57 resultados para Low latitudes


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Seven Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites recovered during ODP Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were analyzed to study the Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil record. Calcareous nannofossil events previously described from intermediate and low latitudes were identified and calibrated with available geomagnetic and stable isotope stratigraphic data. In general, Pleistocene southern high latitude calcareous nannofossil events show synchronicity with those observed from warm and temperate latitudes. The first occurrence (FO) of Emiliania huxleyi and the last occurrence (LO) of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa are observed in marine isotope stages (MIS) 8 and 12, respectively. A reversal in abundance between Gephyrocapsa muellerae and E. huxleyi is observed at MIS 5. MIS 6 is characterized by an increase in G. muellerae and MIS 7 features a dramatic decrease in the proportion of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. This latter species began to increase its proportions from MIS 14 to 13. The LO of Reticulofenestra asanoi is observed within subchron C1r.1r and the FO of R. asanoi occurs at the top of C1r.2r. A reentry of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa can be identified in some cores during subchron C1r.1n. The LO of large morphotypes of Gephyrocapsa is well correlated through the studied area, and occurs during the middle-low part of subchron C1r.2r,synchronous with other oceanic regions. The FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei and FO of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa occur in the studied area close to 1.6 Ma.


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Isotopic depth stratification and relative abundance studies of planktic foraminifera at ODP Site 738 reveal three major faunal turnovers during the latest Paleocene and early Eocene, reflecting the climatic and structural changes in the Antarctic surface ocean. Faunal Event 1 occurred near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers, decreased relative abundance in intermediate dwellers and increased relative abundance in surface dwellers. This event marks a temporary elimination of the vertical structure in the surface ocean over a period of more than 63,000 years that is apparently associated with the sudden shutdown of the "Antarctic Intermediate Water" production. The appearance of morozovellids before this event suggests that polar warming is the cause for the shutdown in the production of this water mass. At this time warm saline deep water may have formed at low latitudes. Faunal Event 2 occurred near the AP5a/AP5b Subzonal boundary and is characterized by a faunal turnover in deep dwellers with no apparent change in surface and intermediate dwellers. Increased individual size, wall-thickness and relative abundance in deep dwelling chiloguembelinids suggests the formation of a deep oxygen minima in the Antarctic Oceans during the maximum polar warming possibly as a result of upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water. Faunal Event 3 occurred in Subzone AP6 and is characterized by a faunal turnover in surface dwellers and a delayed diversification in deep dwellers. This event marks the onset of Antarctic cooling. A drastic decrease in the delta13C/delta18O values of the deep assemblage in Zone AP7 suggests an intensified thermocline and reduced upwelling following the polar cooling.


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Site 1256 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 206 to the Guatemala Basin on the eastern flank of the East Pacific Rise yielded a near-complete, middle Miocene-Quaternary carbonate-rich section that provides an opportunity to study low-latitude biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events. The sedimentary sequence in Hole 1256B has been zoned using calcareous nannofossils according to the biostratigraphic schemes by Martini of 1971 (modified by Martini and Müller in 1986) and Okada and Bukry of 1980. The nannofossil assemblage is characteristic of the low latitudes, with abundant Gephyrocapsa, Discoaster, and Sphenolithus, and is in general moderately to well preserved, depending on nannofossil abundance and the presence of diatoms. Age estimates for the first occurrence and last occurrence of Reticulofenestra rotaria were derived from biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy independently and assigned to 7.18 and 6.32 Ma, respectively. Linear sedimentation rates, calculated using 28 nannofossil datums and age estimates, are high in the middle Miocene, decrease from the late Miocene to the Pliocene, then increase upsection. The abrupt drop in carbonate mass accumulation rates during the early late Miocene is referred to as the "carbonate crash." This pattern reflects (1) the long-trend decrease of productivity as the site moves away from the upwelling system at the equatorial divergence as well as (2) fluctuation in the chemistry of the bottom waters associated with production of the North Atlantic Bottom Water and ventilation via the Panama Gateway. A basement age of 14.5 Ma was obtained by extrapolating the 39.1-m/m.y. rate in the middle Miocene to the basement at 250.7 meters below seafloor, and is consistent with the ~15-Ma age of the oceanic crust estimated from marine magnetic anomalies. Reworked nannofossils and lithologic changes were used to unravel postdepositional history, and three episodes were recognized, one of which in the latest Miocene can be widely correlated.


