343 resultados para Helmes-Hayes, Rick: The Vertical mosaic revisited


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As part of the large-scale, interdisciplinary deep-sea study "BIGSET", the relationship between the monsoon-induced regional and temporal variability of POC deposition and the small-sized benthic community was investigated at several sites 2316-4420 m deep in the Arabian Sea during four cruises between 1995 and 1998. Vertical and horizontal distribution patterns of chloroplastic pigments (a measure of phytodetritus deposition), readily soluble protein and activity, and biomass parameters of the small-sized benthic community (Electron Transport System Activity (ETSA); bacterial ectoenzymatic activity (FDA turnover) and DNA concentrations) were measured concurrently with the vertical fluxes of POC and chloroplastic pigments. Sediment chlorophyll a (chl. a) profiles were used to calculate chl. a flux rates and to estimate POC flux across the sediment water interface using two different transport reaction models. These estimates were compared with corresponding flux rates determined in sediment traps. Regional variability of primary productivity and POC deposition at the deep-sea floor creates a trophic gradient in the Arabian Basin from the NW to the SE, which is primarily related to the activity of monsoon winds and processes associated with the topography of the Arabian Basin and the vicinity of land masses. Inventories of sediment chloroplastic pigments closely corresponded to this trophic gradient. For ETSA, FDA and DNA, however, no clear coupling was found, although stations WAST (western Arabian Sea) and NAST (northern Arabian Sea) were characterised by high concentrations and activities. These parameters exhibited high spatial and temporal variability, making it impossible to recognise clear mechanisms controlling temporal and spatial community patterns of the small-sized benthic biota. Nevertheless, the entire Arabian Basin was recognised as being affected by monsoonal activity. Comparison of two different transport reaction models indicates that labile chl. a buried in deeper sediment layers may escape rapid degradation in Arabian deep-sea sediments.


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To gain information on the physical parameters of the water masses in the area of the Coral Patch seamount (NE Atlantic), one CTD measurement was accomplished in close vicinity to the seamount (station GeoB 12761: 34°31.210'N, 11°08.510'W, 4430m water depth). CTD measurement were conducted during R/V PELAGIA expedition 64PE284 in spring 2008 (Hebbeln and cruise participants, 2008, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103738). The CTD measurement of the water column down to a maximum water depth of 2500m was conducted using a SEABIRD "SBE 9 plus" underwater unit and a SEABIRD "SBE 11 plus" deck unit. The vertical profile over the water column provided standard data for conductivity, temperature and pressure. Additionally, the CTD was equipped with sensors for optical backscatter (turbidity), fluorescence (chlorophyll) and dissolved oxygen. Conductivity and temperature data were used to compute salinity.


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The vertical distribution (0 to 100 m) and abundance of nanoflagellates were examined in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea (east Mediterranean) in early spring (south basin) and late summer (north and south basins) of 1997 in the framework of the MATER project (Mass Transfer and Ecosystem Response). Different trophic types of nanoflagellates (mixotrophic, heterotrophic, and phototrophic) were identified based on the possession of chloroplasts and the consumption of Fluorescently Labelled Minicells (FLM). Bacterial production (leucine method) was compared with bacterivory estimated from FLM consumption. We found that mixotrophic nanoflagellates played a small role as bacterivores relative to heterotrophic nanoflagellates and total bacterivory roughly balanced bacterial production. In early spring with cool (14.2°C) well-mixed water columns, flagellate concentrations were lowest, phototrophic flagellates were the dominant group and concentrations varied little with depth. Average concentrations of mixotrophs, heterotrophs and autotrophs were 0.07, 0.34, and 0.64 x 103 cells/ml, respectively. Bacterial production in the 0 to 100 m layer averaged about 0.74 µg C/l/d. Estimated nanoflagellate bacterivory from FLM ingestion accounted for 40% of bacterial production with mixotrophic nanoflagellates consuming 5% of bacterial production. In late summer, total nanoflagellate concentrations were higher. Average concentrations of mixotrophs, heterotrophs and autotrophs were 0.09, 1.14, and 0.66 x 103 cells/ml, respectively, in the southern basin and 0.09, 1.1, and 0.98 x 103 cells/ml, respectively, in the northern basin. In September, bacterial production for both basins roughly balanced estimated nanoflagellate consumption. Similar to the March estimates, mixotrophic nanoflagellates accounted for about 5% of nanoflagellate bacterivory. In a nutrient enrichment experiment in March, treatments including phosphorus resulted in increased bacterial production and reductions in identifiable mixotrophs.


