515 resultados para Coastal and nearshore sediments


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A complex of mineralogical techniques used in studies of near-surface layer hemipelagic sediments indicates that disordered todorokite and hexagonal birnessite dominate in manganese micronodules, whereas hexagonal birnessite is the main phase of micronodules from miopelagic sediments. Content of todorokite increases downward through the miopelagic sedimentary sequence; this can be reasonably explained by transformations of some other manganese minerals to todorokite. Occurrence of several manganese minerals in studied samples may reflect temporal and lateral variations in C_org content in sediments and respective local fluctuations in environmental conditions (pH, Eh, geochemical activity of Mn, etc.). Todorokite may have formed under the most anoxic conditions near the water-sediment interface.


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Palygorskite streak veinlets were studied in the lower part of a sediment core collected at Station VITYAZ4599 in the central (Mid-Indian) basin of the Indian Ocean. It is suggested that this palygorskite is of hydrothermal origin and was formed in pre-Pliocene time.


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Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 151, Hole 911 A, drilled on the innermost Yermak Plateau (Eastern Arctic Ocean), were studied for their dinoflagellate cyst content. Three assemblage zones were tentatively defined, characterized by the predominance of few species. The composition of the assemblages changed markedly, even within single assemblage zones, during the last 2.6 to 2.8 m.y., reflecting the variable influence of warmer water from the Norwegian Sea, fluctuations in the influence of cold polar water masses, and the extent of sea-ice cover. Polar to subpolar surface water masses prevailed on the Yermak Plateau during the late Pliocene, when the eastern Arctic Ocean was probably isolated from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Intrusions of warmer water are recorded since the latest Pliocene, alternating with colder periods and a prolonged seasonal sea-ice cover. The composition of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages has also changed considerably since the middle Pleistocene, reflecting the establishment of stronger fluctuations in surface water mass conditions than before at Yermak Plateau.


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A detailed d18O and d13C stratigraphy has been generated from analysis of well-preserved Albian - Early Maastrichtian foraminifera from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 511 and 327 (Falkland Plateau; ~58°S - 62°S paleolatitude) in the southern South Atlantic, and Cenomanian and Coniacian - Santonian foraminifera from DSDP Site 258 (Naturaliste Plateau; ~58°S paleolatitude) in the southern Indian Ocean. These results, when combined with previously published Maastrichtian stable isotope data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 690 (Weddell Sea, ~65°S paleolatitude), provide new insight into the climatic and oceanographic history of the southern high latitudes during Middle-Late Cretaceous time. The planktonic foraminifer d18O curves reveal a gradual warming of surface waters from the Albian through the Cenomanian followed by extremely warm surface waters from the Turonian through the early Campanian. Long-term cooling of surface waters began in the late early Campanian and continued through the end of the Maastrichtian. The benthic foraminifer d18O record generally parallels changes in the oxygen isotopic curves defined by shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifera. The vertical oxygen and carbon isotopic gradients were relatively low during the Albian - Cenomanian, high from the Turonian - Early Campanian, and then low during the late Campanian and Maastrichtian.


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A number of regularities of ore element accumulation in iron-manganese nodules along the profile from the Tsugaru Strait to the Wake Atoll is identified in the paper. It is shown that the ore process is enhanced to the pelagic zone: in nodules content of ore material increases and content of mineral insoluble residue decreases from near-shore areas to central parts of the ocean. Diagenetic redistribution of the elements between host sediments and nodules resulting to enrichment of the latter increases from bottom sediments of the ocean periphery to fine grained pelagic muds. At absolute enrichment by Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Mo, W, Ti, Zr, and V (as compared to host sediments) nodules are relatively enriched in Mn group elements (Cu, Ni, Co, Mo, W) and consequently depleted in Fe group elements (Ti, V, Zr) in the direction from the periphery to the center of the ocean. The ratio of reactive forms of Fe and Mn in host sediments is a factor determining the ratio of Fe group and Mn group elements in nodules.


