em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Traumatic brain injury results from a primary insult and secondary events that together result in tissue injury. This primary injury occurs at the moment of impact and damage can include scalp laceration, skull fraction, cerebral contusions and lacerations as well as intracranial hemorrhage. Following the initial insult, a delayed response occurs and is characterized by hypoxia, ischemia, cerebral edema, and infection. During secondary brain injury, a series of neuroinflammatory events are triggered that can produce additional damage but may also help to protect nervous tissue from invading pathogens and help to repair the damaged tissue. Brain microglia and astrocytes become activated and migrate to the site of injury where these cells secrete immune mediators such as cytokines and chemokines. CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a member of the CC chemokine receptor family of seven transmembrane G protein coupled receptors. CCR5 is expressed in the immune system and is found in monocytes, leukoctyes, memory T cells, and immature dendritic cells. Upon binding to its ligands, CCR5 functions in the chemotaxis of these immune cells to the site of inflammation. In the CNS, CCR5 and its ligands are expressed in multiple cell types. In this study, I investigated whether CCR5 expression is altered in brain after traumatic brain injury. I examined the time course of CCR5 protein expression in cortex and hippocampus using quantitative western analysis of tissues from injured rat brain after mild impact injury. In addition, I also investigated the cellular localization of CCR5 before and after brain injury using confocal microscopy. I have observed that after brain injury CCR5 is upregulated in a time dependent manner in neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus. The absence of CCR5 expression in microglia and its delayed expression in neurons after injury suggests a role for CCR5 in neuronal survival after injury.


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Traumatic brain injury results from a primary insult and secondary events that together result in tissue injury. This primary injury occurs at the moment of impact and damage can include scalp laceration, skull fraction, cerebral contusions and lacerations as well as intracranial hemorrhage. Following the initial insult, a delayed response occurs and is characterized by hypoxia, ischemia, cerebral edema, and infection. During secondary brain injury, a series of neuroinflammatory events are triggered that can produce additional damage but may also help to protect nervous tissue from invading pathogens and help to repair the damaged tissue. Brain microglia and astrocytes become activated and migrate to the site of injury where these cells secrete immune mediators such as cytokines and chemokines. CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a member of the CC chemokine receptor family of seven transmembrane G protein coupled receptors. CCR5 is expressed in the immune system and is found in monocytes, leukoctyes, memory T cells, and immature dendritic cells. Upon binding to its ligands, CCR5 functions in the chemotaxis of these immune cells to the site of inflammation. In the CNS, CCR5 and its ligands are expressed in multiple cell types. In this study, I investigated whether CCR5 expression is altered in brain after traumatic brain injury. I examined the time course of CCR5 protein expression in cortex and hippocampus using quantitative western analysis of tissues from injured rat brain after mild impact injury. In addition, I also investigated the cellular localization of CCR5 before and after brain injury using confocal microscopy. I have observed that after brain injury CCR5 is upregulated in a time dependent manner in neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus. The absence of CCR5 expression in microglia and its delayed expression in neurons after injury suggests a role for CCR5 in neuronal survival after injury.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that affects people in the prime of their lives. A myriad of vascular events occur after SCI, each of which contributes to the evolving pathology. The primary trauma causes mechanical damage to blood vessels, resulting in hemorrhage. The blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB), a neurovascular unit that limits passage of most agents from systemic circulation to the central nervous system, breaks down, resulting in inflammation, scar formation, and other sequelae. Protracted BSCB disruption may exacerbate cellular injury and hinder neurobehavioral recovery in SCI. In these studies, angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), an agent known to reduce vascular permeability, was hypothesized to attenuate the severity of secondary injuries of SCI. Using longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies (dynamic contrast-enhanced [DCE]-MRI for quantification of BSCB permeability, highresolution anatomical MRI for calculation of lesion size, and diffusion tensor imaging for assessment of axonal integrity), the acute, subacute, and chronic effects of Ang1 administration after SCI were evaluated. Neurobehavioral assessments were also performed. These non-invasive techniques have applicability to the monitoring of therapies in patients with SCI. In the acute phase of injury, Ang1 was found to reduce BSCB permeability and improve neuromotor recovery. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a persistent compromise of the BSCB up to two months post-injury. In the subacute phase of injury, Ang1’s effect on reducing BSCB permeability was maintained and it was found to transiently reduce axonal integrity. The SCI lesion burden was assessed with an objective method that compared favorably with segmentations from human raters. In the chronic phase of injury, Ang1 resulted in maintained reduction in BSCB permeability, a decrease in lesion size, and improved axonal integrity. Finally, longitudinal correlations among data from the MRI modalities and neurobehavioral assays were evaluated. Locomotor recovery was negatively correlated with lesion size in the Ang1 cohort and positively correlated with diffusion measures in the vehicle cohort. In summary, the results demonstrate a possible role for Ang1 in mitigating the secondary pathologies of SCI during the acute and chronic phases of injury.


