163 resultados para Spin content of the nucleon
Distribution of diatoms, radiolarians, planktonic and benthic foraminifers, and sediment components in fraction >0.125 mm was analyzed in a core obtained from the central Sea of Okhotsk within frameworks of the Russian-German KOMEX Project. The core section characterizes the period 190-350 ka, which corresponds to marine-isotopic stages (MIS) 7 to 10. During glacial MIS 10 and MIS 8, the basin accumulated terrigenous material lacking microfossils or containing them in low abundance, which reflects, along with their composition, heavy sea-ice conditions, suppressed bioproductivity, and bottom environment aggressive toward calcium carbonate. Interglacial MIS 9 was characterized by elevated bioproductivity with accumulation of diatomaceous ooze during the climatic optimum (328 to 320 ka). Water exchange with the Pacific was maximal from 328 to 324 ka ago. Environment became moderate and close to the present-day one at the end of the optimum exhibiting possible existence of a dichothermal layer with substantial amounts of surface Pacific water still flowing into the basin. Similar to interglacial MIS 5e and MIS 1, ''old'' Pacific water determined near-bottom environment in the central Sea of Okhotsk during that period, although influx of terrigenous material was higher, probably reflecting more humid climate of the region. Slight warming marked the terminal MIS 8 (approximately 260 ka ago). Paleoceanographic situation during the interglacial MIS 7 was highly variable: from warm-water to almost glacial. The main climatic optimum of MIS 7 occurred within 220-210 ka, when subsurface stratification increased and the dichothermal layer developed. Bottom environment during the studied time interval, except for the optimum of interglacial MIS 9, resembled those characteristic of glacial periods: actively formed ''young'' Okhotsk water displaced ''old'' Pacific deep water.
Upper Quaternary sediment sequences east of the Great Barrier Reef are characterized by alternating siliciclastic- and carbonate-rich horizons caused by changes in the input of various sedimentary components and reflected in cores by variations in bulk carbonate content. A total of 153 measurements of bulk carbonate content were determined using the carbonate-bomb technique for late Pleistocene sediments between 0 and 23.69 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1198A. Average sample resolution was 15 cm and multiple analyses were performed on each sample. Bulk carbonate content ranges from a maximum of 94 wt% at 13.63 mbsf to a minimum of 73 wt% at 14.54 mbsf. Five cyclic trends are observed that may relate to five major glacial events during the last 500 k.y. of the Quaternary.
Als Alfred Merz mich aufforderte, die sedimentpetrographische Bearbeitung der "Meteor"-Expedition zu übernehmen, schwebte mir von vornherein als Ziel vor, die Sedimente nicht nur in größerer Zahl als bisher und im Zusammenhang mit den übrigen Wissenschaften vom Meer nach den bisherigen Untersuchungsmethoden zu beschreiben. Es war mir klar, daß neue Ergebnisse nur zu erwarten waren, wenn die Untersuchung der Sedimente und damit ihre Beschreibung auf Grund vertiefter und neuer Methoden unternommen wurde. Ich erhoffte von einer solchen verfeinerten Beschreibung auch ein klareres Bild der Abhängigkeit der Sedimente von ihrer Umwelt. Wir werden diese Abhängigkeit nur verstehen, wenn wir die allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten herausarbeiten können. Diese werden dann auch eine Anwendung auf andere Sedimente ermöglichen. Für solche Untersuchungen sind Tiefseesedimente günstig, weil wir bei ihnen relativ einfache Bildungsumstände