32 resultados para NEAR-FIELD STRUCTURE


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Laboratory compressional wave (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities were measured as a function of confining pressure for the gabbros from Hole 735B and compared to results from Leg 118. The upper 500 m of the hole has a Vp mean value of 6895 m/s measured at 200 MPa, and at 500 meters below seafloor (mbsf), Vp measurements show a mean value of 7036 m/s. Vs mean values in the same intervals are 3840 m/s and 3857 m/s, respectively. The mean Vp and Vs values obtained from log data in the upper 600 m are 6520 and 3518 m/s, respectively. These results show a general increase in velocity with depth and the velocity gradients estimate an upper mantle depth of 3.32 km. This value agrees with previous work based on dredged samples and inversion of rare element concentrations in basalts dredged from the conjugate site to the north of the Atlantis Bank. Laboratory measurements show Vp anisotropy ranging between 0.4% and 8.8%, with the majority of the samples having values less than 3.8%. Measurements of velocity anisotropy seem to be associated with zones of high crystal-plastic deformation with predominant preferred mineral orientations of plagioclase, amphiboles, and pyroxenes. These findings are consistent with results on gabbros from the Hess Deep area and suggest that plastic deformation may play an important role in the seismic properties of the lower oceanic crust. In contrast to ophiolite studies, many of the olivine gabbros show a small degree of anisotropy. Log derived Vs anisotropy shows an average of 5.8% for the upper 600 m of Hole 735B and tends to decrease with depth where the overburden pressure and the age of the crustal section suggests closure of cracks and infilling of fractures by alteration minerals. Overall the results indicate that the average shear wave splitting in Hole 735B might be influenced by preferred structural orientations and the average value of shear wave splitting may not be a maximum because structural dips are <90°. The maximum fast-wave orientation values could be influenced by structural features striking slightly oblique to this orientation or by near-field stress concentrations. However, flexural wave dispersion analyses have not been performed to confirm this hypothesis or to indicate to what extent the near-field stresses may be influencing shear wave propagation. Acoustic impedance contrasts calculated from laboratory and logging data were used to generate synthetic seismograms that aid in the interpretation of reflection profiles. Several prominent reflections produced by these calculations suggest that Fe-Ti oxides and shear zones may contribute to the reflective nature of the lower oceanic crust. Laboratory velocity attenuation (Q) measurements from below 500 m have a mean value of 35.1, which is consistent with previous vertical seismic profile (VSP) and laboratory measurements on the upper 500 m.


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Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.


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A geochemical investigation has been conducted of a suite of four sediment cores collected from directly beneath the hydrothermal plume at distances of 2 to 25 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal field. As well as a large biogenic component (>80% CaCO3) these sediments record clear enrichments of the elements Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P, and As from hydrothermal plume fallout but only minor detrital background material. Systematic variations in the abundances of "hydrothermal" elements are observed at increasing distance from the vent site, consistent with chemical evolution of the dispersing plume. Further, pronounced Ni and Cr enrichments at specific levels within each of the two cores collected from closest to the vent site are indicative of discrete episodes of additional input of ultrabasic material at these two near-field locations. Radiocarbon dating reveals mean Holocene accumulation rates for all four cores of 2.7 to 3.7 cm.kyr?1, with surface mixed layers 7 to 10+ cm thick, from which a history of deposition from the Rainbow hydrothermal plume can be deduced. Deposition from the plume supplies elements to the underlying sediments that are either directly hydrothermally sourced (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu) or scavenged from seawater via the hydrothermal plume (e.g., V, P, As). Holocene fluxes into to the cores' surface mixed layers are presented which, typically, are an order of magnitude greater than "background" authigenic fluxes from the open North Atlantic. One core, collected closest to the vent site, indicates that both the concentration and flux of hydrothermally derived material increased significantly at some point between 8 and 12 14C kyr ago; the preferred explanation is that this variation reflects the initiation/intensification of hydrothermal venting at the Rainbow hydrothermal field at this time - perhaps linked to some specific tectonic event in this fault-controlled hydrothermal setting.


