18 resultados para Genetic Complementation Test

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The actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum grows as rod-shaped cells by zonal peptidoglycan synthesis at the cell poles. In this bacterium, experimental depletion of the polar DivIVA protein (DivIVA(Cg)) resulted in the inhibition of polar growth; consequently, these cells exhibited a coccoid morphology. This result demonstrated that DivIVA is required for cell elongation and the acquisition of a rod shape. DivIVA from Streptomyces or Mycobacterium localized to the cell poles of DivIVA(Cg)-depleted C. glutamicum and restored polar peptidoglycan synthesis, in contrast to DivIVA proteins from Bacillus subtilis or Streptococcus pneumoniae, which localized at the septum of C. glutamicum. This confirmed that DivIVAs from actinomycetes are involved in polarized cell growth. DivIVA(Cg) localized at the septum after cell wall synthesis had started and the nucleoids had already segregated, suggesting that in C. glutamicum DivIVA is not involved in cell division or chromosome segregation.


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Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) plays a central role in protein homeostasis and quality control in conjunction with other chaperone machines, including Hsp90. The Hsp110 chaperone Sse1 promotes Hsp90 activity in yeast, and functions as a nucleotide exchange factor (NEF) for cytosolic Hsp70, but the precise roles Sse1 plays in client maturation through the Hsp70-Hsp90 chaperone system are not fully understood. We find that upon pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90, a model protein kinase, Ste11DeltaN, is rapidly degraded, whereas heterologously expressed glucocorticoid receptor (GR) remains stable. Hsp70 binding and nucleotide exchange by Sse1 was required for GR maturation and signaling through endogenous Ste11, as well as to promote Ste11DeltaN degradation. Overexpression of another functional NEF partially compensated for loss of Sse1, whereas the paralog Sse2 fully restored GR maturation and Ste11DeltaN degradation. Sse1 was required for ubiquitinylation of Ste11DeltaN upon Hsp90 inhibition, providing a mechanistic explanation for its role in substrate degradation. Sse1/2 copurified with Hsp70 and other proteins comprising the "early-stage" Hsp90 complex, and was absent from "late-stage" Hsp90 complexes characterized by the presence of Sba1/p23. These findings support a model in which Hsp110 chaperones contribute significantly to the decision made by Hsp70 to fold or degrade a client protein.


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Follicular lymphoma is the most common lymphoid malignancy in humans. The bcl-2 transgenic mice, which mimic the human follicular lymphoma, initially exhibit a polyclonal hyperplasia due to the overriding of apoptosis by deregulated bcl-2. After a latency period of 15 month 20% of the animals developed clonal lymphomas. Approximately, 50% of these high grade lymphomas presented chromosomal translocations involving c-myc, suggesting that deregulation of this gene is important in the complementation with bcl-2. E$\mu$-myc x bcl-2 double transgenic mice were generated to assess the ability of this two genes to complement in an in vivo system. The double transgenic mice presented a shortened latency (3-4 weeks) and higher incidence of tumor development. Quantification of the extent of programmed cell death indicated that bcl-2 can abrogate the high rate of apoptotic cell death that results from myc deregulation. Bcl-2-Ig, E$\mu$-myc, and bcl-2/E$\mu$-myc lymphomas were examined using PCR-SSCP to detect the presence of p53 mutations in exons 5-9. A high incidence of p53 mutations in E$\mu$-myc lymphomas suggested that inactivating lesions of p53 may represent an important step in the genetic complementation of c-myc in lymphomagenesis. Surprisingly, p53 mutations were quite uncommon in bcl-2 lymphomas suggesting that inactivating mutations of p53 and overexpression of bcl-2 may not cooperate in lymphoma progression. To assess this question, we generated mice that contained a deregulated bcl-2 gene and were nullizygous for p53 (p53KO). No reduction in the tumor latency was observed in the p53KO/bcl-2-Ig hybrid mice when compared with p53 KO mice. Using splenic mononuclear cells isolated from p53KO mice and bcl-2 transgenic mice we demonstrated that bcl-2 suppresses p53 mediated apoptosis in response to DNA damage initiated by $\gamma$-radiation even though p53 protein is induced normally in the bcl-2 overexpressing cells. Western analysis of the expression of p53 target proteins after $\gamma$-radiation showed a correlation between the p53-dependent induction of bax protein after radiation and the ability of p53 to mediate apoptosis. ^


