629 resultados para Sediment control.


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The first detailed stratigraphic record from a deep-water carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic based on absolute datings (U/Th and AMS 14C) and stable oxygen isotope records reveals that its top sediment sequences are condensed by numerous hiatuses. According to stable isotope data, mainly sediments with an intermediate signal are preserved on the mound, while almost all fully glacial and interglacial sediments have either not been deposited or have been eroded later. The resulting hiatuses reduce the Late Pleistocene sediment accumulation at Propeller Mound to amounts smaller than the background sedimentation. The hiatuses most likely result due to the sweeping of the mound in turn with the re-establishment of vigour interglacial circulation patterns after sluggish current regimes during glacials. Thus, within the discussion if internal, fluid-driven or external environmentally driven processes control the evolution of such carbonate mounds, our findings for Propeller Mound clearly point to environmental forcing as the dominant mechanism shaping deep-water carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.


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We reconstructed changes of temperature, salinity, and productivity within the southern Peru-Chile Current during the last 8000 years from a high-resolution sediment core recovered at 41°S using alkenones, isotope ratios of planktic foraminifera, biogenic opal, and organic carbon. Paleotemperatures and paleosalinities reached maximum values at ~5500 years ago and thereafter declined to modern values, whereas paleoproductivity continuously increased throughout the last 8000 years. We ascribe these long-term Holocene trends primarily to latitudinal shifts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The concurrence with shifts in the position of the Southern Westerlies points to a common response of atmospheric and oceanographic circulation patterns off southern Chile. Millennial- to centennial-scale fluctuations of paleotemperatures and paleosalinities, on the other hand, lag displacements in the position of the Southern Westerlies but reveal a significant correlation to short-term temperature changes in Antarctica, indicating a high-latitude control of the ACC at these timescales.


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A sedimentary sequence documenting the early history of the proto-Indian Ocean was drilled at Site 761 on the Wombat Plateau, northwest Australia. Directly above the post-rift unconformity, two lithologic units were recovered which reflect deposition in incipient oceanic environments. The lower unit, composed of sandstone, contains abundant belemnites and a few lenses composed of low-diversity coccolith assemblages. The second unit, composed of chalk, contains abundant calcispheres, thoracospheres, low-diversity coccolith assemblages, and a few radiolarians. Belemnites and organisms that produced calcispheres and thoracospheres are thought to be opportunistic. Their abundance, and the absence of a normal marine fauna and flora, reflects an unstable early ocean environment. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic data for the two units fall into almost separate fields. Heavy delta18O values for the belemnites indicate that they have not been affected by recrystallization. Instead, these isotopic values are thought to indicate either the deep, cool habitat of the belemnites or strong vital effects. A bulk chalk delta18O value from the belemnite sand is 3 to 4 parts per mil lighter than the belemnite delta18O values, possibly because it is largely composed of coccoliths which inhabited warmer surface waters. Light delta13C values for bulk calcisphere-bearing nannofossil chalk samples are thought to be a direct result of upwelling or of vital effects. Heavy delta18O values for the chalk unit are interpreted as resulting from upwelling of cool waters. Assemblage and isotopic data are consistent with this incipient ocean basin being highly productive, either as a result of upwelling or runoff of nutrient-rich waters from nearby land areas. However, it is not possible to rule out the control of vital effects on the isotopic signature of any of the fossil groups.


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Nannofossil assemblages enriched in Braarudosphaera occur in lower Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 762 and 763 on the central Exmouth Plateau. Braarudosphaerids appear here rather abruptly in the lower Oligocene (in Zone NP21). They reach their greatest numbers in the lower Oligocene (in Zones NP22 and NP23), where they comprise up to 10% of some samples. Braarudosphaera bigelowii is the overwhelmingly dominant species, occurring together with rare specimens of B. discula and Micrantholithus pinguis. The holococcoliths Peritrachelina joidesa and Lantemithus minutus are also associated with the Braarudosphaera enrichment. There are two populations of B. bigelowii: one of normal size (10-14 µm) and one of large specimens (20-22 µm). The larger braarudosphaerids are more common than the smaller forms. Braarudosphaera-rich sediments are absent at Wombat Plateau sites during the same time interval. We attribute this to latitudinal control, because the Wombat sites are about 4° north of the central Exmouth Plateau sites. We believe that the occurrence of braarudosphaerids is related to an Oligocene to early Miocene oceanographic event on the Exmouth Plateau. We suspect that mid-ocean up welling of cool, low-salinity, nutrient-rich water along a divergent zone created the Braarudosphaera-nch sediments in the South Atlantic and Indian oceans.


