18 resultados para age studies

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OBJECTIVE: We sought to determine maternal and neonatal outcomes by labor onset type and gestational age. STUDY DESIGN: We used electronic medical records data from 10 US institutions in the Consortium on Safe Labor on 115,528 deliveries from 2002 through 2008. Deliveries were divided by labor onset type (spontaneous, elective induction, indicated induction, unlabored cesarean). Neonatal and maternal outcomes were calculated by labor onset type and gestational age. RESULTS: Neonatal intensive care unit admissions and sepsis improved with each week of gestational age until 39 weeks (P < .001). After adjusting for complications, elective induction of labor was associated with a lower risk of ventilator use (odds ratio [OR], 0.38; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.28-0.53), sepsis (OR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.26-0.49), and neonatal intensive care unit admissions (OR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.48-0.57) compared to spontaneous labor. The relative risk of hysterectomy at term was 3.21 (95% CI, 1.08-9.54) with elective induction, 1.16 (95% CI, 0.24-5.58) with indicated induction, and 6.57 (95% CI, 1.78-24.30) with cesarean without labor compared to spontaneous labor. CONCLUSION: Some neonatal outcomes improved until 39 weeks. Babies born with elective induction are associated with better neonatal outcomes compared to spontaneous labor. Elective induction may be associated with an increased hysterectomy risk.


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BACKGROUND: Decisions regarding whether to administer intensive care to extremely premature infants are often based on gestational age alone. However, other factors also affect the prognosis for these patients. METHODS: We prospectively studied a cohort of 4446 infants born at 22 to 25 weeks' gestation (determined on the basis of the best obstetrical estimate) in the Neonatal Research Network of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to relate risk factors assessable at or before birth to the likelihood of survival, survival without profound neurodevelopmental impairment, and survival without neurodevelopmental impairment at a corrected age of 18 to 22 months. RESULTS: Among study infants, 3702 (83%) received intensive care in the form of mechanical ventilation. Among the 4192 study infants (94%) for whom outcomes were determined at 18 to 22 months, 49% died, 61% died or had profound impairment, and 73% died or had impairment. In multivariable analyses of infants who received intensive care, exposure to antenatal corticosteroids, female sex, singleton birth, and higher birth weight (per each 100-g increment) were each associated with reductions in the risk of death and the risk of death or profound or any neurodevelopmental impairment; these reductions were similar to those associated with a 1-week increase in gestational age. At the same estimated likelihood of a favorable outcome, girls were less likely than boys to receive intensive care. The outcomes for infants who underwent ventilation were better predicted with the use of the above factors than with use of gestational age alone. CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of a favorable outcome with intensive care can be better estimated by consideration of four factors in addition to gestational age: sex, exposure or nonexposure to antenatal corticosteroids, whether single or multiple birth, and birth weight. (ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00063063 [ClinicalTrials.gov] and NCT00009633 [ClinicalTrials.gov].).


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RecA in Escherichia coli and it's homologue, ScRad51 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, play important roles in recombinational repair. ScRad51 homologues have been discovered in a wide range of organisms including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, lily, chicken, mouse and human. To date there is no direct evidence to describe that mouse Rad51(MmRad51) is involved in DNA double-strand break repair. In order to elucidate the role of MmRad51 in vivo, it was mutated by the embryonic stem (ES) cell/gene targeting technology in mice. The mutant embryos arrested in development shortly after implantation. There was a decrease in cell proliferation followed by programmed cell death, and trophectoderm-derived cells were sensitive to $\gamma$-radiation. Severe chromosome loss was observed in most mitotically dividing cells. The mutant embryos lived longer and developed further in a p53 mutant background; however, double-mutant embryonic fibroblasts failed to proliferate in tissue culture, reflecting the embryos limited life span. Based on these data, MmRad51 repairs DNA damage induced by $\gamma$-radiation, is needed to maintain euplody, and plays an important role in proliferating cells.^ Ku is a heterodimer of 70 and 80 kDs subunit, which binds to DNA ends and other altered DNA structures such as hairpins, nicks, and gaps. In addition, Ku is required for DNA-PK activity through a direct association. Although the biochemical properties of Ku and DNA-PKcs have been characterized in cells, their physiological functions are not clear. In order to understand the function of Ku in vivo, we generated mice homozygous for a mutation of the Ku80 gene. Ku80-deficient mice, like scid mice, showed severe immunodeficiency due to a impairment of V(D)J recombination. Mutant mice were semiviable and runted, cells derived from mutant embryos displayed hypersensitivity to $\gamma$-radiation, a decreased growth rate, a slow entry into S phase, altered colony size distributions, and a short life span. Based on these results, mutant cells and mice appeared to prematurely age. ^