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A study is made of the benthic foraminifers (size fraction > 63 µm) recovered from 59 upper Eocene through Quaternary sediment samples at DSDP Site 317 (Leg 33), located at a depth of 2598 m in the central part of the Manihiki Plateau (South Pacific). The sediments cored are disturbed in only two samples. The stratigraphic assignements used are based on previous studies of planktic foraminifers and other microfossils. In total, 216 taxa are identified. A cluster analysis based on the 77 species which comprised 5% or more of the entire foraminiferal assemblage in at least one sample suggests the presence of 3 major biostratigraphic zones corresponding approximately to the following ages, zone A: middle Miocene-Quaternary; zones B-C: early Miocene-Oligocene; and zone D: Eocene. The most important faunal turnover occurred between the Eocene and the Oligocene; a less pronounced break took place between the early and the middle Miocene, and an additional minor turnover between the Oligocene and the early Miocene. Eighteen taxa are long-ranging, being recorded from the middle Eocene through the Pliocene-Quaternary. It is concluded that, in general, benthic foraminifers of the bathyal zone are poor worldwide stratigraphic guide fossils; the following taxa are conditionally considered as the most suitable in the Eocene-Quaternary sequence: Aragonia aragonensis, Quadrimorphina profunda, Nuttallides truempyi, Abyssamina poagi, Buliminella grata, Bulimina jarvisi, B. macilenta, Turrilina alsatica, Cibicides notocenicus, C. wuellerstorfi, Pyrgo murrhina. However, most of these species are relatively rare.


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The shoaling and final closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS) resulted in a major change of the global ocean circulation and has been suggested as an essential driver for strengthening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The exact timing of CAS closure is key to interpreting its importance. Here we present a reconstruction of deep and intermediate water Nd and Pb isotope compositions obtained from fossil fish teeth and the authigenic coatings of planktonic foraminifera in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1241) and the Caribbean (ODP Sites 998, 999, and 1000) covering the final stages of CAS closure between 5.6 and 2.2 Ma. The data for the Pacific site indicate no significant Atlantic/Caribbean influence over this entire period. The Caribbean sites show a continuous trend to less radiogenic Nd isotope compositions during the Pliocene, consistent with an enhancement of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) inflow and a strengthening of the AMOC. Superimposed onto this long-term trend, shorter-term changes of intermediate Caribbean Nd isotope signatures approached more UNADW-like values during intervals when published reconstructions of seawater salinity suggested complete closure of the CAS. The data imply that significant deep water exchange with the Pacific essentially stopped by 7 Ma and that shallow exchange, which still occurred at least periodically until approximately 2.5 Ma, may have been linked to the strength of the AMOC but did not have any direct effect on the intermediate and deep Caribbean Nd isotope signatures through mixing with Pacific waters.


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The Belgica Trough and the adjacent Belgica Trough Mouth Fan in the southern Bellingshausen Sea (Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean) mark the location of a major outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary. The drainage basin of an ice stream that advanced through Belgica Trough across the shelf during the last glacial period comprised an area exceeding 200,000 km**2 in the West Antarctic hinterland. Previous studies, mainly based on marine-geophysical data from the continental shelf and slope, focused on the bathymetry and seafloor bedforms, and the reconstruction of associated depositional processes and ice- drainage patterns. In contrast, there was only sparse information from seabed sediments recovered by coring. In this paper, we present lithological and clay mineralogical data of 21 sediment cores collected from the shelf and slope of the southern Bellingshausen Sea. Most cores recovered three lithological units, which can be attributed to facies types deposited under glacial, transitional and seasonally open-marine conditions. The clay mineral assemblages document coinciding changes in provenance. The relationship between the clay mineral assemblages in the subglacial and proglacial sediments on the shelf and the glacial diamictons on the slope confirms that a grounded ice stream advanced through Belgica Trough to the shelf break during the past, thereby depositing detritus eroded in the West Antarctic hinterland as soft till on the shelf and as glaciogenic debris flows on the slope. The thinness of the transitional and seasonally open-marine sediments in the cores suggests that this ice advance occurred during the last glacial period. Clay mineralogical, acoustic sub-bottom and seismic data furthermore demonstrate that the palaeo-ice stream probably reworked old sedimentary strata, including older tills, on the shelf and incorporated this debris into its till bed. The geographical heterogeneity of the clay mineral assemblages in the sub- and proglacial diamictons and gravelly deposits indicates that they were eroded from underlying sedimentary strata of different ages. These strata may have been deposited during either different phases of the last glacial period or different glacial and interglacial periods. Additionally, the clay mineralogical heterogeneity of the soft tills recovered on the shelf suggests that the drainage area of the palaeo-ice stream flowing through Belgica Trough changed through time.


