48 resultados para South Asian Diaspora


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The Miocene Lincang leaf assemblage is used in this paper as proxy data to reconstruct the palaeoclimate of southwestern Yunnan (SW China) and the evolution of monsoon intensity. Three quantitative methods were chosen for this reconstruction, i.e. Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA), Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), and the Coexistence Approach (CA). These methods, however, yield inconsistent results, particularly for the precipitation, as also shown in European and other East Asian Cenozoic floras. The wide range of the reconstructed climatic parameters includes the Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) of 18.5-24.7 °C and the Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) of 1213-3711 mm. Compared with the modern Lincang climate (MAT, 17.3 °C; MAP, 1178.7 mm), the Miocene climate is slightly warmer, wetter and has a higher temperature seasonality. A detailed comparison on the palaeoclimatic variables with the coeval Late Miocene Xiaolongtan flora from the eastern part of Yunnan allows us to investigate the development and interactions of both South Asian and East Asian monsoons during the Late Miocene in southwest China, now under strong influence of these monsoon systems. Our results suggest that the monsoon climate has already been established in southwest Yunnan during the Late Miocene. Furthermore, our results support that both Southeast Asian and East Asian monsoons co-occurred in Yunnan during the Late Miocene.


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The Barkol Lake, as a closed inland lake, is located at the northeast Xinjiang in northwest China. A combination of geochemical indicators including d18O and d13C of carbonate, TOC, carbonate contents, as well as grain size proxies and magnetic susceptibility of sediments obtained from a newly recovered section at this lake, provides a high-resolution history of climatic change in the past 9400 years. Multi-indicators reflect that Holocene climatic change in the study region generally follows the Westerly Wind pattern of Holocene, and three climatic periods can be identified. Between 9400 and 7500 cal a B.P., climate was characterized by relatively drier and colder condition. From 7500 to 5800 cal a B.P., a relatively warmer and moister climate prevailed, but between 5800 and 3500 cal a B.P., climate shifted towards warmer and drier conditions. A relatively colder and wetter climate prevailed during 3500~1000 cal a B.P., then it changed towards cold and dry between 1000 and 500 cal a B.P.; after 500 cal a B.P., climate changed towards warm and dry conditions again. This study reflects that during the Middle Holocene (from ca 7000 to 3500 cal a B.P.), variations of carbonate d18O of sediments from several lakes in the northern Xinjiang were synchronous with that of Qinghai Lake, where was strongly influenced by the South Asian monsoon; however, after 3500 cal a B.P. this consistency was interrupted, possibly resulting from a re-domination of the Westerly Wind and the retreat of South Asian monsoon in the northern Xinjiang.


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In this study we present a sea surface temperature (SST) record from the western Arabian Sea for the last 20,000 years. We produced centennial-scale d18O and Mg/Ca SST time series of core NIOP929 with focus on the glacial-interglacial transition. The western Arabian Sea is influenced by the seasonal NE and SW monsoon wind systems. Lowest SSTs occur during the SW monsoon season because of upwelling of cold water, and highest SSTs can be found in the low-productivity intermonsoon season. The Mg/Ca-based temperature record reflects the integrated SST of the SW and NE monsoon seasons. The results show a glacial-interglacial SST difference of ~2°C, which is corroborated by findings from other Arabian Sea cores. At 19 ka B.P. a yet undescribed warm event of several hundred years duration is found, which is also reflected in the d18O record. A second centennial-scale high SST/low d18O event is observed at 17 ka B.P. This event forms the onset of the stepwise yet persistent trend toward Holocene temperatures. Highest Mg/Ca-derived SSTs in the NIOP929 record occurred between 13 and 10 ka B.P. Interglacial SST is ~24°C, indicating influence of upwelling. The onset of Arabian Sea warming occurs when the North Atlantic is experiencing minimum temperatures. The rapid temperature variations at 19, 17, and 13 ka B.P. are difficult to explain with monsoon changes alone and are most likely also linked to regional hydrographic changes, such as trade wind induced variations in warm water advection.