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Upper abyssal to lower bathyal benthic foraminifers from ODP Sites 689 (present water depth 2080 m) and 690 (present water depth 2941 m) on Maud Rise (eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica) are reliable indicators of Maestrichtian through Neogene changes in the deep-water characteristics at high southern latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal faunas were divided into eight assemblages, with periods of faunal change at the early/late Maestrichtian boundary (69 Ma), at the early/late Paleocene boundary (62 Ma), in the latest Paleocene (57.5 Ma), in the middle early Eocene to late early Eocene (55-52 Ma), in the middle middle Eocene (46 Ma), in the late Eocene (38.5 Ma), and in the middle-late Miocene (14.9-11.5 Ma). These periods of faunal change may have occurred worldwide at the same time, although specific first and last appearances of deep-sea benthic foraminifers are commonly diachronous. There were minor faunal changes at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (less than 14?7o of the species had last appearances at Site 689, less than 9% at Site 690). The most abrupt benthic foraminiferal faunal event occurred in the latest Paleocene, when the diversity dropped by 50% (more than 35% of species had last appearances) over a period of less than 25,000 years; after the extinction the diversity remained low for about 350,000 years. The highest diversities of the post-Paleocene occurred during the middle Eocene; from that time on the diversity decreased steadily at both sites. Data on faunal composition (percentage of infaunal versus epifaunal species) suggest that the waters bathing Maud Rise were well ventilated during the Maestrichtian through early Paleocene as well as during the latest Eocene through Recent. The waters appeared to be less well ventilated during the late Paleocene as well as the late middle through early late Eocene, with the least degree of ventilation during the latest Paleocene through early Eocene. The globally recognized extinction of deep-sea benthic foraminifers in the latest Paleocene may have been caused by a change in formational processes of the deep to intermediate waters of the oceans: from formation of deep waters by sinking at high latitudes to formation of deep to intermediate water of the oceans by evaporation at low latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal data (supported by carbon and oxygen isotopic data) suggest that there was a short period of intense formation of warm, salty deep water at the end of the Paleocene (with a duration of about 0.35 m.y.), and that less intense, even shorter episodes might have occurred during the late Paleocene and early Eocene. The faunal record from the Maud Rise sites agrees with published faunal and isotopic records, suggesting cooling of deep to intermediate waters in the middle through late Eocene.