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Borrelia burgdorferi is the etiological agent of Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease in the United States. Although the most frequently reported symptom is arthritis, patients can also experience severe cardiac, neurologic, and dermatologic abnormalities. The identification of virulence determinants in infectious B. burgdorferi strains has been limited by their slow growth rate, poor transformability, and general lack of genetic tools. The present study demonstrates the use of transposon mutagenesis for the identification of infectivity-related factors in infectious B. burgdorferi, examines the potential role for chemotaxis in mammalian infection, and describes the development of a novel method for the analysis of recombination events at the Ids antigenic variation locus. A pool of Himar1 mutants was isolated using an infectious B. burgdorferi clone and the transposon vector pMarGent. Clones exhibiting reduced infectivity in mice possessed insertions in virulence determinants putatively involved in host survival and dissemination. These results demonstrated the feasibility of extensive transposon mutagenesis studies for the identification of additional infectivity-related factors. mcp-5 mutants were chosen for further study to determine the role of chemotaxis during infection. Animal studies indicated that mcp-5 mutants exhibited a reduced infectivity potential, and suggested a role for mcp-5 during the early stages of infection. An in vitro phenotype for an mcp-5 mutant was not detected. Genetic complementation of an mcp-5 mutant resulted in restoration of Mcp-5 expression in the complemented clone, as demonstrated by western blotting, but the organisms were not infectious in mice. We believe this result is a consequence of differences in expression between genes located on the linear chromosome and genes present on the circular plasmid used for trans-complementation. Overall, this work implicates mcp-5 as an important determinant of mammalian infectivity. Finally, the development of a computer-assisted method for the analysis of recombination events occurring at the B. burgdorferi vls antigenic variation locus has proven highly valuable for the detailed examination of vls gene conversion. The studies described here provide evidence for the importance of chemotaxis during infection in mice and demonstrate advances in both genetic and computational approaches for the further characterization of the Lyme disease spirochete. ^


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Temperature sensitive (ts) mutant viruses have helped elucidate replication processes in many viral systems. Several panels of replication-defective ts mutants in which viral RNA synthesis is abolished at the nonpermissive temperature (RNA$\sp{-})$ have been isolated for Mouse Hepatitis Virus, MHV (Robb et al., 1979; Koolen et al., 1983; Martin et al., 1988; Schaad et al., 1990). However, no one had investigated genetic or phenotypic relationships between these different mutant panels. In order to determine how the panel of MHV-JHM RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants (Robb et al., 1979) were genetically related to other described MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants, the MHV-JHM mutants were tested for complementation with representatives from two different sets of MHV-A59 ts mutants (Koolen et al., 1983; Schaad et al., 1990). The three ts mutant panels together were found to comprise eight genetically distinct complementation groups. Of these eight complementation groups, three complementation classes are unique to their particular mutant panel; genetically equivalent mutants were not observed within the other two mutant panels. Two complementation groups were common to all three mutant panels. The three remaining complementation groups overlapped two of the three mutant sets. Mutants MHV-JHM tsA204 and MHV-A59 ts261 were shown to be within one of these overlapping complementation groups. The phenotype of the MHV-JHM mutants within this complementation class has been previously characterized (Leibowitz et al., 1982; Leibowitz et al, 1990). When these mutants were grown at the permissive temperature, then shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature at the start of RNA synthesis, genome-length RNA and leader RNA fragments accumulated, but no subgenomic mRNA was synthesized. MHV-A59 ts261 produced leader RNA fragments identical to those observed with MHV-JHM tsA204. Thus, these two MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants that were genetically equivalent by complementation testing were phenotypically similar as well. Recombination frequencies obtained from crosses of MHV-A59 ts261 with several of the gene 1 MHV-A59 mutants indicated that the causal mutation(s) of MHV-A59 ts261 was located near the overlapping junction of ORF1a and ORF1b, in the 3$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1a, or the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b. Sequence analysis of this junction and 1400 nucleotides into the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b of MHV-A59 ts261 revealed one nucleotide change from the wildtype MHV-A59. This substitution at nucleotide 13,598 (A to G) was a silent mutation in the ORF1a reading frame, but resulted in an amino acid change in ORF1b gene product (I to V). This amino acid change would be expressed only in the readthrough translation product produced upon successful ribosome frameshifting. A revertant of MHV-A59 ts261 (R2) also retained this guanidine residue, but had a second substitution at nucleotide 14,475 in ORF1b. This mutation results in the substitution of valine for an isoleucine.^ The data presented here suggest that the mutation in MHV-A59 ts261 (nucleotide 13,598) would be responsible for the MHV-JHM complementation group A phenotype. A second-site reversion at nucleotide 14,475 may correct this defect in the revertant. Sequencing of gene 1 immediately upstream of nucleotide 13,296 and downstream of nucleotide 15,010 must be conducted to test this hypothesis. ^


