22 resultados para Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells


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Overexpression of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met) and its ligand, the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and a constitutively active mutant of the epidermal growth factor receptor (∆EGFR/EGFRvIII), occur frequently in glioblastoma. c-Met is activated in a ligand-dependent manner by HGF or in a ligand-independent manner by ∆EGFR. Dysregulated c-Met signaling contributes to the aggressive phenotype of glioblastoma, yet the mechanisms underlying the production of HGF in glioblastoma are poorly understood. We found a positive correlation between HGF and c-Met expression in glioblastoma, suggesting that they are coregulated. This is supported by the finding that in a c-Met/HGF axis-dependent glioblastoma cell line, shRNA-mediated silencing of c-Met, or treatment with the c-Met inhibitor SU11274, attenuated HGF expression. Biologically, c-Met knockdown decreased anchorage-independent colony formation and the tumorigenicity of intracranial xenografts. Building on prior findings that ∆EGFR enhanced c-Met activation, we found that ∆EGFR also led to increased HGF expression, which was reversed upon ∆EGFR inhibition with AG1478. ∆EGFR required c-Met to maintain elevated HGF expression, colony formation of glioblastoma cells, and the tumorigenicity of orthotopic xenografts. An unbiased mass spectrometry-based approach identified phosphotyrosine-related signaling changes that occurred with c-Met knockdown in a glioblastoma cell line expressing ΔEGFR and in parental cells. Notably, phosphorylation of STAT3, a master regulator of the mesenchymal GBM subtype and a known target of ∆EGFR, also decreased when c-Met was silenced in these cells, suggesting that the signals from these receptors converge on STAT3. Using a STAT3 inhibitor, WP1193, we showed that STAT3 inhibition decreased HGF mRNA expression in ΔEGFR-expressing glioblastoma cells. Consistent with these findings, constitutively active STAT3 partially restored HGF expression and anchorage-independent growth of c-Met knockdown glioblastoma cells that overexpressed ΔEGFR. We found that higher levels of HGF and c-Met expression associated with the mesenchymal GBM subtype. Taken together, these results suggest that the activity of c-Met regulates the expression of HGF in glioblastoma cells, that ∆EGFR feeds positively into this autocrine loop, that signaling of the two receptors together modulate HGF expression via STAT3, and that the HGF/c-Met axis may therefore be a good additional target for therapy of mesenchymal GBM tumors.


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Cyclin E is the regulatory subunit of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex that mediates the G1-S phase transition. N-terminal cleavage of cyclin E by elastase in breast cancer generates two low molecular weight (LMW) isoforms that exhibit both enhanced kinase activity and resistance to p21 and p27 inhibition compared to fulllength cyclin E. Clinically, approximately 27% of breast cancer patients overexpress LMW-E and associate with poor survival. Therefore, we hypothesize that LMW-E disrupts normal mammary acinar morphogenesis and serves as the initial route into breast tumor development. We first demonstrate that LMW-E overexpression in non-tumorigenic hMECs is sufficient to induce tumor formation in athymic mice significantly more than overexpression of full-length cyclin E and requires CDK2- associated kinase activity. Further in vivo passaging of these tumors augments LMW-E expression and tumorigenic potential. When subjected to acinar morphogenesis in vitro, LMW-E mediates significant morphological disruption by generating hyperproliferative and multi-acinar complexes. Proteomic analysis of patient tissues and tumor cells with high LMW-E expression reveals that the activation of the b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR pathway in concert with high LMW-E expression predicts poor patient survival. Combination treatment using roscovitine (CDK inhibitor) plus either rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) or sorafenib (b-raf inhibitor) effectively prevented aberrant acinar formation in LMW-E-expressing cells by inducing the G1/S cell cycle arrest. In addition, the LMW-E-expressing tumor cells exhibit phenotypes characteristic of the EMT and enhanced cellular invasiveness. These tumor cells also enrich for cells with CSC phenotypes such as increased CD44hi/CD24lo population, enhanced mammosphere formation, and upregulation of ALDH expression and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, the CD44hi/CD24lo population also shows positive correlation with LMW-E expression in both the tumor cell line model and breast cancer patient samples (p<0.0001 & p=0.0435, respectively). Combination treatment using doxorubicin and salinomycin demonstrates synergistic cytotoxic effects in cells with LMW-E expression but not in those with full-length cyclin E expression. Finally, ProtoArray microarray identifies Hbo1 as a novel substrate of the cyclin E/CDK2 complex and its overexpression results in enrichment for CSCs. Collectively, these data emphasize the strong oncogenic potential of LMW-E in mammary tumorigenesis and suggest possible therapeutic strategies to treat breast cancer patients with high LMW-E expression.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is distributed almost entirely in the inner leaflet of the erythrocyte membrane bilayer, and appears to be maintained by a 32 kDa integral membrane protein (PS translocase). The expression of PS on the outer leaflet may serve as a recognition signal for macrophages, since insertion of PS into erythrocytes enhances their adherence to macrophages and clearance from the circulation. Therefore I have hypothesized that erythroid cells display PS on their outer leaflet early in differentiation and upon aging. Analysis of murine erythroleukemia cells (MELC, undifferentiated erythroid progenitor cells) showed high levels of PS on the outer leaflet that decreased during differentiation, correlating with the pattern of macrophage adherence. The activity of the PS translocase during differentiation appears to be unchanged although the equilibrium distribution of PS differs. This difference may be due to qualitative changes in the PS translocase. $\sp{125}$I-Bolton/Hunter-labeled-pyridyldithioethylamine ($\sp{125}$I-B/H-PDA), a radiolabeled probe for the PS translocase, labeled a 32 kDa protein in mature erythrocytes whereas in MELC a 45 kDa protein as well as a 32 kDa protein was identified. The abundance of the 45 kDa protein in relation to the 32 kDa protein declined during differentiation, possibly indicating this protein was a precursor of the 32 kDa protein. Analysis of the 45 kDa protein by N-glycosidase F and endoproteinase cleavage suggested this protein was not a glycosylated form of the 32 kDa protein but appeared to share some structural homology. Aged murine erythrocytes had elevated levels of PS on their outer leaflet, as well as decreased PS translocase activity. $\sp{125}$I-B/H-PDA labeled a 32 kDa protein in both normal and aged erythrocytes. However, the latter cells also contained a 28 kDa protein. Experimental evidence suggests that the appearance of the 28 kDa protein may be due to increased oxidation of aged erythrocytes. Examination of PS distribution showed that the levels of PS on the outer leaflet were elevated early in differentiation, decreased during the mature state, and returned to high levels as the erythrocyte aged. In conclusion,the levels of outer leaflet PS correlated with the differentiation status and macrophage recognition of erythroid cells. ^


