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Musculoskeletal infections are infections of the bone and surrounding tissues. They are currently diagnosed based on culture analysis, which is the gold standard for pathogen identification. However, these clinical laboratory methods are frequently inadequate for the identification of the causative agents, because a large percentage (25-50%) of confirmed musculoskeletal infections are false negatives in which no pathogen is identified in culture. My data supports these results. The goal of this project was to use PCR amplification of a portion of the 16S rRNA gene to test an alternative approach for the identification of these pathogens and to assess the diversity of the bacteria involved. The advantages of this alternative method are that it should increase sample sensitivity and the speed of detection. In addition, bacteria that are non-culturable or in low abundance can be detected using this molecular technique. However, a complication of this approach is that the majority of musculoskeletal infections are polymicrobial, which prohibits direct identification from the infected tissue by DNA sequencing of the initial 16S rDNA amplification products. One way to solve this problem is to use denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to separate the PCR products before DNA sequencing. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) separates DNA molecules based on their melting point, which is determined by their DNA sequence. This analytical technique allows a mixture of PCR products of the same length that electrophoreses through agarose gels as one band, to be separated into different bands and then used for DNA sequence analysis. In this way, the DGGE allows for the identification of individual bacterial species in polymicrobial-infected tissue, which is critical for improving clinical outcomes. By combining the 16S rDNA amplification and the DGGE techniques together, an alternative approach for identification has been used. The 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method includes several critical steps: DNA extraction from tissue biopsies, amplification of the bacterial DNA, PCR product separation by DGGE, amplification of the gel-extracted DNA, and DNA sequencing and analysis. Each step of the method was optimized to increase its sensitivity and for rapid detection of the bacteria present in human tissue samples. The limit of detection for the DNA extraction from tissue was at least 20 Staphylococcus aureus cells and the limit of detection for PCR was at least 0.05 pg of template DNA. The conditions for DGGE electrophoreses were optimized by using a double gradient of acrylamide (6 – 10%) and denaturant (30-70%), which increased the separation between distinct PCR products. The use of GelRed (Biotium) improved the DNA visualization in the DGGE gel. To recover the DNA from the DGGE gels the gel slices were excised, shredded in a bead beater, and the DNA was allowed to diffuse into sterile water overnight. The use of primers containing specific linkers allowed the entire amplified PCR product to be sequenced and then analyzed. The optimized 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method was used to analyze 50 tissue biopsy samples chosen randomly from our collection. The results were compared to those of the Memorial Hermann Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory for the same samples. The molecular method was congruent for 10 of the 17 (59%) culture negative tissue samples. In 7 of the 17 (41%) culture negative the molecular method identified a bacterium. The molecular method was congruent with the culture identification for 7 of the 33 (21%) positive cultured tissue samples. However, in 8 of the 33 (24%) the molecular method identified more organisms. In 13 of the 15 (87%) polymicrobial cultured tissue samples the molecular method identified at least one organism that was also identified by culture techniques. Overall, the DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA is an effective method to identify bacteria not identified by culture analysis.


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Background. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is a laboratory technique in which Salmonella DNA banding patterns are used as molecular fingerprints for epidemiologic study for "PFGE clusters". State and national health departments (CDC) use PFGE to detect clusters of related cases and to discover common sources of bacteria in outbreaks. ^ Objectives. Using Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) data, the study sought: (1) to describe the epidemiology of Salmonella in Houston, with PFGE subtype as a variable; and (2) to determine whether PFGE patterns and clusters detected in Houston were local appearances of PFGE patterns or clusters that occurred statewide. ^ Methods. During the years 2002 to 2005, the HDHHS collected and analyzed data from routine surveillance of Salmonella. We implemented a protocol, between May 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007, in which PFGE patterns from local cases were sent via e-mail to the Texas Department of State Health Services, to verify whether the local PFGE patterns were also part of statewide clusters. PFGE was performed from 106 patients providing a sample from which Salmonella was isolated in that time period. Local PFGE clusters were investigated, with the enhanced picture obtained by linking local PFGE patterns to PFGE patterns at the state and national level. ^ Results. We found that, during the years 2002 to 2005, there were 66 PFGE clusters, ranging in size from 2 to 22 patients within each cluster. Between different serotypes, there were marked differences in the sizes of PFGE clusters. A common source or risk factor was found in fewer than 5 of the 66 PFGE clusters. With the revised protocol, we found that 19 of 66 local PFGE patterns were indistinguishable from PFGE patterns at Texas DSHS. During the eight months, we identified ten local PFGE clusters with a total of 42 patients. The PFGE pattern for eight of the ten clusters matched the PFGE patterns for cases reported to Texas DSHS from other geographic areas. Five of the ten PFGE patterns matched PFGE patterns for clusters under investigation at PulseNet at the national level. HDHHS epidemiologists identified a mode of transmission in two of the ten local clusters and a common risk factor in a third local cluster. ^ Conclusion. In the extended-study protocol, Houston PFGE patterns were linked to patterns seen at the state and national level. The investigation of PFGE clusters was more efficacious in detecting a common transmission when local data were linked to state and national data. ^