haben, einfacher jedenfalls, als es in der Flachsee im allgemeinen der Fall ist, ungünstig aber, weil diese Umwelteinflüsse weniger bekannt und schwerer zu erforschen sind und die Auswahl der Untersuchungspunkte nicht nach sedimentpetrographischen Gesichtspunkten erfolgen konnte. Die ersten Jahre nach der Rückkehr von der Expedition wurden deshalb auf methodische Untersuchungen verwandt. Insbesondere kam es mir darauf an herauszubekommen, wie die feinsten Bestandteile der Sedimente zusammengesetzt sind. Diese "tonigen" Bestandteile bilden nicht nur den wesentlichen Anteil der Roten Tone und der Blauschlicke, wir finden sie auch, durch Kalk verdünnt, in den Globigerinenschlämmen wieder. Sie sind von der Wissenschaft bisher recht stiefmütterlich behandelt worden. Die Ausarbeitung der Methoden, die gerade auf diesem Gebiet Neuland betreten mußte, ließ sich nicht rasch erzwingen. Es kam hinzu, daß ich mir in Rostock erst meine Arbeitsmöglichkeiten schaffen mußte. Ich habe hier der Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft und der Mecklenburgischen Regierung für ihre Unterstützung mit Apparaten und Personal wärmstens zu danken. Ferner mußte als Vorbedingung für die Deutung der Sedimente zunächst festgestellt werden, zu welchen geologischen Zeiten sie gebildet worden sind und wie groß ihre Bildungsgeschwindigkeit überhaupt ist. Diese Untersuchungen hat W. Schott mit Hilfe der Foraminiferenfaunen als Notgemeinschaftsstipendiat durchgeführt. Diese Vorarbeiten, insbesondere der Ausbau der Methoden, hatten den Nachteil, daß die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse nicht so rasch erfolgen konnte, wie ich es selbst gewünscht hätte. Bald nachdem die Darstellung der Methoden und die Foraminiferenuntersuchungen als erste Lieferung erschienen waren, stellte es sich als notwendig heraus, eine beträchtliche Kürzung des restlichen Teiles vorzunehmen. Das hat zur Folge, daß die erste Lieferung breiter dargestellt ist als die Ergebnisse. Als die Nachricht von der Kürzung und dem notwendigen raschen Abschluß des Werkes mir bekannt wurde (Januar 1935), mußte eine Reihe von Untersuchungen eingestellt werden, insbesondere mikroskopische Untersuchungen, die besonders viel Zeit und in der Darstellung viel Raum beanspruchen. Deshalb ist systematisch nur das Guinea-Becken durch V. Leinz und das Kapverden-Becken durch O. E. Radczewski untersucht worden.
During a winter expedition to the western Barents Sea in March 2003, benthic amphipods of the species Anonyx sarsi were observed directly below pack ice. Only males and juveniles [16.0-37.0 mm long, 16.2-120.8 mg dry mass (DM)] were collected. Guts contained macroalgal fibres, fish eggs and flesh from large carrion. Amphipods had very low levels of total lipids (2.7-17.2% DM). Analysis of lipid biomarkers showed that some of the specimens had preyed on pelagic copepods. Individual respiration rates ranged over 0.4-1.7 ml O2/day (mean: 1.2 ml, SD: 0.5 ml). Individual ammonia excretion rates varied between 7.8 µg and 49.3 µg N/day (mean: 30.7 µg, SD: 15.2 µg). The atomic O:N ratio ranged over 35 to 71 (mean: 55, SD: 14), indicating lipid-dominated metabolism. Mass-specific respiration ranged over 9.8-16.6 ml O2/day/g DM (mean: 13.1 ml, SD: 2.2 ml). The metabolic rates of A. sarsi were twice as high as those of the truly sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii, which is better adapted to the under-ice habitat by its energy-saving attached lifestyle. It is concluded that males and juveniles of A. sarsi were actively searching for food in the water column and at the ice underside, but that the nutritional status of the amphipods in late Arctic winter was generally very poor.