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A total of 21 calcareous nannofossil datums was found in the upper Pliocene and Quaternary sediments recovered from the ocean floor of the North Atlantic during DSDP Leg 94. These datums were correlated to magnetostratigraphy, and ages were estimated by interpolation between magnetic reversals. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages from 549 samples recovered during ODP Leg 117 were studied in order to estimate the age of the sediments of Sites 720, 721, 722, and 731 drilled at the Indus Fan and the Owen Ridge in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean. We also showed that the datums above mentioned can be traced into the Indian Ocean. Two new species, namely Helicosphaera omanica and Reticulofenestra ampla, are described.


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Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera have been examined at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific and their stratigraphic ranges and frequencies are presented here. Blow's (1969) zonation developed for tropical regions has been applied where applicable. Where tropical index taxa are rare or absent in this temperate region, Globorotalia crassaformis, and the evolutionary bioseries G. conoidea - G. conomiozea and G. puncticulata - G. inflata have been found useful for zonal subdivisions. A correlation between stratigraphic ranges and frequency distributions of these species at Site 310 in the Central North Pacific, and Site 284 in the Southwest Pacific indicates that these species are relatively consistent biostratigraphic markers in temperate regions of both the North and South Pacific Oceans. An informal zonation for temperate latitudes of the Southwest Pacific has been established by Kennett (1973) and a similar zonal subdivision can be made at Site 310. Paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations based on coiling ratios, percent abundance, and phenotypic variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma indicate four major cold events during early, middle, and late Pliocene, and early Pleistocene. Faunal correlations of these events with similar events elsewhere in the Northeast and Southwest Pacific which have been paleomagnetically dated indicate the following approximate ages for these cold events: 4.7 Ma, 3.0 Ma, 2.6-1.8 Ma, and 1.2 Ma. Faunal assemblages have been divided into three groups representing cool, intermediate, and warmer water assemblages. Cool water assemblages are dominated by ~60% N. pachyderma; intermediate temperature faunas are dominated by species of Globigerina and Globigerinita and contain between 20% and 30% N. pachyderma. Warmer water assemblages are dominated by species of Globorotalia and contain <10% N. pachyderma. Frequency oscillations within these groups, in addition to paleotemperature parameters evident in N. pachyderma, afford refined paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic interpretations.


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Isotopic-geochemical study revealed presence of mantle He (3He/4He up to 223x10**-8) in gases from mud volcanoes of Eastern Georgia. This fact confirms that the Middle Kura basin fill encloses an intrusive body previously distinguished from geophysical data. Wide variations of carbon isotopic composition d13C in CH4 and CO2 and chemical composition of gas and water at temporally constant 3He/4He ratio indicate their relation with crustal processes. Unusual direct correlations of 3He/4He ratio with concentrations of He and CH4 and 40Ar/36Ar ratio can be explained by generation of gas in the Cenozoic sequence of the Middle Kura basin.


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Palygorskite streak veinlets were studied in the lower part of a sediment core collected at Station VITYAZ4599 in the central (Mid-Indian) basin of the Indian Ocean. It is suggested that this palygorskite is of hydrothermal origin and was formed in pre-Pliocene time.