29 resultados para Vehicle identification and detection system


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The unicellular amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum embarks on a developmental program upon starvation. During development, extracellular oscillatory cAMP signaling orchestrates the chemotaxis-mediated aggregation of ∼105 amoebae and is required for optimal induction of so-called pulse-induced genes. This requirement for pulsatile CAMP reflects adaptation of the cAMP-receptor-mediated pathways that regulate these genes. Through examination of a collection of pulse-induced genes, we defined two distinct gene classes based on their induction kinetics and the impact of mutations that impair PKA signaling. The first class (represented by D2 and prtA) is highly dependent on PKA signaling, whereas the second class (represented by carA, gpaB, and acaA) is not. Analysis of expression kinetics revealed that these classes are sequentially expressed with the PKA-independent genes peaking in expression before the PKA-dependent class. Experiments with cycloheximide, an inhibitor of translation, demonstrated that the pulse induction of both classes depends on new protein synthesis early in development. carA and gpaB also exhibit pulse-independent, starvation-induced expression which, unlike their pulse induction, was found to be insensitive to cycloheximide added at the outset of starvation. This result indicates that the mechanism of starvation induction pre-exists in growing cells and is distinct from the pulse induction mechanism for these genes. In order to identify cis-acting elements that are critical for induction of carA, we constructed a GFP reporter controlled by a 914-base-pair portion of its promoter and verified that its expression was PKA-independent, pulse-inducible, and developmentally regulated like the endogenous carA gene. By a combination of truncation, internal deletion, and site-directed mutation, we defined several distinct functional elements within the carA promoter, including a 39-bp region required for pulse induction between base pairs -321 and -282 (relative to the transcription start site), a 131-bp region proximal to the start site that is sufficient for starvation induction, and two separate enhancer domains. Identification of factors that interact with these promoter elements and genetic approaches exploiting the GFP reporter described here should help complete our understanding of the mechanisms regulating these genes, including adaptation mechanisms that likely also govern chemotaxis of Dictyostelium and mammalian cells. ^


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Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a major T cell growth factor and plays an essential role in the development of normal immune responses. The Janus kinases (Jaks) and Signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stats) are critical for transducing signals from the IL-2 receptors (IL2Rs) to the nucleus to control cell growth and differentiation. In recent years there has been increasing evidence to indicate that the IL-2 activated Jak3/Stat5 pathway provides a new molecular target for immune suppression. Thus, understanding the regulation of this effector cascade has important therapeutic potential.^ One objective of this work was to identify and define the role and molecular mechanism of novel phosphorylation sites in Jak3. Using functional proteomics, three novel Jak3 phosphorylation sites, Y904, Y939 and S574 were identified. Phosphospecific antibodies confirmed that phosphorylation of Y904 and Y939 were mediated by IL-2 and other IL-2 family cytokines in distinct cell types. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that phosphorylation of both Y904 and Y939 positively regulated Jak3 enzymatic activity, while phosphorylation of S574 did not affect Jak3 in vitro kinase activity. However, a gain-of-function mutation of S574 in Jak3 abrogated IL-2 mediated Stat5 activation, suggesting that phosphorylation of this residue might serve a negative role to attenuate IL-2 signaling. Furthermore, mechanistic analysis suggested that phosphorylation of Y904 in Jak3 affects the KmATP of Jak3, while phosphorylation of Y939 in Jak3 was required to bind one of its substrates, Stat5.^ The second objective was to determine the role of serine/threonine phosphatases in the regulation of the IL2R complex. Activation of Jak3 and Stat5 by IL-2 is a transient event mediated by phosphorylation. Using a specific PP1/PP2A inhibitor, we observed that inhibition of PP1/PP2A negatively regulated the IL-2 activated Jak3/Stat5 signaling pathway in a human NK cell line (YT) and primary human T cells. More importantly, coimmunoprecipitation assays indicated that inhibition of PP1/PP2A blocked the formation of an active IL2R complex. Pretreatment of cells with the inhibitor also reduced the electrophoretic mobility of the IL2Rβ and IL2Rγ subunits in YT cells, suggesting that inhibition of PP1/PP2A directly or indirectly regulates undefined serine/threonine kinases which phosphorylate these proteins. Based on these observations, a model has emerged that serine/threonine phosphorylation of the IL2Rβ and IL2Rγ subunits causes a conformational change of these proteins, which disrupts IL2R dimerization and association of Jak3 and Stat5 to these receptors.^