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Individuals with Lynch syndrome are predisposed to cancer due to an inherited DNA mismatch repair gene mutation. However, there is significant variability observed in disease expression likely due to the influence of other environmental, lifestyle, or genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes encoding xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes may modify cancer risk by influencing the metabolism and clearance of potential carcinogens from the body. In this retrospective analysis, we examined key candidate gene polymorphisms in CYP1A1, EPHX1, GSTT1, GSTM1, and GSTP1 as modifiers of age at onset of colorectal cancer among 257 individuals with Lynch syndrome. We found that subjects heterozygous for CYP1A1 I462V (c.1384A>G) developed colorectal cancer 4 years earlier than those with the homozygous wild-type genotype (median ages, 39 and 43 years, respectively; log-rank test P = 0.018). Furthermore, being heterozygous for the CYP1A1 polymorphisms, I462V and Msp1 (g.6235T>C), was associated with an increased risk for developing colorectal cancer [adjusted hazard ratio for AG relative to AA, 1.78; 95% confidence interval, 1.16-2.74; P = 0.008; hazard ratio for TC relative to TT, 1.53; 95% confidence interval, 1.06-2.22; P = 0.02]. Because homozygous variants for both CYP1A1 polymorphisms were rare, risk estimates were imprecise. None of the other gene polymorphisms examined were associated with an earlier onset age for colorectal cancer. Our results suggest that the I462V and Msp1 polymorphisms in CYP1A1 may be an additional susceptibility factor for disease expression in Lynch syndrome because they modify the age of colorectal cancer onset by up to 4 years.


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A plasmid based genetic system was developed for the tail protein of the Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage P22 and used to isolate and characterize tail protein mutants. The tail protein is a trimeric structural protein of the phage and an endorhamnosidase whose activity is essential for infection. The gene for the tail protein has previously been cloned into a plasmid expression vector and sequenced. A plate complementation assay for tail protein produced from the cloned gene was developed and used to isolate 27 tail protein mutants following mutagenesis of the cloned gene. These mutations were mapped into 12 deletion intervals using deletions which were made on plasmids in vitro and crossed onto P22. The base substitutions were determined by DNA sequencing. The majority of mutants had missense or nonsense mutations in the protein coding portion of the gene; however four of the mutants were in the putative transcription terminator. The oligomeric state of tail protein from the 15 missense mutants was investigated using SDS and nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell lysates. Wild-type tail protein retains its trimeric structure in SDS gels at room temperature. Two of the mutant proteins also migrated as trimers in SDS gels, yet one of these had a considerably faster mobility than wild-type trimer. Its migration was the same as wild-type in a nondenaturing gel, so it is thought to be a trimer which is partially denatured by SDS. Four of the mutants produced proteins which migrate at the position of a monomer in an SDS gel but cannot be seen on a nondenaturing gel. These proteins are thought to be either monomers or soluble aggregates which cannot enter the nondenaturing gel. The remainder of mutants produce protein which is degraded. The mutant tail protein which had normal trimeric mobility on SDS and nondenaturing gels was purified. This protein has essentially wild-type ability to attach to phage capsids, but its endorhamnosidase activity is only 4% of wild-type. ^


