320 resultados para Health Sciences, Pharmacology|Health Sciences, Radiology|Health Sciences, Immunology|Health Sciences, Oncology


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Myelosuppression is a common side effect of anticancer agents such as cisplatin. This makes patients more susceptible to infections. Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that is very effective in the treatment of gram negative infections. Both these drugs are excreted by the kidney, and are also nephrotoxic. Thus, each may affect the disposition of the other. This project deals with the nature and duration of the effects of cisplatin on gentamicin pharmacokinetics in F-344 rats.^ The appropriate cisplatin dose was determined by comparing the nephrotoxicity of four intravenous doses--3, 4, 5, and 6 mg/kg. The 6 mg/kg dose gave the most consistent nephrotoxic effect, with peak plasma urea nitrogen and creatinine levels on the 7th day. Plasma and tissue gentamicin levels were compared between rats given gentamicin alone (30 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, twice a day for four days), and those given cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) with the first gentamicin dose. Cisplatin caused a significant elevation of gentamicin levels in plasma, liver, and spleen. However, cisplatin given in three weekly doses of 2 mg/kg each, had no effect on plasma or tissue gentamicin levels.^ In order to determine the duration of cisplatin effects, a single dose of gentamicin (30 mg/kg, intravenously) was given to different groups of rats either alone, or on day 1, 4, 7, 15, or 29 following cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intravenously on day 1). Plasma samples were collected through a cannula placed on the external jugular vein at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours after gentamicin; the rats were sacrificed at 24 hours. Cisplatin caused a significant decrease in gentamicin excretion and an elevation of gentamicin levels in plasma, kidneys, liver, and spleen at all the time points that were tested, except with concomitant administration. Plasma urea nitrogen was elevated, and creatinine clearance decreased by the 4th day after cisplatin and these continued to be significantly different even on the 29th day after cisplatin.^ These results demonstrate that cisplatin nephrotoxicity reduced gentamicin excretion for at least a month in F-344 rats. This could increase the risk of toxicity from the second drug by elevating its levels in plasma and tissue. Thus, caution should be exercised when renally excreted drugs are given after cisplatin. ^


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9-β-D-arabinosylguanine (ara-G), an analogue of deoxyguanosine, has demonstrated T-lymphoblast selective anti-leukemia activity both in vitro and in vivo in cell lines and primary cells and in phase I investigations. The present work was initiated to identify factors that result in this selectivity. ^ The cytotoxicity of ara-G is manifest only after its phosphorylation. Experiments using cell lines transfected to overexpress specific nucleoside kinases demonstrated that the phosphorylation of ara-G to its monophosphate is by both cytoplasmic deoxycytidine kinase and mitochondria) deoxyguanosine kinase. Ara-G monophosphate is converted to its 5′-triphosphate (ara-GTP) in cells by these kinases and then incorporated into DNA. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that incorporation of ara-GTP into DNA was a necessary event for the induction of cell death. ^ Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies utilizing three human acute leukemia cell lines, CEM (T-lymphoblastic), Raji (B-lymphoblastic), and ML-1 (myeloid) were performed. CEM cells were most sensitive to ara-G-induced inhibition of colony formation, accumulated ara-GTP at a faster rate and to a greater degree than either Raji or ML-1, but incorporated the lowest number of ara-G molecules into DNA. The position of incorporation was internal and similar in all cell lines. The terminal elimination phase of ara-GTP was >24 h and similar in these cells. Comparisons between inhibition of colony formation and ara-GTP incorporation into DNA demonstrated that while within a cell line there was correlation among these parameters, between cell lines there was no relationship between number of incorporated ara-G molecules and ara-G(TP)-mediated toxicity suggesting that there were additional factors. ^ The expression of membrane bound Fas and Fast was unchanged in all cell lines. In contrast, there was a 2-fold increase in soluble Fast, which was found exclusively in CEM cells. Ara-G-mediated apoptosis in CEM occurred from all phases of the cell cycle and was abrogated partially by Fas antagonist antibodies. These data suggest that Fas-mediated cell death due to the liberation of sFasL may be responsible for the hypersensitivity to ara-G manifested by immature T-cells such as CEM. The role of Fas in ara-G induced death of acute T-lymphoblastic leukemia cells during therapy needs to be tested. ^


