374 resultados para glacial drift deposits
Present-day low-latitude eastern and western Atlantic basins are geochemically distinct below the sill depth of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. While Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) circulates freely in the western Atlantic, flow into the eastern Atlantic is restricted below 4 km which results in filling the abyssal depths of this basin with water of geochemical similarity to nutrient depleted North Atlantic Deep Water. Using carbon isotopes and Cd/Ca ratios in benthic foraminifera we reconstruct the geochemistry of these basins during the last glacial maximum. Results indicate that deep eastern and western Atlantic basins became geochemically identical during the last glacial. This was achieved by shoaling of the upper surface of AABW above the sill depth of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which allowed bottom waters in both basins to be filled with the same water mass. Although AABW became the dominant water mass in the deep eastern Atlantic basin during the glacial, Holocene-glacial delta13C-PO4 shifts in this basin are in Redfield proportions, unlike the disproportionate Holocene-glacial delta13C-PO4 shifts observed in the Southern Ocean. By examining the composition of deep and intermediate waters throughout the Atlantic, we show that this effect was induced by a change in gradient of the delta13C-PO4 deepwater mixing line during glacial times. Evidence from high-latitude planktonic data suggests that the change in gradient of the deepwater mixing line was brought about through a significant reduction in the thermodynamic effect on Southern Ocean surface waters. By using coupled delta13C-PO4 data to constrain the composition of end member water masses in the glacial Atlantic, we conclude that deep waters in the low-latitude glacial Atlantic were composed of a mixture of northern and southern source waters in a ratio of 1:3.
During DSDP Leg 70, a 1.60 m thick manganese oxide layer was sampled in hole 509B. This deposit is formed of alternating layers of hard plates of pure todorokite, about 2 mm thick, and of a more powdery material deeply impregnated with manganese oxide, about 3 mm thick. A SEM study of the plates and the associated powder shows that the powdery material is a transformation of a pre-existing sediment, while the plates are a direct precipitation from a hydrothermal solution. The uranium series disequilibrium method was used to determine the ages of the plates. They are found to be in good chronological sequence and in accordance with the sedimentation rate of the area (4.9 cm/10^3 years) which implies that they have been formed at the sediment-seawater interface during a pulsed injection of hydrothermal solution. The powder presents systematically an "older age" which is explained by a slowing down of the injection while the normal sediment settles; the older age is due to the 230Th excess of the sediment.
The UK37' index has proven to be a robust proxy to estimate past sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over a range of time scales, but like any other proxy, it has uncertainties. For instance, in reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the northern North Atlantic, UK37' indicates higher temperatures than those derived from foraminiferal proxies. Here we evaluate whether such warm glacial estimates are caused by the advection of reworked alkenones in ice-rafted debris (IRD) to deep-sea sediments. We have quantified both coccolith assemblages and alkenones in sediments from glaciogenic debris flows in the continental margins of the northern North Atlantic, and from a deep-sea core from the Reykjanes Ridge. Certain debris flow deposits in the North Atlantic were generated by the presence of massive ice-sheets in the past, and their associated ice streams. Such deposits are composed of the same materials that were present in the IRD at the time they were generated. We conclude that ice rafting from some locations was a transport pathway to the deep sea floor of reworked alkenones and pre-Quaternary coccolith species during glacial stages, but that not all of the IRD contained alkenones, even when reworked coccoliths were present. We speculate that the ratio of reworked coccoliths to alkenone concentration might be useful to infer whether significant reworked alkenone inputs from IRD did occur at a particular site in the glacial North Atlantic. We also observe that alkenones in some of the debris flows contain a colder signal than estimated for LGM sediments in the northern North Atlantic. This is also clear in the deep-sea core studied where the warmest intervals do not correspond to the intervals with large inputs of reworked coccoliths or IRD. We conclude that any possible bias to UK37' estimates associated with reworked alkenones is not necessarily towards higher values, and that the high SST anomalies for the LGM are unlikely to be the result of a bias caused by IRD inputs.
The geological structure of a Holocene sand spit system and the adjacent Weichselian glacial deposits in the northeastern part of Schleswig-Holstein have been investigated and presented in a geological map. Thin meltwater deposits overlie the glacial tills in the area of the former Beverö lsland in the west. To its north and northeast, the modern Sand spit system is present. Its basal transgression horizon is composed mainly of gravels and boulders, and directly overlie the Pleistocene deposits. Further up the succession, fine graind sands are present, in turn overlain by the coarser grained sands of the barrier bar. To the east, under the protection of the sand spit, gyttyas and peats which sometimes attain large thicknesses have been deposited under lacustrinellagoonal conditions. Closer to the shore, these sediments are covered by marine sands.