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The initial step in coronavirus-mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) replication is the synthesis of negative strand RNA from a positive strand genomic RNA template. Our approach to studying MHV RNA replication is to identify the cis-acting signals for RNA synthesis and the protein(s) which recognizes these signals at the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA of MHV. To determine whether host cellular and/or virus-specific proteins interact with the 3$\sp\prime$ end of the coronavirus genome, an RNase T$\sb1$ protection/gel mobility shift electrophoresis assay was used to examine cytoplasmic extracts from either mock- or MHV-JHM-infected 17Cl-1 murine cells for the ability to form complexes with defined regions of the genomic RNA. A conserved 11 nucleotide sequence UGAAUGAAGUU at nucleotide positions 36 to 26 from the 3$\sp\prime$ end of genomic RNA was identified to be responsible for the specific binding of host proteins, by using a series of RNA probes with deletions and mutations in this region. The RNA probe containing the 11 nucleotide sequence bound approximately four host cellular proteins with a highly labeled 120 kDa and three minor species with sizes of 103, 81 and 55 kDa, assayed by UV-induced covalent cross-linking. Mutation of the 11 nucleotide motif strongly inhibited cellular protein binding, and decreased the amount of the 103 and 81 kDa proteins in the complex to undetectable levels and strongly reduced the binding of the 120 kDa protein. Less extensive mutations within this 11 nucleotide motif resulted in variable decreases in RNA-protein complex formation depending on each probe tested. The RNA-protein complexes observed with cytoplasmic extracts from MHV-JHM-infected cells in both RNase protection/gel mobility shift and UV cross-linking assays were indistinguishable to those observed with extracts from uninfected cells.^ To investigate the possible role of this 3$\sp\prime$ protein binding element in viral RNA replication in vivo, defective interfering RNA molecules with complete or partial mutations of the 11 nucleotide conserved sequence were transcribed in vitro, transfected to host 17Cl-1 cells in the presence of helper virus MHV-JHM and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis, competitive RT-PCR and direct sequencing of the RT-PCR products. Both negative strand synthesis and positive strand replication of DI RNA were affected by mutation that disrupts RNA-protein complex formation, even though the 11 mutated nucleotides were converted to wild type sequence, presumably by recombination with helper virus. Kinetic analysis indicated that recombination between DI RNA and helper virus occurred 5.5 to 7.5 hours post infection when replication of positive strand DI RNA was barely observed. Replication of positive strand DI RNAs carrying partial mutations within the 11 nucleotide motif was dependent upon recombination events after transfection. Replication was strongly inhibited when reversion to wild type sequence did not occur, and after recombination, reached similar levels as wild type DI RNA. A DI RNA with mutation upstream of the protein binding motif replicated as efficiently as wild type without undergoing recombination. Thus the conserved 11 nucleotide host protein binding motif appears to play an important role in viral RNA replication. ^