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A variety of studies indicate that the process of athrosclerosis begins in childhood. There was limited information on the association of the changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids in school age children and adolescents. Previous longitudinal studies of children typically with insufficient frequency of observation could not provide sound inference on the dynamics of change in blood lipids. The aims of this analysis are (1) to document the sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG); (2) to evaluate the relationship of changes in anthropometric variables, such as height, weight and BMI, to blood lipids from age 8 to 18 years. ^ Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study designed to examine the patterns of serial change in major cardiovascular risk factors. Cohort of three different age levels, 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline, with a total of 678 participants were enrolled. Each member of these cohorts was examined three times per year for up to four years. ^ Sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids; demonstrated the complex and polyphasic changes in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG longitudinally. The trajectory curves of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C with age showed curvilinear patterns of change. The velocity change in TC, HDL-C and LDL-C showed U-shaped curves for non-Blacks, and nearly linear lines in velocity of TG for both Blacks and non-Blacks. ^ The relationship of changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids was evaulated by adding height, weight, or BMI and associated interaction terms separately to the basic age-sex models. Height or height gain had a significant negative association with changes in TC, LDL-C and HDL-C. Weight or BMI gain showed positive associations with TC, LDL-C and TC, and a negative relationship with HDL-C. ^ Dynamic changes of blood lipids in school age children and adolescents observed from this analysis suggested that using fixed screening criteria under the current NCEP guidelines for all ages 2–19 may not be appropriate for this age group. The association of increasing BMI or weight to an adverse blood lipid profile found in this analysis also indicated that weight or BMI monitoring could be a future intervention to be implemented in the pediatric population. ^


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In the last thirty years, increasing efforts have been made to reduce the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use in the United States. Although the prevalence has declined dramatically over the past decade, there are still sharp differences in adolescent smoking-initiation rates across racial/ethnic groups. Large-scale surveys frequently assess smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to explain the differences in smoking rates between African Americans and Whites. However, there is little agreement about which constructs are significant. Moreover, the psychometric properties of smoking-related attitude, self-efficacy, and intention constructs have not been fully examined. More studies are needed to understand existing patterns of tobacco use and to validate and fully exploit the constructs' relationship to adolescent smoking initiation across racial/ethnic groups. ^ This dissertation reports on a secondary analysis of data from a large multi-ethnic convenience sample of sixth- through eighth-grade students in 22 schools in East Texas and the city of Houston. The specific aims of this dissertation were to (1) describe smoking and alternate tobacco product use rates by race/ethnicity, gender, age, and grade level (Article 1); (2) test the factorial validity of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions using confirmatory factor analysis techniques (Article 2); and (3) test the factorial invariance of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions between African Americans and Whites (Article 3). ^ The prevalence findings confirm the disparities in tobacco use among African American, Hispanic, and White adolescents that other surveys have reported (Article 1). This study also demonstrates the usefulness of examining use patterns of not only cigarettes but also alternative tobacco products in younger multiethnic populations, as well as of providing epidemiological data estimates about different phases of smoking. The confirmatory factor analysis provides evidence of construct validity of attitude, self-efficacy, and intention scales for the multiethnic sample (Article 2). Finally, the factorial invariance analyses indicates that some measures representing smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions may not be appropriate for use among both African Americans and Whites (Article 3). Additional research is needed to further our understanding of the patterns and predictors of youth tobacco use initiation. ^


