20 resultados para isolated perfused rat kidney


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It has been demonstrated previously that the mammalian heart cannot sustain physiologic levels of pressure-volume work if ketone bodies are the only substrates for respiration. In order to determine the metabolic derangement responsible for contractile failure in hearts utilizing ketone bodies, rat hearts were prefused at a near-physiologic workload in a working heart apparatus with acetoacetate and competing or alternate substrates including glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, leucine, isoleucine, valine and acetate. While the pressure-volume work for hearts utilizing glucose was stable for 60 minutes of perfusion, performance fell by 30 minutes for hearts oxidizing acetoacetate as the sole substrate. The tissue content of 2-oxoglutarate and its transamination product, glutamate, were elevated in hearts utilizing acetoacetate while succinyl-CoA was decreased suggesting impaired flux through the citric acid cycle at the level of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase. Further studies indicated that the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase developed prior to the onset of contractile failure and that the inhibition of the enzyme may be related to sequestration of the required cofactor, coenzyme A, as the thioesters acetoacetyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA. The contractile failure was not observed when glucose, lactate, pyruvate, propionate, valine or isoleucine were present together with acetoacetate, but the addition of acetate or leucine to acetoacetate did not improve performance indicating that improved performance is not mediated through the provision of additional acetyl-CoA. Furthermore, addition of competing substrates that improved function did not relieve the inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and actually resulted in the further accumulation of citric acid cycle intermediates "upstream" of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (2-oxoglutarate, glutamate, citrate and malate). Studies with (1-$\sp{14}$C) pyruvate indicate that the utilization of ketone bodies is associated with activation of NADP$\sp+$dependent malic enzyme and enrichment of the C4 pool of the citric acid cycle. The results suggest that contractile failure induced by ketone bodies in rat heart results from inhibition of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and that reversal of contractile failure is dissociated from relief of the inhibition, but rather is due to the entry of carbon units into the citric acid cycle as compounds other than acetyl-CoA. This mechanism of enrichment (anaplerosis) provides oxaloacetate for condensation with acetyl-CoA derived from ketone bodies allowing continued energy production by sustaining flux through a span of the citric acid cycle up to the point of inhibition at 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase for energy production thereby producing the reducing equivalents necessary to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. ^


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Neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes were isolated from rat hearts. Some of the adult myocytes were cultured to allow for cell dedifferentiation, a phenomenon thought to mimic cell changes that occur in stressed myocardium, with myocytes regressing to a fetal pattern of metabolism and stellate neonatal shape.Using fluorescence deconvolution microscopy, cells were probed with fluorescent markers and scanned for a number of proteins associated with ion control, calcium movements and cardiac function. Image analysis of deconvoluted image stacks and sequential real-time image recordings of calcium transients of cells were made.All three myocyte groups were predominantly comprised of binucleate cells. Clustering of proteins to a single nucleus was a common observation, suggesting that one nucleus is active in protein synthesis pathways, while the other nucleus assumes a 'dormant' or different role and that cardiomyocytes might be mitotically active even in late development, or specific protein syntheses could be targeted and regulated for reintroduction into the cell cycle.Such possibilities would extend cardiac disease associated stem cell research and therapy options, while producing valuable insights into developmental and death pathways of binucleate cardiomyocytes (word count 183).