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Biogenic opal and organic carbon vertical rain rates in sediment cores reveal a strong cyclicity in the productivity of the upwelling system off presently arid northern Chile during the last 100,000 years. Changes in productivity are found to be in phase with the precessional cycle (~20,000 years) and with inputs of iron from the continent. During austral summer insolation maxima, increased precipitation and river runoff in the region appear to have brought high inputs of iron, mainly from the Andes, to the coastal ocean enhancing primary productivity there. We interpret our results as providing evidence for iron control of past productivity in this upwelling system and for a tight link between productivity and orbital forcing at midlatitudes.


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Although the pulsating nature and the abruptness of the last deglaciation are well documented in marine and land records, very few marine records have so far been able to capture the high-frequency climatic changes recorded in the Greenland ice core Dye 3. We studied high-resolution sediment cores from SE Norwegian Sea, which display a detailed climatic record during the last deglaciation comparable to that of Dye 3. Accelerator mass spectrometry age control of the cores enables us to correlate this record in detail with continental records. The results indicate that the surface waters of the SE Norwegian Sea were seasonally ice free after 13,400 B.P. The Bølling/Allerød interstadial complex (13,200-11,200 B.P.) was a climatically unstable period with changing Arctic-Subarctic conditions. This period was punctuated by four progressively more severe sea surface temperature (SST) minima: between 12,900-12,800 B.P. (BCP I); 12,500-12,400 B.P. (BCP II); 12,300-12,000 B.P. (OD I); and 11,800-11,500 B.P. (OD II). The Younger Dryas (YD) (11,200-10,200 B.P.) represents the severest and most prolonged cold episode of this series of climatic deteriorations. It was bounded by very rapid SST changes and characterized by Arctic-Polar conditions. The first true warm Atlantic water incursion to the SE Norwegian Sea took place around 10,100 B.P., followed by a brief cooler condition between 9900-9600 B.P. (YD II). The early Holocene climatic optimum occurred between 8000-5000 B.P. A conceptual model is proposed where meltwater fluxes are suggested to cause the observed instability in the SST record.


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An 823 m thick glaciomarine Cenozoic section sitting unconformably on the Lower Devonian Beacon Supergroup was recovered in CRP-3. This paper reviews the chronostratigraphical constraints for the Cenozoic section. Between 3 and 480.27 mbsf 23 unconformity bounded cycles of sediment were recorded. Each unconformity is thought to represent a hiatus of uncertain duration. Four magnetozones have been recognised from the Cenozoic section. The record is complex with several 'tiny wiggles'' recorded throughout. Biostratigraphical or Sr ages, which could be used to link these magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale are restricted to the upper 190 m of sediment. Two diatom datums (Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.9 mbsf and Rhizosolenica antarctica at 68.60 mbsf), together with five Sr-isotope dates derived from molluscan fragments taken from between 10.88 and 190.29 mbsf indicate an early Oligocene (c. 31 Ma) age for this interval. The appearance of a new species of the bivalve ?Adamussium at about 325 mbsf, suggests that the Oligocene age can be extended down to this level. This confirms that the dominantly reversed magnetozone (RI), recorded down to about 340 mbsf, is Chron C12r. The ages imply high sedimentation rates and only minimal time gaps at the sequence boundaries. Below 340 mbsf there are no independent datums to guide the correlation of the magnetozones to the magnetic polarity time scale. However, the absence of in situ dinocysts attributable to Transantarctic Flora, if not a result of environmental control, limits the age of the base of the hole to between c. 33.5 and 35 Ma.


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Samples obtained in Hole 803D for shipboard determination of index properties were analyzed to determine their microfossil constituents. The resulting data are compared to shipboard-measured physical properties data to assess the relationships between small-scale fluctuations in physical properties and microfossil content and preservation. The establishment of relationships involving index properties of these highly calcareous sediments is difficult because of the role of intraparticle porosity. Relationships were observed between calculated interparticle porosity and microfossil content. Impedance, calculated using bulk density based on interparticle porosity, exhibits an increase with increasing grain size. Variations in the coarse fraction constituents appear to exert more control over physical properties than variations in the fine-fraction constituents, although the fine fraction make up greater than 85% of the samples by weight.