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Depth profiles of major element and rare earth element (REE) abundances in sediment samples (mainly siliceous ooze and clay) recovered from Holes 1179B and 1179C at Site 1179, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 191 (41.4°N, 159.6°E) were determined. The oxidation states of Mn and Ce were determined by X-ray absorption near-edge structure. Some geochemical indicators were tested, including the MnO/TiO2 ratios, a bivariate diagram of La/Ce vs. Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3), and other discrimination diagrams. The oxidation state of Mn is reduced Mn(II) in the depth profile below 0.60 meters below seafloor (mbsf), which is consistent with relatively low and high abundances of Mn in the sediments and pore waters, respectively. It is possible that the diagenetic effect on the oxidation state and abundance of Mn makes it difficult for the MnO/TiO2 ratio to reflect the depositional environment. The normalized ratio of La and Ce does not change very much with depth, suggesting that the diagenetic effect does not affect the REE signature in the sediments. On the diagram of La/Ce vs. Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3), the sediments studied here plot at the boundary of the pelagic and continental margin fields. This suggests that continental material has contributed to the sediment to some degree, even though Site 1179 is in a pelagic region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean, >1600 km from Japan.


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Ephemeral polar glaciations during the middle-to-late Eocene (48-34 Ma) have been proposed based on far-field ice volume proxy records and near-field glacigenic sediments, although the scale, timing, and duration of these events are poorly constrained. Here we confirm the existence of a transient cool event within a new high-resolution benthic foraminiferal d18O record at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 738 (Kerguelen Plateau; Southern Ocean). This event, named the Priabonian oxygen isotope maximum (PrOM) Event, lasted ~140 kyr and is tentatively placed within magnetochron C17n.1n (~37.3 Ma) based on the correlation to ODP Site 689 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean). A contemporaneous change in the provenance of sediments delivered to the Kerguelen Plateau occurs at the study site, determined from the <63 µm fraction of decarbonated and reductively leached sediment samples. Changes in the mixture of bottom waters, based on fossil fish tooth epsilon-Nd, were less pronounced and slower relative to the benthic d18O and terrigenous epsilon-Nd changes. Terrigenous sediment epsilon-Nd values rapidly shifted to less radiogenic signatures at the onset of the PrOM Event, indicating an abrupt change in provenance favoring ancient sources such as the Paleoproterozoic East Antarctic craton. Bottom water epsilon-Nd reached a minimum value during the PrOM Event, although the shift begins much earlier than the terrigenous epsilon-Nd excursion. The origin of the abrupt change in terrigenous sediment provenance is compatible with a change in Antarctic terrigenous sediment flux and/or source as opposed to a reorganization of ocean currents. A change in terrigenous flux and/or source of Antarctic sediments during the oxygen isotope maximum suggests a combination of cooling and ice growth in East Antarctica during the early late Eocene.


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Based on discrete samples, we report new high-resolution records of the ~185 kyr Iceland Basin (IB) geomagnetic excursion from Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) Site 1063 on the Bermuda Rise (sedimentation rate 32 cm/kyr) and from ODP Site 983 in the far North Atlantic (sedimentation rate 18 cm/kyr). Two records from Holes 1063A and 1063B are very consistent, and provide the highest resolution of the detailed field behaviour during the IB excursion obtained so far. Inclination records from Holes 983B and 983C in the far North Atlantic are also very consistent, whereas declination anomalies deviate more notably. The pseudo-Thellier (PT) technique was applied along with more conventional palaeointensity proxies (NRM/ARM and NRM/kappa) to recover relative palaeointensity (RPI) estimates from Hole 1063A and Hole 983B. As expected, these proxies indicate that the field intensity generally dropped at both sites during the IB excursion, but also that the history of RPI from the two sites is different. VGPs from Site 1063 indicate that the field at this location experienced some stop-and-go behaviour between patches of intense vertical flux over North America and the tip of South America, areas which coincide fairly well with patches of preferred transitional VGP clustering from reversals and zones of high seismic velocity in the lower mantle. Changes in RPI at this location were generally gradual, possibly due to the proximity of these flux patches, and the first period of VGP-clustering over North America was accompanied by a conspicuous increase in RPI. VGPs from Site 983 track along a different path, and the associated RPI changes are very abrupt and completely synchronous with the onset and termination of the excursion. The differing VGP paths from Sites 1063 and 983 indicate that the global field structure during the IB excursion was not dominated by a single dipole.