19 resultados para pacs: information science education

em Digital Peer Publishing


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This study assessed the effectiveness of an online mathematical problem solving course designed using a social constructivist approach for pre-service teachers. Thirty-seven pre-service teachers at the Batu Lintang Teacher Institute, Sarawak, Malaysia were randomly selected to participate in the study. The participants were required to complete the course online without the typical face-to-face classes and they were also required to solve authentic mathematical problems in small groups of 4-5 participants based on the Polya’s Problem Solving Model via asynchronous online discussions. Quantitative and qualitative methods such as questionnaires and interviews were used to evaluate the effects of the online learning course. Findings showed that a majority of the participants were satisfied with their learning experiences in the course. There were no significant changes in the participants’ attitudes toward mathematics, while the participants’ skills in problem solving for “understand the problem” and “devise a plan” steps based on the Polya’s Model were significantly enhanced, though no improvement was apparent for “carry out the plan” and “review”. The results also showed that there were significant improvements in the participants’ critical thinking skills. Furthermore, participants with higher initial computer skills were also found to show higher performance in mathematical problem solving as compared to those with lower computer skills. However, there were no significant differences in the participants’ achievements in the course based on gender. Generally, the online social constructivist mathematical problem solving course is beneficial to the participants and ought to be given the attention it deserves as an alternative to traditional classes. Nonetheless, careful considerations need to be made in the designing and implementing of online courses to minimize problems that participants might encounter while participating in such courses.


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Vorträge und Präsentationen von der CampusSource Tagung am 25.04.2013 bei der FernUniversität in Hagen zu den Themen:Liferay, Lecture2Go, Hochschulapps, OERs-MOOCs, Open IDM, e-Identity, CampusSource White Paper Award


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The idea of xMOOCs initially aimed at fundamentally changing the US tertiary education system by providing open mass education. This attempt failed for a number of reasons. They include: the ignorance of the importance and benefits of face-to-face instruction, the high workload imposed on students by xMOOCs, the consequences of current xMOOC didactics, the financing of the high costs, and the difficulties of integration into the teaching organization. As a consequence, xMOOCs are turning into methods for professional continuing education including a business model that covers the institution’s cost.


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Ausgehend von der typischen IT‐Infrastruktur für E‐Learning an Hochschulen auf der einen Seite sowie vom bisherigen Stand der Forschung zu Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) auf der anderen Seite zeigt dieser Beitrag auf, wie bestehende Werkzeuge bzw. Dienste zusammengeführt und für die Anforderungen der modernen, rechnergestützten Präsenzlehre aufbereitet werden können. Für diesen interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozess bieten sowohl klassische Softwareentwicklungsverfahren als auch bestehende PLE‐Modelle wenig Hilfestellung an. Der Beitrag beschreibt die in einem campusweiten Projekt an der Universität Potsdam verfolgten Ansätze und die damit erzielten Ergebnisse. Dafür werden zunächst typische Lehr‐/Lern‐bzw. Kommunikations‐Szenarien identifiziert, aus denen Anforderungen an eine unterstützende Plattform abgeleitet werden. Dies führt zu einer umfassenden Sammlung zu berücksichtigender Dienste und deren Funktionen, die gemäß den Spezifika ihrer Nutzung in ein Gesamtsystem zu integrieren sind. Auf dieser Basis werden grundsätzliche Integrationsansätze und technische Details dieses Mash‐Ups in einer Gesamtschau aller relevanten Dienste betrachtet und in eine integrierende Systemarchitektur überführt. Deren konkrete Realisierung mit Hilfe der Portal‐Technologie Liferay wird dargestellt, wobei die eingangs definierten Szenarien aufgegriffen und exemplarisch vorgestellt werden. Ergänzende Anpassungen im Sinne einer personalisierbaren bzw. adaptiven Lern‐(und Arbeits‐)Umgebung werden ebenfalls unterstützt und kurz aufgezeigt.