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Several immune pathologies are the result of aberrant regulation of T lymphocytes. Pronounced T cell proliferation can result in autoimmunity or hematologic malignancy, whereas loss of T cell activity can manifest as immunodeficiency. Thus, there is a critical need to characterize the signal transduction pathways that mediate T cell activation so that novel and rational strategies to detect and effectively control T cell mediated disease can be achieved. ^ The first objective of this dissertation was to identify and characterize novel T cell regulatory proteins that are differentially expressed upon antigen induced activation. Using a functional proteomics approach, two members of the prohibitin (Phb) family of proteins, Phb1 and Phb2, were determined to be upregulated upon activation of primary human T cells. Furthermore, their regulated expression was dependent upon CD3 and CD28 signaling pathways which synergistically increased their expression. In contrast to previous reports of Phb nuclear localization, both proteins were determined to localize to the mitochondrial inner membrane of human T cells. Additionally, novel Phb phosphorylation sites were identified and characterized using mass spectrometry, phosphospecific antibodies and site directed mutagenesis. ^ Prohibitins have been proposed to play important roles in cancer development however the mechanism of action has not been elucidated. The second objective of this dissertation was to define the functional role of Phbs in T cell activity, survival and disease. Compared to levels in normal human T cells, Phb expression was higher in the human tumor T cell line Kit225 and subcellularly localized to the mitochondrion. Ablation of Phb expression by siRNA treatment of Kit225 cells resulted in disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and significantly enhanced their sensitivity to cell death, suggesting they serve a protective function in T cells. Furthermore, Q-RT-PCR analysis of human oncology cDNA expression libraries indicated the Phbs may represent hematological cancer biomarkers. Indeed, Phb1 and Phb2 protein levels were 6-10 fold higher in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from malignant lymphoma and multiple myeloma patients compared to healthy individuals. ^ Taken together, Phb1 and Phb2 are novel phosphoproteins upregulated during T cell activation and transformation to function in the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity and perhaps energy metabolism, thus representing previously unrecognized intracellular biomarkers and therapeutic targets for regulating T cell activation and hematologic malignancies. ^


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Proper execution of mitosis requires the accurate segregation of replicated DNA into each daughter cell. The highly conserved mitotic kinase AIR-2/Aurora B is a dynamic protein that interacts with subsets of cofactors and substrates to coordinate chromosome segregation and cytokinesis in Caenorhabdiris elegans. To identify components of the AIR-2 regulatory pathway, a genome-wide RNAi-based screen for suppressors of air-2 temperature-sensitive mutant lethality was conducted. Here, I present evidence that two classes of suppressors identified in this screen are bona fide regulators of the AIR-2 kinase. The strongest suppressor cdc-48.3, encodes an Afg2/Spaf-related Cdc48-like AAA+ ATPase that regulates AIR-2 kinase activity and stability during C. elegans embryogenesis. Loss of CDC-48.3 suppresses the lethality of air-2 mutant embryos, marked by the restoration of the dynamic behavior of AIR-2 and rescue of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis defects. Loss of CDC-48.3 leads to mitotic delays and abnormal accumulation of AIR-2 during late telophase/mitotic exit. In addition, AIR-2 kinase activity is significantly upregulated from metaphase through mitotic exit in CDC-48.3 depleted embryos. Inhibition of the AIR-2 kinase is dependent on (1) a direct physical interaction between CDC-48.3 and AIR-2, and (2) CDC-48.3 ATPase activity. Importantly, the increase in AIR-2 kinase activity does not correlate with the stabilization of AIR-2 in late mitosis. Hence, CDC-48.3 is a bi-functional inhibitor of AIR-2 that is likely to act via distinct mechanisms. The second class of suppressors consists of psy-2/smk-1 and pph-4.1, which encode two components of the conserved PP4 phosphatase complex that is essential for spindle assembly, chromosome segregation, and overall mitotic progression. AIR-2 and its substrates are likely to be targets of this complex since mitotic AIR-2 kinase activity is significantly increased during mitosis when either PSY-2/SMK-1 or PPH-4.l is depleted. Altogether, this study demonstrates that during the C. elegans embryonic cell cycle, regulators including the CDC-48.3 ATPase and PP4 phosphatase complex interact with and control the kinase activity, targeting behavior and protein stability of the Aurora B kinase to ensure accurate and timely progression of mitosis. ^