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The differentiation of the reproductive organs is an essential developmental process required for the proper transmission of the genetic material. Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is produced by testes and is necessary for the regression of the Müllerian ducts: the anlagen of the uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. In vitro and standard transgenic mouse studies indicate that the nuclear hormone receptor Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and the transcription factor SOX9 play an essential role in the regulation of Mis. To test this hypothesis, mutations in the endogenous SF-1 and SOX9 binding sites in the mouse Mis promoter were introduced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells. In disagreement with cell culture and transgenic mouse studies, male mice homozygous for the mutant SF-1 binding site correctly initiated Mis transcription in the fetal testes, although at significantly reduced levels. Surprisingly, sufficient Mis was produced for complete elimination of the Müllerian duct system. However, when the SF-1 binding site mutation was combined with an Mis -null allele, the further decrease in Mis levels led to a partial retention of uterine tissue, but only at a distance from the testes. In contrast, males homozygous for the mutant SOX9 binding site did not initiate Mis transcription, resulting in pseudohermaphrodites with a uterus and oviducts. These studies suggest an essential role for SOX9 in the initiation of Mis transcription, whereas SF-1 appears to act as a quantitative regulator of Mis transcript levels perhaps for influencing non-Müllerian duct tissues. ^ The Mis type II receptor, a member of the TGF- b superfamily, is also required for the proper regression of the Müllerian ducts. Mis type II receptor-deficient human males and their murine counterparts develop as pseudohermaphrodites. A lacZ reporter cassette was introduced into the mouse Mis type II receptor gene, by homologous recombination in ES cells. Expression studies, based on b -galactosidase activity, show marked expression of the MIS type II receptor in the postnatal Sertoli cells of the testis as well as in the prenatal and postnatal granulosa cells of the ovary. Expression is also seen in the mesenchymal cells surrounding the Müllerian duct and in the longitudinal muscle layer of the uterus. ^


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In the current model for bacterial cell division, the FtsZ protein forms a ring that marks the division plane, creating a cytoskeletal framework for the subsequent action of other essential division proteins such as FtsA and ZipA. The putative protein complex ultimately generates the division septum. The essential cell division protein FtsZ is a functional and structural homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, and like tubulin, FtsZ hydrolyzes GTP and self-assembles into protein filaments in a strictly GTP-dependent manner. FtsA shares sequence similarity with members of the ATPase superfamily that include actin, but its actual function remains unknown. To test the division model and elucidate functions of the division proteins, this dissertation primarily focuses on the analysis of FtsZ and FtsA in Escherichia coli. ^ By tagging with green fluorescent protein, we first demonstrated that FtsA also exhibits a ring-like structure at the potential division site. The localization of FtsA was dependent on functional FtsZ, suggesting that FtsA is recruited to the septum by the FtsZ ring. In support of this idea, we showed that FtsA and FtsZ directly interact. Using a novel E. coli in situ assay, we found that the FtsA-FtsZ interaction appears to be species-specific, although an interspecies interaction could occur between FtsA and FtsZ proteins from two closely related organisms. In addition, mutagenesis of FtsA revealed that no single domain is solely responsible for its septal localization or interaction with FtsZ. To explore the function of FtsA, we purified FtsA protein and demonstrated that it has ATPase activity. Furthermore, purified FtsA stimulates disassembly of FtsZ polymers in a sedimentation assay but does not affect GTP hydrolysis of FtsZ. This result suggests that in the cell, FtsA may function similarly in regulating dynamic instability of the FtsZ ring during the cell division process. ^ To elucidate the structure-function relationship of FtsZ, we carried out thorough genetic and functional analyses of the mutagenized FtsZ derivatives. Our results indicate that the conserved N-terminal domain of FtsZ is necessary and sufficient for FtsZ self-assembly and localization. Moreover, we discovered a critical role for an extreme C-terminal domain of FtsZ that consists of only 12 residues. Truncated FtsZ derivatives lacking this domain, though able to polymerize and localize, are defective in ring formation in vivo as well as interaction with FtsA and ZipA. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of this region pinpointed at least five residues necessary for the function of FtsZ. Studies of protein levels and protein-protein interactions suggested that these residues may be involved in regulating protein stability and/or FtsZ-FtsA interactions. Interestingly, two of the point mutants exhibited dominant-negative phenotypes. ^ In summary, results from this thesis work have provided additional support for the division machinery model and will contribute to a better understanding of the coordinate functions of FtsA and FtsZ in the cell division process. ^