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OBJECT: Cell therapy has shown preclinical promise in the treatment of many diseases, and its application is being translated to the clinical arena. Intravenous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been shown to improve functional recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Herein, the authors report on their attempts to reproduce such observations, including detailed characterizations of the MSC population, non-bromodeoxyuridine-based cell labeling, macroscopic and microscopic cell tracking, quantification of cells traversing the pulmonary microvasculature, and well-validated measurement of motor and cognitive function recovery. METHODS: Rat MSCs were isolated, expanded in vitro, immunophenotyped, and labeled. Four million MSCs were intravenously infused into Sprague-Dawley rats 24 hours after receiving a moderate, unilateral controlled cortical impact TBI. Infrared macroscopic cell tracking was used to identify cell distribution. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain and lung tissues 48 hours and 2 weeks postinfusion revealed transplanted cells in these locations, and these cells were quantified. Intraarterial blood sampling and flow cytometry were used to quantify the number of transplanted cells reaching the arterial circulation. Motor and cognitive behavioral testing was performed to evaluate functional recovery. RESULTS: At 48 hours post-MSC infusion, the majority of cells were localized to the lungs. Between 1.5 and 3.7% of the infused cells were estimated to traverse the lungs and reach the arterial circulation, 0.295% reached the carotid artery, and a very small percentage reached the cerebral parenchyma (0.0005%) and remained there. Almost no cells were identified in the brain tissue at 2 weeks postinfusion. No motor or cognitive functional improvements in recovery were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The intravenous infusion of MSCs appeared neither to result in significant acute or prolonged cerebral engraftment of cells nor to modify the recovery of motor or cognitive function. Less than 4% of the infused cells were likely to traverse the pulmonary microvasculature and reach the arterial circulation, a phenomenon termed the "pulmonary first-pass effect," which may limit the efficacy of this therapeutic approach. The data in this study contradict the findings of previous reports and highlight the potential shortcomings of acute, single-dose, intravenous MSC therapy for TBI.


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BACKGROUND: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is a serious, life-threatening, secondary event following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In many cases, ICP rises in a delayed fashion, reaching a maximal level 48-96 hours after the initial insult. While pressure catheters can be implanted to monitor ICP, there is no clinically proven method for determining a patient's risk for developing this pathology. METHODS: In the present study, we employed antibody array and Luminex-based screening methods to interrogate the levels of inflammatory cytokines in the serum of healthy volunteers and in severe TBI patients (GCS RESULTS: Consistent with previous reports, we observed sustained increases in IL-6 levels in TBI patients irrespective of their ICP status. However, the group of patients who subsequently experienced ICP >or= 25 mm Hg had significantly higher IL-6 levels within the first 17 hours of injury as compared to the patients whose ICP remained 128 pg/ml correctly identified 85% of isolated TBI patients who subsequently developed elevated ICP, and values between these cut-off values correctly identified 75% of all patients whose ICP remained CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that serum IL-6 can be used for the differential diagnosis of elevated ICP in isolated TBI.