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As education providers increasingly integrate digital learning media into their education processes, the need for the systematic management of learning materials and learning arrangements becomes clearer. Digital repositories, often called Learning Object Repositories (LOR), promise to provide an answer to this challenge. This article is composed of two parts. In this part, we derive technological and pedagogical requirements for LORs from a concretization of information quality criteria for e-learning technology. We review the evolution of learning object repositories and discuss their core features in the context of pedagogical requirements, information quality demands, and e-learning technology standards. We conclude with an outlook in Part 2, which presents concrete technical solutions, in particular networked repository architectures.


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In Part 1 of this article we discussed the need for information quality and the systematic management of learning materials and learning arrangements. Digital repositories, often called Learning Object Repositories (LOR), were introduced as a promising answer to this challenge. We also derived technological and pedagogical requirements for LORs from a concretization of information quality criteria for e-learning technology. This second part presents technical solutions that particularly address the demands of open education movements, which aspire to a global reuse and sharing culture. From this viewpoint, we develop core requirements for scalable network architectures for educational content management. We then present edu-sharing, an advanced example of a network of homogeneous repositories for learning resources, and discuss related technology. We conclude with an outlook in terms of emerging developments towards open and networked system architectures in e-learning.


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At large, research universities, a common approach for teaching hundreds of undergraduate students at one time is the traditional, large, lecture-based course. Trends indicate that over the next decade there will be an increase in the number of large, campus courses being offered as well as larger enrollments in courses currently offered. As universities investigate alternative means to accommodate more students and their learning needs, Web-based instruction provides an attractive delivery mode for teaching large, on-campus courses. This article explores a theoretical approach regarding how Web-based instruction can be designed and developed to provide quality education for traditional, on-campus, undergraduate students. The academic debate over the merit of Web-based instruction for traditional, on-campus students has not been resolved. This study identifies and discusses instructional design theory for adapting a large, lecture-based course to the Web.


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In this contribution the experiences with e-Learning 2.0 applications by using a Wiki for the education in hydraulic engineering are shown. Up to now important information for the students has been prepared by the instructor. For this project the students were asked to collaborate and search on their own for the information they needed. Therefore a Wiki-system was used. For the engineering practice a self dependent realisation of tasks is an important requirement which students should be prepared for. With the help of online communication there should be shown the possibilities for students for working together in an interdisciplinary team. The positive experiences as well as the results of the evaluation of this project plead for a continuation of the application of e-Learning 2.0 for education. The comparison of results of tests without using Wiki and with using Wiki shows a qualitative tendency of better marks. In this contribution we present the application of Wiki in hydraulic engineering but the results can also be used for other engineering disciplines.


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Funded by the US-EU Atlantis Program, the International Cooperation in Ambient Computing Education Project is establishing an international knowledge-building community for developing a broader computer science curriculum aimed at preparing students for real-world problems in a multidisciplinary, global world. The project is collaboration among Troy University (USA), University of Sunderland (UK), FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany), Universidade do Algarve (Portugal), University of Arkansas at Little Rock (USA) and San Diego State University (USA). The curriculum will include aspects of social science, cognitive science, human-computer interaction, organizational studies, global studies, and particular application areas as well as core computer science subjects. Programs offered at partner institutions will form trajectories through the curriculum. A degree will be defined in terms of combinations of trajectories which will satisfy degree requirements set by accreditation organizations. This is expected to lead to joint- or dual-degree programs among the partner institutions in the future. This paper describes the goals and activities of the project and discusses implementation issues.


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Der CampusSource Workshop fand vom 10. bis 12. Oktober 2006 an der Westfälischen Wilhelms Universität (WWU) in Münster statt. Kernpunkte der Veranstaltung waren die Entwicklung einer Engine zur Verknüpfung von e-Learning Anwendungen mit Systemen der HIS GmbH und die Erstellung von Lehr- und Lerninhalten mit dem Ziel der Wiederverwendung. Im zweiten Kapitel sind Vorträge der Veranstaltung im Adobe Flash Format zusammengetragen. Zur Betrachtung der Vorträge ist der Adobe Flash Player, mindestens in der Version 6 erforderlich


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eLearning supports the education in certain disciplines. Here, we report about novel eLearning concepts, techniques, and tools to support education in Software Engineering, a subdiscipline of computer science. We call this "Software Engineering eLearning". On the other side, software support is a substantial prerequisite for eLearning in any discipline. Thus, Software Engineering techniques have to be applied to develop and maintain those software systems. We call this "eLearning Software Engineering". Both aspects have been investigated in a large joint, BMBF-funded research project, termed MuSofT (Multimedia in Software Engineering). The main results are summarized in this paper.