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Up to 10% of all breast and ovarian cancers are attributable to mutations in cancer susceptibility genes. Clinical genetic testing for deleterious gene mutations that predispose to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome is available. Mutation carriers may benefit from following high-risk guidelines for cancer prevention and early detection; however, few studies have reported the uptake of clinical genetic testing for HBOC. This study identified predictors of HBOC genetic testing uptake among a case series of 268 women who underwent genetic counseling at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center from October, 1996, through July, 2000. Women completed a baseline questionnaire that measured psychosocial and demographic variables. Additional medical characteristics were obtained from the medical charts. Logistic regression modeling identified predictors of participation in HBOC genetic testing. Psychological variables were hypothesized to be the strongest predictors of testing uptake—in particular, one's readiness (intention) to have testing. Testing uptake among all women in this study was 37% (n = 99). Contrary to the hypotheses, one's actual risk of carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation was the strongest predictor of testing participation (OR = 15.37, CI = 5.15, 45.86). Other predictors included religious background, greater readiness to have testing, knowledge about HBOC and genetic testing, not having female children, and adherence to breast self-exam. Among the subgroup of women who were at ≥10% risk of carrying a mutation, 51% (n = 90) had genetic testing. Consistent with the hypotheses, predictors of testing participation in the high-risk subgroup included greater readiness to have testing, knowledge, and greater self-efficacy regarding one's ability to cope with test results. Women with CES-D scores ≥16, indicating the presence of depressive symptoms, were less likely to have genetic testing. Results indicate that among women with a wide range of risk for HBOC, actual risk of carrying an HBOC-predisposing mutation may be the strongest predictor of their decision to have genetic testing. Psychological variables (e.g., distress and self-efficacy) may influence testing participation only among women at highest risk of carrying a mutation, for whom genetic testing is most likely to be informative. ^


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Linkage and association studies are major analytical tools to search for susceptibility genes for complex diseases. With the availability of large collection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the rapid progresses for high throughput genotyping technologies, together with the ambitious goals of the International HapMap Project, genetic markers covering the whole genome will be available for genome-wide linkage and association studies. In order not to inflate the type I error rate in performing genome-wide linkage and association studies, multiple adjustment for the significant level for each independent linkage and/or association test is required, and this has led to the suggestion of genome-wide significant cut-off as low as 5 × 10 −7. Almost no linkage and/or association study can meet such a stringent threshold by the standard statistical methods. Developing new statistics with high power is urgently needed to tackle this problem. This dissertation proposes and explores a class of novel test statistics that can be used in both population-based and family-based genetic data by employing a completely new strategy, which uses nonlinear transformation of the sample means to construct test statistics for linkage and association studies. Extensive simulation studies are used to illustrate the properties of the nonlinear test statistics. Power calculations are performed using both analytical and empirical methods. Finally, real data sets are analyzed with the nonlinear test statistics. Results show that the nonlinear test statistics have correct type I error rates, and most of the studied nonlinear test statistics have higher power than the standard chi-square test. This dissertation introduces a new idea to design novel test statistics with high power and might open new ways to mapping susceptibility genes for complex diseases. ^