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INTRODUCTION: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently results in devastating and prolonged morbidity. Cellular therapy is a burgeoning field of experimental treatment that has shown promise in the management of many diseases, including TBI. Previous work suggests that certain stem and progenitor cell populations migrate to sites of inflammation and improve functional outcome in rodents after neural injury. Unfortunately, recent study has revealed potential limitations of acute and intravenous stem cell therapy. We studied subacute, direct intracerebral neural stem and progenitor cell (NSC) therapy for TBI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The NSCs were characterized by flow cytometry and placed (400,000 cells in 50 muL 1x phosphate-buffered saline) into and around the direct injury area, using stereotactic guidance, of female Sprague Dawley rats 1 wk after undergoing a controlled cortical impact injury. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify cells located in the brain at 48 h and 2 wk after administration. Motor function was assessed using the neurological severity score, foot fault, rotarod, and beam balance. Cognitive function was assessed using the Morris water maze learning paradigm. Repeated measures analysis of variance with post-hoc analysis were used to determine significance at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that 1.4-1.9% of infused cells remained in the neural tissue at 48 h and 2 wk post placement. Nearly all cells were located along injection tracks at 48 h. At 2 wk some cell dispersion was apparent. Rotarod motor testing revealed significant increases in maximal speed among NSC-treated rats compared with saline controls at d 4 (36.4 versus 27.1 rpm, P < 0.05) and 5 (35.8 versus 28.9 rpm, P < 0.05). All other motor and cognitive evaluations were not significantly different compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Placement of NSCs led to the cells incorporating and remaining in the tissues 2 wk after placement. Motor function tests revealed improvements in the ability to run on a rotating rod; however, other motor and cognitive functions were not significantly improved by NSC therapy. Further examination of a dose response and optimization of placement strategy may improve long-term cell survival and maximize functional recovery.


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Recent studies have shown that sulforaphane, a naturally occurring compound that is found in cruciferous vegetables, offers cellular protection in several models of brain injury. When administered following traumatic brain injury (TBI), sulforaphane has been demonstrated to attenuate blood-brain barrier permeability and reduce cerebral edema. These beneficial effects of sulforaphane have been shown to involve induction of a group of cytoprotective, Nrf2-driven genes, whose protein products include free radical scavenging and detoxifying enzymes. However, the influence of sulforaphane on post-injury cognitive deficits has not been examined. In this study, we examined if sulforaphane, when administered following cortical impact injury, can improve the performance of rats tested in hippocampal- and prefrontal cortex-dependent tasks. Our results indicate that sulforaphane treatment improves performance in the Morris water maze task (as indicated by decreased latencies during learning and platform localization during a probe trial) and reduces working memory dysfunction (tested using the delayed match-to-place task). These behavioral improvements were only observed when the treatment was initiated 1h, but not 6h, post-injury. These studies support the use of sulforaphane in the treatment of TBI, and extend the previously observed protective effects to include enhanced cognition.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) directly affects nearly 1.5 million new patients per year in the USA, adding to the almost 6 million cases in patients who are permanently affected by the irreversible physical, cognitive and psychosocial deficits from a prior injury. Adult stem cell therapy has shown preliminary promise as an option for treatment, much of which is limited currently to supportive care. Preclinical research focused on cell therapy has grown significantly over the last decade. One of the challenges in the translation of this burgeoning field is interpretation of the promising experimental results obtained from a variety of cell types, injury models and techniques. Although these variables can become barriers to a collective understanding and to evidence-based translation, they provide crucial information that, when correctly placed, offers the opportunity for discovery. Here, we review the preclinical evidence that is currently guiding the translation of adult stem cell therapy for TBI.