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During a four weeks anchoring station of R.V. ,,Meteor" on the equator at 30° W longitude, vertical profiles of wind, temperature, and humidity were measured by means of a meteorological buoy carrying a mast of 10 m height. After eliminating periods of instrumental failure, 18 days are available for the investigation of the diurnal variations of the meteorological parameters and 9 days for the investigation of the vertical heat fluxes. The diurnal variations of the above mentioned quantities are caused essentially by two periodic processes: the 24-hourly changing solar energy supply and the 12-hourly oscillation of air pressure, which both originate in the daily rotation of the earth. While the temperature of the water and of the near water layers of the air show a 24 hours period in their diurnal course, the wind speed, as a consequence of the pressure wave, has a 12 hours period, which is also observable in evaporation and, consequently, in the water vapor content of the surface layer. Concerning the temperature, a weak dependence of the daily amplitude on height was determined. Further investigation of the profiles yields relations between the vertical gradients of wind, temperature, and water vapor and the wind speed, the difference between sea and air of temperature and water vapor, respectively, thus giving a contribution to the problem of parameterizing the vertical fluxes. Mean profile coefficients for the encountered stabilities, which were slightly unstable, are presented, and correction terms are given due to the fact that the conditions at the very surface are not sufficiently represented by measuring in a water depth of 20 cm and assuming water vapor saturation. This is especially true for the water vapor content, where the relation between the gradient and the air-sea difference suggests a reduction of relative humidity to appr. 96% at the very surface, if the gradients are high. This effect may result in an overestimation of the water vapor flux, if a ,,bulk"-formula is used. Finally sensible and latent heat fluxes are computed by means of a gradient-formula. The influence of stability on the transfer process is taken into account. As the air-sea temperature differences are small, sensible heat plays no important role in that region, but latent heat shows several interesting features. Within the measuring period of 18 days, a regular variation by a factor of ten is observed. Unperiodic short term variations are superposed by periodic diurnal variations. The mean diurnal course shows a 12-hours period caused by the vertical wind speed gradient superposed by a 24-hours period due to the changing stabilities. Mean values within the measuring period are 276 ly/day for latent heat and 9.41y/day for sensible heat.


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Surface sediments from the South American continental margin surrounding tbe Argentine Basin were studied with respect to bulk geochemistry (Caeo) and C ) and grain-size composition (sand/silt/clay relation and terrigenous silt grain-size distribution). The grain-size distributions of the terrigenous silt fraction were unmixed into three end members (EMs), using an end-member modelling algorithm. Three unimodal EMs appear to satisfactorily explain the variations in the data set of the grain-size distributions ofterrigenous silt. The EMs are related to sediment supply by rivers, downslope transport, winnowing, dispersal and re-deposition by currents. The bulk geochemical composition was used to trace the distribution of prominent water masses within the vertical profile. The sediments of the eastern South American continental margin are generally divided into a coarse-grained and carbonate-depleted southwestern part, and a finer-grained and carbonate-rich northeastern part. The transition of both environments is located at the position of the Brazil Malvinas Confluence (BMC). The sediments below the confluence mixing zone of the Malvinas and Brazil Currents and its extensions are characterised by high concentrations of organic carbon, low carbonate contents and high proportions of the intennediate grain-size end member. Tracing these properties, the BMC emerges as a distinct north-south striking feature centered at 52-54°W crossing the continental margin diagonally. Adjacent to this prominent feature in the southwest, the direct detrital sediment discharge of the Rio de la Plata is clearly recognised by a downslope tongue of sand and high proportions of the coarsest EM. A similar coarse grain-size composition extends further south along the continental slope. However, it displays bener sorting due to intense winnowing by the vigorous Malvinas Current. Fine-grained sedimentary deposition zones are located at the southwestern deeper part of the Rio Grande Rise and the southern abyssal Brazil Basin, both within the AABW domain. Less conspicuous winnowing/accumulation panerns are indicated north of the La Plata within the NADW level according to the continental margin topography. We demonstrate that combined bulk geochemical and grain-size properties of surface sediments, unmixed with an end-member algorithm, provide a powerful tool to reconstruct the complex interplay of sedimentology and oceanography along a time slice.