Within the Scotia Sea, the axis of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is geographically confined, and sediments therefore contain a record of palaeo-flow speed uncomplicated by ACC axis migration. We outline Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) current-controlled sedimentation using data from 3.5-kHz profiles, cores and current meter moorings. Geophysical surveys show areas of erosion and deposition controlled by Neogene basement topography. Deposition occurs in mounded sediment drifts or flatter areas, where 500-1000 m of sediment overlies acoustic basement. 3.5-kHz profiles show parallel, continuous sub-bottom reflectors with highest sedimentation rates in the centre of the drifts, and reflectors converging towards marginal zones of non-deposition. Locally, on the flanks of continental blocks (e.g. South Georgia), downslope processes are dominant. The absence of mudwaves on the sediment drifts may result from the unsteadiness of ACC flow. A core transect from the ACC axis south to the boundary with the Weddell Gyre shows a southward decrease in biogenic content, controlled by the Polar Front and the spring sea-ice edge. Both these features lay farther north at LGM. The cores have been dated by relative abundance of the radiolarian Cycladophora davisiana, and by changes in the biogenic Ba content, a palaeoproductivity indicator. Sedimentation rates range from 3 to 17 cm/ka. The grain size of Holocene sediments shows a coarsening trend from south to north, consistent with strongest bottom-current flow near the ACC axis, though interpretation is complicated by the presence of biogenic grains. Year-long current meter records indicate mean speeds from 7 cm/s in the south to 12 cm/s in the north, with benthic storm frequency increasing northwards. LGM sediments are predominantly terrigenous and show a clearer northward-coarsening trend, with well-sorted silts in the northern Scotia Sea. Assuming a constant terrigenous source, this implies stronger ACC flow at the LGM, contrasting with weaker Weddell Gyre flow deduced from earlier work.
Probable in-situ manganese deposits larger than 1 cm in diameter buried in ODP/DSDP cores were selected for study after examining previous descriptions of the manganese deposits in site reports and the ODP data base. Most of the selected samples from 11 cores occur at or just above sedimentary hiatuses or in slowly deposited sediments and are overlain by rapidly deposited sediments of biogenic, terrigenous or volcanogenic origin. The changes in sedimentation recorded in the lithostratigraphic sections around these deposits are closely related to changes in tectonic evolution, deep water circulation or biological productivity at the sites. The similarity in composition and structure of the buried deposits to those of the modern manganese nodules and crusts with no evidence of post-depositional change suggest that buried manganese deposits may be used as indicators of past sedimentary conditions during which they formed. Their major components are hydrogenetic and earlydiagenetic manganese minerals as well as detrital minerals. The characteristics of these manganese deposits suggests that similar processes of deposition have taken place since the Paleogene or older.
A depression filled with Late Glacial and Holocene sediments was excavated during the geological exploration and recovery of a dump area near Tessin close to Rostock, and initiated the studies of the present paper. Pebble analysis of three exposed or respectively drilled till horizons as well as pollenanalytical, carpological and faunistical studies carried out allow the stratigraphical subdivision of the Quaternary sequence of the dump area. The basal till was probably the result of dead ice decay, and was lithostratigraphically assigned to the Pomerian Stage (qw2). The palynological results of boreholes RKS 19/93 and A/92 reveal pre-Allerod and other sediments instead of the expected interweichselian deposits. Based on the palynological and carpological findings, we correlated the beginning of the late glacial development in the locality with the end of the Meiendorf-lnterstadial sensu Menke in Bock et al. (1985, doi:10.3285/eg.35.1.18). The limnic-telmatic sedimentation could be observed pollen floristically probably starting with the Meiendorf-lnterstadial (Hippophae-Betula nana-phase) followed by the Bolling-(Betula nana-B. alba s.l.-Artemisia-Helianthemum-Poaceae-phase) and the Allerad-lnterstadial [Betula alba s.l.-(Pinus)-Cyperaceae-phase] lasting up to the Younger Dryas (Juniperus-Artemisia-Poaceae-phase). Sedimentation closed during the Younger Dryas with the accumulation of fine sands. It was reactivated later during the Holocene due to the anthropogene influence (Older and Younger Subatlantic, dampness of the depression by clearing).
A high-resolution multiproxy geochemical approach was applied to the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike in an attempt to reconstruct moist and dry periods during the past 16 000 years in southeastern Patagonia. The age-depth model is inferred from AMS 14C dates and tephrochronology, and suggests moist conditions during the Lateglacial and early Holocene (16 000-8700 cal. BP) interrupted by drier conditions before the beginning of the Holocene (13 200-11 400 cal. BP). Data also imply that this period was a major warm phase in southeastern Patagonia and was approximately contemporaneous with the Younger Dryas chronozone in the Northern Hemisphere (12 700-11 500 cal. BP). After 8650 cal. BP a major drought may have caused the lowest lake level of the record. Since 7300 cal. BP, the lake level rose and was variable until the 'Little Ice Age', which was the dominant humid period after 8650 cal. BP.