5 resultados para Reliability assessment
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BACKGROUND: : Women at increased risk of breast cancer (BC) are not widely accepting of chemopreventive interventions, and ethnic minorities are underrepresented in related trials. Furthermore, there is no validated instrument to assess the health-seeking behavior of these women with respect to these interventions. METHODS: : By using constructs from the Health Belief Model, the authors developed and refined, based on pilot data, the Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Health Belief (BCRRHB) scale using a population of 265 women at increased risk of BC who were largely medically underserved, of low socioeconomic status (SES), and ethnic minorities. Construct validity was assessed using principal components analysis with oblique rotation to extract factors, and generate and interpret summary scales. Internal consistency was determined using Cronbach alpha coefficients. RESULTS: : Test-retest reliability for the pilot and final data was calculated to be r = 0.85. Principal components analysis yielded 16 components that explained 64% of the total variance, with communalities ranging from 0.50-0.75. Cronbach alpha coefficients for the extracted factors ranged from 0.45-0.77. CONCLUSIONS: : Evidence suggests that the BCRRHB yields reliable and valid data that allows for the identification of barriers and enhancing factors associated with use of breast cancer chemoprevention in the study population. These findings allow for tailoring treatment plans and intervention strategies to the individual. Future research is needed to validate the scale for use in other female populations. Cancer 2009. (c) 2009 American Cancer Society.
This project develops K(bin), a relatively simple, binomial based statistic for assessing interrater agreement in which expected agreement is calculated a priori from the number of raters involved in the study and number of categories on the rating tool. The statistic is logical in interpretation, easily calculated, stable for small sample sizes, and has application over a wide range of possible combinations from the simplest case of two raters using a binomial scale to multiple raters using a multiple level scale.^ Tables of expected agreement values and tables of critical values for K(bin) which include power to detect three levels of the population parameter K for n from 2 to 30 and observed agreement $\ge$.70 calculated at alpha =.05,.025, and.01 are included.^ An example is also included which describes the use of the tables for planning and evaluating an interrater reliability study using the statistic, K(bin). ^
There is growing clinical evidence that even young children experience pain and accompanying anxiety. Few instruments have been validated to assess pain characteristics in children. The study of related demographic, illness, psychologic and parental factors in children has also been limited. This study examines the reliability and validity of pain assessment tools in an outpatient pediatric cancer population. A total of 78 children from three to fifteen years of age were observed and interviewed about the pain of invasive procedures. The effect of cultural factors and the stress of acculturation were examined by comparing data from two cultural groups, Anglo and Hispanic.^ Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Scales were administered to children and parents prior to an invasive procedure. The Procedure Behavioral Checklist (PBCL) was used for observation of the child's response during the procedure. The Children's Procedural Interview (CPI) which contains items on the PBCL and visual analogues (scales of faces indicating varying degrees of pain and anxiety) was administered following the procedure.^ Reliability coefficients for Anglos were.78 on the PBCL,.79 on the CPI and.85 on the visual analogue scales. For Hispanics, the reliability for the PBCL was.54, while the CPI had a reliability of.72 and the visual analogue scales,.87. Construct validity was demonstrated by high correlations between the PBCL and CPI scores for both ethnic groups (.66 for Anglos and.64 for Hispanics) and by the significant correlation of State anxiety scores with both PBCL and CPI scores. Age was inversely correlated with PBCL and CPI scores for both ethnic groups. Hispanic parents' anxiety scores were higher than Anglo parents, but were not highly correlated with their child's PBCL, CPI or State-Trait anxiety scores. Caregivers' ratings were correlated with the PBCL scores for Anglos but not for Hispanics.^ The findings of this study indicate that pain responses may be reliably assessed using both observational and self-report methods in children, though differences in Anglo and Hispanic cultures exist. Differences in pain symptomatology and assessment in the two cultural groups warrant further study. ^
Health needs assessment is an essential step before planning for a new program or evaluating an existing program. The methodology applied follows principles that might differ from one country to another. The purpose of this study was to determine if the methodology applied to assess health needs in the developing nations, particularly Albaqa Refugee Camp in Jordan, differed from the methodology used to assess health needs in developed nations.^ In this study, a method for health needs assessment was developed using the developed countries published literature and was applied to a developing country, Jordan. However, the method did not apply exactly as expected for several reasons. Some of the problems were the incompleteness and unavailability of the health data, and its poor quality in terms of validity and reliability. Thus, some adaptations were needed and a new health needs assessment methodology specific for a particular developing country is proposed. This method depends on utilizing the primary, secondary, and tertiary data, as well as conducting surveys to collect all the data that could not be found in those data sources.^ In general, it was concluded from this study that there is a difference between methodology of a developed country's health needs assessment and a developing country's, specifically Jordan's, health needs assessment. ^
Epidemiologic studies of mental disorder have called attention to the need for identifying untreated cases and to the inadequacies of the instruments available for this purpose. Accurate case ascertainment devices are the basis of sound epidemiology. Without these, neither case classification nor analytic studies of risk factors is possible.^ The purpose of this research was to examine the reliability and validity of an instrument designed to measure depressive symptoms in community populations--the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Two particular foci of the study were whether or not the scale had the same statistical structure across three ethnic groups and whether or not the magnitude and pattern of rates of symptoms for these groups were affected by one source of response error, that due to response tendencies. The effects of age and education on the pattern and magnitude of rates also were examined. In addition, the reliability and validity of the measures of response tendencies were assessed.^ The study population consisted of residents of Alameda County, California. A stratified sample of approximately 700 whites, blacks and Mexican-Americans was interviewed in the summer and fall of 1978.^ The results of the analysis indicated that the scale was reliable and measured a similar content domain across the three ethnic groups. The unadjusted sex- and ethnic-specific rates of depressive symptoms showed an ethnic pattern for both sexes: rates for whites were lowest, those for Mexican-Americans were highest, and those for blacks were intermediate. Measures of response tendencies--need for social approval, trait desirability, and acquiescence--affected the magnitude of the rates for most comparisons. Likewise, the pattern of rates changed somewhat from that originally observed. The one fairly consistent observation was that rates for Mexican-American women were higher than those for the other two female subgroups in most of the comparisons. These results must be considered in the context of the reliability and validity assessment of the measures of response tendencies which indicated the tenuousness of these measures.^ Age affected the ethnic pattern of rates for men in an inconsistent way; for women, Mexican-Americans continued to have higher rates than whites or blacks in all age categories. Education affected the magnitude of rates for women but not for men. For both men and women, Mexican-Americans had higher rates in all educational strata. Rates for women showed an inverse association with education while those for men did not. ^