Geologie cores on two profiles oriented normaly to the continental shelf and slope, have been investigated to reconstruct the Quaternary sedimentary history of the southeast continental border of South Orkney (NW Weddell Sea). The sediments were described macroscopically and their fabric investigated by use of X-radiographs. Laboratory work comprised detailed grain-size analysis, determination of the watercontent, carbonate, organic carbon and sand fraction.composition. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes have been measured On planktonic foraminifera. Palaeomagnetism, analysis of 230Th-content and detailed comparison of the lithlogic Parameters with the oxygen isotope stages (Martinson curve) were used for stratigraphic classification of the sediments. The sediment cores from the continental slope comprise a maximum age of 300,000 years B. P.. Bottom currents, ice rafting and biogenic input are the main sources of sediment. Based on lithologic parameters a distinction between glacial and interglacial facies is possible. Silty clays without microfossils and few bioturbation characterise the sediments of the glacial facies. Only small amounts of icerafted debris can be recognized. This type of sediment was accumulated during times of lower sea-level and drastically reduced rate of bottom water production. Based on grain-size distribution, bottom current velocities of 0.01 cmls were calculated. Thick sea-ice coverage reduced biogenic production in the surface water, and as consequence benthic communities were depleted. Because of the reduced benthic life, sediments are only slithly bioturbated. At the beginning of the interglacial Stage, the sea-level rised rapidly, and calving rate of icebergs, combined with input of ice-rafted material, increased considerably. Sediments of this transition facies are silty cliiys with a high proportion of coarse ice-rafted debris, but without microfossils. With the onset of bottom water production in connection with shelf ice water, sediments of interglacial facies were formed. They consist of silty clays to clayey silts with considerable content of sand and gravel. Sediments are strongly bioturbated. Based On the sediment caracteristics, current velocities of the bottom water were calculated to be of 0.96 cmls for interglacials. At the southern slope of a NW/SE-striking ridge, bottom water current is channelized, resulting in a drastic increase of current velocities. Current velocities up to 7.5 cm/s lead to formation of residual sediments. While the continental slope has predominantly fine sediments, the South Orkney shelf are mainly sandy silts and silty sands with a high proportion of gravel. These sediments were formed dominantly by ice-rafting during Brunhes- and Matuyama-Epoch. Currents removed the fine fraction of the sediments. Based on microfossil contents it was not possible to differentiate sediments from glacial to interglacial. In the upper Parts of the cores graded sequences truncated by erosion were observed. These sequences were formed during Brunhes-Epoch by strong currents with velocities decreasing periodically from about 7.5 cm/s to about 1 cm/s. Sediments with a high proportion of siliceous microfossils but barren of foraminifera compose the lower part of the shelf cores. These sediments have formed during the warmer Matuyama-Epoch.
During the austral summer expedition PS81, ANT-XXIX/3 with the German research ice breaker Polarstern in 2013, research was carried out to investigate the role of environmental factors on the distribution of benthic communities and marine mammal and krill densities around the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. For these studies collated in this special issue and studies in this area, we present a collection of environmental parameters with probable influence on the marine ecosystems around the Antarctic Peninsula.
Time-series sediment traps were deployed at 4 depths in the eastern Fram Strait from July 2007 to June 2008 to investigate variations in the magnitude and composition of the sinking particulate matter from upper waters to the seafloor. Sediment traps were deployed at 196 m in the Atlantic Water layer, at 1296 and 2364 m in the intermediate and deep waters, and at 2430 m on a benthic lander in the near-bottom layer. Fluxes of total particulate matter, particulate organic carbon, particulate organic nitrogen, biogenic matter, lithogenic matter, biogenic particulate silica, calcium carbonate, dominant phytoplankton cells, and zooplankton fecal pellets increased with depth, indicating the importance of lateral advection on fluxes in the deep Fram Strait. The lateral supply of particulate matter was further supported by the constant fluxes of biomarkers such as brassicasterol, alkenones, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, and IP25 at all depths sampled. However, enhanced fluxes of diatoms and appendicularian fecal pellets from the upper waters to the seafloor in the presence of ice during spring indicated the rapid export (15-35 days) of locally-produced large particles that likely contributed most of the food supply to the benthic communities. These results show that lateral supply and downward fluxes are both important processes influencing the transport of particulate matter to the seafloor in the deep eastern Fram Strait, and that particulate matter size dictates the prevailing sinking process.