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The western Iberian margin has been one of the key locations to study abrupt glacial climate change and associated interhemispheric linkages. The regional variability in the response to those events is being studied by combining a multitude of published and new records. Looking at the trend from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 10 to 2, the planktic foraminifer data, conform with the alkenone record of Martrat et al. [2007], shows that abrupt climate change events, especially the Heinrich events, became more frequent and their impacts in general stronger during the last glacial cycle. However, there were two older periods with strong impacts on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC): the Heinrich-type event associated with Termination (T) IV and the one occurring during MIS 8 (269 to 265 ka). During the Heinrich stadials of the last glacial cycle, the polar front reached the northern Iberian margin (ca. 41°N), while the arctic front was located in the vicinity of 39°N. During all the glacial periods studied, there existed a boundary at the latter latitude, either the arctic front during extreme cold events or the subarctic front during less strong coolings or warmer glacials. Along with these fronts sea surface temperatures (SST) increased southward by about 1°C per one degree of latitude leading to steep temperature gradients in the eastern North Atlantic and pointing to a close vicinity between subpolar and subtropical waters. The southern Iberian margin was always bathed by subtropical water masses - surface and/ or subsurface ones -, but there were periods when these waters also penetrated northward to 40.6°N. Glacial hydrographic conditions were similar during MIS 2 and 4, but much different during MIS 6. MIS 6 was a warmer glacial with the polar front being located further to the north allowing the subtropical surface and subsurface waters to reach at minimum as far north as 40.6°N and resulting in relative stable conditions on the southern margin. In the vertical structure, the Greenland-type climate oscillations during the last glacial cycle were recorded down to 2465 m during the Heinrich stadials, i.e. slightly deeper than in the western basin. This deeper boundary is related to the admixing of Mediterranean Outflow Water, which also explains the better ventilation of the intermediate-depth water column on the Iberian margin. This compilation revealed that latitudinal, longitudinal and vertical gradients existed in the waters along the Iberian margin, i.e. in a relative restricted area, but sufficient paleo-data exists now to validate regional climate models for abrupt climate change events in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean.


