals the initiation of trans-Pacific lead (Pb) pollution by ca. 1730, and a >10-fold increase in Pb concentration (1981-1998 mean = 68.9 ng/l) above natural background (5.6 ng/l) attributed to rising anthropogenic Pb emissions from Asia. The largest rise in North Pacific Pb pollution from 1970-1998 (end of record) is contemporaneous with a decrease in Eurasian and North American Pb pollution as documented in ice core records from Greenland, Devon Island, and the European Alps. The distinct Pb pollution history in the North Pacific is interpreted to result from the later industrialization and less stringent abatement measures in Asia compared to North America and Eurasia. The Mt. Logan record shows evidence for both a rising Pb emissions signal from Asia and a trans-Pacific transport efficiency signal related to the strength of the Aleutian Low.


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The dataset is based on a long-term study (38 years) at the Galata transect and covers the spring-summer periods from 1967 till 2005. The whole dataset is composed of 360 data of total zooplankton biomass and abundance . Samples were collected in discrete layers 0-10m, 10-20m, 10-25m, 25-50m, 50-70m, 50-100m, 100-150. Mesozooplankton abundance: the collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber for taxomomic identification and count. Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Fishery Resource by Prof. Asen Konsulov and Institute of Oceanology by Prof. Asen Konsulov, Lyudmila Kamburska and Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972). Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance: The collected material was analysed using the method of Domov (1959). Samples were brought to volume of 25-30 ml depending upon zooplankton density and mixed intensively until all organisms were distributed randomly in the sample volume. After that 5 ml of sample was taken and poured in the counting chamber for taxomomic identification and count. Copepods and Cladoceras were identified and enumerated; the other mesozooplankters were identified and enumerated at higher taxonomic level (commonly named as mesozooplankton groups). Large (> 1 mm body length) and not abundant species were calculated in whole sample. Counting and measuring of organisms were made in the Dimov chamber under the stereomicroscope to the lowest taxon possible. Taxonomic identification was done at the Institute of Fishery Resource by prof. Asen Konsulov and Institute of Oceanology by Prof. Asen Konsulov, Lyudmila Kamburska and Kremena Stefanova using the relevant taxonomic literature (Mordukhay-Boltovskoy, F.D. (Ed.). 1968, 1969,1972).


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Centennial-to-millennial scale records from IODP Site U1387, drilled during IODP Expedition 339 into the Faro Drift at 558 m water depth, now allow evaluating the climatic history of the upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) and of the surface waters in the northern Gulf of Cadiz during the early Pleistocene. This study focuses on the period from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 29 to 34, i.e. the interval surrounding extreme interglacial MIS 31. Conditions in the upper MOW reflect obliquity, precession and millennial-scale variations. The benthic d18O signal follows obliquity with the exception of an additional, smaller d18O peak that marks the MIS 32/31 transition. Insolation maxima (precession minima) led to poor ventilation and a sluggish upper MOW core, whereas insolation minima were associated with enhanced ventilation and often also increased bottom current velocity. Millennial-scale periods of colder sea-surface temperatures (SST) were associated with short-term maxima in flow velocity and better ventilation, reminiscent of conditions known from MIS 3. A prominent contourite layer, coinciding with insolation cycle 100, was formed during MIS 31 and represents one of the few contourites developing within an interglacial period. MIS 31 surface water conditions were characterized by an extended period (1065-1091 ka) of warm SST, but SST were not much warmer than during MIS 33. Interglacial to glacial transitions experienced 2 to 3 stadial/interstadial cycles, just like their mid-to-late Pleistocene counterparts. Glacial MIS 30 and 32 recorded periods of extremely cold (< 12°C) SST that in their climatic impact were comparable to the Heinrich events of the mid and late Pleistocene. Glacial MIS 34, on the other hand, was a relative warm glacial period off southern Portugal. Overall, surface water and MOW conditions at Site U1387 show strong congruence with Mediterranean climate, whereas millennial-scale variations are closely linked to North Atlantic circulation changes.