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The metabolism of the antitumor agent 6-thioguanine (TG, NSC-752) by rat liver was studied in vitro. Livers from adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were homogenized and the "liver homogenate" was subjected to differential centrifugation to obtain the "10,000 x g pellet", the "post-mitochondrial fraction", the "cytosol fraction", and the "microsomes". The homogenity of each fraction was estimated by appropriate marker enzyme assays. To delineate the in vitro metabolism of TG by rat liver, 0.2 mM of {8-('14)C}TG was incubated with different subcellular fractions in KCl-Tris-MgCl(,2) buffer, pH 7.4 at 37(DEGREES). The metabolites formed were identified by chromatography, UV spectrometry, as well as mass spectrometry. After a 1 hr incubation, TG was metabolized by the liver homogenate, the 10,000 x g pellet and the post-mitochondrial fraction mainly to 6-thioguanosine (TGR), accompanied by varying lesser amounts of 6-thiouric acid (TUA), allantoin, guanine-6-sulfinic acid (G-SO(,2)H) and an unknown product. In comparison, the cytosal fraction converted TG almost entirely to TGR and TUA in equal amounts. The formation of TGR from TG was limited by the endogenous supply of ribose-1-phosphate. With the microsomal fraction, however, TG was metabolized significantly to G-SO(,2)H and the unknown, accompanied with some TGR. After a 5 hr incubation the metabolism of TG was changed to favor the catabolic route, yielding mostly TUA in the post-mitochondrial and cytosol fractions; but mainly allantoin in the liver homogenate fraction. The kinetic studies of TG metabolism by the subcellar fractions indicated that the formation of TGR served as a depot form of TG. The level of TGR decreased when the catabolism of TG became prominent. The oxidation of TG to GSO(,2)H mediated by the hepatic microsomes represented a new catabolic pathway of TG. This GSO(,2)H, under acidic conditions, readily decomposes to guanine and inorganic sulfate. In the presence of reduced glutathione in Tris buffer, pH 7.8 at 25(DEGREES), GSO(,2)H is adducted to glutathione chemically to form S-(2-amino-purin-6-yl) glutathione and conceivably, inorganic sulfate. Therefore, the formation of GSO(,2)H from TG might have implication in the desulfuration mechanism of TG. On the other hand, the unknown formed from TG by the action of the microsomal enzymes appeared to be a TG conjugate. However, it is neither a glutathione, a glucuronide, nor a ribose conjugate. Additionally, the deamination of TG by guanine deaminase (E.C. isolated from rat liver was also investigated. TG is a poorer substrate (Km = 4.8 x 10('-3)M) for guanine deaminase than that of guanine (Km = 4.7 x 10('-6)M) at pH 7.25, optimal pH for TG as a substrate. TG is also a competitive inhibitor of guanine for guanine deaminase, with a ki of 2.2 x 10('-4)M. ^


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The viral proteins synthesized by a Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSV) with a temperature-sensitive mutation in a function required for the maintenance of the transformed state (ts110) were examined. Normal rat kidney cells (NRK) were infected with the ts110 virus and a non-virus-producing cell clone, termed 6m2, was isolated. This cell clone had a malignant phenotype at 33(DEGREES), the permissive temperature, but changed to a normal phenotype at 39(DEGREES).^ Two viral proteins were detected in 6m2 cells. A 58,000 dalton protein (P58) was detected at both 33(DEGREES) and 39(DEGREES) and contained only core protein (gag) coded sequences. An 85,000 dalton protein (P85) was detected only at 33(DEGREES) and contained sequences of viral core proteins p15, pp12, and part of p30 as well as protein sequences attributed by peptide mapping to P23 and P38, two candidate viral mouse src (v-mos) gene products. These results provide good evidence that P85 is a gag-mos polyprotein. As expected for a functional mos-gene product, P85 synthesis preceded parameters characteristic of the transformed state, including changes in cell morphology, in the cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC) and in the rate of hexose uptake.^ Other studies were conducted to ascertain the defect which prohibited the synthesis of P85 at 39(DEGREES), the non-permissive temperature. When 6m2 cells were treated with actinomycin D at 39(DEGREES) and shifted to 33(DEGREES), the cells were unable to synthesize P85, but P58 continued to be made. P85 mRNA, active at 33(DEGREES), continued to be translated for two to three hours after shifting to 39(DEGREES) as judged by pulse-labeling experiments. Virus harvested at 33(DEGREES) from ts110 MuSV producer cells packaged both P85 and P58 coding RNAs while virus harvested at 39(DEGREES) was deficient in the amount of P85 coding RNA. Agarose gel electrophoresis of 6m2 cellular RNA showed that RNA harvested at 33(DEGREES) contained the 4.0 and 3.5 kb RNAs. Similar experiments on cells maintained at 39(DEGREES) have detected only the 4.0 kb RNA, suggesting that the 3.5 kb RNA codes for P85. The defect appeared to be in the long term stability of the P85 coding RNA at 39(DEGREES), since, in shift-up experiments (33(DEGREES) (--->) 39(DEGREES)), P85 was translated for only three hours at 39(DEGREES), while P58 was synthesized for at least eight hours. However, at 33(DEGREES) in the presence of actinomycin D, the ratio of P85 and P58 synthesis at hourly intervals was similar throughout a 12 hour period. ^