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The mammalian kidney maintains homeostasis of the extracellular environment and eliminates toxic substances from the body, in part via secretion by the organic cation transporters (OCT). Some nucleosides are also secreted by the kidney. Previous work indicated that the deoxyadenosine analog, 2′ -deoxytubercidin (dTub), is secreted by mouse kidney through the OCTs. This study examines the role of OCTs in the renal secretion of dTub and other nucleoside analogs. ^ Using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system, the basolateral type rat organic cation transporter rOCT1 was shown to transport dTub and other nucleosides. The positive charged form of dTub (dTub +) appears to be the substrate for rOCT1. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) and dTub competitively inhibit the other's uptake by rOCT1 in a manner consistent with their interaction at a common site. Although 67% homologous with rOCT1, rOCT2 does not mediate the uptake of these nucleosides. Kinetic studies demonstrated the difference in substrate specificity between rOCT1 and rOCT2 to be largely due to a poor affinity of rOCT2 for dTub+. This difference in affinity is located within transmembrane domains 2–7 as determined by chimeric constructs. ^ OCT1 knockout mice were used to evaluate the role of OCT1 in the renal secretion of dTub. No significant difference in tissue distribution and urinary excretion of dTub was observed between the knockout and wild-type mice, indicating that OCT1 is not necessary for the renal secretion of dTub. Apical transporters are postulated to participate in its active secretion. To characterize a possible apical transporter, we screened several renal cell lines for a nucleoside-sensitive OCT. American opossum kidney proximal tubule cells (OK) express a TEA efflux transporter that is inhibited by dTub and other nucleoside analogs. This carrier is metabolic-dependent and distinct from the cloned OCTs to date, i.e. it is sodium- and proton-independent. In conclusion, dTub is a good substrate for OCT1; however, this OCT is not necessary for its renal secretion in mice. The novel TEA efflux transporter identified in OK cells is likely to participate in the renal secretion of dTub and perhaps other nucleoside analogs. ^


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Retinoids, important modulators of squamous epithelial differentiation and proliferation, are effective in the treatment and prevention of squamous epithelial cancers, including squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the skin. However, the mechanism is not well understood. Retinoids exert their effects primarily through two nuclear receptor families, retinoic acid receptors (RARα, β and γ) and retinoid X receptors (RXR(α, β and γ), ligand-dependent DNA-binding transcription factors that are members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily. Retinoid receptor loss has been correlated with squamous epithelial malignancy. This has lead to the hypothesis that reduced RARγ expression and the resulting suppression of retinoid signaling contributes to squamous epithelial malignancy. To test this hypothesis, I attempted to reduce or abolish expression of RARγ, the predominant RAR in squamous epithelia, in several nontumorigenic human squamous epithelial cell lines. The most useful of these cell lines has been SqCCY1, the human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell line, along with several subclones stably transfected with RARγ sense and antisense expression constructs. By several criteria, we observed an overall suppression of squamous differentiation in RARγ sense transfectants and an enhancement in RARγ antisense transfectants, relative to parental SqCCY1 cells. We also observed that both sense and antisense cells could form tumors in athymic mice in vivo, while parental SqCCY1 cells could not. Although these results appear contradictory, several conclusions can be drawn. First, loss of RARγ contributes to squamous epithelial tumorigenesis. Second, overexpression of RARγ leads to tumor formation, suppressing differentiation and promoting proliferation, possibly due to a competitive inhibition of limiting concentrations of RXRα, a common heterodimeric partner for many nuclear receptors in addition to RARs, representing a mechanism for RARγ to modulate squamous epithelial homeostasis. The cause for tumorigenesis in the two conditions is likely due to different mechanisms/roles of RARγ in the cell, with the former as a retinoid signaling regulator; and the latter as an RXRα concentration modulator. Finally, High level of RARγ expression sensitizes cells to environmental RA, enhancing RARγ/RXRα-mediated RA signaling. Therefore, RA should be used in skin lesions with suppressed RARγ expression levels, not in skin lesions with overexpressed RARγ levels. ^