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Sensitive assays utilizing a cell-free and an intracellular system were employed to study the molecular bases of the DNA-damaging reactions of neocarzinostatin (NCS). In the cell-free DNA system, super-helical form I DNA from the bacteriophage PM2 was used as the substrate. The three forms of DNA present after treatment with NCS were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. When NCS-damaged DNA was assayed under neutral conditions, there was a progressive decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA and a corresponding increase in form II (nicked, relaxed circular) DNA, but very little increase in form III (linear duplex) DNA. This indicates that NCS introduces primarily single-strand breaks. However later studies showed that there were some site-specific double-strand breaks mediated by NCS on PM2 DNA. Seven such specific sites were mapped on the PM2 genome. When the damage was assayed under nondenaturing alkaline conditions or with the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease IV, there was a slightly greater decrease in the amount of surviving form I DNA compared with neutral conditions indicating the presence of some alkali-labile sites.^ NCS-mediated DNA damage and repair were examined with cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using either alkaline elution for analysis of single-strand breaks or neutral elution for analysis of double-strand breaks. Most of the strand breaks introduced by NCS were capable of being rejoined. However, there was a small amount of residual DNA damage remaining unrejoined at 24-hr after removal of the drug. The amount of residual DNA damage was higher in a CHO mutant cell line (EM9) having a higher sensitivity to killing by NCS than its parental strain (AA8). Other lesions, DNA-protein complexes and alkali-labile sites, were detected after NCS treatment but they constituted only a small fraction of the DNA damage.^ Based on the above information, it can be postulated that NCS introduces some very lethal DNA damage. It is likely that the lethal lesions are a subset of the total DNA lesions representing the residual DNA damage. This DNA damage may be composed of site-specific, unrejoinable double-strand breaks and are thus the primary lesion leading to NCS-mediated lethality.^


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Non-pregnant, female adult rats pretreated with either phenobarbital (PB) or (beta)-naphthoflavone ((beta)NF) through short-course intraperitoneal injections were shown by sodium dithionite-reduced carbon monoxide difference spectroscopy and NADPH-cytochrome c in vitro assay to contain cytochrome P-450 and NADPH-dependent reductase associated with the microsomal fraction of colon mucosa. These two protein components of the mixed function oxidase system were released from the microsomal membrane, resolved from each other, and partially purified by using a combination of techniques including solubilization in nonionic detergent followed by ultracentrifugation, anion exchange and adsorption column chromatographies, native gel electrophoresis, polyethylene glycol fractionation and ultrafiltration.^ In vitro reconstitution assays demonstrated the cytochrome P-450 fraction as the site of substrate and molecular oxygen binding. By the use of immunochemical techniques including radial immunodiffusion, Ouchterlony double diffusion and protein electroblotting, the cytochrome P-450 fraction was shown to contain at least 5 forms of the protein, having molecular weights as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis identical to the corresponding hepatic cytochrome P-450. Estimation of total cytochrome P-450 content confirmed the preferential induction of particular forms in response to the appropriate drug pretreatment.^ The colonic NADPH-dependent reductase was isolated from native gel electrophoresis and second dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis was performed in parallel to that for purified reductase from liver. Comparative electrophoretic mobilities together with immunochemical analysis, as with the cytochrome P-450s, reconstitution assays, and kinetic characterization using artificial electron acceptors, gave conclusive proof of the structural and functional homology between the colon and liver sources of the enzyme.^ Drug metabolism was performed in the reconstituted mixed function oxidase system containing a particular purified liver cytochrome P-450 form or partially pure colon cytochrome P-450 fraction plus colon or liver reductase and synthetic lipid vesicles. The two drugs, benzo{(alpha)}pyrene and benzphetamine, which are most representative of the action of system in liver, lung and kidney, were tested to determine the specificity of the reconstituted system. The kinetics of benzo{(alpha)}pyrene hydroxylation were followed fluorimetrically for 3-hydroxybenzo{(alpha)}pyrene production. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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NK314 is a novel synthetic benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid that is currently in clinical trials as an antitumor compound, based on impressive activities in preclinical models. However, its mechanism of action is unknown. The present investigations were directed at determining the mechanism of action of this agent and cellular responses to NK314. My studies demonstrated that NK314 intercalated into DNA, trapped topoisomerase IIα in its cleavage complex intermediate, and inhibited the ability of topoisomerase IIα to relax super-coiled DNA. CEM/VM1 cells, which are resistant to etoposide due to mutations in topoisomerase IIα, were cross-resistant to NK314. However, CEM/C2 cells, which are resistant to camptothecin due to mutations in topoisomerase I, retained sensitivity. This indicates topoisomerase IIα is the target of NK314 in the cells. NK314 caused phosphorylation of the histone variant, H2AX, which is considered a marker of DNA double-strand breaks. DNA double-strand breaks were also evidenced by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and visualized as chromosomal aberrations after cells were treated with NK314 and arrested in mitosis. Cell cycle checkpoints are activated following DNA damage. NK314 induced significant G2 cell cycle arrest in several cell lines, independent of p53 status, suggesting the existence of a common mechanism of checkpoint activation. The Chk1-Cdc25C-Cdk1 G2 checkpoint pathway was activated in response to NK314, which can be abrogated by the Chk1 inhibitor UCN-01. Cell cycle checkpoint activation may be a defensive mechanism that provides time for DNA repair. DNA double-strand breaks are repaired either through ATM-mediated homologous recombination or DNA-PK-mediated non-homologous end-joining repair pathways. Clonogenic assays demonstrated a significant decrease of colony formation in both ATM deficient and DNA-PK deficient cells compared to ATM repleted and DNA-PK wild type cells respectively, indicating that both ATM and DNA-PK play important roles in the survival of the cells in response to NK314. The DNA-PK specific inhibitor NU7441 also significantly sensitized cells to NK314. In conclusion, the major mechanism of NK314 is to intercalate into DNA, trap and inhibit topoisomerase IIα, an action that leads to the generation of double-strand DNA breaks, which activate ATM and DNA-PK mediated DNA repair pathways and Chk1 mediated G2 checkpoint pathway. ^