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In order to propose a role for internucleosomal high mobility group proteins (HMGs), and HI histone variants study of their levels and synthesis in a system of development and differentiation--rat spermatogenesis--was undertaken. HMG1, 2, 14, and 17 were isolated from rat testes and found to be very similar to calf thymus HMGs. Testis levels of HMGs, relative to DNA, were equivalent to other rat tissues for HMG1 (13 ug/mg DNA), HMG14 (2 ug/mg DNA), and HMG17 (5 ug/mg DNA). HMG2 levels were different among rat tissues, with three groups observed: (1) nonproliferating tissues (1-5 ug/mg DNA); (2) proliferating tissues (8-13 ug/mg DNA); and (3) the testis (32 ug/mg DNA). Other species (toad, opposum, mouse, dog, and monkey) showed the same testis-specific increase of HMG2. Populations of purified testis cell types were separated by centrifugal elutriation and density gradient centrifugation from adult and immature rat testes. Pachytene spermatocytes and early spermatids (56 and 47 ug/mg DNA, respectively) caused the testis-specific increase of HMG2 levels. Cell types preceding pachytenes (types A and B spermatogonia, mixtures of spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes, and early pachytenes contained HMG2 levels similar to proliferating tissues (12 ug/mg DNA). Late spermatids did not contain HMGs. Somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells (2 ug/mg DNA) exhibited HMG2 levels similar to nonproliferating tissues. HMGs synthesized in spermatogonia and spermatocytes had similar specific activities, but early spermatids did not synthesize HMGs. Germ cells also contained an HMG2 species (on acid-urea gels) not found in somatic tissues. Other investigators have shown that HMGs may be associated with transcriptional or replicative processes. Thus, it is proposed that HMG2 plays a role in modulatable gene expression, while HMG1 is associated with housekeeping functions.^ HI histone variants were also studied throughout spermatogenesis. The minor somatic variant, HIa, is the predominant variant in spermatogonia and early primary spermatocytes. In early pachytenes, the testis-specific variant, HIt, is first synthesized and appears, largely replacing somatic variants HIbcd and e by late pachytene stage. Early spermatids contain the same HI composition as pachytenes, but do not synthesize HI histones. HI('0) is present in low amounts in all germ cells. These results suggest that expression of HI variants is developmentally controlled.^


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Despite the popularity of the positron emitting glucose analog, ($\sp{18}$F) -2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (2FDG), for the noninvasive "metabolic imaging" of organs with positron emission tomography (PET), the physiological basis for the tracer has not been tested, and the potential of 2FDG for the rapid kinetic analysis of altered glucose metabolism in the intact heart has not been fully exploited. We, therefore, developed a quantitative method to characterize metabolic changes of myocardial glucose metabolism noninvasively and with high temporal resolution.^ The first objective of the work was to provide direct evidence that the initial steps in the metabolism of 2FDG are the same as for glucose and that 2FDG is retained by the tissue in proportion to the rate of glucose utilization. The second objective was to characterize the kinetic changes in myocardial glucose transport and phosphorylation in response to changes in work load, competing substrates, acute ischemia and reperfusion, and the addition of insulin. To assess changes in myocardial glucose metabolism isolated working rat hearts were perfused with glucose and 2FDG. Tissue uptake of 2FDG and the input function were measured on-line by external detection. The steady state rate of 2FDG phosphorylation was determined by graphical analysis of 2FDG time-activity curves.^ The rate of 2FDG uptake was linear with time and the tracer was retained in its phosphorylated form. Tissue accumulation of 2FDG decreased within seconds with a reduction in work load, in the presence of competing substrates, and during reperfusion after global ischemia. Thus, most interventions known to alter glucose metabolism induced rapid parallel changes in 2FDG uptake. By contrast, insulin caused a significant increase in 2FDG accumulation only in hearts from fasted animals when perfused at a sub-physiological work load. The mechanism for this phenomenon is not known but may be related to the existence of two different glucose transporter systems and/or glycogen metabolism in the myocardial cell.^ It is concluded that (1) 2FDG traces glucose uptake and phosphorylation in the isolated working rat heart; and (2) early and transient kinetic changes in glucose metabolism can be monitored with high temporal resolution with 2FDG and a simple positron coincidence counting system. The new method has revealed transients of myocardial glucose metabolism, which would have remained unnoticed with conventional methods. These transients are not only important for the interpretation of glucose metabolic PET scans, but also provide insights into mechanisms of glucose transport and phosphorylation in heart muscle. ^