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Early Paleogene warm climates may have been linked to different modes and sources of deepwater formation. Warm polar temperatures of the Paleocene and Eocene may have resulted from either increased atmospheric trace gases or increased heat transport through deep and intermediate waters. The possibility of increasing ocean heat transport through the production of warm saline deep waters (WSDW) in the Tethyan region has generated considerable interest. In addition, General Circulation Model results indicate that deepwater source regions may be highly sensitive to changing basin configurations. To decipher deepwater changes, we examined detailed benthic foraminiferal faunal and isotopic records of the late Paleocene through the early Eocene (~60 to 50 Ma) from two critical regions: the North Atlantic (Bay of Biscay Site 401) and the Pacific (Shatsky Rise Site 577). These records are compared with published data from the Southern Ocean (Maud Rise Site 690, Islas Orcadas Rise Site 702). During the late Paleocene, similar benthic foraminiferal delta18O values were recorded at all four sites. This indicates uniform deepwater temperatures, consistent with a single source of deep water. The highest delta13C values were recorded in the Southern Ocean and were 0.5 per mil more positive than those of the Pacific. We infer that the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of nutrient-depleted deep water during the late Paleocene. Upper Paleocene Reflector Ab was cut on the western Bermuda Rise by cyclonically circulating bottom water, also suggesting a vigorous source of bottom water in the Southern Ocean. A dramatic negative excursion in both carbon and oxygen isotopes occurred in the latest Paleocene in the Southern Ocean. This is a short-term (<100 kyr), globally synchronous event which also is apparent in both the Atlantic and Pacific records as a carbon isotopic excursion of approximately 1 per mil. Faunal analyses from the North Atlantic and Pacific sites indicate that the largest benthic foraminiferal faunal turnover of the Cenozoic was synchronous with the isotopic excursion, lending support to the hypothesis that the extinctions were caused by a change in deepwater circulation. We speculate that the Southern Ocean deepwater source was reduced or eliminated at the time of the excursion. During the early Eocene, Southern Ocean delta13C values remained enriched relative to the North Atlantic and Pacific. However, the Southern Ocean was also enriched in delta18O relative to these basins. We interpret that these patterns indicate that although the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of cool, nutrient-depleted water, the intermediate to upper deep water sites of the North Atlantic and Pacific were ventilated by a different source that probably originated in low latitudes, i.e., WSDW.


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The iterative evolutionary radiation of planktic foraminifers is a well-documented macroevolutionary process. Here we document the accompanying size changes in entire planktic foraminiferal assemblages for the past 70 My and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. After the size decrease at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary, high latitude assemblages remained consistently small. Size evolution in low latitudes can be divided into three major phases: the first is characterized by dwarfs (65-42 Ma), the second shows moderate size fluctuations (42-14 Ma), and in the third phase, planktic foraminifers have grown to the unprecedented sizes observed today. Our analyses of size variability with paleoproxy records indicate that periods of size increase coincided with phases of global cooling (Eocene and Neogene). These periods were characterized by enhanced latitudinal and vertical temperature gradients in the oceans and high diversity (polytaxy). In the Paleocene and during the Oligocene, the observed (minor) size changes of the largely low-diversity (oligotaxic) assemblages seem to correlate with productivity changes. However, polytaxy per se was not responsible for larger test sizes.


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Continuous sedimentary records from an eastern Mediterranean cold-water coral ecosystem thriving in intermediate water depths (~600 m) reveal a temporary extinction of cold-water corals during the Early to Mid Holocene from 11.4-5.9 cal kyr BP. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage analysis shows low-oxygen conditions of 2 ml l**-1 during the same period, compared to bottom-water oxygen values of 4-5 ml l**-1 before and after the coral-free interval. The timing of the corals' demise coincides with the sapropel S1 event, during which the deep eastern Mediterranean basin turned anoxic. Our results show that during the sapropel S1 event low oxygen conditions extended to the rather shallow depths of our study site in the Ionian Sea and caused the cold-water corals temporary extinction. This first evidence for the sensitivity of cold-water corals to low oceanic oxygen contents suggests that the projected expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones resulting from global change will threaten cold-water coral ecosystems in low latitudes in the same way that ocean acidification will do in the higher latitudes.