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to identify the medical issues experienced by Military Working Dogs during their period of deployment in Iraq.^ Design. This study was a retrospective cross-sectional survey based on database and medical record abstraction.^ Population. Military Working Dogs (MWDs) that were deployed to Iraq at any time between 20 March 2003 and 31 December 2007 were the inclusive population of interest. Seven hundred ninety-five (795) MWDs were identified as having been deployed to Iraq during the inclusive dates. Four hundred ninety-six (496) MWDs were identified that had medical events during the deployment period. ^ Procedures. Eligible MWDs were identified through several sources, to include database query, medical record abstraction questionnaire, and medical record abstraction. Demographic information collected for each MWD included tattoo, name, age, gender, breed, Branch of Service, and duty certification. Information on each veterinary/medical clinical event (VCE) was collected. This information was coded, and data entered into a database for organization. Frequency and prevalence information were determined for each category of VCE.^ Results. The top four VCEs experienced by MWDs while deployed in Iraq were gastrohepatic, dermatologic, traumatic injury, and appendicular musculoskeletal issues.^ Conclusions. Training, equipment, and supplies for veterinary personnel who care for the deployed MWDs should be tailored accordingly to suit the identified medical needs of the MWDs. ^


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Borrelia burgdorferi is the etiological agent of Lyme disease, the most common tick-borne disease in the United States. Although the most frequently reported symptom is arthritis, patients can also experience severe cardiac, neurologic, and dermatologic abnormalities. The identification of virulence determinants in infectious B. burgdorferi strains has been limited by their slow growth rate, poor transformability, and general lack of genetic tools. The present study demonstrates the use of transposon mutagenesis for the identification of infectivity-related factors in infectious B. burgdorferi, examines the potential role for chemotaxis in mammalian infection, and describes the development of a novel method for the analysis of recombination events at the Ids antigenic variation locus. A pool of Himar1 mutants was isolated using an infectious B. burgdorferi clone and the transposon vector pMarGent. Clones exhibiting reduced infectivity in mice possessed insertions in virulence determinants putatively involved in host survival and dissemination. These results demonstrated the feasibility of extensive transposon mutagenesis studies for the identification of additional infectivity-related factors. mcp-5 mutants were chosen for further study to determine the role of chemotaxis during infection. Animal studies indicated that mcp-5 mutants exhibited a reduced infectivity potential, and suggested a role for mcp-5 during the early stages of infection. An in vitro phenotype for an mcp-5 mutant was not detected. Genetic complementation of an mcp-5 mutant resulted in restoration of Mcp-5 expression in the complemented clone, as demonstrated by western blotting, but the organisms were not infectious in mice. We believe this result is a consequence of differences in expression between genes located on the linear chromosome and genes present on the circular plasmid used for trans-complementation. Overall, this work implicates mcp-5 as an important determinant of mammalian infectivity. Finally, the development of a computer-assisted method for the analysis of recombination events occurring at the B. burgdorferi vls antigenic variation locus has proven highly valuable for the detailed examination of vls gene conversion. The studies described here provide evidence for the importance of chemotaxis during infection in mice and demonstrate advances in both genetic and computational approaches for the further characterization of the Lyme disease spirochete. ^


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Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^