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This study focuses on the vertical distribution of authigenic carbonates (aragonite and high Mg-calcite) in the form of finely disseminated precipitates as well as massive carbonate concretions present in and above gas hydrate bearing sediments of the Northern Congo Fan. Analyses of Ca, Mg, Sr and Ba in pore water, bulk sediments and authigenic carbonates were carried out on gravity cores taken from three pockmark structures (Hydrate Hole, Black Hole and Worm Hole). In addition, a background core was retrieved from an area not influenced by fluid seepage. Pore water Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios are used to reveal the current depths of carbonate formation as well as the mineralogy of the authigenic precipitates. The Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of bulk sediments and massive carbonate concretions were applied to infer the presence and depth distribution of authigenic aragonite and high Mg-calcite, based on the approach presented by Bayon et al. [Bayon et al. (2007). Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments. Marine Geology 241(1-4), 93-109, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.03.007]. We show that the approach developed by Bayon et al. (2007) for sediments of cold seeps of the Niger Delta is also suitable to identify the mineralogy of authigenic carbonates in pockmark sediments of the Congo Deep-Sea Fan. We expand this approach by combining interstitial with solid phase Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, which demonstrate that high Mg-calcite is the predominant authigenic carbonate that currently forms at the sulfate/methane reaction zone (SMRZ). This is the first study which investigates both solid phase and pore water signatures typical for either aragonite or high Mg-calcite precipitation for the same sediment cores and thus is able to identify active and fossil carbonate precipitation events. At all investigated pockmark sites fossil horizons of the SMRZ were deduced from high Mg-calcite located above and below the current depths of the SMRZ. Additionally, aragonite enrichments typical for high seepage rates were detected close to the sediment surface at these sites. However, active precipitation of aragonite as indicated by pore water characteristics only occurs at the Black Hole site. Dissolved and solid phase Ba concentrations were used to estimate the time the SMRZ was fixed at the current depths of the diagenetic barite fronts. The combined pore water and solid phase elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) and Ba concentrations allow the reconstruction of past changes in methane seepage at the investigated pockmark sites. At the Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole sites the time of high methane seepage was estimated to have ceased at least 600 yr BP. In contrast, a more recent change from a high flux to a more dormant stage must have occurred at the Black Hole site as evidenced by active aragonite precipitation at the sediment surface and a lack of diagenetic Ba enrichments.


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The characteristics of a global set-up of the Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model under forcing of the period 1958-2004 are presented. The model set-up is designed to study the variability in the deep-water mass formation areas and was therefore regionally better resolved in the deep-water formation areas in the Labrador Sea, Greenland Sea, Weddell Sea and Ross Sea. The sea-ice model reproduces realistic sea-ice distributions and variabilities in the sea-ice extent of both hemispheres as well as sea-ice transport that compares well with observational data. Based on a comparison between model and ocean weather ship data in the North Atlantic, we observe that the vertical structure is well captured in areas with a high resolution. In our model set-up, we are able to simulate decadal ocean variability including several salinity anomaly events and corresponding fingerprint in the vertical hydrography. The ocean state of the model set-up features pronounced variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation as well as the associated mixed layer depth pattern in the North Atlantic deep-water formation areas.


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Upwelling velocities w in the equatorial band are too small to be directly observed. Here, we apply a recently proposed indirect method, using the observed helium isotope (3He or 4He) disequilibria in the mixed layer. The helium data were sampled from three cruises in the eastern tropical Atlantic in September 2005 and June/July 2006. A one-dimensional two-box model was applied, where the helium air-sea gas exchange is balanced by upwelling from 3He-rich water below the mixed layer and by vertical mixing. The mixing coefficients Kv were estimated from microstructure measurements, and on two of the cruises, Kv exceeded 1 x 10**-4 m**2/s, making the vertical mixing term of the same order of magnitude as the gas exchange and the upwelling term. In total, helium disequilibrium was observed on 54 stations. Of the calculated upwelling velocities, 48% were smaller than 1.0 x 10**-5 m/s, 19% were between 1.0 and 2.0 x 10**-5 m/s, 22% were between 2.0 and 4.0 x 10**-5 m/s, and on 11% of upwelling velocities exceeded this limit. The highest upwelling velocities were found in late June 2006. Meridional upwelling distribution indicated an equatorial asymmetry with higher vertical velocities between the equator and 1° to 2° south compared to north of the equator, particularly at 10°W. Associated heat flux into the mixed layer could be as high as 138 W/m**2, but this depends strongly on the chosen depths where the upwelled water comes from. By combining upwelling velocities with sea surface temperature and productivity distributions, a mean monthly equatorial upwelling rate of 19 Sv was estimated for June 2006 and a biweekly mean of 24 Sv was estimated for September 2005.