111 resultados para Steffen, Mart R. (Martin Robert), 1882-


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The cores described in this report were taken during the R/V Robert Conrad Cruise 05 from March until April 1963 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University. A total of 13 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.


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The cores described in this report were taken during the R/V Robert Conrad Cruise 02 from 26 until 28 January 1963 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University. A total of 5 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken during the Robert Conrad Cruise 8 from November 1963 until August 1964 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University from the R/V Robert Conrad. A total of 140 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.


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The cores described in this report were taken during the R/V Robert Conrad Cruise 06 from May until June 1963 by the Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University. A total of 5 cores were recovered and are available at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory for sampling and study.


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Age-progressive, linear seamount chains in the northeast Pacific appear to have formed as the Pacific plate passed over a set of stationary hotspots; however, some anomalously young ages and the lack of an "enriched" isotopic signature in basalts from the seamounts do not fit the standard hotspot model. For example, published ages (28-30 Ma) for basalts dredged from the Patton-Murray seamount platform in the Gulf of Alaska are 2-4 m.y. younger than the time when the platform was above the Cobb hotspot. However, the lowermost basalt recovered by ocean drilling on Patton-Murray yielded a 40Ar-39Ar age of 33 Ma. This age exactly coincides with the time when the seamount platform was above the Cobb hotspot, consistent with a stationary, long-lived mantle plume. A 27 Ma alkalic basalt flow recovered 8 m above the 33 Ma basalt is similar in age and composition to the previously dredged basalts, and may be the alkalic capping phase typical of many hotspot volcanoes. A 17 Ma tholeiitic basalt sill recovered 5 m above the 27 Ma basalt was emplaced long after the seamount platform moved away from the hotspot, and may be associated with a period of intraplate extension. Anomalously young phases of volcanism on this and other hotspot seamounts suggest that they can be volcanically rejuvenated by nonhotspot causes, but this rejuvenation does not rule out the hotspot model as an explanation for the initial creation of the seamount platform. The lack of an "enriched" isotopic signature in any of these basalts shows that enriched compositions are not necessary characteristics of plume-related basalts. The isotopic compositions of the lower basalts are slightly more depleted than the 0-9 Ma products of the Cobb hotspot, despite the fact that the hotspot was closer to a spreading ridge at 0-9 Ma. It appears that this hotspot, like several others, has become more enriched with time.


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Leg 115 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered basalts from four locations along the hotspot track that leads from the Deccan flood basalts in India to Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean (Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715). The drilled basalts range in age from 35 Ma (Site 706) to 64 Ma (Site 707), and including the Deccan basalts (66 to 68 Ma), Mauritius Island (0.2 to 8 Ma), and Reunion Island (0 to 2 Ma), seven sites are provided for sampling the volcanic record of the 5000-km-long hotspot track. Chemical and age comparisons indicate that Site 707 lavas correlate with basalt units near the top of the Deccan flood basalt sequence. The lavas of Site 715 (55 to 60 Ma) are most similar to the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. Site 713 basalts (48 Ma) are similar to the earliest lavas of the Deccan province, and Site 706 basalts are intermediate in chemistry between those of central Indian spreading-ridge basalts and Reunion. Differences in lava compositions along the hotspot track can be related to variable mixing of plume and asthenospheric mantle, depending on the changing position of spreading-ridge segments and the hotspot during the opening of the Indian Ocean. Alternatively, time-dependent changes in the composition of hotspot melts may be due to a decrease in partial melting of a heterogeneous plume or to intrinsic changes in the composition of material supplied by the plume.


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A manganese oxide crust from an extensive deposit in the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was found to be unusually high in manganese (up to 39.4% Mn), low in Fe (as low as 0.01% Fe), low in trace metals and deficient in Th230 and Pa231 with respect to the parent uranium isotopes in the sample. The accumulation rate is 100 mm to 200 mm/10 million year, or 2 orders of magnitude faster than the typical rate for deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The rapid growth rate and unusual chemistry are consistent with a hydrothermal origin or with a diagenetic origin by manganese remobilized from reduced sediments. Because of the association with an active ridge, geophysical evidence indicative of hydrothermal activity, and a scarcity of sediment in the sampling area, we suggest that a submarine hot spring has created the deposit.