627 resultados para Rocks -- Catalonia -- Forallac
Original geological, geophysical, lithological, mineralogical data on uplifts of the Central Atlantic are given in the book based on materials of Cruise 1 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Geological and geophysical studies include description of the obtained material and analysis of structural and morphological elements of the ocean floor. Results of lithological, petrochemical and geochemical studies were extremely innovative and develop a conceptual model. The latter include studies of petrochemical evolution of tholeiitic alkaline plate volcanism, large-scale hydrothermal transformation of basement rocks - palygorskitization, phosphatization and ferromanganese mineralization. Showing imposition Superposition of hydrogenic alteration on hydrothermally altered rocks and its role in Cenozoic history of sedimentation is shown.
A new technique for the precise and accurate determination of Ge stable isotope compositions has been developed and applied to silicate rocks and biogenic opal. The analyses were performed using a continuous flow hydride generation system coupled to a MC-ICP-MS. Samples have been purified through anion- and cation-exchange resins to separate Ge from matrix elements and eliminate potential isobaric interferences. Variations of 74Ge/70Ge ratios are expressed as d74Ge values relative to our internal standard and the long-term external reproducibility of the data is better than 0.2? for sample size as low as 15 ng of Ge. Data are presented for igneous and sedimentary rocks, and the overall variation is 2.4? in d74Ge, representing 12 times the uncertainty of the measurements and demonstrating that the terrestrial isotopic composition of Ge is not unique. Co-variations of 74Ge/70Ge, 73Ge/70Ge and 72Ge/70Ge ratios follow a mass-dependent behaviour and imply natural isotopic fractionation of Ge by physicochemical processes. The range of d74Ge in igneous rocks is only 0.25? without systematic differences among continental crust, oceanic crust or mantle material. On this basis, a Bulk Silicate Earth reservoir with a d74Ge of 1.3+/-0.2? can be defined. In contrast, modern biogenic opal such as marine sponges and authigenic glauconite displayed higher d74Ge values between 2.0? and 3.0?. This suggests that biogenic opal may be significantly enriched in light isotopes with respect to seawater and places a lower bound on the d74Ge of the seawater to +3.0?.This suggests that seawater is isotopically heavy relative to Bulk Silicate Earth and that biogenic opal may be significantly fractionated with respect to seawater. Deep-sea sediments are within the range of the Bulk Silicate Earth while Mesozoic deep-sea cherts (opal and quartz) have d74Ge values ranging from 0.7? to 2.0?. The variable values of the cherts cannot be explained by binary mixing between a biogenic component and a detrital component and are suggestive of enrichment in the light isotope of diagenetic quartz. Further work is now required to determine Ge isotope fractionation by siliceous organisms and to investigate the effect of diagenetic processes during chert lithification.
The composition of gabbroic rocks from the drill core of Hole 735B (ODP Leg 176) at the 11 Ma Atlantis II bank close to the slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) has been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition. The samples are thought to represent much of the mineralogical and geochemical variation in a vertical 1-km section (500-1500 m below the sea floor) of the lower ocean crust. Primitive troctolitic gabbros, olivine gabbros and gabbros that have Mg#=84-70, Ca#>61 and low Na# (Na/(Na+Al)) (8-17) are intruded by patches or veins of more evolved FeTi-oxide rich gabbroic and dioritic rocks with Mg# to 20, Ca# to 32, Na#=14-23, TiO2<7 wt.% and FeOtotal<18 wt.%. All rocks are acdcumulates, and incompatible element concentrations are low, e.g. Pb=0.1-0.7 ppm and U=0.005 ppm in the primitive rocks and up to 2 ppm Pb and 0.2 ppm U in the evolved. The range of isotopic compositions of the unleached rocks is: 87Sr/86Sr=0.70280-0.70299, average 0.70287+/-0.00005 (1 S.D., N=30 samples) (except one felsic vein with 87Sr/86Sr=0.7045), 143Nd/144Nd=0.51304-0.51314, average 0.51310+/-0.00002 (1 S.D., N=28), 206Pb/204Pb=17.43-18.55, 207Pb/204Pb=15.40-15.61 and 208Pb/204Pb=37.19-38.28. The range of Sr and the almost constant Nd isotopic composition resemble that found in the upper 500 m of Hole 735B, while Pb ranges to more radiogenic compositions. In general, there is a decrease in isotopic variation of Sr and Pb as well as ? (238U/204Pb), U and Pb with depth, with a trend towards relatively unradiogenic compositions. This correlates with a decrease in alteration and frequency of evolved rock-types in the core. Leached samples generally have less radiogenic Pb with values trending towards 206Pb/204Pb=17.35, 207Pb/204Pb=15.35 and 208Pb/204Pb=37.0, while their 87Sr/86Sr ratios deviate less systematically from unleached rocks and