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This retrospective cohort study examined the association between nativity status and very preterm birth, preterm birth, and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) among Asian subgroups using Texas birth certificate data with no personal identifiers. A total of 877,322 birth certificates of Asian and US-born white women with a singleton birth in Texas from 2001-2004 were analyzed. Birth certificate records of US-born white, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Asian Indian women with a singleton birth were included in the analysis. Logistic regressions models were used to explore and understand the differences of the effect of nativity status on birth outcomes in Asian subgroups with US-born whites as the reference group. Most of the Asian subgroups had a lower risk of preterm births compared with US born whites, with reductions in risk ranging from 19% to 49% and the lowest risk of preterm birth observed among foreign-born Chinese mothers. Only Filipino mothers had a higher risk of preterm birth compared to US-born whites. Overall, foreign-born Asians had lower risks for very preterm birth and preterm birth than US-born Asians and US-born whites. US-born Asians were at higher risk for preterm birth than US-born whites. For SGA, all Asian subgroups and Asian subgroups by nativity status were at higher risk of SGA than US-born whites. Asian Indians and Japanese were at highest risk for SGA infants with 2.5 to 3 times the risk of SGA present in US-born whites. Foreign-born Asian women were at higher risk for SGA than their US-born counterparts. This study showed that health disparities among Asian subgroups are hidden by classifying Asians into a single group. By examining Asian subgroups separately and looking at nativity status, the differences in risk of SGA and preterm birth can be revealed so prevention efforts can focus on high risk groups. ^


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The objective of this program is to reduce malaria incidence in Kenya. Malaria poses a large public health challenge in Kenya, and although public health efforts have traditionally been focused on treatment of infected patients, due to increased drug resistance and lack of drug-adherence, prevention strategies are needed. This program targets Kenyan women, the likely caretakers in the home, and promotes malaria prevention behaviors through health education. ^ A planning group will be assembled and a needs assessment will be performed, verifying risk factors and conditions associated with malaria, as well as personal and external determinants. Behavioral and environmental outcomes will be determined, and performance objectives for each outcome will be established. Matrices of change objectives will be created, and detailed methods and strategies will be linked to each change objective. Program elements include media, education, and incentives. All materials used in this program will be subjected to pre-test to ensure cultural relevance and fidelity. Matrices of change objectives will be created for program adopters and implementers, as well as correlating methods and strategies associated with each change objective. Performance objectives will also be compiled for program maintainers. A program evaluation plan will follow "Pre-Post Comparison Group" design. Outcome evaluation and process evaluation will be conducted. The sample population will be screened based on age and gender so as to maintain comparability to the target population. Measurements will be taken before the program to establish baseline, directly following the program to determine short-term effects, and three months after the program is completed to determine long-term effects. ^ One limitation of this program is selection bias, due to the nature of quasi-experimental studies. Thorough screening prior to sample selection will minimize selection bias and ensure group homogeneity. Another limitation is attrition, and this will be minimized where possible through the use of incentives. In cases where loss to follow-up is not avoidable, such as death or natural disasters, the attrition effect will be estimated using structural equation modeling after reviewing the sample size, differential attrition and total attrition. ^ This intervention is based heavily on health promotion theories, but it is important to remember that in the field, the program plan will likely include only the necessary practical strategies. The target population, Kenyan women of childbearing age, will be significant in decreasing the malaria disease burden in Kenya.^