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Deregulation of kinase activity is one example of how cells become cancerous by evading evolutionary constraints. The Tousled kinase (Tsl) was initially identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as a developmentally important kinase. There are two mammalian orthologues of Tsl and one orthologue in C. elegans, TLK-1, which is essential for embryonic viability and germ cell development. Depletion of TLK-1 leads to embryonic arrest large, distended nuclei, and ultimately embryonic lethality. Prior to terminal arrest, TLK-1-depleted embryos undergo aberrant mitoses characterized by poor metaphase chromosome alignment, delayed mitotic progression, lagging chromosomes, and supernumerary centrosomes. I discovered an unanticipated requirement for TLK-1 in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning. Normally, in the newly-fertilized zygote (P0) the maternal pronucleus migrates toward the paternal pronucleus at the posterior end of the embryo. After pronuclear meeting, the pronuclear-centrosome complex rotates 90° during centration to align on the anteroposterior axis followed by nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). However, in TLK-1-depleted P0 embryos, the centrosome-pronuclear complex rotation is significantly delayed with respect to NEBD and chromosome congression, Additionally, centrosome positions over time in tlk-1(RNAi) early embryos revealed a defect in posterior centrosome positioning during spindle-pronuclear centration, and 4D analysis of centrosome positions and movement in newly fertilized embryos showed aberrant centrosome dynamics in TLK-1-depleted embryos. Several mechanisms contribute to spindle rotation, one of which is the anchoring of astral microtubules to the cell cortex. Attachment of these microtubules to the cortices is thought to confer the necessary stability and forces in order to rotate the centrosome-pronuclear complex in a timely fashion. Analysis of a microtubule end-binding protein revealed that TLK-1-depleted embryos exhibit a more stochastic distribution of microtubule growth toward the cell cortices, and the types of microtubule attachments appear to differ from wild-type embryos. Additionally, fewer astral microtubules are in the vicinity of the cell cortex, thus suggesting that the delayed spindle rotation could be in part due to a lack of appropriate microtubule attachments to the cell cortex. Together with recently published biochemical data revealing the Tousled-like kinases associate with components of the dynein microtubule motor complex in humans, these data suggest that Tousled-like kinases play an important role in mitotic spindle assembly and positioning.


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Recent developments in federal policy have prompted the creation of state evaluation frameworks for principals and teachers that hold educators accountable for effective practices and student outcomes. These changes have created a demand for formative evaluation instruments that reflect current accountability pressures and can be used by schools to focus school improvement and leadership development efforts. The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) is a next generation, 360-degree on-line assessment and feedback system that reflect best practices in feedback design. Some unique characteristics of CALL include a focus on: leadership distributed throughout the school rather than as carried out by an individual leader; assessment of leadership tasks rather than perceptions of leadership practice; a focus on larger complex systems of middle and high school; and transparency of assessment design. This paper describes research contributing to the design and validation of the CALL survey instrument.


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It is well accepted that tumorigenesis is a multi-step procedure involving aberrant functioning of genes regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, genome stability, angiogenesis and motility. To obtain a full understanding of tumorigenesis, it is necessary to collect information on all aspects of cell activity. Recent advances in high throughput technologies allow biologists to generate massive amounts of data, more than might have been imagined decades ago. These advances have made it possible to launch comprehensive projects such as (TCGA) and (ICGC) which systematically characterize the molecular fingerprints of cancer cells using gene expression, methylation, copy number, microRNA and SNP microarrays as well as next generation sequencing assays interrogating somatic mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation and structural rearrangements. Given the massive amount of data, a major challenge is to integrate information from multiple sources and formulate testable hypotheses. This thesis focuses on developing methodologies for integrative analyses of genomic assays profiled on the same set of samples. We have developed several novel methods for integrative biomarker identification and cancer classification. We introduce a regression-based approach to identify biomarkers predictive to therapy response or survival by integrating multiple assays including gene expression, methylation and copy number data through penalized regression. To identify key cancer-specific genes accounting for multiple mechanisms of regulation, we have developed the integIRTy software that provides robust and reliable inferences about gene alteration by automatically adjusting for sample heterogeneity as well as technical artifacts using Item Response Theory. To cope with the increasing need for accurate cancer diagnosis and individualized therapy, we have developed a robust and powerful algorithm called SIBER to systematically identify bimodally expressed genes using next generation RNAseq data. We have shown that prediction models built from these bimodal genes have the same accuracy as models built from all genes. Further, prediction models with dichotomized gene expression measurements based on their bimodal shapes still perform well. The effectiveness of outcome prediction using discretized signals paves the road for more accurate and interpretable cancer classification by integrating signals from multiple sources.