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Ecteinascidin 743 (Et-743), which is a novel DNA minor groove alkylator with a unique spectrum of antitumor activity, is currently being evaluated in phase II/III clinical trials. Although the precise molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed antitumor activity are poorly understood, recent data suggests that post-translational modifications of RNA polymerase II Large Subunit (RNAPII LS) may play a central role in the cellular response to this promising anticancer agent. The stalling of an actively transcribing RNAPII LS at Et-743-DNA adducts is the initial cellular signal for transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER). In this manner, Et-743 poisons TC-NER and produces DNA single strand breaks. Et-743 also inhibits the transcription and RNAPII LS-mediated expression of selected genes. Because the poisoning of TC-NER and transcription inhibition are critical components of the molecular response to Et-743 treatment, we have investigated if changes in RNAPII LS contribute to the disruption of these two cellular pathways. In addition, we have studied changes in RNAPII LS in two tumors for which clinical responses were reported in phase I/II clinical trials: renal cell carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma. Our results demonstrate that Et-743 induces degradation of the RNAPII LS that is dependent on active transcription, a functional 26S proteasome, and requires functional TC-NER, but not global genome repair. Additionally, we have provided the first experimental data indicating that degradation of RNAPII LS might lead to the inhibition of activated gene transcription. A set of studies performed in isogenic renal carcinoma cells deficient in von Hippel-Lindau protein, which is a ubiquitin-E3-ligase for RNAPII LS, confirmed the central role of RNAPII LS degradation in the sensitivity to Et-743. Finally, we have shown that RNAPII LS is also degraded in Ewing's sarcoma tumors following Et-743 treatment and provide data to suggest that this event plays a role in decreased expression of the Ewing's sarcoma oncoprotein, EWS-Fli1. Altogether, these data implicate degradation of RNAPII LS as a critical event following Et-743 exposure and suggest that the clinical activity observed in renal carcinoma and Ewing's sarcoma may be mediated by disruption of molecular pathways requiring a fully functional RNAPII LS. ^


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Bortezomib (VELCADE™, formerly known as PS-341) is a selective and potent inhibitor of the proteasome that was recently FDA-approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Despite its success in multiple myeloma and progression into clinical trials for other malignancies, bortezomib's exact mechanism of action remains undefined. The major objective of this study was to evaluate the anticancer activity of this drug using in vitro and in vivo pancreatic cancer models and determine whether bortezomib-induced apoptosis occurs via induction of endoplasmic reticular (ER) stress. The investigation revealed that bortezomib inhibited tumor cell proliferation via abrogation of cdk activity and induced apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cell lines. I hypothesized that bortezomib-induced apoptosis was triggered by a large accumulation ubiquitin-conjugated proteins that resulted in ER stress. My data demonstrated that bortezomib induced a unique type of ER stress in that it inhibited PKR-like ER kinase (PERK) and subsequent phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eif2α), a key event in translational suppression. The combined effects of proteasome inhibition and the failure to attenuate translation resulted in an accumulation of aggregated proteins (proteotoxicity), JNK activation, cytochrome c release, caspase-3 activation, and DNA fragmentation. Bortezomib also enhanced apoptosis induced by other agents that stimulated the unfolded protein response (UPR), demonstrating that translational suppression is a critical cytoprotective mechanism during ER stress. Tumor cells attempt to survive bortezomib-induced ER stress by sequestering aggregated proteins into large structures, termed aggresomes. Since histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) is essential for aggresome formation, tumor cells may be sensitized to bortezomib-induced apoptosis by blocking HDAC function. My results demonstrated that HDAC inhibitors disrupted aggresome formation and synergized with bortezomib to induce apoptosis in pancreatic cancer or multiple myeloma cells in vitro and in orthotopic pancreatic tumors in vivo. Taken together, my data establish a mechanistic link between bortezomib-induced aggresome formation, ER stress, and apoptosis and identify a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer and other hematologic and solid malignancies. ^