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The Ssel/Hsp110 molecular chaperones are a poorly understood subgroup of the Hsp70 chaperone family. Hsp70 can refold denatured polypeptides via a carboxyl-terminal peptide binding domain (PBD), which is regulated by nucleotide cycling in an amino-terminal ATPase domain. However, unlike Hsp70, both Sse1 and mammalian Hsp110 bind unfolded peptide substrates but cannot refold them. To test the in vivo requirement for interdomain communication, SSE1 alleles carrying amino acid substitutions in the ATPase domain were assayed for their ability to complement sse1Δ phenotypes. Surprisingly, all mutants predicted to abolish ATP hydrolysis complemented the temperature sensitivity of sse1Δ, whereas mutations in predicted ATP binding residues were non-functional. Remarkably, the two domains of Ssel when expressed in trans functionally complement the sse1Δ growth phenotype and interact by coimmunoprecipitation analysis, indicative of a novel type of interdomain communication. ^ Relatively little is known regarding the interactions and cellular functions of Ssel. Through co-immunoprecipitation analysis, we found that Ssel forms heterodimeric complexes with the abundant cytosolic Hsp70s Ssa and Ssb in vivo. Furthermore, these complexes can be efficiently reconstituted in vitro using purified proteins. The ATPase domains of Ssel and the Hsp70s were found to be critical for interaction as inactivating point mutations severely reduced interaction efficiency. Ssel stimulated Ssal ATPase activity synergistically with the co-chaperone Ydj1 via a novel nucleotide exchange activity. Furthermore, FES1, another Ssa nucleotide exchange factor, can functionally substitute for SSE1/2 when overexpressed, suggesting that Hsp70 nucleotide exchange is the fundamental role of the Sse proteins in yeast, and by extension, the Hsp110 homologs in mammals. ^ Cells lacking SSE1 were found to accumulate prepro-α-factor, but not the cotranslationally imported protein Kar2, similar to mutants in the Ssa chaperones. This indicates that the interaction between Ssel and Ssa is functionally significant in vivo. In addition, sse10 cells are compromised for cell wall strength, likely a result of decreased Hsp90 chaperone activity with the cell integrity MAP kinase SIC. Taken together, this work established that the Hsp110 family must be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.^


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Study purpose. Genetic advances are significantly impacting healthcare, yet recent studies of ethnic group participation in genetic services demonstrate low utilization rates by Latinos. Limited genetic knowledge is a major barrier. The purpose of this study was to field test items in a Spanish-language instrument that will be used to measure genetic knowledge relevant to type 2 diabetes among members of the ethnically heterogeneous U.S. Latino community. Accurate genetic knowledge measurement can provide the foundation for interventions to enhance genetic service utilization. ^ Design. Three waves of cognitive interviews were conducted in Spanish to field test 44 instrument items Thirty-six Latinos, with 12 persons representative of Mexican, Central and South American, and Cuban heritage participated, including 7 males and 29 females between 22 and 60 years of age; 17 participants had 12 years or less of education. ^ Methods. Text narratives from transcriptions of audiotaped interviews were qualitatively analyzed using a coding strategy to indicate potential sources of response error. Through an iterative process of instrument refinement, codes that emerged from the data were used to guide item revisions at the conclusion of each phase; revised items were examined in subsequent interview waves. ^ Results. Inter-cultural and cross-cultural themes associated with difficulties in interpretation and grammatical structuring of items were identified; difficulties associated with comprehension reflected variations in educational level. Of the original 44 items, 32 were retained, 89% of which were revised. Six additional items reflective of cultural knowledge were constructed, resulting in a 38-item instrument. ^ Conclusions. Use of cognitive interviewing provided a valuable tool for detecting both potential sources of response error and cultural variations in these sources. Analysis of interview data guided successive instrument revisions leading to improved item interpretability and comprehension. Although testing in a larger sample will be essential to test validity and reliability, the outcome of field testing suggests initial content validity of a Spanish-language instrument to measure genetic knowledge relative to type 2 diabetes. ^ Keywords. Latinos, genetic knowledge, instrument development, cognitive interviewing ^