reach both higher, 0.70307, and lower values, 0.70276. Separated clinopyroxene has elevated 87Sr/86Sr up to 0.7035, while plagioclase generally has close to whole rock Sr. Leaching reduced 87Sr/86Sr in clinopyroxene and in two (out of nine) cases leached separates and whole rock display isotopic equilibrium. Relatively minor hydrothermal seawater alteration is thought to have increased 87Sr/86Sr in the rocks, while a secondary high temperature percolation of a mantle-derived agent is thought to be the cause for the trend towards radiogenic Pb. This material had intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and may have originated from non-MORB off axis mantle. The main primary igneous isotopic variation of the gabbros is suggested to have been derived from the MORB-mantle and is defined mainly by leached samples from both ODP Leg 176 and Leg 118 and can be explained by two-component mixing of an end-member with composition like Central Indian Ridge basalts and an end-member with composition unlike any MORB. The latter is characterized by very unradiogenic Pb, in particular 207Pb/204Pb, and may have an origin with affinity to old depleted mantle (DM). The isotopic composition of the magmas parental to the FeTi-oxide rich rocks cannot be distinguished from the magmas parental to the primitive gabbros and an intimate relationship is indicated. The small-scale inhomogeneity indicated for the SWIR MORB-mantle at the Atlantis II Fracture Zone was probably inherited by the lower crustal rocks due to small-scale melting and monogenetic magma chambers at this slow spreading ridge.
New Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope data are presented for 64 samples from the six backarc sites drilled during Leg 135. Systematic changes in Pb and Sr compositions illustrate significant isotopic variations between and within sites as well as provide two key pieces of information. First, a recent influx of asthenosphere with Indian Ocean mantle affinities has occurred and has successfully displaced older "Pacific" asthenosphere from the mantle underlying the backarc region. Second, clear evidence exists for mixing between these two asthenospheric end-members and at least one "arc-like" component. The latter was not the same as most material currently erupting in the Tofua Arc, but it must have had a more radiogenic Pb-isotope signature, perhaps similar to rocks analyzed from the islands of Tafahi, and Niuatoputapu. A comparison between the isotopic variations and the tectonic setting of the drill sites reveals consistent and important information regarding the mantle dynamics beneath the evolving backarc basin. We propose a model in which the source of upwelling magmas changes from Pacific to Indian Ocean asthenosphere with the propagation of seafloor spreading, a model with important implications for the rate of mantle influx into this region. Although the chemistries of backarc magmas have been profoundly influenced by this process, an additional consequence is the advection of Indian Ocean asthenosphere into the sub-arc mantle source. The isotopic compositions of arc rocks from the vicinity have been reevaluated on the basis of the proposed mantle advection model. We suggest that the slab-derived flux of trace elements into the arc wedge has remained relatively uniform with time (i.e., ~40 Ma), so that the change in arc chemistry results from mantle source substitution, rather than from differences in the composition of the downgoing plate.
Physical properties of basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800 and 801 in the Pigafetta Basin and Site 802 in the East Mariana Basin, including porosity, wet-bulk density, grain density, compressional wave velocity, and thermal conductivity, were measured aboard JOIDES Resolution during Leg 129. The ranges for the properties are large, as typified by the velocity, which varies from 3.46 to 6.59 km/s. Extensively altered basalts immediately above and below a silicified hydrothermal deposit (60-69 m sub-basement depth) at Site 801 display the highest porosity, and lowest bulk density, velocity, and thermal conductivity, whereas the slightly altered rocks from Site 802 and the lowermost part of Site 801 represent the other extreme in physical properties variations. In order to better establish the relationship between physical properties and alteration of the rocks, the compressional wave velocities were compared with results from major and trace elemental analyses and petrographic examination of select samples. For the Leg 129 basalts, velocity displays a generally consistent decrease with increasing K2O, H2O+, loss on ignition, and Rb contents and the value of Fe3+/FeT and decreasing concentrations of SiO2, FeOT, CaO, MgO, and MnO. These trends are consistent with trends documented for the progressive alteration of oceanic crust and indicate that on a laboratory sample scale, basalt alteration is largely responsible for the variation of the physical properties of basalts sampled at Sites 800, 801, and 802.