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Nuclear imaging is used for non-invasive detection, staging and therapeutic monitoring of tumors through the use of radiolabeled probes. Generally, these probes are used for applications in which they provide passive, non-specific information about the target. Therefore, there is a significant need for actively-targeted radioactive probes to provide functional information about the site of interest. This study examined endostatin, an endogenous inhibitor of tumor angiogenesis, which has affinity for tumor vasculature. The major objective of this study was to develop radiolabeled analogues of endostatin through novel chemical and radiochemical syntheses, and to determine their usefulness for tumor imaging using in vitro and in vivo models of vascular, mammary and prostate tumor cells. I hypothesize that this binding will allow for a non-invasive approach to detection of tumor angiogenesis, and such detection can be used for therapeutic monitoring to determine the efficacy of anti-angiogenic therapy. ^ The data showed that endostatin could be successfully conjugated to the bifunctional chelator ethylenedicysteine (EC), and radiolabeled with technetium-99m and gallium-68, providing a unique opportunity to use a single precursor for both nuclear imaging modalities: 99mTc for single photon emission computed tomography and 68Ga for positron emission tomography, respectively. Both radiolabeled analogues showed increased binding as a function of time in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and mammary and prostate tumor cells. Binding could be blocked in a dose-dependent manner by unlabeled endostatin implying the presence of endostatin receptors on both vascular and tumor cells. Animal biodistribution studies demonstrated that both analogues were stable in vivo, showed typical reticuloendothelial and renal excretion and produced favorable absorbed organ doses for application in humans. The imaging data provide evidence that the compounds quantitate tumor volumes with clinically-useful tumor-to-nontumor ratios, and can be used for treatment follow-up to depict changes occurring at the vascular and cellular levels. ^ Two novel endostatin analogues were developed and demonstrated interaction with vascular and tumor cells. Both can be incorporated into existing nuclear imaging platforms allowing for potential wide-spread clinical benefit as well as serving as a diagnostic tool for elucidation of the mechanism of action of endostatin. ^


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Increased glycolysis and oxidative stress are common features of cancer cells. These metabolic alterations are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and can be caused by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, oncogenic signals, loss of tumor suppressor, and tumor tissue hypoxia. It is well established that mitochondria play central roles in energy metabolism, maintenance of redox balance, and regulation of apoptosis. However, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms that maintain high glycolysis in cancer cells (the Warburg effect) with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress remain to be determined. The major goals of this study were to establish a unique experimental system in which the mitochondrial respiratory function can be regulated as desired, and to use this system to investigate the mechanistic link between mitochondrial dysfunction and the Warburg effect along with oxidative stress in cancer cells. To achieve these goals, I have established a tetracycline-inducible system in which a dominant negative form of mitochondrial DNA polymerase y (POLGdn) expression could be regulated by tetracycline; thus controlling mitochondrial respiratory function. Using this cell system, I demonstrated that POLGdn expression resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction through decreasing mtDNA content, depletion of mtDNA encoded mRNA and protein expression. This process was mediated by TFAM proteasome degradation. Mitochondrial dysfunction mediated by POLGdn expression led to a significant increase in cellular glycolysis and oxidative stress. Surprisingly, mitochondrial dysfunction also resulted in increased NAD(P)H oxidase (NOX) enzyme activity, which was shown to be essential for maintaining high glycolysis. Chemical Inhibition of NOX activity by diphenyliodonium (DPI) preferentially impacted the survival of mitochondrial defective cells. The colon cancer HCT116-/- cells that have lost transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial assembling enzyme SCO2, leading to compromised mitochondrial respiratory function, were found to have increased NOX activity and were highly sensitive to DPI treatment. Ovarian epithelial cells with Ras transformation also exhibited an increase in NOX gene expression and NOX enzyme activity, rendering the cells sensitive to DPI inhibition especially under hypoxic condition. These data together suggest that NOX plays a novel role in maintaining high glycolysis in cancer cells with mitochondrial defects, and that NOX may be a potential target for cancer therapy. ^