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Coordinated expression of virulence genes in Bacillus anthracis occurs via a multi-faceted signal transduction pathway that is dependent upon the AtxA protein. Intricate control of atxA gene transcription and AtxA protein function have become apparent from studies of AtxA-induced synthesis of the anthrax toxin proteins and the poly-D-glutamic acid capsule, two factors with important roles in B. anthracis pathogenesis. The amino-terminal region of the AtxA protein contains winged-helix (WH) and helix-turn-helix (HTH) motifs, structural features associated with DNA-binding. Using filter binding assays, I determined that AtxA interacted non-specifically at a low nanomolar affinity with a target promoter (Plef) and AtxA-independent promoters. AtxA also contains motifs associated with phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) regulation. These PTS-regulated domains, PRD1 and PRD2, are within the central amino acid sequence. Specific histidines in the PRDs serve as sites of phosphorylation (H199 and H379). Phosphorylation of H199 increases AtxA activity; whereas, H379 phosphorylation decreases AtxA function. For my dissertation, I hypothesized that AtxA binds target promoters to activate transcription and that DNA-binding activity is regulated via structural changes within the PRDs and a carboxy-terminal EIIB-like motif that are induced by phosphorylation and ligand binding. I determined that AtxA has one large protease-inaccessible domain containing the PRDs and the carboxy-terminal end of the protein. These results suggest that AtxA has a domain that is distinct from the putative DNA-binding region of the protein. My data indicate that AtxA activity is associated with AtxA multimerization. Oligomeric AtxA was detected when co-affinity purification, non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, and bis(maleimido)hexane (BMH) cross-linking techniques were employed. I exploited the specificity of BMH for cysteine residues to show that AtxA was cross-linked at C402, implicating the carboxy-terminal EIIB-like region in protein-protein interactions. In addition, higher amounts of the cross-linked dimeric form of AtxA were observed when cells were cultured in conditions that promote toxin gene expression. Based on the results, I propose that AtxA multimerization requires the EIIB-like motif and multimerization of AtxA positively impacts function. I investigated the role of the PTS in the function of AtxA and the impact of phosphomimetic residues on AtxA multimerization. B. anthracis Enzyme I (EI) and HPr did not facilitate phosphorylation of AtxA in vitro. Moreover, markerless deletion of ptsHI in B. anthracis did not perturb AtxA function. Taken together, these results suggest that proteins other than the PTS phosphorylate AtxA. Point mutations mimicking phosphohistidine (H to D) and non-phosphorylated histidine (H to A) were tested for an impact on AtxA activity and multimerization. AtxA H199D, AtxA H199A, and AtxA H379A displayed multimerization phenotypes similar to that of the native protein, whereas AtxA H379D was not susceptible to BMH cross-linking or co-affinity purification with AtxA-His. These data suggest that phosphorylation of H379 may decrease AtxA activity by preventing AtxA multimerization. Overall, my data support the following model of AtxA function. AtxA binds to target gene promoters in an oligomeric state. AtxA activity is increased in response to the host-related signal bicarbonate/CO2 because this signal enhances AtxA multimerization. In contrast, AtxA activity is decreased by phosphorylation at H379 because multimerization is inhibited. Future studies will address the interplay between bicarbonate/CO2 signaling and phosphorylation on AtxA function.