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The past variability of the South Asian Monsoon is mostly known from records of wind strength over the Arabian Sea while high-resolution paleorecords from regions of strong monsoon precipitation are still lacking. Here, we present records of past monsoon variability obtained from sediment core SK 168/GC-1, which was collected at the Alcock Seamount complex in the Andaman Sea. We utilize the ecological habitats of different planktic foraminiferal species to reconstruct freshwater-induced stratification based on paired Mg/Ca and d18O analyses and to estimate seawater d18O (d18Osw). The difference between surface and thermocline temperatures (delta T) and d18Osw (delta d18Osw) is used to investigate changes in upper ocean stratification. Additionally, Ba/Ca in G. sacculifer tests is used as a direct proxy for riverine runoff and sea surface salinity (SSS) changes related to monsoon precipitation on land. Our delta d18Osw time series reveals that upper ocean salinity stratification did not change significantly throughout the last glacial suggesting little influence of NH insolation changes. The strongest increase in temperature gradients between the mixed layer and the thermocline is recorded for the mid-Holocene and indicate the presence of a significantly shallower thermocline. In line with previous work, the d18Osw and Ba/Ca records demonstrate that monsoon climate during the LGM was characterized by a significantly weaker southwest monsoon circulation and strongly reduced runoff. Based on our data the South Asian Summer Monsoon (SAM) over the Irrawaddyy strengthened gradually after the LGM beginning at ~18 ka. This is some 3 kyrs before an increase of the Ba/Ca record from the Arabian Sea and indicates that South Asian Monsoon climate dynamics are more complex than the simple N-S displacement of the ITCZ as generally described for other regions. Minimum d18Osw values recorded during the mid-Holocene are in phase with Ba/Ca marking a stronger monsoon precipitation, which is consistent with model simulations.


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Based on the study of 10 sediment cores and 40 core-top samples from the South China Sea (SCS) we obtained proxy records of past changes in East Asian monsoon climate on millennial to bidecadal time scales over the last 220,000 years. Climate proxies such as global sea level, estimates of paleotemperature, salinity, and nutrients in surface water, ventilation of deep water, paleowind strength, freshwater lids, fluvial and/or eolian sediment supply, and sediment winnowing on the sea floor were derived from planktonic and benthic stable-isotope records, the distribution of siliciclastic grain sizes, planktonic foraminifera species, and the UK37 biomarker index. Four cores were AMS-14C-dated. Two different regimes of monsoon circulation dominated the SCS over the last two glacial cycles, being linked to the minima and maxima of Northern Hemisphere solar insolation. (1) Glacial stages led to a stable estuarine circulation and a strong O2-minimum layer via a closure of the Borneo sea strait. Strong northeast monsoon and cool surface water occurred during winter, in part fed by an inflow from the north tip of Luzon. In contrast, summer temperatures were as high as during interglacials, hence the seasonality was strong. Low wetness in subtropical South China was opposed to large river input from the emerged Sunda shelf, serving as glacial refuge for tropical forest. (2) Interglacials were marked by a strong inflow of warm water via the Borneo sea strait, intense upwelling southeast of Vietnam and continental wetness in China during summer, weaker northeast monsoon and high sea-surface temperatures during winter, i.e. low seasonality. On top of the long-term variations we found millennial- to centennial-scale cold and dry, warm and humid spells during the Holocene, glacial Terminations I and II, and Stage 3. The spells were coeval with published variations in the Indian monsoon and probably, with the cold Heinrich and warm Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland ice cores, thus suggesting global climatic teleconnections. Holocene oscillations in the runoff from South China centered around periodicities of 775 years, ascribed to subharmonics of the 1500-year cycle in oceanic thermohaline circulation. 102/84-year cycles are tentatively assigned to the Gleissberg period of solar activity. Phase relationships among various monsoon proxies near the onset of Termination IA suggest that summer-monsoon rains and fluvial runoff from South China had already intensified right after the last glacial maximum (LGM) insolation minimum, coeval with the start of Antarctic ice melt, prior to the d18O signals of global sea-level rise. Vice versa, the strength of winter-monsoon winds decreased in short centennial steps only 3000-4000 years later, along with the melt of glacial ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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The relationship between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope values and oceanographic conditions and factors controlling isotopic variations are discussed on the basis of oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses of 192 modern surface and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the South China Sea (SCS). The harmonic variation of benthic delta18O in surface sediments with water depth and temperature implies that the temperature is the main factor influencing benthic delta18O variations. Planktonic delta18O fluctuates with sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS). The N-S temperature gradient results in planktonic delta18O decreasing from the northeast to the south. Cool, saline waters driven by the winter monsoon are interpreted to have been responsible for the high delta18O values in the northeast SCS. The East Asian monsoons not only bring nutrients into the South China Sea and maintain high nutrient concentration levels at the southwestern and northeastern ends, which cause depleted delta13C both in planktonic (surface) and benthic (bottom) samples but also reduce planktonic/benthic delta18O differences. The distribution of delta18O and delta13C in the surface and LGM samples are strikingly similar, indicating that the impact of SST and SSS has been maintained, and nutrient inputs, mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends, have been controlled by monsoons since the LGM. Comparisons of the modern and LGM delta18O indicate a difference of about 3.6 °C in bottom-water temperature and a large surface-to-bottom temperature gradient during the LGM as compared to today.


