184 resultados para Fischer, G.A. (1848-1886) -- Portraits


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Paleotemperature estimates calculated by the SIMMAX Modern Analog Technique are presented for two gravity cores from the Rio Grande Rise, one from the Brazil Slope, and one from the Ceara Rise. The estimates are based on comparisons between modern and fossil planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and were carried out on samples from Quaternary sediments. Estimated warm-season temperatures from the Rio Grande Rise (at approx. 30° S) range from around 19°C to 24°C, with some coincidence of warm peaks with interglacial stages. The temperature estimates (also warm-season) from the more tropical Brazil Slope (at approx. 8° S) and Ceara Rise (at approx. 4° N) cores are more stable, remaining between 26°C and 28°C throughout most of their lengths. This fairly stable situation in the tropical western Atlantic is interrupted in oxygen isotope stage 6 by a significant drop of 2-3°C in both of these cores. Temperature estimates from the uppermost samples in all cores compare very well to the modern-day measured values. Affinities of some foraminiferal species for warmer or cooler surface temperatures are identified within the temperature range of the examined samples based on their abundance values. Especially notable among the warmer species are, Globorotalia menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoides ruber, and Globigerinoides sacculifer. Species indicative of cooler surface temperatures include Globorotalia inflata, Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, and Globigerina falconensis. A cluster analysis was carried out to assist in understanding the degree of variation which occurs in the foraminiferal assemblages, and how temperature differences influence the faunal compositions of the samples. It is demonstrated that fairly similar samples may have unexpectedly different estimated temperatures due to small differences in key species and, conversely, quite different assemblages can result in similar or identical temperature estimates which confirms that other parameters than just temperature affect faunal content.


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Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases which are increasing in atmospheric concentration due to human activities. For using natural CO2 dynamics as a key to understanding the climatic consequences of anthropogenic pCO2 rise, the ocean plays an important role due to its much larger carbon pool compared to the atmosphere. By studying the ratio of stable carbon isotopes in organic matter from marine sediments, it is possible to estimate the partial pressure of CO2 in surface waters during ancient times. The organic compound C37:2 alkenone, whose sole origin is from autotrophic marine algae, was chosen for d13C analysis and its isotopic composition used to reconstruct past PCO2 levels in the surface layer of the eastern Angola Basin for the last 200,000 years. In addition to the variation of ancient concentrations of dissolved CO2 ([CO2(aq)] = ce), the effect of carbon demand which depends on algal growth rate was considered. Here to, carbon isotopic fractionation of C37:2 alkenones (ep) in core-top sediments from the equatorial and the South Atlantic was calibrated against pre-industrial [CO2(aq)] and phosphate concentrations in surface waters. From these data, a variable b = (25 per mil - ep) * ce which reflects intracellular carbon demand was calculated. This variable b correlates with the ambient concentration of seawater phosphate and depends on growth rates. The bulk sediment d15N was used as a proxy parameter for calculating ancient b-values, taking into account that d15N in core-top sediments is correlated to phosphate concentration in modern surface waters. On this basis, the alkenone d13C record of GeoB1016-3 documents a permanent oceanic source for atmospheric carbon dioxide during the last 200,000 years. As a consequence of using d15N derived b-values instead of b = constant, the Angola Basin appears to have been an even stronger CO2 source during glacial periods than at present. Qualitatively similar results were reported by Jasper et al. (1994) for the central Equatorial Pacific. These observations suggest that enhanced productivity of low-latitude upwelling areas during glacial periods is not responsible for the lower CO2 content of the glacial atmosphere.


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We reviewed the paleoceanographic application of the carbon isotope composition of planktic foraminifera. Major controls on the distribution of d13C of dissolved CO2 (d13CSCO2) in the modern ocean are photosynthesis-respiration cycle, isotopic fractionation during air-sea exchange, and circulation. The carbon isotope composition of surface waters is not recorded without perturbations by planktic foraminifera. Besides d13CSCO2 of the surrounding seawater, the d13C composition of planktic foraminifera is affected by vital effects, the water depth of calcification and postdepositional dissolution. We compared several high-resolution (>10cm/ka) carbon isotope records from the Southern Ocean, the Benguela upwelling system, and the tropical Atlantic. In the Southern Ocean, carbon isotope values are about 1.2 per mil lower during the LGM and up to 1.7 per mil lower during the last deglaciation, when compared to the Holocene. These depletions might be explained with a combination of a subsurface nutrient enrichment and reduced air-sea exchange due to an increased stratification of surface waters. In the Benguela Upwelling system, waters originating in the south are upwelled. While the deglacial minimum is transferred and recorded in its full extent in the d13C record of Globigerina bulloides, glacial values show only little changes. This might suggest, that the lower glacial d13C values of high-latitude surface waters are not upwelled off Namibia, or that G. bulloides records post-upwelling conditions, when increased seasonal production has already increased surface-water d13C. Synchronous to the d13C depletions in high latitudes, low d13C values were recorded in Globigerinoides sacculifer during the LGM and during the last deglaciation in the nutrient-depleted western equatorial Atlantic. Hence, part of the glacial-interglacial variability presumably transferred from high to low latitudes seems to be related to changes in thermodynamic fractionation. The variability in d13C is lowest in the northernmost core M35003-4 from the eastern Caribbean, implying that the Antarctic Intermediate Water might have acted as a conduit to transfer the deglacial minimum to tropical surface waters.


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In recent years a global increase in jellyfish (i.e. Cnidarians and Ctenophores) abundance and a rise in the recurrence of jellyfish outbreak events have been largely debated, but a general consensus on this matter has not been achieved yet. Within this debate, it has been generally recognized that there is a lack of reliable data that could be analyzed and compared to clarify whether indeed jellyfish are increasing throughout the world ocean as a consequence of anthropogenic impact and hydroclimatic variability. During the G.O. Sars cruise jellyfish were collected at different depths in the 0-1000m layer using a standard 1 m**2 Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) (quantitative data), Harstad and macroplankton trawls (qualitative data). The comparison of records collected with different nets during the G.O. Sars transatlantic cruise shows that different sampling gears might provide very different information on jellyfish diversity. Indeed, the big trawls mostly collect relatively large scyphozoan and hydrozoan species such as Atolla, Pelagia, Praya, Vogtia, while small hydrozoans (e.g. Clytia, Gilia, Muggiaea) and early stages of ctenophora are only caught by the smaller nets.