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Formation of cartilage and bone involves sequential processes in which undifferentiated mesenchyme aggregates into primordial condensations which subsequently grow and differentiate, resulting in morphogenesis of the adult skeleton. While much has been learned about the structural molecules which comprise cartilage and bone, little is known about the nuclear factors which regulate chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. MHox is a homeobox-containing gene which is expressed in the mesenchyme of facial, limb, and vertebral skeletal precursors during mouse embryogenesis. MHox expression has been shown to require epithelial-derived signals, suggesting that MHox may regulate the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions required for skeletal organogenesis. To determine the functions of MHox, we generated a loss-of-function mutation in the MHox gene. Mice homozygous for a mutant MHox allele exhibit defects of skeletogenesis, involving the loss or malformation of craniofacial, limb and vertebral skeletal structures. The affected skeletal elements are derived from the cranial neural crest, as well as somitic and lateral mesoderm. Analysis of the mutant phenotype during ontogeny demonstrated a defect in the formation or growth of chondrogenic and osteogenic precursors. These findings provide evidence that MHox regulates the formation of preskeletal condensations from undifferentiated mesenchyme. In addition, generation of mice doubly mutant for the MHox and S8 homeobox genes reveal that these two genes interact to control formation of the limb and craniofacial skeleton. Mice carrying mutant alleles for S8 and MHox exhibit an exaggeration of the craniofacial and limb phenotypes observed in the MHox mutant mouse. Thus, MHox and S8 are components of a combinatorial genetic code controlling generation of the skeleton of the skull and limbs. ^