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Background. Because it is important to minimize children's sun exposure to reduce skin cancer risk, much of the extensive skin cancer prevention literature consists of studies of children's sun protection, sun avoidance and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure. Little attention has been focused on the measurement of psychosocial constructs in these studies. Identification of the psychosocial correlates or determinants of children's skin cancer risk or risk-reduction behavior is critical to more fully understand and predict behavior. Furthermore, psychosocial variables may be influenced by interventions to reduce risk. Thus, it is important to examine the psychosocial measures used in studies of children's skin cancer prevention. Information on the validity and reliability of psychosocial measures may increase confidence in study findings based on these measures. In particular, self-efficacy and barriers are key constructs in several major theoretical frameworks and parental measures have been associated with children's sun protection. However, there is conceptual overlap of self-efficacy and barriers measures and little is known about the psychometric properties of these measures.^ Study Aims and Methods. The overall goal of this dissertation was to examine the measurement of psychosocial constructs relevant to children's skin cancer prevention. Because children depend primarily on their parents for skin cancer prevention, measures of parents' psychosocial constructs are the focus. Study 1 was a systematic review of parental psychosocial measures used in studies of children's sun protection, sun avoidance and UVR exposure. The specific aims of Study 1 were to (1) describe psychosocial measures reported by parents, including available information on the psychometric properties of these measures and their use in analyses and (2) provide recommendations for the development, refinement and standardized reporting of measures. ^ Study 2 examined the psychometric properties of measures of parental self-efficacy and barriers regarding children's sun protection. Melanoma patients (N=205) who were parents of children ≤ 12 years of age completed a telephone interview that included self-efficacy and barriers measures specific to sunscreen, clothing, shade and limiting time outdoors. The specific aims of Study 2 were to (1) use a confirmatory factor analytic approach to examine the factorial validity of parental self-efficacy and barriers measures, (2) examine the convergent and discriminant validity of behavior-specific measures of self-efficacy and barriers and (3) assess the reliability of item and scale measures.^ Results. In Study 1, a search of standard databases yielded 48 eligible studies. Most studies assessed only one or two psychosocial constructs. Knowledge was measured most frequently. There was little discussion of measure source, development, theoretical background or psychometric properties, besides internal consistency reliability. There was conceptual overlap of some measures. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analytic findings supported the factorial validity of the self-efficacy and barriers measures. When all eight self-efficacy and barriers measures were included in the same model, a modified eight-factor model adequately fit the data, providing preliminary evidence that the measures are distinct. Measure associations supported the convergent validity of all measures and the discriminant validity of most measures. The self-efficacy and barriers measures were reliable.^ Conclusions. Recommendations based on the literature review include developing and refining psychosocial measures based on theory. Describing a measure's theoretical basis and psychometric properties would facilitate critical evaluation. Standardized reporting of source, development, theory, construct, items and analytic role would facilitate comparison of findings, continual refinement and future applications of measures. In the validation study, self-efficacy and barriers measures were examined in a sample of parents with a personal history of melanoma. Findings suggested that these measures are valid and reliable for use in studies of children's sun protection. There was preliminary evidence that these measures are distinct but additional study is needed. ^