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Catenins were first characterized as linking the cytoplasmic domains of cadherin cell-cell adhesion molecules to the cortical actin cytoskeleton. In addition to their essential role in modulating cadherin adhesion, catenins have more recently been indicated to participate in cell and developmental signaling pathways. $\beta$-catenin, for example, associates directly with receptor tyrosine kinases and transcription factors such as LEF-1/TCF, and tranduces developmental signals within the Wnt pathway. $\beta$-catenin also appear to a role in regulating cell proliferation via its interaction with the tumor supressor protein APC. I have employed the yeast two-hybrid method to reveal that fascin, a bundler of actin filaments, binds to $\beta$-catenin's central Armadillo-repeat domain. The $\beta$-catenin-fascin interaction exists in cell lines as well as in animal brain tissues as revealed by immunoprecipitation analysis, and substantiated in vitro with purified proteins. Fascin additionally binds to plakoglobin, which contains a more divergent Armadillo-repeat domain. Fascin and E-cadherin utilize a similar binding-site within $\beta$-catenin, such that they form mutually exclusive complexes with $\beta$-catenin. Fascin and $\beta$-catenin co-localize at cell-cell borders and dynamic cell leading edges of epithelial and endothelial cells. Total immunoprecipitable b-catein has several isoforms, only the hyperphosphorylated isoform 1 associated with fascin. An increased $\beta$-catenin-fascin interaction was observed in HGF stimulated cells, and in Xenopus embryos injected with src kinase RNAs. The increased $\beta$-catenin association with fascin is correlated with increased levels of $\beta$-catenin phosphorylation. $\beta$-catenin, but not fascin, can be readily phosphorylated on tyrosine in vivo following src injection of embryos, or in vitro following v-src addition to purified protein components. These observations suggest a role of $\beta$-catenin phosphorylation in regulating its interaction with fascin, and src kinase may be an important regulator of the $\beta$-catenin-fascin association in vivo. The $\beta$-catenin-fascin interaction represents a novel catenin complex, that may conceivably regulate actin cytoskeletal structures, cell adhesion, and cellular motility, perhaps in a coordinate manner with its functions in cadherin and APC complexes. ^


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Although more than 100 genes associated with inherited retinal disease have been mapped to chromosomal locations, less than half of these genes have been cloned. This text includes identification and evaluation of candidate genes for three autosomal dominant forms of inherited retinal degeneration: atypical vitelliform macular dystrophy (VMD1), cone-rod dystrophy (CORD), and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). ^ VMD1 is a disorder characterized by complete penetrance but extremely variable expressivity, and includes macular or peripheral retinal lesions and peripappilary abnormalitites. In 1984, linkage was reported between VMD1 and soluble glutamate-pyruvate transaminase GPT); however, placement of GPT to 8q24 on linkage maps had been debated, and VMD1 did not show linkage to microsatellite markers in that region. This study excluded linkage between the loci by cloning GPT, identifying the nucleotide substitution associated with the GPT sozymes, and by assaying VMD1 family samples with an RFLP designed to detect the substitution. In addition, linkage of VMD1 to the known dominant macular degeneration loci was excluded. ^ CORD is characterized by early onset of color-vision deficiency, and decreased visual acuity, However, this retinal degeneration progresses to no light perception, severe macular lesion, and “bone-spicule” accumulations in the peripheral retina. In this study, the disorder in a large Texan family was mapped to the CORD2 locus of 19q13, and a mutation in the retina/pineal-specific cone-rod homeobox gene (CRX) was identified as the disease cause. In addition, mutations in CRX were associated with significantly different retinal disease phenotypes, including retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis. ^ Many of the mutations leading to inherited retinal disorders have been identified in genes like CRX, which are expressed predominantly in the retina and pineal gland. Therefore, a combination of database analysis and laboratory investigation was used to identify 26 novel retina/pineal-specific expressed sequence tag (EST) clusters as candidate genes for inherited retinal disorders. Eight of these genes were mapped into the candidate regions of inherited retinal degeneration loci. ^ Two of the eight clusters mapped into the retinitis pigmentosa RP13 candidate region of 17p13, and were both determined to represent a single gene that is highly expressed in photoreceptors. This gene, the Ah receptor-interacting like protein-1 (AIPL1), was cloned, characterized, and screened for mutations in RP13 patient DNA samples. ^