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This paper is a report about the FuXML project carried out at the FernUniversität Hagen. FuXML is a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) aimed at providing a practical and efficient solution for the issues attributed to authoring, maintenance, production and distribution of online and offline distance learning material. The paper presents the environment for which the system was conceived and describes the technical realisation. We discuss the reasons for specific implementation decisions and also address the integration of the system within the organisational and technical infrastructure of the university.


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In traditionellen Übungsarrangements (z.B. handkorrigierte Hausaufgaben oder vorlesungsbegleitende Übungsgruppen) erhalten Studierende ihre Ergebnisse mit Zeitverzögerung, während der Kurs inzwischen fortschreitet. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr, dass Defizite nicht wahrgenommen oder nicht korrigiert werden. Traditionelle Übungsarrangements erfordern bei sinnvollem Einsatz (v. a. kleine Übungsgruppe) eine Personalkapazität, wie sie insbesondere an Fachhochschulen nicht existiert. Ein zweites Problem, das zum Teil infolge des mangelnden Übens auftritt, besteht darin, dass viele Studierende Lehrveranstaltungen nicht nachbereiten. Viele Studierende versuchen stattdessen, sich den Vorlesungsstoff in einem kurzen Zeitraum vor der Prüfung anzueignen, was, wenn es überhaupt gelingt, nicht zu einer nachhaltigen Verankerung der Inhalte führt. In der Folge fehlen in den Nachfolgeveranstaltungen die Grundlagen, die in den vorausgegangenen Veranstaltungen hätten gelegt werden sollen.


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A multitude of products, systems, approaches, views and notions characterize the field of e-learning. This article attempts to disentangle the field by using economic and sociological theories, theories of marketing management and strategy as well as practical experience gained by the author while working with leading edge suppliers of e-learning. On this basis, a distinction between knowledge creation e-learning and knowledge transfer e-learning is made. The various views are divided into four different ideal-typical paradigms, each with its own characteristics and limitations. Selecting the right paradigm to use in the development of an e-learning strategy may prove crucial to success. Implications for the development of an e-learning strategy in businesses and educational institutions are outlined.


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Die kurzen Technologiezyklen in der IT-Industrie stellen Unternehmen vor das Problem, Mitarbeiter zeit- und themenadäquat weiter zu qualifizieren. Für Bildungsanbieter erwächst damit die Herausforderung, relevante Bildungsthemen möglichst frühzeitig zu identifizieren, ökonomisch zu bewerten und ausgewählte Themen in Form geeigneter Bildungsangebote zur Marktreife zu bringen. Zur Handhabung dieser Problematik wurde an der Hochschule für Telekommunikation Leipzig (HfTL), die sich in Trägerschaft der Deutsche Telekom AG befindet, ein innovatives Analyseinstrument entwickelt. Mit diesem Instrument, dem IT-KompetenzBarometer, werden Stellenanzeigen, die in Jobportalen online publiziert werden, ausgelesen und mithilfe von Text Mining-Methoden untersucht. Auf diese Weise können Informationen gewonnen werden, die differenzierte Auskunft über die qualitativen Kompetenzanforderungen zentraler Berufsbilder des IT-Sektors liefern. Dieser Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse vor, die durch Analyse von mehr als 40.000 Stellenanzeigen für IT-Fachkräfte aus Jobportalen im Zeitraum von Juni-September 2012 gewonnen werden konnten. Diese Ergebnisse liefern eine Informationsgrundlage, um marktrelevante Bildungsthemen zu identifizieren, sodass Bildungsangebote erfolgreich gestaltet und weiterentwickelt werden können.