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Background. In over 30 years, the prevalence of overweight for children and adolescents has increased across the United States (Barlow et al., 2007; Ogden, Flegal, Carroll, & Johnson, 2002). Childhood obesity is linked with adverse physiological and psychological issues in youth and affects ethnic/minority populations in disproportionate rates (Barlow et al., 2007; Butte et al., 2006; Butte, Cai, Cole, Wilson, Fisher, Zakeri, Ellis, & Comuzzie, 2007). More importantly, overweight in children and youth tends to track into adulthood (McNaughton, Ball, Mishra, & Crawford, 2008; Ogden et al., 2002). Childhood obesity affects body functions such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems, including emotional health (Barlow et al., 2007, Ogden et al., 2002). Several dietary factors have been associated with the development of obesity in children; however, these factors have not been fully elucidated, especially in ethnic/minority children. In particular, few studies have been done to determine the effects of different meal patterns on the development of obesity in children. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships between daily proportions of energy consumed and energy derived from fat across breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, and obesity among Hispanic children and adolescents. Methods. A cross-sectional design was used to evaluate the relationship between dietary patterns and overweight status in Hispanic children and adolescents 4-19 years of age who participated in the Viva La Familia Study. The goal of the Viva La Familia Study was to evaluate genetic and environmental factors affecting childhood obesity and its co-morbidities in the Hispanic population (Butte et al., 2006, 2007). The study enrolled 1030 Hispanic children and adolescents from 319 families and examined factors related to increased body weight by focusing on a multilevel analysis of extensive sociodemographic, genetic, metabolic, and behavioral data. Baseline dietary intakes of the children were collected using 24-hour recalls, and body mass index was calculated from measured height and weight, and classified using the CDC standards. Dietary data were analyzed using a GEE population-averaged panel-data model with a cluster variable family identifier to include possible correlations within related data sets. A linear regression model was used to analyze associations of dietary patterns using possible covariates, and to examine the percentage of daily energy coming from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack while adjusting for age, sex, and BMI z-score. Random-effects logistic regression models were used to determine the relationship of the dietary variables with obesity status and to understand if the percent energy intake (%EI) derived from fat from all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) affected obesity. Results. Older children (age 4-19 years) consumed a higher percent of energy at lunch and dinner and less percent energy from snacks compared to younger children. Age was significantly associated with percentage of total energy intake (%TEI) for lunch, as well as dinner, while no association was found by gender. Percent of energy consumed from dinner significantly differed by obesity status, with obese children consuming more energy at dinner (p = 0.03), but no associations were found between percent energy from fat and obesity across all meals. Conclusions. Information from this study can be used to develop interventions that target dietary intake patterns in obesity prevention programs for Hispanic children and adolescents. In particular, intervention programs for children should target dietary patterns with energy intake that is spread throughout the day and earlier in the day. These results indicate that a longitudinal study should be used to further explore the relationship of dietary patterns and BMI in this and other populations (Dubois et al., 2008; Rodriquez & Moreno, 2006; Thompson et al., 2005; Wilson et al., in review, 2008). ^


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Many studies have shown relationships between air pollution and the rate of hospital admissions for asthma. A few studies have controlled for age-specific effects by adding separate smoothing functions for each age group. However, it has not yet been reported whether air pollution effects are significantly different for different age groups. This lack of information is the motivation for this study, which tests the hypothesis that air pollution effects on asthmatic hospital admissions are significantly different by age groups. Each air pollutant's effect on asthmatic hospital admissions by age groups was estimated separately. In this study, daily time-series data for hospital admission rates from seven cities in Korea from June 1999 through 2003 were analyzed. The outcome variable, daily hospital admission rates for asthma, was related to five air pollutants which were used as the independent variables, namely particulate matter <10 micrometers (μm) in aerodynamic diameter (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Meteorological variables were considered as confounders. Admission data were divided into three age groups: children (<15 years of age), adults (ages 15-64), and elderly (≥ 65 years of age). The adult age group was considered to be the reference group for each city. In order to estimate age-specific air pollution effects, the analysis was separated into two stages. In the first stage, Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) with cubic spline for smoothing were applied to estimate the age-city-specific air pollution effects on asthmatic hospital admission rates by city and age group. In the second stage, the Bayesian Hierarchical Model with non-informative prior which has large variance was used to combine city-specific effects by age groups. The hypothesis test showed that the effects of PM10, CO and NO2 were significantly different by age groups. Assuming that the air pollution effect for adults is zero as a reference, age-specific air pollution effects were: -0.00154 (95% confidence interval(CI)= (-0.0030,-0.0001)) for children and 0.00126 (95% CI = (0.0006, 0.0019)) for the elderly for PM 10; -0.0195 (95% CI = (-0.0386,-0.0004)) for children for CO; and 0.00494 (95% CI = (0.0028, 0.0071)) for the elderly for NO2. Relative rates (RRs) were 1.008 (95% CI = (1.000-1.017)) in adults and 1.021 (95% CI = (1.012-1.030)) in the elderly for every 10 μg/m3 increase of PM10 , 1.019 (95% CI = (1.005-1.033)) in adults and 1.022 (95% CI = (1.012-1.033)) in the elderly for every 0.1 part per million (ppm) increase of CO; 1.006 (95%CI = (1.002-1.009)) and 1.019 (95%CI = (1.007-1.032)) in the elderly for every 1 part per billion (ppb) increase of NO2 and SO2, respectively. Asthma hospital admissions were significantly increased for PM10 and CO in adults, and for PM10, CO, NO2 and SO2 in the elderly.^