Present theories of deep-sea community organization recognize the importance of small-scale biological disturbances, originated partly from the activities of epibenthic megafaunal organisms, in maintaining high benthic biodiversity in the deep sea. However, due to technical difficulties, in situ experimental studies to test hypotheses in the deep sea are lacking. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the potential of cages as tools for studying the importance of epibenthic megafauna for deep-sea benthic communities. Using the deep-diving Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) "VICTOR 6000", six experimental cages were deployed at the sea floor at 2500 m water depth and sampled after 2 years (2y) and 4 years (4y) for a variety of sediment parameters in order to test for caging artefacts. Photo and video footage from both experiments showed that the cages were efficient at excluding the targeted fauna. The cage also proved to be appropriate to deep-sea studies considering the fact that there was no fouling on the cages and no evidence of any organism establishing residence on or adjacent to it. Environmental changes inside the cages were dependent on the experimental period analysed. In the 4y experiment, chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in the uppermost centimeter of sediment inside cages whereas in the 2y experiment, it did not differ between inside and outside. Although the cages caused some changes to the sedimentary regime, they are relatively minor compared to similar studies in shallow water. The only parameter that was significantly higher under cages at both experiments was the concentration of phaeopigments. Since the epibenthic megafauna at our study site can potentially affect phytodetritus distribution and availability at the seafloor (e.g. via consumption, disaggregation and burial), we suggest that their exclusion was, at least in part, responsible for the increases in pigment concentrations. Cages might be suitable tools to study the long-term effects of disturbances caused by megafaunal organisms on the diversity and community structure of smaller-sized organisms in the deep sea, although further work employing partial cage controls, greater replication, and evaluating faunal components will be essential to unequivocally establish their utility.
New information on possible resource value of sea floor manganese nodule deposits in the eastern north Pacific has been obtained by a study of records and collections of the 1972 Sea Scope Expedition. Nodule abundance (percent of sea floor covered) varies greatly, according to photographs from eight stations and data from other sources. All estimates considered reliable are plotted on a map of the region. Similar maps show the average content of Ni, Cu, Mn and Co at 89 stations from which three or more nodules were analyzed. Variations in nodule metal content at each station are shown graphically in an appendix, where data on nodule sizes are also given. Results of new analyses of 420 nodules from 93 stations for mn, fe, ni, cu, CO, and zn are listed in another appendix. Relatively high Ni + Cu content is restricted chiefly to four groups of stations in the equatorial region, where group averages are 1.86, 1.99, 2.47, and 2.55 weight-percent. Prepared for United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Grant no. GO284008-02-MAS. - NTIS PB82-142571.
The terrains in the South China Sea were apart of the Southeast China continent, and their rift-departing process dominated the formation and evolution of the South China Sea. The survey results of topography and paleoenvironment of the northern South China Sea during SO-49 cruise demonstrate that the terrains rift-departed from the South China continent before early Eocene.
Sm-Nd concentrations and Nd isotopes were investigated in the fine fraction of two Labrador Sea cores to reconstruct the deep circulation patterns through changes in sedimentary supply since the last glacial stage. Three sources are involved: the North American Shield, Palaeozoic rocks from northeastern Greenland, and mid-Atlantic volcanism. The variable input of these sources provides constraints on the relative sedimentary supply, in conjunction with inception of deep currents. During the last glacial stage a persistent but sluggish current occurred inside the Labrador Basin. An increasing discharge of volcanic material driven by the North East Atlantic Deep Water is documented since 14.3 kyr, signaling the setup of a modern-like deep circulation pattern throughout the Labrador, Irminger, and Iceland basins. During the last deglacial stage the isotopic record was punctually influenced by erosion processes related mainly to ice-sheet instabilities, especially 11.4, 10.2, and 9.2 kyr ago.