In the context of the European OMEX Programme this investigation focused on gradients in the biomass and activity of the small benthic size spectrum along a transect across the Goban Spur from the outer Celtic Sea into Porcupine Abyssal Plain. The effects of food pulses (seasonal, episodic) on this part of the benthic size spectrum were investigated. Sediments sampled during eight expeditions at different seasons covering a range from 200 m to 4800 m water depth were assayed with biochemical bulk measurements: determinations of chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE), the sum of chlorophyll a and its breakdown products, provide information concerning the input of phytodetrital matter to the seafloor; phospholipids were analyzed to estimate the total biomass of small benthic organisms (including bacteria, fungi, flagellata, protozoa and small metazoan meiofauna). A new term 'small size class biomass' (SSCB) is introduced for the biomass of the smallest size classes of sediment-inhabiting organisms; the reduction of fluorescein-di-acetate (FDA) was determined to evaluate the potential activity of ester-cleaving bacterial exoenzymes in the sediment samples. At all stations benthic biomass was predominantly composed of the small size spectrum (90% on the shelf; 97-98% in the bathyal and abyssal parts of the transect). Small size class biomass (integrated over a 10 cm sediment column) ranged from 8 g C/m**2 on the shelf to 2.1 g C/m**2 on the adjacent Porcupine Abyssal Plain, exponentially decreasing with increasing water depth. However, a correlation between water depth and SSCB, macrofauna biomass as well as metazoan meiofauna biomass exhibited a significantly flatter slope for the small size classes in comparison to the larger organisms. CPE values indicated a pronounced seasonal cycle on the shelf and upper slope with twin peaks of phytodetrital deposition in mid spring and late summer. The deeper stations seem to receive a single annual flux maximum in late summer. SSCB and heterotrophic activity are significantly correlated to the amount of sediment-bound pigments. Seasonality in pigment concentrations is clearly followed by SSCB and activity. In contrast to macro- and megafauna which integrate over larger periods (months/years), the small benthic size classes, namely bacteria and foraminifera, proved to be the most reactive potential of the benthic communities to any perturbations on short time scales (days/weeks). The small size classes, therefore, occupy a key role in early diagenetic processes.
Rising seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations (ocean acidification) represent two of the most influential factors impacting marine ecosystems in the face of global climate change. In ecological climate change research full-factorial experiments across seasons in multi-species, cross-trophic level set-ups are essential as they allow making realistic estimations about direct and indirect effects and the relative importance of both major environmental stressors on ecosystems. In benthic mesocosm experiments we tested the responses of coastal Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus communities to elevated seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations across four seasons of one year. While increasing [CO2] levels only had minor effects, warming had strong and persistent effects on grazers which affected the Fucus community differently depending on season. In late summer a temperature-driven collapse of grazers caused a cascading effect from the consumers to the foundation species resulting in overgrowth of Fucus thalli by epiphytes. In fall/ winter, outside the growing season of epiphytes, intensified grazing under warming resulted in a significant reduction of Fucus biomass. Thus, we confirm the prediction that future increasing water temperatures influence marine food-web processes by altering top-down control, but we also show that specific consequences for food-web structure depend on season. Since Fucus vesiculosus is the dominant habitat-forming brown algal system in the Baltic Sea, its potential decline under global warming implicates the loss of key functions and services such as provision of nutrient storage, substrate, food, shelter and nursery grounds for a diverse community of marine invertebrates and fish in Baltic Sea coastal waters.
Succession was already studied over decades. The present thesis investigated the succession on hard substrate at two different study sites within the fjord Comau, Chile. Nine plates were installed at both sites (mouth of fjord and inner fjord) and photographed over three years. Additionally the natural community was recorded and a ground truthing was carried out to verify the analyzed species. Respectively at both sites over 50 different species were identified. Abundance data decreased with only one exception continuously, whereas the percentage cover increased. But the communities on the recruitment plates do still not reach the community structure of the natural environment. The present data showed that the hard-bottom succession in the fjord Comau is best described by the TOLERANCE MODEL (Connell & Slatyer, 1977). An important species of the natural community is the stony coral Desmophyllum dianthus, which normally (outside the fjord) grows beneath 1000 m water depth. The results of this work indicate that the mature community is not reached after 36 months.
Two shelf communities from the central part off the California Peninsula are described. The community of Amphiodia urtica - Nephtys ferruginea develops in the central part of the shelf within the depth range 95-105 m. The community of Nephtys ferruginea - Amphiura acrystata develops on the shelf edge at depth 110 m. Biomasses of both communities are very low (about 10 g/m**2). Species richness of the shelf community is high; more than 60 species occur in samples (43-51 species per a community). Various echinoderms and some other groups are abundant on the Californian shelf; these groups are absent in shelf areas of Peruvian and Benguela upwellings. Species structures of the communities were analyzed; the communities were shown to consist of coexisting, but not interacting guilds; this indicates that the communities are undersaturated with individuals. At the same time values of ABC-indices indicate that the communities are stable. We suggest that in this case adaptation to unfavorable but stable environment is observed (selection of species-stressolarents). An explanation seems to lie in the penetrating type of the upwelling in the Californian upwelling zone. Low biomass values seem to result from mass development of necto-benthic carnivorous crustaceans-galateids Pleuroncodes planiceps.
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from northeast Atlantic DSDP Sites 609, 610, and 611 have been interpreted with reference to modern assemblages known to be linked with the overlying bottom-water masses. It is shown that the water masses in the late Miocene to Pleistocene were similar to those of today. The distribution of the water masses changed with time, however. Antarctic Bottom Water ("AABW"), which at present is restricted to the area south of the Azores, reached as far north as the Gibbs Fracture Zone in the early Pliocene. Increased production of North Atlantic Deep Water in the late Pliocene displaced the AABW to the south