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Introduction. Investigations into the shortcomings of current intracavitary brachytherapy (ICBT) technology has lead us to design an Anatomically Adaptive Applicator (A3). The goal of this work was to design and characterize the imaging and dosimetric capabilities of this device. The A3 design incorporates a single shield that can both rotate and translate within the colpostat. We hypothesized that this feature, coupled with specific A3 component construction materials and imaging techniques, would facilitate artifact-free CT and MR image acquisition. In addition, by shaping the delivered dose distribution via the A3 movable shield, dose delivered to the rectum will be less compared to equivalent treatments utilizing current state-of-the-art ICBT applicators. ^ Method and materials. A method was developed to facilitate an artifact-free CT imaging protocol that used a "step-and-shoot" technique: pausing the scanner midway through the scan and moving the A 3 shield out of the path of the beam. The A3 CT imaging capabilities were demonstrated acquiring images of a phantom that positioned the A3 and FW applicators in a clinically-applicable geometry. Artifact-free MRI imaging was achieved by utilizing MRI-compatible ovoid components and pulse-sequences that minimize susceptibility artifacts. Artifacts were qualitatively compared, in a clinical setup. For the dosimetric study, Monte-Carlo (MC) models of the A3 and FW (shielded and unshielded) applicators were validated. These models were incorporated into a MC model of one cervical cancer patient ICBT insertion, using 192Ir (mHDR v2 source). The A3 shield's rotation and translation was adjusted for each dwell position to minimize dose to the rectum. Superposition of dose to rectum for all A3 dwell sources (4 per ovoid) was applied to obtain a comparison of equivalent FW treatments. Rectal dose-volume histograms (absolute and HDR/PDR biologically effective dose (BED)) and BED to 2 cc (BED2cc ) were determined for all applicators and compared. ^ Results. Using a "step-and-shoot" CT scanning method and MR compliant materials and optimized pulse-sequences, images of the A 3 were nearly artifact-free for both modalities. The A3 reduced BED2cc by 18.5% and 7.2% for a PDR treatment and 22.4% and 8.7% for a HDR treatment compared to treatments delivered using an uFW and sFW applicator, respectively. ^ Conclusions. The novel design of the A3 facilitated nearly artifact-free image quality for both CT and MR clinical imaging protocols. The design also facilitated a reduction in BED to the rectum compared to equivalent ICBT treatments delivered using current, state-of-the-art applicators. ^


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Nucleoside analogs are a class of chemotherapeutic agents with tremendous utility in treating viral infections and cancers. Traditional nucleoside analogs are DNA-directed. However, there is a new group of nucleoside analogs that induce cell death by a direct effect on RNA synthesis. The adenosine analog, 8-chloroadenosine, is incorporated into RNA and is currently in clinical trials. Another congener, 8-amino-adenosine has demonstrated toxicity in multiple myeloma cell lines. Like other nucleoside analogs, 8-amino-adenosine must be metabolized to its triphosphate to elicit a cytotoxic effect. Furthermore, 8-amino-adenosine causes a decline of the intracellular ATP pool and inhibits mRNA poly(A) adenylation. ^ Because of the previously known adenosine analog mechanism as well as the scope of the RNA directed nucleoside analog field, I hypothesized there are multiple mechanisms of transcription inhibition mediating 8-amino-adenosine-induced cell death. Prior to investigating these mechanisms, cell death by 8-amino-adenosine was characterized. 8-Amino-adenosine activates PARP cleavage and induces the caspase cascade. 8-Amino-adenosine increases Annexin V binding and the mitochondrial membrane permeability in wild-type MEF cells. In BAX/BAK deficient MEF cells, 8-amino-adenosine decreases the mitochondrial membrane permeability and induces autophagy. ^ Once cell death was characterized, the mechanisms of 8-amino-adenosine transcription inhibition were assessed. It was established that 8-aminoadenosine treatment causes 8-amino-ATP accumulation and decreases the intracellular ATP concentration, resulting in RNA synthesis inhibition. Several other mechanisms are identified. First, a relationship between ATP decline by 8-amino-adenosine or other known ATP synthesis inhibitors and RNA synthesis is established indicating that effects on cellular bioenergy, regardless of the mechanism of ATP decline, can decrease RNA synthesis. Second, 8-aminoadenosine treatment decreases the phosphorylation of serine residues on the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain which regulates transcription initiation and elongation. Third, evidence is provided to demonstrate 8-amino-ATP is a substrate for RNA synthesis. Fourth, 8-amino-ATP is incorporated at the 3'-terminal position leading to chain termination. Finally, in vitro transcription assays show that 8-amino-ATP may compete with ATP to decrease de novo mRNA synthesis. Overall, this work demonstrates 8-amino-adenosine is a cytotoxic nucleoside analog that functions to inhibit RNA transcription through multiple mechanisms. ^