Materials from different spheres of the Earth are ultimately delivered to bottom sediments, which serve as a natural recorder of the functioning of other spheres and originate as a result of the accumulation of their substances. Sedimentary material and species of river-transported elements are subjected to dramatic reworking in marginal filters, where river and sea waters are mixed. These processes are most important for the Caspian Sea, where runoffs of rivers (especially the Volga River) and the intense development and transportation of hydrocarbon fuel by tankers and pipelines (related to the coastal petroleum industry in the Sumgait and Baku ports, Apsheron Peninsula) are potential sources of hydrocarbon pollution. Previously obtained data showed that the total content of hydrocarbon fraction (i.e., the sum of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)) in bottom sediments varied within 29-1820 µg/g. The content of petroleum hydrocarbons in the northeastern Caspian region varied from 0.052 to 34.09 µg/g with the maximum content in the Tengiz field. The content of six polyarenes in the Volga delta sediments was no more than 40 ng/g. To determine the recent HC pollution of bottom sediments and trends in the functioning of the Volga marginal filter, in summer of 2003 and 2004 we analyzed bottom sediments (58 samples) in the river waterway; Kirovsk channel; Bakhtemir and Ikryanoe branches; tributaries of the Kizan, Chagan, and other rivers; and the Caspian seashore.
1. ATP in deep-sea sediments can be determined after it is adsorbed on a mixture of the sediment and calcium carbonate by measuring the luminescence of the reaction of the mixture and luciferin-luciferase. 2. ATP contents of the toplayer of northeastern Atlantic sediments (Josephine Bank and northern Canary Basin) decrease with increasing depths of 252, 408, 1445, 1769, 2149, 4897, 5510m: 0.96, 0.61, 0.13, 0.10, 0.21, 0.05, 0.07 µg ATP/ml wet sediment. The decreasing values are in accordance with the decrease of macrobenthos and meiobenthos biomass in the deep-sea. 3. The ATP content of deep-sea nematodes is about 1 ? of their wet weight. 4. At the two deepest stations, less than 50% of the ATP measured in the sediment is represented by nematodes, copepods, other "hard" meiofauna groups and bacteria.
Clay-mineral composition and biogenic opal content in upper Miocene to Quaternary drift sediments recovered at two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the continental rise in the Bellingshausen Sea had been analyzed in order to reconstruct the climatic and glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula. The clay mineral composition at both sites is dominated by smectite, illite, and chlorite, and alternates between a smectite-enriched and a chlorite-enriched assemblage throughout the last 9.3 my. The spatial distribution of clay minerals in Holocene sediments west of the Antarctic Peninsula facilitates the identification of particular source areas, and thus the reconstruction of transport pathways. The similarity to clay mineral variations reported from upper Quaternary sequences suggests that the short-term clay-mineralogical fluctuations in the ODP cores reflect glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Thus, repeated ice advances and retreats in response to a varying size of the Antarctic Peninsula ice cap are likely to have occurred throughout the late Neogene and Quaternary. The clay minerals in the drift sediments exhibit only slight long-term variations, which are caused by local changes in glacial erosion and in supply of source rocks, rather than by major climatic changes. The opal records at the ODP sites are dominated by long-term variations since the late Miocene. We infer that the opal content in the drift sediments, although it is influenced by dissolution in the water column and the sediment column and by the burial with lithogenic detritus, provides a signal of paleoproductivity. Because the annual sea-ice coverage is regarded as the main factor controlling biological productivity, the opal signal helps to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes in the Bellingshausen Sea. Slightly enhanced opal deposition during the late Miocene indicates slightly warmer climatic conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area than at present. During the early Pliocene, enhanced opal deposition in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and coinciding high opal concentrations in sedimentary sequences from the Atlantic and Indian sectors document a strong reduction of sea-ice cover and relatively warm climatic conditions. Thereby, the early onset of the Pliocene warmth in the Bellingshausen Sea points to a positive feedback of regional Antarctic climate on the global thermohaline circulation. A decrease of opal deposition between 3.1 and 2.6 Ma likely reflects sea-ice expansion in response to reduced supply of northern-sourced deep-waters to the Southern Ocean, caused by the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Throughout the Quaternary, a relatively constant level of opal deposition on the Antarctic continental margin indicates relatively stable climatic conditions.