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Two genetically variant forms of rat "acid" beta-galactosidase were found to differ in isoelectric point and pH dependence, but not in thermostability or sensitivity to inhibition by p-mercuribenzoate (PMB). The results of two backcrosses and an intercross indicated that the isoelectric focusing phenotypes are controlled by two codominant alleles at a single autosomal locus, for which we propose the name Glb-1. No significant linkage between Glb-1 and albino (LG I), brown (LG II), or hooded (LG VI) was observed. Strain-specific differences in total levels of kidney beta-galactosidase were detected, but it is not yet known whether the variation is controlled by genes linked to Glb-1. Experiments in which organ homogenates were incubated with neuraminidase indicated that the genetically variant forms do not result from differences in sialylation, though sialylation does appear to be largely responsible for the presence of multiple bands within each phenotype and for differences in the banding patterns of beta-galactosidases derived from different organs. The beta-galactosidase present in the bands used for Glb-1 typing resembles human GM1 gangliosidase (GLB1) with respect to pH optimum, substrate specificity, and susceptibility to inhibition by PMB. It also appears that Glb-1 is homologous with the Bgl-e locus of the mouse. In rats as in mice the genetically variant bands of beta-galactosidase are active at acid pH and have relatively high isoelectric points. In both species these bands are readily detectable in kidney homogenates, and can be revealed in homogenates of liver or spleen following treatment with neuraminidase. The presence of the same beta-galactosidase bands in homogenates of rat kidney and small intestine as well as in neuraminidase-treated homogenates of liver and spleen suggests that the Glb-1 variants differ by one or more point mutations in the structural gene for "acid" beta-galactosidase.


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We have developed a novel way to assess the mutagenicity of environmentally important metal carcinogens, such as nickel, by creating a positive selection system based upon the conditional expression of a retroviral transforming gene. The target gene is the v-mos gene in MuSVts110, a murine retrovirus possessing a growth temperature dependent defect in expression of the transforming gene due to viral RNA splicing. In normal rat kidney cells infected with MuSVts110 (6m2 cells), splicing of the MuSVts110 RNA to form the mRNA from which the transforming protein, p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$, is translated is growth-temperature dependent, occurring at 33 C and below but not at 39 C and above. This splicing "defect" is mediated by cis-acting viral sequences. Nickel chloride treatment of 6m2 cells followed by growth at 39 C, allowed the selection of "revertant" cells which constitutively express p85$\sp{\rm gag-mos}$ due to stable changes in the viral RNA splicing phenotype, suggesting that nickel, a carcinogen whose mutagenicity has not been well established, could induce mutations in mammalian genes. We also show by direct sequencing of PCR-amplified integrated MuSVts110 DNA from a 6m2 nickel-revertant cell line that the nickel-induced mutation affecting the splicing phenotype is a cis-acting 70-base duplication of a region of the viral DNA surrounding the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. These findings provide the first example of the molecular basis for a nickel-induced DNA lesion and establish the mutagenicity of this potent carcinogen. ^