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We studied the biological response to orbital forcing in marine Upper Albian sediments recovered from the 245 m-long Kirchrode I borehole in the Lower Saxony basin in northwestern Germany. Results from quantitative analysis of planktonic and benthic foraminifera, of calcareous nannofossils, and radiolaria were used for this study. Spectral analysis in the depth domain indicates for the high sedimentation rate part of the Upper Albian dominant periods with wavelengths of 10±13 m, 5±6 m, and 2±3 m, which we interpret to represent the biological response to orbital forcing in the Milankovitch frequency bands eccentricity, obliquity, and precession, respectively. In addition, a low amplitude 40±50 m cycle was found, which would represent the long-term eccentricity variation of roughly 400 ka. Microfossil cyclicity does not change significantly within the whole core indicating sedimentation rates of 11±12 cm/ka on an average, with variations between 3.5 and 13 ka. Microfossils show greater variability in their abundance changes than the physical and chemical parameters and also greater power in the higher-frequency bands (obliquity and precession). While most of the planktonic foraminifer species studied are dominated by variations in the obliquity, most benthic foraminifer species show an additional strong influence of precession. These differences in the cyclicity of the abundance changes are interpreted as reflecting a stronger influence of low latitude water in the deep waters of the Late Albian Lower Saxony basin than in the shallow waters. This basin was part of a wide, 'Boreal' epicontinental sea, which was connected to the Tethys to the south via the Polish strait and via the Paris basin, and which was connected with the North Atlantic and Arctic to the north. In analogy to results from analysis of data from the Late Neogene, strong effects of precession interpreted as being more characteristic for changes/influences triggered in the low latitudes and those of obliquity to be more characteristic for influences from the high latitudes. The presence of a relatively strong eccentricity cycle, not only in the compound parameters, but also in the abundance changes of single species during the Late Albian means that there must have been a non-linear response to orbital forcing and internal feedbacks.


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A numerical model which describes oxygen isotope exchange during burial and recrystallization of deep-sea carbonate is used to obtain information on how sea surface temperatures have varied in the past by correcting measured d18O values of bulk carbonate for diagenetic overprinting. Comparison of bulk carbonate and planktonic foraminiferal d18O records from ODP site 677A indicates that the oxygen isotopic composition of bulk carbonate does reflect changes in sea surface temperature and d18O. At ODP Site 690, we calculate that diagenetic effects are small, and that both bulk carbonate and planktonic foraminiferal d18O records accurately reflect Paleogene warming of high latitude surface oceans, biased from diagenesis by no more than 1°C. The same is likely to be true for other high latitude sites where sedimentation rates are low. At DSDP sites 516 and 525, the effects of diagenesis are more significant. Measured d18O values of Eocene bulk carbonates are more than 2? lower at deeply buried site 516 than at site 525, consistent with the model prediction that the effects of diagenesis should be proportional to sedimentation rate. Model-corrections reconcile the differences in the data between the two sites; the resulting paleotemperature reconstruction indicates a 4°C cooling of mid-latitude surface oceans since the Eocene. At low latitudes, the contrast in temperature between the ocean surface and bottom makes the carbonate d180 values particularly sensitive to diagenetic effects; most of the observed variations in measured d18O values are accounted for by diagenetic effects rather than by sea surface temperature variations. We show that the data are consistent with constant equatorial sea surface temperatures through most of the Cenozoic, with the possible exception of the early Eocene, when slightly higher temperatures are indicated. We suggest that the lower equatorial sea surface temperatures for the Eocene and Oligocene reported in other oxygen isotope studies are artifacts of diagenetic recrystallization, and that it is impossible to reconstruct accurately equatorial sea surface temperatures without explicitly accounting for diagenetic overprinting.


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Here we present evidence that the Holocene African monsoon system (AMS) varied in response to the eastern equatorial Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST). Several short-term episodes of decreased moisture availability as a result of low eastern equatorial Atlantic SST are suggested by planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios. These episodes promoted a weakening of the AMS and thus determined the timing and intensity of arid periods. Local sea-surface salinities also reveal regional patterns of precipitation in equatorial western Africa. The high eastern equatorial Atlantic SSTs occur in concert with seasonally increased insolation at low latitudes, suggesting a strong response of African monsoonal precipitation to oceanic conditions at low latitudes.