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Using data from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982-1984 (HHANES) of the Nutritional Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the heights, weights and arm circumferences of 217 Mexican-American children ranging in age from six to sixty months were examined to assess whether birth weight, parental stature, and economic status greatly influenced growth patterns of Mexican-American children living with both parents.^ Heights, weights, and arm circumferences were converted to standardized values of height-for-age, weight-for-age, and arm circumference-for-age using norms developed for Anglo-American children (NCHS, 1977).^ Correlation and contingency table analysis were performed to test hypotheses concerning factors found associated with the stature of children in earlier studies.^ While relationships among childhood stature and birth weight, parental stature, and economic status were in the expected direction, few were statistically significant due to the small number of cases in the analyses. Reliable conclusions concerning these relationships require a much longer sample of families. ^


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Cross-sectional designs, longitudinal designs in which a single cohort is followed over time, and mixed-longitudinal designs in which several cohorts are followed for a shorter period are compared by their precision, potential for bias due to age, time and cohort effects, and feasibility. Mixed longitudinal studies have two advantages over longitudinal studies: isolation of time and age effects and shorter completion time. Though the advantages of mixed-longitudinal studies are clear, choosing an optimal design is difficult, especially given the number of possible combinations of the number of cohorts and number of overlapping intervals between cohorts. The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal design for detecting differences in group growth rates.^ The type of mixed-longitudinal study appropriate for modeling both individual and group growth rates is called a "multiple-longitudinal" design. A multiple-longitudinal study typically requires uniform or simultaneous entry of subjects, who are each observed till the end of the study.^ While recommendations for designing pure-longitudinal studies have been made by Schlesselman (1973b), Lefant (1990) and Helms (1991), design recommendations for multiple-longitudinal studies have never been published. It is shown that by using power analyses to determine the minimum number of occasions per cohort and minimum number of overlapping occasions between cohorts, in conjunction with a cost model, an optimal multiple-longitudinal design can be determined. An example of systolic blood pressure values for cohorts of males and cohorts of females, ages 8 to 18 years, is given. ^


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Epidemiologic studies of mental disorder have called attention to the need for identifying untreated cases and to the inadequacies of the instruments available for this purpose. Accurate case ascertainment devices are the basis of sound epidemiology. Without these, neither case classification nor analytic studies of risk factors is possible.^ The purpose of this research was to examine the reliability and validity of an instrument designed to measure depressive symptoms in community populations--the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Two particular foci of the study were whether or not the scale had the same statistical structure across three ethnic groups and whether or not the magnitude and pattern of rates of symptoms for these groups were affected by one source of response error, that due to response tendencies. The effects of age and education on the pattern and magnitude of rates also were examined. In addition, the reliability and validity of the measures of response tendencies were assessed.^ The study population consisted of residents of Alameda County, California. A stratified sample of approximately 700 whites, blacks and Mexican-Americans was interviewed in the summer and fall of 1978.^ The results of the analysis indicated that the scale was reliable and measured a similar content domain across the three ethnic groups. The unadjusted sex- and ethnic-specific rates of depressive symptoms showed an ethnic pattern for both sexes: rates for whites were lowest, those for Mexican-Americans were highest, and those for blacks were intermediate. Measures of response tendencies--need for social approval, trait desirability, and acquiescence--affected the magnitude of the rates for most comparisons. Likewise, the pattern of rates changed somewhat from that originally observed. The one fairly consistent observation was that rates for Mexican-American women were higher than those for the other two female subgroups in most of the comparisons. These results must be considered in the context of the reliability and validity assessment of the measures of response tendencies which indicated the tenuousness of these measures.^ Age affected the ethnic pattern of rates for men in an inconsistent way; for women, Mexican-Americans continued to have higher rates than whites or blacks in all age categories. Education affected the magnitude of rates for women but not for men. For both men and women, Mexican-Americans had higher rates in all educational strata. Rates for women showed an inverse association with education while those for men did not. ^