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Diarrhea remains a significant cause of worldwide morbidity and mortality. Over 4 million children die of diarrhea annually. Although antibiotics can be used as prophylaxis or for treatment of diarrhea, concern remains over antibiotic resistance. Rifaximin is a semi-synthetic rifamycin derivative that can be used to treat symptoms of infectious diarrhea, inflammatory bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth of the small bowel, pouchitis, and fulminant ulcerative colitis. Rifaximin is of particular interest because it is poorly adsorbed in the intestines, shows no indication of inducing bacterial resistance, and has minimal effect on intestinal flora. In order to better understand how rifaximin functions, we sought to compare the protein expression profile of cells pretreated with rifaximin, as compared to cells treated with acetone, rifamycin (control antibiotic), or media (untreated). 2-D gel electrophoresis identified 38 protein spots that were up- or down-regulated by over 2-fold in rifaximin treated cells compared to controls. 16 of these spots were down-regulated, including keratin, annexin A5, intestinal-type alkaline phosphatase, histone h4, and histone-binding protein RbbP4. 22 spots were up-regulated, including heat shock protein HSP 90 alpha, alkaline phosphatase, and fascin. Many of the identified proteins are associated with cell structure and cytoskeleton, transcription and translation, and cellular metabolism. A better understanding of the functionality of rifaximin will identify additional potential uses for rifaximin and determine for whom the drug is best suited. ^


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BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococus aureus (MRSA) is an important nosocomial and community-associated (CA) pathogen. Recently, a variant of the MRSA USA300 clone emerged and disseminated in South America, causing important clinical problems. METHODS: S. aureus isolates were prospectively collected (2006-2008) from 32 tertiary hospitals in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. MRSA isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and were categorized as health care-associated (HA)-like or CA-like clones on the basis of genotypic characteristics and detection of genes encoding Panton-Valentine leukocidin and staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) mec IV. In addition, multilocus sequence typing of representative isolates of each major CA-MRSA pulsotype was performed, and the presence of USA300-associated toxins and the arcA gene was investigated for all isolates categorized as CA-MRSA. RESULTS: A total of 1570 S. aureus were included; 651 were MRSA (41%)--with the highest rate of MRSA isolation in Peru (62%) and the lowest in Venezuela (26%)--and 71%, 27%, and 2% were classified as HA-like, CA-like, and non-CA/HA-like clones, respectively. Only 9 MRSA isolates were confirmed to have reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides (glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus phenotype). The most common pulsotype (designated ComA) among the CA-like MRSA strains was found in 96% of isolates, with the majority (81%) having a < or =6-band difference with the USA300-0114 strain. Representative isolates of this clone were sequence type 8; however, unlike the USA300-0114 strain, they harbored a different SCCmec IV subtype and lacked arcA (an indicator of the arginine catabolic mobile element). CONCLUSION: A variant CA-MRSA USA300 clone has become established in South America and, in some countries, is endemic in hospital settings.


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Enterococcus faecium has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen worldwide, and this trend has been associated with the dissemination of a genetic lineage designated clonal cluster 17 (CC17). Enterococcal isolates were collected prospectively (2006 to 2008) from 32 hospitals in Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, and Venezuela and subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Genotyping was performed with all vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (VREfm) isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing. All VREfm isolates were evaluated for the presence of 16 putative virulence genes (14 fms genes, the esp gene of E. faecium [espEfm], and the hyl gene of E. faecium [hylEfm]) and plasmids carrying the fms20-fms21 (pilA), hylEfm, and vanA genes. Of 723 enterococcal isolates recovered, E. faecalis was the most common (78%). Vancomycin resistance was detected in 6% of the isolates (74% of which were E. faecium). Eleven distinct PFGE types were found among the VREfm isolates, with most belonging to sequence types 412 and 18. The ebpAEfm-ebpBEfm-ebpCEfm (pilB) and fms11-fms19-fms16 clusters were detected in all VREfm isolates from the region, whereas espEfm and hylEfm were detected in 69% and 23% of the isolates, respectively. The fms20-fms21 (pilA) cluster, which encodes a putative pilus-like protein, was found on plasmids from almost all VREfm isolates and was sometimes found to coexist with hylEfm and the vanA gene cluster. The population genetics of VREfm in South America appear to resemble those of such strains in the United States in the early years of the CC17 epidemic. The overwhelming presence of plasmids encoding putative virulence factors and vanA genes suggests that E. faecium from the CC17 genogroup may disseminate in the region in the coming years.