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Late Maestrichtian to late Eocene bathyal benthic foraminiferal faunas at Sites 752,753, and 754 on Broken Ridge in the eastern Indian Ocean were analyzed as to their stratigraphic distribution of species to clarify the relation between faunal turnovers and paleoceanographic changes. Based on Q-mode factor analysis, eight varimax assemblages were distinguished: the Stensioina beccariiformis assemblage in the upper Maestrichtian to upper Paleocene; the Cibicidoides hyphalus assemblage in the upper Maestrichtian; the Cibicidoides cf. pseudoperlucidus assemblage in the upper Paleocene; the Anomalinoides capitatusldanicus assemblage in the uppermost Paleocene to lower Eocene; the Cibicidoides subspiratus assemblage in the lower Eocene; the Nuttallides truempyi assemblage in the lower and middle Eocene; the Osangularia sp. 1 - Hanzawaia ammophila assemblage in the upper Eocene; and the Lenticulina spp. assemblage in the uppermost Eocene, Oligocene, and lower Miocene. The presence of the Osangularia sp. 1 - Hanzawaia ammophila assemblage is related to the shallowing episode on Broken Ridge (upper bathyal), as a result of the rifting event that occurred in the middle Eocene. The most distinct faunal change (the disappearance of about 37% of the species) occurred between the S. beccariiformis assemblage and the A. capitatusldanicus assemblage, at the end of the upper Paleocene. A. capitatusldanicus, Lenticulina spp., and varied forms of Cibicidoides replaced the Velasco-type fauna at this time. The timing of this event is well correlated with the known age at South Atlantic sites (Thomas, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990; Kennett and Stott, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.188.1990; Katz and Miller, 1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.114.147.1991). The primary cause of the extinction of the Stensioina beccariiformis assemblage is elusive, but may have resulted from the cessation of deep-water formation in the Antarctic (Katz and Miller, 1990), and subsequent arrival of warm saline deep water (Thomas, 1990; Kennett and Stott, 1990). Another possibility may be a weakened influence of high-salinity water formed at the low latitudes such as the Tethys Sea. The extinction event corresponds to the change from higher delta13C values in benthic foraminifers to lower ones. An interpretation of delta13C values is that the eastern Indian deep water, characterized by young and nutrient-depleted water, became old water which was devoid of a supply of new water during the latest Paleocene to early Eocene. Prior to this benthic event, signals of related faunal change were detected in the following short periods: early and late Paleocene, near the boundary of nannofossil Zone CP4, and Zone CP5 of the late Paleocene at Site 752. Among common taxa in the upper Maestrichtian, only seven species disappeared or became extinct at the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary at Site 752. The benthic foraminiferal population did not change for up to 2 m above the boundary, in contrast to the rapid decrease of the plankt onic foraminiferal population at the boundary. A decrease in the number of benthic foraminifers occurs after that level, corresponding to an interval of decreased numbers of planktonic foraminifers and higher abundance of volcanic ash. Reduced species diversity (H') suggests a secondary effect attributable to the dissolution of foraminiferal tests. The different responses of planktonic and benthic foraminifers to the event just above the boundary suggest that the Cretaceous/Tertiary event was a surface event as also suggested by Thomas (1990). In addition, a positive shift of delta13C in benthic foraminifers after the event indicates nutrient-depleted bottom water at Site 752.


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Surface and deep water circulation patterns in the eastern Indian Ocean during the Paleocene Epoch are inferred based on an integrated magnetobiostratigraphic and stable isotope investigation of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 761B, drilled on the Wombat Plateau. A combination of magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy demonstrates that numerous deep sea sites that have been considered to show continuous, or nearly continuous sedimentation through the Paleocene are punctuated by a series of hiatuses, some of which exceeding a duration of 1 Myr. Therefore, our study is based on a detailed temporal interpretation of the stratigraphic successions we used for paleoceanographic reconstructions. We compare detailed planktonic and benthic foraminiferal carbon and oxygen isotope records from Hole 761B with several temporally correlative records published from different oceanic provinces in order to distinguish between local and global patterns within the eastern Indian Ocean. Although Site 761 was situated at low latitudes during the Paleocene, its surface waters were predominantly influenced by circulation originating from the Southern Ocean as indicated by inferred cool sea surface temperatures and reduced surface to deep water temperature gradients. We suggest that deep waters in the eastern Indian Ocean were not directly fed by the Southern or Tethys Oceans. Rather, the more negative delta13C composition of the bottom waters recorded by benthic foraminifera implies the presence and/or active contribution of aged deep waters from the Pacific during this time, at least prior to ~60.2 Ma and subsequent to ~59.0 Ma. The Indian continent, Ninetyeast Ridge, Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge may have played a significant role as submarine barriers to deep water circulation during the Paleocene.