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Urines from patients administered mutagenic antineoplastic drugs were significantly mutagenic in the Ames assay, and hence may pose a genotoxic hazard to hospital personnel or family members caring for the patient. The urines were tested for mutagenicity in several different strains of Salmonella typhimurium that were uvr positive or negative (TA98, TA100, TA102, UTH8413, UTH8414). The urines were fractionated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the fractions assayed for mutagenicity in the strains in which the whole urine was mutagenic. Only fractions of urines containing the parent compound (cisplatin, doxorubicin, or mitomycin) were mutagenic; no other fraction showed significant mutagenicity. However, urine containing cyclophosphamide had two fractions that were mutagenic. One fraction, the fraction containing cyclophosphamide, required metabolic activation for mutagenicity. The other fraction did not require activation for mutagenicity.^ The chemical and mutagenic stability of these urines at room temperature was assayed over a 14 day period. The parent compound degraded within the first seven days, but the urines remained mutagenic. Cis-platinum was chemically stable in the urine; however, the urine decreased in mutagenicity. The decrease was probably the result of stable ligands binding to the platinum.^ Inactivation methods were developed to reduce the genotoxic hazard. Urine containing cisplatin was inactivated by complexing the cisplatin with diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC). Oxidation with NaOCl of urines containing mitomycin and doxorubicin (sodium thiosulfate must be added to the doxorubicin urine) results in mutagenic inactivation. Inactivation of urine containing cyclophosphamide requires oxidation with alkaline potassium permaganate and trapping of active degradation products with sodium thiosulfate. Urines containing these drugs can be inactivated, but not always by the same method that inactivates the drug alone in solution. Therefore, in the future development of inactivation methods, both chemical and mutagenic assays are necessary to determine effectiveness. Methods of inactivation of mutagenic excreta developed in this study are both effective and practical. ^


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This report describes the development of a Markov model for comparing percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in terms of their cost-utility in treating isolated liver metastases from colorectal cancer. The model is based on data from multiple retrospective and prospective studies, available data on different utility states associated with treatment and complications, as well as publicly available Medicare costs. The purpose of this report is to establish a well-justified model for clinical management decisions. In comparison with SBRT, RFA is the most cost-effective treatment for this patient population. From the societal perspective, SBRT may be an acceptable alternative with an ICER of $28,673/QALY. ^


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Although frequently cured of Hodgkin lymphoma, adolescents and young adults can develop radiation induced second cancers. These patients could potentially benefit from scanned ion radiotherapy yet likely would require motion mitigation strategies. In theory, four-dimensional (4D) optimization of ion beam fields for individual motion states of respiration can enable superior sparing of healthy tissue near moving targets, compared to other motion mitigation strategies. Furthermore, carbon-ion therapy can sometimes provide greater relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell sterilization in a target but nearly equivalent RBE in tissue upstream of the target, compared to proton therapy. Thus, we expected that for some patients with Hodgkin lymphoma, carbon-ion therapy would reduce the predicted risk of second cancer incidence in the breast compared with proton therapy. The purpose of this work was to determine whether 4D-optimized carbon-ion therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of radiation induced second cancers in the breast for female Hodgkin lymphoma patients while preserving tumor control compared with proton therapy. To achieve our goals, we first investigated whether 4D-optimized carbon beam tracking could reduce dose to volumes outside a moving target compared with 3D-optimized carbon beam tracking while preserving target dose coverage. To understand the reliability of scanned carbon beam tracking, we studied the robustness of dose distributions in thoracic targets to uncertainties in patient motion. Finally, we investigated whether using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy would significantly reduce the predicted risk of second cancer in the breast for a sample of Hodgkin lymphoma patients. We found that 4D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy can reduce the maximum dose to critical structures near a moving target by as much as 53%, compared to 3D-optimized ion beam tracking therapy. We validated these findings experimentally using a scanned carbon ion synchrotron and a motion phantom. We found scanned carbon beam tracking to be sensitive to a number of motion uncertainties, most notably phase delays in tracking, systematic spatial errors, and interfractional motion changes. Our findings indicate that a lower risk of second cancer in the breast might be expected for some Hodgkin lymphoma patients using carbon-ion therapy instead of proton therapy. For our reference scenario, we found the ratio of risk to be 0.77 ± 0.35 for radiogenic breast cancer after carbon-ion therapy versus proton therapy. Our findings were dependent on the RBE values for tumor induction and the radiosensitivity of breast tissue, as well as the physical dose distribution.