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PURPOSE: To establish the identity of a prominent protein, approximately 70 kDa, that is markedly increased in the retina of monkeys with experimental glaucoma compared with the fellow control retina, the relationship to glaucoma severity, and its localization in the retina. METHODS: Retinal extracts were subjected to 2-D gel electrophoresis to identify differentially expressed proteins. Purified peptides from the abundant 70 kDa protein were analyzed and identified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) separation, and collision-induced dissociation sequencing. Protein identity was performed on MASCOT (Matrix Science, Boston, MA) and confirmed by Western blot. The relationship between the increase in this protein and glaucoma severity was investigated by regression analyses. Protein localization in retina was evaluated by immunohistochemistry with confocal imaging. RESULTS: The abundant protein was identified as Macaca mulatta serum albumin precursor (67 kDa) from eight non-overlapping proteolytic fragments, and the identity was confirmed by Western blot. The average increase in retinal albumin content was 2.3 fold (P = 0.015). In glaucoma eyes, albumin was localized to some neurons of the inner nuclear layer, in the inner plexiform layer, and along the vitreal surface, but it was only found in blood vessels in control retinas. CONCLUSIONS: Albumin is the abundant protein found in the glaucomatous monkey retinas. The increased albumin is primarily localized to the inner retina where oxidative damage associated with experimental glaucoma is known to be prominent. Since albumin is a major antioxidant, the increase of albumin in the retinas of eyes with experimental glaucoma may serve to protect the retina against oxidative damage.


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In this study, we present a trilocus sequence typing (TLST) scheme based on intragenic regions of two antigenic genes, ace and salA (encoding a collagen/laminin adhesin and a cell wall-associated antigen, respectively), and a gene associated with antibiotic resistance, lsa (encoding a putative ABC transporter), for subspecies differentiation of Enterococcus faecalis. Each of the alleles was analyzed using 50 E. faecalis isolates representing 42 diverse multilocus sequence types (ST(M); based on seven housekeeping genes) and four groups of clonally linked (by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE]) isolates. The allelic profiles and/or concatenated sequences of the three genes agreed with multilocus sequence typing (MLST) results for typing of 49 of the 50 isolates; in addition to the one exception, two isolates were found to have identical TLST types but were single-locus variants (differing by a single nucleotide) by MLST and were therefore also classified as clonally related by MLST. TLST was also comparable to PFGE for establishing short-term epidemiological relationships, typing all isolates classified as clonally related by PFGE with the same type. TLST was then applied to representative isolates (of each PFGE subtype and isolation year) of a collection of 48 hospital isolates and demonstrated the same relationships between isolates of an outbreak strain as those found by MLST and PFGE. In conclusion, the TLST scheme described here was shown to be successful for investigating short-term epidemiology in a hospital setting and may provide an alternative to MLST for discriminating isolates.


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Introduction: Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death among males and females in the United States. Sel-1-like (SEL1L) is a putative tumor suppressor gene that is downregulated in a significant proportion of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). It was hypothesized that SEL1L expression could be down-modulated by somatic mutation, loss of heterozygosity (LOH), CpG island hypermethylation and/or aberrantly expressed microRNAs (miRNAs). Material and methods: In 42 PDAC tumors, the SEL1L coding region was amplified using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and sequenced to search for mutations. Using fluorescent fragment analysis, two intragenic microsatellites in the SEL1L gene region were examined to detect LOH in a total of 73 pairs of PDAC tumors and normal-appearing adjacent tissues. Bisulfite DNA sequencing was performed to determine the methylation status of the SEL1L promoter in 41 PDAC tumors and 6 PDAC cell lines. Using real-time quantitative PCR, the expression levels of SEL1L mRNA and 7 aberrantly upregulated miRNAs that potentially target SEL1L were assessed in 42 PDAC tumor and normal pairs. Statistical methods were applied to evaluate the correlation between SEL1L mRNA and the miRNAs. Further the interaction was determined by functional analysis using a molecular biological approach. Results: No mutations were detected in the SEL1L coding region. More than 50% of the samples displayed abnormally alternate or aberrant spliced transcripts of SEL1L. About 14.5% of the tumors displayed LOH at the CAR/CAL microsatellite locus and 10.7% at the RepIN20 microsatellite locus. However, the presence of LOH did not show significant association with SEL1L downregulation. No methylation was observed in the SEL1L promoter. Statistical analysis showed that SEL1L mRNA expression levels significantly and inversely correlated with the expression of hsa-mir-143, hsa-mir-155, and hsa-mir-223. Functional analysis indicated that hsa-mir-155 acted as a suppressor of SEL1L in PL18 and MDAPanc3 PDAC cell lines. Discussion: Evidence from these studies suggested that SEL1L was possibly downregulated by aberrantly upregulated miRNAs in PDAC. Future studies should be directed towards developing a better understanding of the mechanisms for generation of aberrant SEL1L transcripts, and further analysis of miRNAs that may downregulate SEL1L.