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The Oligocene-Miocene transition (OMT) (~23 Ma) is interpreted as a transient global cooling event, associated with a large-scale Antarctic ice sheet expansion. Here we present a 2.23 Myr long high-resolution (~3 kyr) benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope (d18O and d13C) record from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1334 (eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean), covering the interval from 21.91 to 24.14 Ma. To date, five other high-resolution benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stratigraphies across this time interval have been published, showing a ~1 per mil increase in benthic foraminiferal d18O across the OMT. However, these records are still few and spatially limited and no clear understanding exists of the global versus local imprints. We show that trends and the amplitudes of change are similar at Site U1334 as in other high-resolution stable isotope records, suggesting that these represent global deep water signals. We create a benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stack across the OMT by combining Site U1334 with records from ODP Sites 926, 929, 1090, 1264, and 1218 to best approximate the global signal. We find that isotopic gradients between sites indicate interbasinal and intrabasinal variabilities in deep water masses and, in particular, note an offset between the equatorial Atlantic and the equatorial Pacific, suggesting that a distinct temperature gradient was present during the OMT between these deep water masses at low latitudes. A convergence in the d18O values between infaunal and epifaunal species occurs between 22.8 and 23.2 Ma, associated with the maximum d18O excursion at the OMT, suggesting climatic changes associated with the OMT had an effect on interspecies offsets of benthic foraminifera. Our data indicate a maximum glacioeustatic sea level change of ~50 m across the OMT.


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Concentration of dissolved and suspended organic carbon in the Barents Sea decreases with increasing depth and in meridional direction from south to north. This fact is attributed to uneven supply of organic matter (OM) from different sources. Large amounts of OM are present in the water column of the Barents Sea, which is a result of high productivity of this water mass and slow decomposition of OM at low temperatures and lowered activity of microflora. Larger amount of OM reaches bottom sediments of the Barents Sea more than in seas, which have similar depth and productivity, but are located at low latitudes. Characteristic features of distribution of lipids and suspended matter in sea water are examined.


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The coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi is characterized by a wide range of sizes, which can be easily distinguished in the light microscope. In this study we have quantified the abundance of large (coccoliths > 4 µm in maximum length) E. huxleyi specimens during the last 25 kyr in sedimentary records from eleven cores and drill sites in the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean Sea, to prove its usefulness in the reconstruction of water mass dynamics and biostratigraphic potential. During the Last Glacial Maximum this large form, a cold-water indicator, was common in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean, and its regional variation in abundance indicates a displacement of the climatic zones southwards in agreement with the development of ice sheets and sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere during this period. On the other hand, the gradient between northern and southern surface water masses in the Subtropical Gyre appears to have been more pronounced than at present, while the Portugal and Canary Currents were more intense. In the western Mediterranean basin temperatures were cooler than in the adjacent Atlantic, provoking a quasi-endemism of these specimens until the end of Heinrich Event 1. This may have been due to a restriction in the communication between the Atlantic and Mediterranean through the Strait of Gibraltar, the arrival of cold surface water and the amplification of cooling after the development of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere. During the deglaciation, large E. huxleyi specimens decreased in abundance at medium and low latitudes, but were still numerous close to the Subarctic region during the Holocene. In transitional waters this decrease to present day abundances occurred after Termination Ib. The abrupt change in abundance of this large E. huxleyi form is proposed as a new biostratigraphic event to characterize the Holocene in mid- to low-latitude water masses in the North Atlantic, although this horizon seems to be diachronous by 5 kyr from tropical to subarctic regions, in agreement with the gradual onset of warm conditions.