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To meet the requirements for rapid tumor growth, a complex array of non-neoplastic vascular, fibroblastic, and immune cells are recruited to the tumor microenvironment. Understanding the origin, composition, and mechanism(s) for recruitment of these stromal components will help identify areas for therapeutic intervention. Previous findings have suggested that ex-vivo expanded bone marrow-derived MSC home to the sites of tumor development, responding to inflammatory signals and can serve as effective drug delivery vehicles. Therefore, we first sought to fully assess conditions under which MSC migrate to and incorporate into inflammatory microenvironments and the consequences of modulated inflammation. MSC delivered to animals bearing inflammatory insults were monitored by bioluminescence imaging and displayed specific tropism and selective incorporation into all tumor and wound sites. These findings were consistent across routes of tumor establishment, MSC administration, and immunocompetence. MSC were then used as drug delivery vehicles, transporting Interferon β to sites of pancreatic tumors. This therapy was effective at inhibiting pancreatic tumor growth under homeostatic conditions, but inhibition was lost when inflammation was decreased with CDDO-Me combination treatment. Next, to examine the endogenous tumor microenvironment, a series of tissue transplant experiments were carried out in which tissues were genetically labeled and engrafted in recipients prior to tumor establishment. Tumors were then analyzed for markers of tumor associated fibroblasts (TAF): α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), nerve glia antigen 2 (NG2), fibroblast activation protein (FAP), and fibroblast specific protein (FSP) as well as endothelial marker CD31 and macrophage marker F4/80. We determined the majority of α-SMA+, NG2+ and CD31+ cells were non-bone marrow derived, while most FAP+, FSP+, and F4/80+ cells were recruited from the bone marrow. In accord, transplants of prospectively isolated BM MSC prior to tumor development indicated that these cells were recruited to the tumor microenvironment and co-expressed FAP and FSP. In contrast, fat transplant experiments revealed recruited fat derived cells co-expressed α-SMA, NG2, and CD31. These results indicate TAF are a heterogeneous population composed of subpopulations with distinct tissues of origin. These models have provided a platform upon which further investigation into tumor microenvironment composition and tests for candidate drugs can be performed. ^


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Metastasis is the ultimate cause for the majority of cancer-related deaths. The forkhead box transcription factor FOXC2 is known to be involved in regulating metastasis as well as a variety of developmental processes, including the formation of lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Previous studies have shown that FOXC2 protein is localized either in the nucleus and/or in the cytoplasm of human breast tumor cells. This pattern of localization is similar to that of another forkhead family member, FOXO3a. Additionally, localization of FOXO3a is known to be differentially regulated by upstream kinase AKT. Therefore, I investigated whether FOXC2 localization could also be regulated by upstream kinases. Analysis of FOXC2 protein sequence revealed two potential phosphorylation sites for GSK-3β. Furthermore, inhibition of GSK-3βsignificantly reduces FOXC2 protein. In addition, exposure of HMLE Twist cells expressing endogenous FOXC2 to the GSK-3β inhibitor, TWS119, results in accumulation of FOXC2 protein in the cytoplasm with concomitant decrease in the nucleus in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, continued treatment with TWS119 eventually induces epithelial morphology and decreased stem cell properties including sphere formation in these cells. Further characterization of FOXC2- GSK-3β interaction and the associated signaling cascade are necessary to determine the effect of FOXC2 phosphorylation by GSK-3β on EMT and metastasis.


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Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but very aggressive form of locally advanced breast cancer (1-6% of total breast cancer patients in United States), with a 5-year overall survival rate of only 40.5%, compared with 85% of the non-IBC patients. So far, a unique molecular signature for IBC able to explain the dramatic differences in the tumor biology between IBC and non-IBC has not been identified. As immune cells in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in regulating tumor progression, we hypothesized that tumor-associated dendritic cells (TADC) may be responsible for regulating the development of the aggressive characteristics of IBC. MiRNAs can be released into the extracellular space and mediate the intercellular communication by regulating target gene expression beyond their cells of origin. We hypothesized that miRNAs released by IBC cells can induce an increased activation status, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and migration ability of TADC. In an in vitro model of IBC tumor microenvironment, we found that the co-cultured of the IBC cell line SUM-149 with immature dendritic cells (iDCSUM-149) induced a higher degree of activation and maturation of iDCSUM-149 upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with iDCs co-cultured with the non-IBC cell line SUM-159 (iDCSUM-159), resulting in: increased expression of the costimulatory and activation markers; higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-6); and 3) higher migratory ability. These differences were due to the exosome-mediated transfer of miR-19a and miR-146a from SUM-149 and SUM-159, respectively, to iDCs, causing the downregulation of the miR-19a target genes PTEN, SOCS-1 and the miR-146a target genes IRAK1, TRAF6. PTEN, SOCS-1 and IRAK1, TRAF6 are important negative and positive regulator of cytokine- and TLR-mediated activation/maturation signaling pathway in DCs. Increased levels of IL-6 induced the upregulation of miR-19a synthesis in SUM-149 cells that was associated with the induction of CD44+CD24-ALDH1+ cancer stem cells (CSCs) with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics. In conclusion, in IBC tumor microenvironment IL-6/miR-19a axis can represent a self-sustaining loop able to maintain a pro-inflammatory status of DCs, leading to the development of tumor cells with high metastatic potential (EMT CSCs) responsible of the poor prognosis in IBC patients.