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Gossypol, a binaphthalene compound, possesses male infertility effects. However, its mechanism of action and effects on somatic cells are not yet understood. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gossypol on mammalian cell growth and DNA replication, using tissue culture cells (HeLa) as an in vivo model.^ Gossypol inhibited DNA synthesis in HeLa cells at low doses, without affecting RNA or protein synthesis. This caused cells to accumulate in S phase without affecting cells in other phases of the cell cycle. The inhibition of DNA synthesis was both dose- and time-dependent. This irreversible block was associated with a decrease in HeLa plating efficiency. Gossypol did bind to DNA but did not measurably affect its ability to serve as a template for DNA polymerase $\alpha$, the major replicative enzyme. Only in the absence of serum could gossypol induce single-strand DNA breaks in HeLa cells; no DNA-DNA or DNA-protein crosslinks were formed.^ Gossypol exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of a number of eukaryotic and prokaryotic replicative DNA polymerases both in vitro and in vivo. This inhibition was kinetically non-competitive with respect to the DNA template and dNTP substrates. Both a filter binding assay and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to study gossypol binding to DNA polymerase. Inhibition resulted from drug binding to two adjacent amino acid residues on the enzyme. Binding was found to be irreversible and mediated through either non-covalent interactions or by Schiff's base formation between the aldehyde groups of gossypol and the $\varepsilon$-NH$\sb2$ groups of amino acid residues on the polymerase. Structure-function studies using eleven gossypol derivatives revealed that both aldehyde and hydroxyl groups function independently to effect inhibition of DNA polymerase and DNA replication. The activities of DNA polymerase $\beta$ and ribonucleotide reductase were also inhibited by increasing gossypol concentrations.^ These studies demonstrate that the gossypol-mediated inhibition of DNA replication is due in part to inhibition of key replicative enzymes, such as DNA polymerase $\alpha$. The study of DNA polymerase may serve as a model for the interaction of enzymes with gossypol, a drug which may prove useful as a chemotherapeutic agent. ^


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A plasmid based genetic system was developed for the tail protein of the Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage P22 and used to isolate and characterize tail protein mutants. The tail protein is a trimeric structural protein of the phage and an endorhamnosidase whose activity is essential for infection. The gene for the tail protein has previously been cloned into a plasmid expression vector and sequenced. A plate complementation assay for tail protein produced from the cloned gene was developed and used to isolate 27 tail protein mutants following mutagenesis of the cloned gene. These mutations were mapped into 12 deletion intervals using deletions which were made on plasmids in vitro and crossed onto P22. The base substitutions were determined by DNA sequencing. The majority of mutants had missense or nonsense mutations in the protein coding portion of the gene; however four of the mutants were in the putative transcription terminator. The oligomeric state of tail protein from the 15 missense mutants was investigated using SDS and nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell lysates. Wild-type tail protein retains its trimeric structure in SDS gels at room temperature. Two of the mutant proteins also migrated as trimers in SDS gels, yet one of these had a considerably faster mobility than wild-type trimer. Its migration was the same as wild-type in a nondenaturing gel, so it is thought to be a trimer which is partially denatured by SDS. Four of the mutants produced proteins which migrate at the position of a monomer in an SDS gel but cannot be seen on a nondenaturing gel. These proteins are thought to be either monomers or soluble aggregates which cannot enter the nondenaturing gel. The remainder of mutants produce protein which is degraded. The mutant tail protein which had normal trimeric mobility on SDS and nondenaturing gels was purified. This protein has essentially wild-type ability to attach to phage capsids, but its endorhamnosidase activity is only 4% of wild-type. ^