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Epidemiological studies have shown cadmium to induce cancer in humans, while experimental studies have proven this metal to be a potent tumor inducer in animals. However, cadmium appears nonmutagenic in most prokaryotic and eukaryotic mutagenesis assays. In this study, we present the identification of mutations in normal rat kidney cells infected with the mutant MuSVts110 retrovirus (6m2 cells) as a result of treatment with cadmium chloride. The detection of these mutations was facilitated by the use of a novel mutagenesis assay established in this laboratory. The 6m2 reversion assay is a positive selection system based on the conditional expression of the MuSVts110 v-mos gene. In MuSVts110 the gag and mos genes are fused out of frame, thus the translation of the v-mos sequence requires a frameshift in the genomic RNA. In 6m2 cells this frameshift is accomplished by the temperature-dependent splicing of the primary MuSVts110 transcript. Splicing of MuSVts110, which is mediated by cis-acting sequences, occurs when 6m2 cells are grown at 33$\sp\circ$C and below, but not at 39$\sp\circ$C. Therefore, 6m2 cells appear transformed at low growth temperatures, but take on a morphologically normal appearance when grown at high temperatures. The treatment of 6m2 cells with cadmium chloride resulted in the outgrowth of a number of cells that reverted to the transformed state at high growth temperatures. Analysis of the viral proteins expressed in these cadmium-induced 6m2 revertants suggested that they contained mutations in their MuSVts110 DNA. Sequencing of the viral DNA from three revertants that constitutively expressed the P85$\sp{gag{-}mos}$ transforming protein revealed five different mutations. The Cd-B2 revertant contained three of those mutations: an A-to-G transition 48 bases downstream of the MuSVts110 3$\sp\prime$ splice site, plus a G-to-T and an A-to-T transversion 84 and 100 bases downstream of the 5$\sp\prime$ splice site, respectively. The Cd-15-5 revertant also contained a point mutation, a T-to-C transition 46 bases downstream of the 5$\sp\prime$ splice site, while Cd-10-5 contained a three base deletion of MuSVts110 11 bases upstream of the 3$\sp\prime$ splice site. A fourth revertant, Cd-10, expressed a P100$\sp{gag{-}mos}$ transforming protein, and was found to have a two base deletion. This deletion accomplished the frameshift necessary for v-mos expression, but did not alter MuSVts110 RNA splicing and the expression of p85$\sp{gag{-}mos}.$ Lastly, sequencing of the MuSVts110 DNA from three spontaneous revertants revealed the same G to T transversion in each one. This was the same mutation that was found in the Cd-B2 revertant. These findings provide the first example of mutations resulting from exposure to cadmium and suggest, by the difference in each mutation, the complexity of the mechanism utilized by cadmium to induce DNA damage. ^


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Dielectrophoresis—the tendency of a material of high dielectric permittivity to migrate in an electrical field gradient to a region of maximum field strength—provides an ideal motive force for manipulating small volumes of biological analytes in microfluidic microsystems. The work described in this thesis was based on the hypothesis that dielectrophoresis could be exploited to provide high-resolution cell separations in microsystems as well as a means for the electrically-controllable manipulation of solid supports for molecular analysis. To this end, a dielectrophoretic/gravitational field-flow-fractionation (DEP/G-FFF) system was developed and the separation performance evaluated using various types and sizes of polystyrene microspheres as model particles. It was shown that separation of the polystyrene beads was based on the differences in their effective dielectrophoretic properties. The ability of an improved DEP/G-FFF system to separate genetically identical, but phenotypically dissimilar cell types was demonstrated using mixtures of 6m2 mutant rat kidney cells grown under transforming and non-transforming culture conditions. Additionally, a panel of engineered dielectric microspheres was designed with specific, predetermined dielectrophoretic properties such that their dielectrophoretic behaviors would be controllable and predictable. The fabrication method involved the use of gold-coated polystyrene microsphere cores coated with a self-assembled monolayer of alkanethiol and, optionally, a self-assembled monolayer of phospholipid to form a thin-insulating-shell-over-conductive-interior structure. The successful development of the DEP/G-FFF separation system and the dielectrically engineered microspheres provides proof-of-principle demonstrations of enabling dielectrophoresis-based microsystem technology that should provide powerful new methods for the manipulation, separation and identification of analytes in many diverse fields. ^