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Wilms tumor (WT) or nephroblastoma is a genetically heterogeneous pediatric renal tumor that accounts for 6–7% of all childhood cancers in the U.S. WT1, located at 11p13, is the sole WT gene cloned to date. Additional genomic regions containing genes that play a role in the development of Wilms tumor include 11p15, 7p, 16q, 1p, 17q and 19q. This heterogeneity has made it extremely difficult to develop an understanding of the pathways involved in the development of WT, even in the 5–20% of tumors that show mutations at the WT1 locus. My research addresses this gap in our current comprehension of the development of WT. ^ I have used two complementary approaches to extend the current understanding of molecular changes involved in the development of WT. In order to minimize complexities due to genetic heterogeneity, I confined my analysis to the WT1 pathway by assessing those genetically defined tumors that carry WT1 mutations. WT1 encodes a zinc finger transcription factor, and in vitro studies have identified many genes that are potentially regulated in vivo by WT1. However, there is very little in vivo data that suggests that they are transcriptionally regulated endogenously by WT1. In one approach I assessed the role of WT1 in the in vivo regulation of PDGFA and IGF2, two genes that are strong contenders for endogenous regulation by WT1. Using primary tissue samples, I found no correlation between the level of RNA expression of WT1 with either PDGFA or IGF2, suggesting that WT1 does not play a critical role in their expression in either normal kidney or WT. ^ In a parallel strategy, using differential display analysis I compared global gene expression in a subset of tumors with known homozygous inactivating WT1 mutations (WT1-tumors) to the gene expression in a panel of appropriate control tissues (fetal kidney, normal kidney, rhabdoid tumor and pediatric renal cell carcinoma). Transcripts that are aberrantly expressed in this subset of Wilms tumors are candidates for endogenous transcriptional regulation by WT1 as well as for potentially functioning in the development of WT. By this approach I identified several differentially expressed transcripts. I further characterized two of these transcripts, identifying a candidate WT gene in the process. I then performed a detailed analysis of this WT candidate gene, which maps to 7p. Future studies will shed more light on the role of these differentially expressed genes in WT. ^


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One way developing embryos regulate the expression of their genes is by localizing mRNAs to specific subcellular regions. In the oocyte of the frog, Xenopus laevis, many RNAs are localized specifically to the animal or the vegetal halves of the oocyte. The localization of these RNAs contributes to the primary polarity of the oocyte, the asymmetry that is the basis for patterning and lineage specification in the embryo. I have screened a cDNA library for clones containing the Xlsirt repeat, an element known to target RNAs to the vegetal cortex of the oocyte. I have identified seventeen cDNA clones that contain this element. One of these cDNAs encodes the RNA binding protein Hermes. The Hermes mRNA is localized to the vegetal cortex of the oocyte. Additionally, Hermes protein is also vegetally localized in the oocyte and is found in subcellular structures known to contain localized mRNAs. This suggests that Hermes might interact with localized RNAs. While Hermes protein is present in oocytes, it disappears at germinal vesicle breakdown during maturation. We therefore believe that the time period during which Hermes functions is during oogenesis or maturation prior to the time of Hermes degradation. To determine Hermes function, an antisense depletion strategy was used that involved injecting morpholino oligos (HE-MO) into oocytes. Injection of these morpholinos causes the level of Hennes protein to drop prematurely during maturation. Embryos produced from these oocytes exhibit cleavage defects that are most prevalent in the vegetal blastomeres. The phenotype can be partially rescued by injection of a heterologous Hermes mRNA and is therefore specific to Hermes. The Hermes expression and depletion results are consistent with a model in which Hermes interacts with one or more vegetally localized mRNAs in the oocyte and during the early stages of maturation. The interaction is required for cleavage of the vegetal blastomeres. Therefore, it is likely that at least one mRNA that interacts with Hermes is a cell cycle regulator. ^