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Because of its antiproliferative and differentiation-inducing properties, all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) has been used as a chemopreventive and therapeutic agent, for treatment various cancers including squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Long-term treatment with ATRA is associated with toxic effects in patients leading to acute or chronic hypervitaminosis syndrome. Moreover, prolonged treatment with oral ATRA leads to acquired resistance to the differentiation-inducing effects of the drug. This resistance is attributed to the induction of cytochrome P-450-dependent catabolic enzymes that lead to accelerated ATRA metabolism and decline in circulating levels. Most of these problems could be circumvented by incorporating ATRA in liposomes (L-ATRA) which results in sustained drug release, decrease in drug-associated toxicity, and protection of the drug from metabolism in the host. Liposomes also function as a solubilization matrix enabling lipophilic drugs like ATRA to be aerosolized and delivered directly to target areas in the aerodigestive tract and lungs. Of the 14 formulations tested, the positively-charged liposome, DPPC:SA (9:1, w/w) was found to be most effective in interacting with SCC cell lines. This, L-ATRA formulation was stable in the presence of serum proteins and buffered the toxic effects of the drug against several normal and malignant cell lines. The positive charge attributed by the presence of SA was critical for increased uptake and retention of L-ATRA by SCC cell lines and tumor spheroids. L-ATRA was highly effective in mediating differentiation in normal and transformed epithelial cells. Moreover, liposomal incorporation significantly reduced the rate of ATRA metabolism by cells and isolated liver microsomes. In vivo studies revealed that aerosol delivery is an effective way of administering L-ATRA, in terms of its safety and retention by lung tissue. The drug so delivered, is biologically active and had no toxic effects in mice. From these results, we conclude that liposome-incorporation is an excellent way of delivering ATRA to target tissues. The results obtained may have important clinical implications in treating patients with SCCs of the aerodigestive tract. ^


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DNA-directed nucleoside analogues, such as ara-C, fludarabine, and gemcitabine, are antimetabolites effective in the treatment of a variety of cancers. However, resistance to nucleoside analogue-based chemotherapy in treatments is still a major problem in therapy. Therefore, it is essential to develop rationales for optimizing the use of nucleoside analogues in combination with other anticancer drugs or modalities such as radiation. The present study focuses on establishing mechanism-based combination strategy to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. ^ I hypothesized that the cytostatic concentrations of nucleoside analogues may cause S-phase arrest by activating an S-phase checkpoint that consists of a series of kinases. This may allow cells to repair damaged DNA over time and spare cytotoxicity. Thus, the ability of cells to enact an S-phase arrest in response to incorporation of potentially lethal amounts of nucleoside analogue may serve as a mechanism of resistance to S-phase-specific agents. As a corollary, the addition of a kinase inhibitor, such as UCN-01, may dysregulate the checkpoint response and abrogate the survival of S-phase-arrested cells by suppression of the survival signaling pathways. Using gemcitabine as a model of S-phase-specific nucleoside analogues in human acute myelogenous leukemia ML-1 cells, I demonstrated that cells arrested in S-phase in response to cytostatic conditions. Proliferation continued after washing the cells into drug-free medium, suggesting S-phase arrest served as a resistance mechanism of cancer cells to spare cytotoxicity of nucleoside analogues. However, nontoxic concentrations of UCN-01 rapidly killed S-phase-arrested cells by apoptosis. Furthermore, the molecular mechanism for UCN-01-induced apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells was through inhibition of survival pathways associated with these cells. In this regard, suppression of the PI 3-kinase-Akt-Bad survival pathway as well as the NF-κB signaling pathway were associated with induction of apoptosis in S-phase-arrested cells by UCN-01, whereas the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway appeared not involved. This study has provided the rationales and strategies for optimizing the design of effective combination therapies to overcome resistance to nucleoside analogues. In fact, a clinical trial of the combination of ara-C with UCN-01 to treat relapsed or refractory AML patients has been initiated at U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. ^