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Outcome following traumatic brain injury (TBI) is in large part determined by the combined action of multiple processes. In order to better understand the response of the central nervous system to injury, we utilized an antibody array to simultaneously screen 507 proteins for altered expression in the injured hippocampus, a structure critical for memory formation. Array analysis indicated 41 candidate proteins have altered expression levels 24h after TBI. Of particular interest was catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), an enzyme involved in metabolizing catecholamines released following neuronal activity. Altered catecholamine signaling has been observed after brain injury, and may contribute to the cognitive dysfunctions and behavioral deficits often experienced after TBI. Our data shows that COMT expression in the injured ipsilateral hippocampus was elevated for at least 14 d after controlled cortical impact injury. We found strong co-localization of COMT immunoreactivity with the microglia marker Iba1 near the injury site. Since dopamine transporter expression has been reported to be down-regulated after brain injury, COMT-mediated catecholamine metabolism may play a more prominent role in terminating catecholamine signaling in injured areas.


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TBI produces a consistent and extensive loss of neurofilament 68 (NF68) and neurofilament 200 (NF200), key intermediate cytoskeletal proteins found in neurons including axons and dendrites, in cortical samples from injured brain. The presence of low molecular weight NF68 breakdown products (BDPs) strongly suggest that calpain proteolysis at least in part contributes to neurofilament (NF) protein loss following injury. Furthermore, one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analyses of NF BDPs obtained from in situ and in vitro tissue also implicated the involvement of calpain 2 mediated proteolysis of neurofilaments following TBI. Immunohistochemical examination of derangements in cytoskeletal proteins following traumatic brain injury in rats indicated that preferential dendritic rather than axonal damage occurs within three hours post-TBI. Although proteolysis of cytoskeletal proteins occurred concurrently with early morphological alterations, evidence of proteolysis preceded the full expression of evolutionary histopathological changes. Furthermore, cytoskeletal immunofluorescence alterations were not restricted to the site of impact. Confocal microscopic investigations of NF68 and NF200 immunofluorescence within injured cortical neurons revealed alterations in neurofilament assembly in the absence of NF derangements detectable at the light microscopic level ($<$15 minutes post-TBI). Collectively immunohistochemistry studies suggest that derangements to neuronal processes are biochemical and evolutionary in nature, and not due solely to mechanical shearing. Importantly, a systemically administered calpain inhibitor (calpain inhibitor 2) significantly reduced NF200, NF68, and spectrin protein loss as well as providing marked preservation of NF proteins in neuronal somata, dendrites, and axons at 24 hours post-TBI. ^


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CYP4F enzymes metabolize endogenous molecules including arachidonic acid, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. The involvement of these eisosanoids in inflammation has led to the hypothesis that CYP4Fs may modulate inflammatory conditions after traumatic brain injury (TBI). In rat, TBI elicited changes in mRNA expression of CYP4Fs as a function of time in the cerebrum region. These changes in CYP4F mRNA levels inversely correlated with the cerebral leukotriene B4 (LTB4) level following injury at the same time points. TBI also resulted in changes in CYP4F protein expression and localization around the injury site, where CYP4F1 and CYP4F6 immunoreactivity increased in surrounding astrocytes and CYP4F4 immunoreactivity shifted from endothelia of cerebral vessels to astrocytes. The study with rat primary astrocytes indicated that pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1β could affect the transcription of CYP4Fs to a certain degree, whereas the changing pattern in the primary astrocytes appeared to be different from that in the in vivo TBI model.^ In addition, the regulation of CYP4F genes has been an unsolved issue although factors including cytokines and fatty acids appear to affect CYP4Fs expression in multiple models. In this project, HaCaT cells were used as an in vitro cellular model to define signaling pathways involved in the regulation of human CYP4F genes. Retinoic acids inhibited CYP4F11 expression, whereas cytokines TNFα and IL-1β induced transcription of CYP4F11 in HaCaT cells. The induction of CYP4F11 by both cytokines could be blocked by a JNK specific inhibitor, indicating the involvement of the JNK pathway in the up-regulation of CYP4F11. Retinoic acids are known to function in gene regulation through nuclear receptors RARs and RXRs. The RXR agonist LG268 greatly induced transcription of CYP4F11, whereas RAR agonist TTNPB obviously inhibited CYP4F11 transcription, indicating that the down-regulation of CYP4F11 by retinoic acid was mediated by RARs, and that inhibition of CYP4F11 by retinoic acid may also be related to the competition for RXR receptors. Thus, the CYP4F11 gene is regulated by signaling pathways including the RXR pathway and the JNK pathway. In contrast, the regulation mechanism of other CYP4Fs by retinoic acids appears to be different from that of CYP4F11.^