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We examine the possibility that glacial increase in the areal extent of reducing sediments might have changed the oceanic Cd inventory, thereby decoupling Cd from PO4. We suggest that the precipitation of Cd-sulfide in suboxic sediments is the single largest sink in the oceanic Cd budget and that the accumulation of authigenic Cd and U is tightly coupled to the organic carbon flux into the seafloor. Sediments from the Subantarctic Ocean and the Cape Basin (South Atlantic), where oxic conditions currently prevail, show high accumulation rates of authigenic Cd and U during glacial intervals associated with increased accumulation of organic carbon. These elemental enrichments attest to more reducing conditions in glacial sediments in response to an increased flux of organic carbon. A third core, overlain by Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) as are the other two cores but located south of the Antarctic Polar Front, shows an approximately inverse pattern to the Subantarctic record. The contrasting patterns to the north and south of the Antarctic Polar Front suggest that higher accumulation rates of Cd and U in Subantarctic sediments were driven primarily by increased productivity. This proposal is consistent with the hypothesis of glacial stage northward migration of the Antarctic Polar Front and its associated belt of high siliceous productivity. However, the increase in authigenic Cd and U glacial accumulation rates is higher than expected simply from a northward shift of the polar fronts, suggesting greater partitioning of organic carbon into the sediments during glacial intervals. Lower oxygen content of CPDW and higher organic carbon to biogenic silica rain rate ratio during glacial stages are possible causes. Higher glacial productivity in the Cape Basin record very likely reflects enhanced coastal up-welling in response to increased wind speeds. We suggest that higher productivity might have doubled the areal extent of suboxic sediments during the last glacial maximum. However, our calculations suggest low sensitivity of seawater Cd concentrations to glacial doubling of the extent of reducing sediments. The model suggests that during the last 250 kyr seawater Cd concentrations fluctuated only slightly, between high levels (about 0.66 nmol/kg) on glacial initiations and reaching lowest values (about 0.57 nmol/kg) during glacial maxima. The estimated 5% lower Cd content at the last glacial maximum relative to modern levels (0.60 nmol/kg) cannot explain the discordance between Cd and delta13C, such as observed in the Southern Ocean. This low sensitivity is consistent with foraminiferal data, suggesting minimal change in the glacial Cd mean oceanic content.


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The modern subarctic Pacific is characterized by a steep salinity-driven surface water stratification, which hampers the supply of saline and nutrient-rich deeper waters into the euphotic zone, limiting productivity. However, the strength of the halocline might have varied in the past. Here, we present diatom oxygen (d18Odiat) and silicon (d30Sidiat) stable isotope data from the open subarctic North-East (NE) Pacific (SO202-27-6; Gulf of Alaska), in combination with other proxy data (Neogloboquadrina pachydermasin d18O, biogenic opal, Ca and Fe intensities, IRD), to evaluate changes in surface water hydrography and productivity during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, characterized by millennial-scale temperature changes (Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles) documented in Greenland ice cores.


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The evolution of the Australian monsoon in relation to high-latitude temperature fluctuations over the last termination remains highly enigmatic. Here we integrate high-resolution riverine runoff and dust proxy data from X-ray fluorescence scanner measurements in four well-dated sediment cores, forming a NE-SW transect across the Timor Sea. Our records reveal that the development of the Australian monsoon closely followed the deglacial warming history of Antarctica. A minimum in riverine runoff documents dry conditions throughout the region during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (15-12.9 ka). Massive intensification of the monsoon coincided with Southern Hemisphere warming and intensified greenhouse forcing over Australia during the atmospheric CO2 rise at 12.9-10 ka. We relate the earlier onset of the monsoon in the Timor Strait (13.4 ka) to regional changes in landmass exposure during deglacial sea-level rise. A return to dryer conditions occurred between 8.1 and 7.3 ka following the early Holocene runoff maximum.


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An astronomically calibrated age model for the Pliocene section of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 175 Cape Basin Site 1085 based on magnetic susceptibility data was developed using shipboard biostratigraphic datums. The composite core magnetic susceptibility record was compiled using shipboard correlations between Holes 1085A and 1085B and then tuned to the record of orbital variations in eccentricity to generate an orbitally tuned age model. Magnetic susceptibility apparently records climate variations in the Cape Basin. Strong power spectra values at the 100- and 400-k.y. frequency suggest an orbital control on the beat of Pliocene climate change in the Cape Basin.


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