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High-resolution sediment records from the South China Sea reveal a winter monsoon dominated glacial regime and a summer monsoon dominated Holocene regime during the last glacial cycle. A fundamental change between regimes occurred during deglaciation through a series of millennial reoccurrences of century-scale changes in the East Asian monsoon (EAM) climate. These abrupt events centered at 17.0, 15.9, 15.5, 14.7, 13.5, 13.9, 13.3, 12.1, 11.5, and 10.7 14C ka correlate well with the millennial-scale events in the Santa Barbara Basin and the Arabian Sea, i.e. a relationship between EAM and El Niño/Southern Oscillation systems. The abrupt increases in summer monsoon imply enhanced heat transport from low-latitude sea area to the midlatitude/high-latitude land area. The phase relationship between events of EAM and ice sheet may reflect a faster EAM response and a slower ice sheet response to the insolation change. A far-reaching conclusion is that the EAM might have triggered the Northern Hemisphere deglaciation.


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Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.


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We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.


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The South China Sea (SCS) is well connected with the western Pacific and influenced by the East Asian monsoon. We have examined temporal variations in radiocarbon marine reservoir ages (R) and regional marine reservoir corrections (DeltaR) of the SCS during the Holocene using paired measurements of AMS 14C and TIMS 230Th on 20 pristine corals. The results show large fluctuations in both R and DeltaR values over the past 7500 years (yrs) with two distinct plateaus during 7.5-5.6 and 3.5-2.5 thousand calendar years before present (cal ka BP). The respective weighted mean DeltaR values of these plateaus are 151 ± 85 and 89 ± 59 yrs, which are significantly higher than its modern value of -23 ± 52 yrs. This suggests that using a constant modern DeltaR value to calibrate 14C dates of the SCS marine samples will introduce additional errors to the calibrated ages. Our results provide the first database for the Holocene R and DeltaR values of the SCS for improved radiocarbon calibration of marine samples. We interpret the two DeltaR plateaus as being related to two intervals with weakened El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and intensified East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). This is because the 14C content of the SCS surface water is controlled by both the 14C concentration of the Pacific North Equatorial Current (NEC) which is in turn influenced by ENSO-induced upwelling along the Pacific equator and vertical upwelling within the SCS as a result of moisture transportation to midlatitude region to supply the EASM rainfall.


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Precipitation has a larger variability than temperature in tropical monsoon regions, thus it is an important climate variable. However, reconstructions of long-term rainfall histories are scarce because of the lack of reliable proxies. Here we document that iron oxide minerals, specifically the ratio of hematite to goethite (Hm/Gt), is a reasonable precipitation proxy. Using diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry, we measured samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) 1143 drilling site (9°21.72'N, 113°17.11'E, 2777 m water depth) for hematite and goethite, whose formation processes are favored by opposing climate conditions. In order to determine the content of hematite and goethite we produced a set of calibration samples by removing the iron oxides to generate the natural matrix to which hematite and goethite in known percentages were added. From these calibration samples we developed a transfer function for determining hematite and goethite concentration from a sample's spectral reflectance. Applying this method to ODP 1143 sediments (top 34 m of a 510 m core with sampling interval of 10 cm) we were able to reconstruct a continuous precipitation history for SE Asia of the past 600 kyr using the Hm/Gt ratio as a proxy of the precipitation variability of Asian monsoon. The reliability of this Hm/Gt proxy is corroborated by its consistency with the stalagmite delta18O data from South China. Comparing long-term Hm/Gt records with the surface temperature gradient of equatorial Pacific Ocean, we found that monsoon precipitation and El Niño are correlated for the last 600 kyr. The development of El Niño-like conditions decreased SE Asia precipitation, whereas precipitation increases in response to La Niña intensification


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A Porites coral collected from Xisha Island, South China Sea, represents a skeleton secreted in the period from 1906 to 1994. The Sr contents of the coral vary linearly with the instrument-measured sea-surface temperature (SST), giving a Sr thermometer: SST = -1.9658 x Sr + 193.26. The reconstructed SST data show that the late 20th century was warmer (about 1°C) than the early 20th century and that two cooling (1915/1916 and 1947/1948) and three warming (1935/1936, 1960/1961, and 1976/1977) shifts occurred in the century. The temperature shifts are more pronounced for winters, implying a close effect of the west Pacific warm pool and Asian monsoon and suggesting that the former is a primary force controlling the climatic system of the region. Results of this study and previously published data indicate a close link of temperature shifts between the boreal summer and the austral winter or the boreal winter and the austral summer. The annual SST anomalies in the South China Sea and the South Pacific reveal the existence of harmonic but opposite SST variations between the two regions. On the decadal scale the comparative annual SST anomalies for the South China Sea and for the equatorial west Pacific show a similarity in temperature variations, implying that the South China Sea climate is coherent with climatic regime of the tropical west Pacific.