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When subjected to increased workload, the heart responds metabolically by increasing its reliance on glucose and structurally by increasing the size of myocytes. Whether changes in metabolism regulate the structural remodeling process is unknown. A likely candidate for a link between metabolism and growth in the heart is the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which couples energy and nutrient metabolism to cell growth. Recently, sustained mTOR activation has also been implicated in the development of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. We explored possible mechanisms by which acute metabolic changes in the hemodynamically stressed heart regulate mTOR activation, ER stress and cardiac function in the ex vivo isolated working rat heart. Doubling the heart’s workload acutely increased rates of glucose uptake beyond rates of glucose oxidation. The concomitant increase in glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) was associated with mTOR activation, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and impaired contractile function. Both rapamycin and metformin restored glycolytic homeostasis, relieved ER stress and rescued contractile function. G6P and ER stress were also downregulated with mechanical unloading of failing human hearts. Taken together, the data support the hypothesis that metabolic remodeling precedes, triggers, and sustains structural remodeling of the heart and implicate a critical role for G6P in load-induced contractile dysfunction, mTOR activation and ER stress. In general terms, the intermediary metabolism of energy providing substrates provides signals for the onset and progression of hypertrophy and heart failure.


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Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Studies to elucidate the function of vitamin D have demonstrated an important role in regulating bone-related cells, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts. A seemingly paradoxical observation is that 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, the active metabolite of vitamin D, stimulates bone resorption, yet regulates transcription of genes expressed by osteoblasts. One mechanism that could explain these actions is the upregulation of transcription of osteoblast-specific genes. These gene products could then act as effectors to influence osteoclastic activity. We hypothesized that molecular signals could be deposited directly into the mineralized matrix in the form of noncollagenous proteins, such as osteopontin (OPN). The structure, biosynthesis and localization of OPN suggest that it could function to mediate the molecular "cross talk" between osteoblasts and osteoclasts in response to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. To begin to address this hypothesis, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action involved in the transactivation of OPN by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ is essential.^ In the present study, the rat opn gene was isolated and characterized. Functional analysis by transient transfection of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequences of the rat opn gene fused to the luciferase gene demonstrated that OPN is transcriptionally upregulated by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, mediated through two vitamin D response elements (VDRE). Both proximal and distal VDREs are structurally similar (two imperfect direct repeats separated by a 3 nucleotide spacer) and bind protein complexes that include the VDR and retinoid-X receptor (RXR). Isolated VDRE expression constructs produce functional activity of equivalent magnitude of responsiveness to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. However, expression constructs containing either VDRE and at least 200 bp of 5$\sp\prime$ and 3$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence demonstrated that the distal VDRE produces an amplitude of response significantly higher than the proximal VDRE. We conclude that the transcriptional upregulation of the opn gene by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ involves the transactivation of two VDREs, while maximal responsiveness requires interaction of the VDREs with additional cis-elements contained in the 5$\sp\prime$ sequence. ^