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Traditional comparison of standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) can be misleading if the age-specific mortality ratios are not homogeneous. For this reason, a regression model has been developed which incorporates the mortality ratio as a function of age. This model is then applied to mortality data from an occupational cohort study. The nature of the occupational data necessitates the investigation of mortality ratios which increase with age. These occupational data are used primarily to illustrate and develop the statistical methodology.^ The age-specific mortality ratio (MR) for the covariates of interest can be written as MR(,ij...m) = ((mu)(,ij...m)/(theta)(,ij...m)) = r(.)exp (Z('')(,ij...m)(beta)) where (mu)(,ij...m) and (theta)(,ij...m) denote the force of mortality in the study and chosen standard populations in the ij...m('th) stratum, respectively, r is the intercept, Z(,ij...m) is the vector of covariables associated with the i('th) age interval, and (beta) is a vector of regression coefficients associated with these covariables. A Newton-Raphson iterative procedure has been used for determining the maximum likelihood estimates of the regression coefficients.^ This model provides a statistical method for a logical and easily interpretable explanation of an occupational cohort mortality experience. Since it gives a reasonable fit to the mortality data, it can also be concluded that the model is fairly realistic. The traditional statistical method for the analysis of occupational cohort mortality data is to present a summary index such as the SMR under the assumption of constant (homogeneous) age-specific mortality ratios. Since the mortality ratios for occupational groups usually increase with age, the homogeneity assumption of the age-specific mortality ratios is often untenable. The traditional method of comparing SMRs under the homogeneity assumption is a special case of this model, without age as a covariate.^ This model also provides a statistical technique to evaluate the relative risk between two SMRs or a dose-response relationship among several SMRs. The model presented has application in the medical, demographic and epidemiologic areas. The methods developed in this thesis are suitable for future analyses of mortality or morbidity data when the age-specific mortality/morbidity experience is a function of age or when there is an interaction effect between confounding variables needs to be evaluated. ^


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Mixed longitudinal designs are important study designs for many areas of medical research. Mixed longitudinal studies have several advantages over cross-sectional or pure longitudinal studies, including shorter study completion time and ability to separate time and age effects, thus are an attractive choice. Statistical methodology used in general longitudinal studies has been rapidly developing within the last few decades. Common approaches for statistical modeling in studies with mixed longitudinal designs have been the linear mixed-effects model incorporating an age or time effect. The general linear mixed-effects model is considered an appropriate choice to analyze repeated measurements data in longitudinal studies. However, common use of linear mixed-effects model on mixed longitudinal studies often incorporates age as the only random-effect but fails to take into consideration the cohort effect in conducting statistical inferences on age-related trajectories of outcome measurements. We believe special attention should be paid to cohort effects when analyzing data in mixed longitudinal designs with multiple overlapping cohorts. Thus, this has become an important statistical issue to address. ^ This research aims to address statistical issues related to mixed longitudinal studies. The proposed study examined the existing statistical analysis methods for the mixed longitudinal designs and developed an alternative analytic method to incorporate effects from multiple overlapping cohorts as well as from different aged subjects. The proposed study used simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed analytic method by comparing it with the commonly-used model. Finally, the study applied the proposed analytic method to the data collected by an existing study Project HeartBeat!, which had been evaluated using traditional analytic techniques. Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in childhood and adolescence using a mixed longitudinal design. The proposed model was used to evaluate four blood lipids adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, and endocrine hormones. The result of this dissertation suggest the proposed analytic model could be a more flexible and reliable choice than the traditional model in terms of fitting data to provide more accurate estimates in mixed longitudinal studies. Conceptually, the proposed model described in this study has useful features, including consideration of effects from multiple overlapping cohorts, and is an attractive approach for analyzing data in mixed longitudinal design studies.^