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Background. Obesity is a major health problem throughout the industrialized world. Despite numerous attempts to curtail the rapid growth of obesity, its incidence continues to rise. Therefore, it is crucial to better understand the etiology of obesity beyond the concept of energy balance.^ Aims. The first aim of this study was to first investigate the relationship between eating behaviors and body size. The second goal was to identify genetic variation associated with eating behaviors. Thirdly, this study aimed to examine the joint relationships between eating behavior, body size and genetic variation.^ Methods. This study utilized baseline data ascertained in young adults from the Training Interventions and Genetics of Exercise (TIGER) Study. Variables assessed included eating behavior (Emotional Eating Scale, Eating Attitudes Test-26, and the Block98 Food Frequency Questionnaire), body size (body mass index, waist and hip circumference, waist/hip ratio, and percent body fat), genetic variation in genes implicated related to the hypothalamic control of energy balance, and appropriate covariates (age, gender, race/ethnicity, smoking status, and physical activity. For the genetic association analyses, genotypes were collapsed by minor allele frequency, and haplotypes were estimated for each gene. Additionally, Bayesian networks were constructed in order to determine the relationships between genetic variation, eating behavior and body size.^ Results. We report that the EAT-26 score, Caloric intake, percent fat, fiber intake, HEAT index, and daily servings of vegetables, meats, grains, and fats were significantly associated with at least one body size measure. Multiple SNPs in 17 genes and haplotypes from 12 genes were tested for their association with body size. Variation within both DRD4 and HTR2A was found to be associated with EAT-26 score. In addition, variation in the ghrelin gene (GHRL) was significantly associated with daily Caloric intake. A significant interaction between daily servings of grains and the HEAT index and variation within the leptin receptor gene (LEPR) was shown to influence body size.^ Conclusion. This study has shown that there is a substantial genetic component to eating behavior and that genetic variation interacts with eating behavior to influence body size.^


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Genetics education for physicians has been a popular publication topic in the United States and in Europe for over 20 years. Decreasing numbers of medical genetics professionals and an increasing volume of genetic information has created a dire need for increased genetics training in medical school and in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess how well pediatrics-focused primary care physicians apply their general genetics knowledge to clinical genetic testing using scenario-based questions. We chose to specifically focus on knowledge of the diagnostic applicability of Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) technology in pediatrics because of its recent recommendation by the International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium as a first-tier genetic test for individuals with developmental disabilities and/or congenital anomalies. Proficiency in ordering baseline genetic testing was evaluated for eighty-one respondents from four pediatrics-focused residencies (categorical pediatrics, pediatric neurology, internal medicine/pediatrics, and family practice) at two large residency programs in Houston, Texas. Similar to other studies, we found an overall deficit of genetic testing knowledge, especially among family practice residents. Interestingly, residents who elected to complete a genetics rotation in medical school scored significantly better than expected, as well as better than residents who did not elect to complete a genetics rotation. We suspect that the insufficient knowledge among physicians regarding a baseline genetics work-up is leading to redundant (i.e. concurrent karyotype and CMA) and incorrect (i.e. ordering CMA to detect achondroplasia) genetic testing and is contributing to rising health care costs in the United States. Our results provide specific teaching points upon which medical schools can focus education about clinical genetic testing and suggest that increased collaboration between primary care physicians and genetics professionals could benefit patient health care overall.