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One full length cDNA clone, designated 3aH15, was isolated from a rat brain cDNA library using a fragment of CYP3A2 cDNA as a probe. 3aH15 encoded a protein composed of 503 amino acid residues. The deduced amino acid sequence of 3aH15 was 92% identical to mouse Cyp3a-13 and had a 68.4% to 76.5% homology with the other reported rat CYP3A sequences. Clone 3aH15 was thus named CYP3A9 by Cytochrome P450 Nomenclature Committee. CYP3A9 seems to the major CYP3A isozyme expressed in rat brain. Sexual dimorphism of the expression of CYP3A9 was shown for the first time in rat brain as well as in rat liver. CYP3A9 appears to be female specific in rat liver based on the standards proposed by Kato and Yamazoe who defined sex specific expression of P450s as being a 10-fold or higher expression level in one sex compared with the other. CYP3A9 gene expression was inducible by estrogen treatment both in male and in female rats. Male rats treated with estrogen had a similar expression level of CYP3A9 mRNA both in the liver and brain. Ovariectomy of adult female rats drastically reduced the mRNA level of CYP3A9 which could be fully restored by estrogen replacement. On the other hand, only a two-fold induction of CYP3A9 expression by dexamethasone was observed in male liver and no significant induction of CYP3A9 mRNA was observed in female liver or in the brains. These results suggest that estrogen may play an important role in the female specific expression of the CYP3A9 gene and that CYP3A9 gene expression is regulated differently from other CYP3A isozymes. ^ P450 3A9 recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli using the pCWOri+ expression vector and the MALLLAVF amino terminal sequence modification. This construct gave a high level of expression (130 nmol P450 3A9/liter culture) and the recombinant protein of the modified P450 3A9 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity (10.1 nmol P450/mg protein) from solubilized fractions using two chromatographic steps. The purified P450 3A9 protein was active towards the metabolism of many clinically important drugs such as imipramine, erythromycin, benzphetamine, ethylmorphine, chlorzoxazone, cyclosporine, rapamycin, etc. in a reconstituted system containing lipid and rat NADPH-P450 reductase. Although P450 3A9 was active towards the catabolism of testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 17β-estradiol, P450 3A9 preferentially catalyzes the metabolism of progesterone to form four different hydroxylated products. Optimal reconstitution conditions for P450 3A9 activities required a lipid mixture and GSH. The possible mechanisms of the stimulatory effects of GSH on P450 3A9 activities are discussed. Sexually dimorphic expression of P450 3A9 in the brain and its involvement in many neuroactive drugs as well as neurosteroids suggest the possible role of P450 3A9 in some mental disorders and brain functions. ^


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By the use of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV)-induced rat bone tumor (RBT) cells as immunogens, and the hybridoma technique, a mouse hybridoma clone was isolated in Dr. Chan's lab (Chan et al., 1983), which produced a monoclonal antibody, designated MC. MC detected specific antigens in three different Mo-MSV-transformed rat cell lines: 78A1 WRC, RBT and 6M2 (NRK cells infected with the ts110 mutant of Mo-MSV), but not in their untransformed counterparts. These antigens are tentatively termed transformation associated proteins (TAP). In this study, TAP were hypothesized to be the rat specific proteins which are activated by Mo-MSV and play an important role in cellular transformation, and were further investigated. Their properties are summarized as follows: (1) TAP may represent cellular products localized in the cytoplasm of 6M2 cells. (2) The expression of TAP is temperature-sensitive and related to cellular transformation, and probably activated by the v-mos gene products. The optimal temperature for the expression of both P85('gag-mos), the only known viral transforming protein in 6M2 cells, and TAP was 28(DEGREES)C. The expression of both P85('gag-mos) and TAP was proportional to the degree of transformation of 6M2 cells. (3) There were four antigenically-related forms of intracellular TAP (P66, P63, P60 and P58) in 6M2 cells. After synthesis, the 58Kd TAP was probably converted to one of the other three forms. These three polypeptides (P66, P63 and P60) were rapidly converted to two (P68 and P64) and subsequently secreted to the extracellular medium with a 50% secretion rate of 78 min. The conversion of these molecular sizes of TAP is probably related to glycosylation. Inhibition of TAP glycosylation by 0.5 ug/ml of tunicamycin could retard the secretion rate of TAP by 39%. (4) TAP are phosphoproteins, but not associated with any protein kinase activity. (5) TAP have been purified, and found to be mitogenic NRK-2 cells. TAP can bind to the receptors of NRK-2 cells with a K(,d) of 1.4 pM and with about 2 x 10('5) binding sites for TAP per NRK-2 cell. (6) Some weak proteolytic activity was found to associate with purified TAP. ^