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Pneumonia is a well-documented and common respiratory infection in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries, and may recur during the course of acute care. Using data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) for Spinal Cord Injury, the incidence, timing, and recurrence of pneumonia were analyzed. The two main objectives were (1) to investigate the time and potential risk factors for the first occurrence of pneumonia using the Cox Proportional Hazards model, and (2) to investigate pneumonia recurrence and its risk factors using a Counting Process model that is a generalization of the Cox Proportional Hazards model. The results from survival analysis suggested that surgery, intubation, American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, direct admission to a NACTN site and age (older than 65 or not) were significant risks for first event of pneumonia and multiple events of pneumonia. The significance of this research is that it has the potential to identify patients at the time of admission who are at high risk for the incidence and recurrence of pneumonia. Knowledge and the time of occurrence of pneumonias are important factors for the development of prevention strategies and may also provide some insights into the selection of emerging therapies that compromise the immune system. ^


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This analysis provides an emergent framework that emphasizes a neglected component of both direct practice with families and organizational development. Human emotions, both beneficial (positive emotional labor) and harmful (negative emotional labor), have received short shrift in leadership development, supervision, direct practice preparation and supports, and workforce stabilization, and professionalization. Significantly, a key indicator of negative emotional labor—secondary traumatic stress (STS)—often has been ignored and neglected, despite the fact that it may be endemic in the workforce. STS typically results from traumatic events in practice, but it also stems from workplace violence. Often undetected and untreated, STS is at least a hidden correlate and perhaps a probable cause of myriad problems such as questionable practice with families, life-work conflicts, undesirable workforce turnover, and a sub-optimal organizational climate. Special interventions are needed. At the same time, new organizational designs are needed to promote and reinforce positive emotional labor. Arguably, positive emotional labor and the positive organizational climates it facilitates are requisites for harmonious relations between jobs and personal lives, desirable workforce retention, and better outcomes for children and families. What’s more, specialized interventions for positive emotional labor constitute a key component in the prevention system for STS. A dual design for positive emotional labor and STS (and other negative emotional labor) prevention/intervention is provided herewith. Early detection and rapid response systems for STS, with social work leadership, receive special attention. Guidelines for new organizational designs for emotional labor in child welfare are offered in conclusion.


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The main objective of this study was to determine the external validity of a clinical prediction rule developed by the European Multicenter Study on Human Spinal Cord Injury (EM-SCI) to predict the ambulation outcomes 12 months after traumatic spinal cord injury. Data from the North American Clinical Trials Network (NACTN) data registry with approximately 500 SCI cases were used for this validity study. The predictive accuracy of the EM-SCI prognostic model was evaluated using calibration and discrimination based on 231 NACTN cases. The area under the receiver-operating-characteristics curve (ROC) curve was 0.927 (95% CI 0.894 – 0.959) for the EM-SCI model when applied to NACTN population. This is lower than the AUC of 0.956 (95% CI 0.936 – 0.976) reported for the EM-SCI population, but suggests that the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule distinguished well between those patients in the NACTN population who were able to achieve independent ambulation and those who did not achieve independent ambulation. The calibration curve suggests that higher the prediction score is, the better the probability of walking with the best prediction for AIS D patients. In conclusion, the EM-SCI clinical prediction rule was determined to be generalizable to the adult NACTN SCI population.^