103 resultados para broadcasting


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This paper presents two studies pertaining to the use of virtual characters applied in clinical forensic rehabilitation of sex offenders. The first study is about the validation of the perceived age of virtual characters designed to simulate primary and secondary sexual character of typical adult and child individuals. The second study puts to use these virtual characters in comparing a group of sex offenders and a group of non deviant individuals on their sexual arousal responses as recorded in virtual immersion. Finally, two clinical vignettes illustrating the use of made-to-measure virtual characters to more closely fit sexual preferences are presented in Discussion.


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wo methods for registering laser-scans of human heads and transforming them to a new semantically consistent topology defined by a user-provided template mesh are described. Both algorithms are stated within the Iterative Closest Point framework. The first method is based on finding landmark correspondences by iteratively registering the vicinity of a landmark with a re-weighted error function. Thin-plate spline interpolation is then used to deform the template mesh and finally the scan is resampled in the topology of the deformed template. The second algorithm employs a morphable shape model, which can be computed from a database of laser-scans using the first algorithm. It directly optimizes pose and shape of the morphable model. The use of the algorithm with PCA mixture models, where the shape is split up into regions each described by an individual subspace, is addressed. Mixture models require either blending or regularization strategies, both of which are described in detail. For both algorithms, strategies for filling in missing geometry for incomplete laser-scans are described. While an interpolation-based approach can be used to fill in small or smooth regions, the model-driven algorithm is capable of fitting a plausible complete head mesh to arbitrarily small geometry, which is known as "shape completion". The importance of regularization in the case of extreme shape completion is shown.


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This article describes a series of experiments which were carried out to measure the sense of presence in auditory virtual environments. Within the study a comparison of self-created signals to signals created by the surrounding environment is drawn. Furthermore, it is investigated if the room characteristics of the simulated environment have consequences on the perception of presence during vocalization or when listening to speech. Finally the experiments give information about the influence of background signals on the sense of presence. In the experiments subjects rated the degree of perceived presence in an auditory virtual environment on a perceptual scale. It is described which parameters have the most influence on the perception of presence and which ones are of minor influence. The results show that on the one hand an external speaker has more influence on the sense of presence than an adequate presentation of one’s own voice. On the other hand both room reflections and adequately presented background signals significantly increase the perceived presence in the virtual environment.


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In this paper we present a hybrid method to track human motions in real-time. With simplified marker sets and monocular video input, the strength of both marker-based and marker-free motion capturing are utilized: A cumbersome marker calibration is avoided while the robustness of the marker-free tracking is enhanced by referencing the tracked marker positions. An improved inverse kinematics solver is employed for real-time pose estimation. A computer-visionbased approach is applied to refine the pose estimation and reduce the ambiguity of the inverse kinematics solutions. We use this hybrid method to capture typical table tennis upper body movements in a real-time virtual reality application.


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Visual fixation is employed by humans and some animals to keep a specific 3D location at the center of the visual gaze. Inspired by this phenomenon in nature, this paper explores the idea to transfer this mechanism to the context of video stabilization for a handheld video camera. A novel approach is presented that stabilizes a video by fixating on automatically extracted 3D target points. This approach is different from existing automatic solutions that stabilize the video by smoothing. To determine the 3D target points, the recorded scene is analyzed with a stateof- the-art structure-from-motion algorithm, which estimates camera motion and reconstructs a 3D point cloud of the static scene objects. Special algorithms are presented that search either virtual or real 3D target points, which back-project close to the center of the image for as long a period of time as possible. The stabilization algorithm then transforms the original images of the sequence so that these 3D target points are kept exactly in the center of the image, which, in case of real 3D target points, produces a perfectly stable result at the image center. Furthermore, different methods of additional user interaction are investigated. It is shown that the stabilization process can easily be controlled and that it can be combined with state-of-theart tracking techniques in order to obtain a powerful image stabilization tool. The approach is evaluated on a variety of videos taken with a hand-held camera in natural scenes.


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The paper discusses new business models of transmission of television programs in the context of definitions of broadcasting and retransmission. Typically the whole process of supplying content to the end user has two stages: a media service provider supplies a signal assigned to a given TV channel to the cable operators and satellite DTH platform operators (dedicated transmission), and cable operators and satellite DTH platform operators transmit this signal to end users. In each stage the signals are encoded and are not available for the general public without the intervention of cable/platform operators. The services relating to the supply and transmission of the content are operated by different business entities: each earns money separately and each uses the content protected by copyright. We should determine how to define the actions of the entity supplying the signal with the TV program directly to the cable/digital platform operator and the actions of the entity providing the end user with the signal. The author criticizes the approach presented in the Chellomedia and Norma rulings, arguing that they lead to a significant level of legal uncertainty, and poses the basic questions concerning the notion of “public” in copyright.


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After 20 years of silence, two recent references from the Czech Republic (Bezpečnostní softwarová asociace, Case C-393/09) and from the English High Court (SAS Institute, Case C-406/10) touch upon several questions that are fundamental for the extent of copyright protection for software under the Computer Program Directive 91/25 (now 2009/24) and the Information Society Directive 2001/29. In Case C-393/09, the European Court of Justice held that “the object of the protection conferred by that directive is the expression in any form of a computer program which permits reproduction in different computer languages, such as the source code and the object code.” As “any form of expression of a computer program must be protected from the moment when its reproduction would engender the reproduction of the computer program itself, thus enabling the computer to perform its task,” a graphical user interface (GUI) is not protected under the Computer Program Directive, as it does “not enable the reproduction of that computer program, but merely constitutes one element of that program by means of which users make use of the features of that program.” While the definition of computer program and the exclusion of GUIs mirror earlier jurisprudence in the Member States and therefore do not come as a surprise, the main significance of Case C-393/09 lies in its interpretation of the Information Society Directive. In confirming that a GUI “can, as a work, be protected by copyright if it is its author’s own intellectual creation,” the ECJ continues the Europeanization of the definition of “work” which began in Infopaq (Case C-5/08). Moreover, the Court elaborated this concept further by excluding expressions from copyright protection which are dictated by their technical function. Even more importantly, the ECJ held that a television broadcasting of a GUI does not constitute a communication to the public, as the individuals cannot have access to the “essential element characterising the interface,” i.e., the interaction with the user. The exclusion of elements dictated by technical functions from copyright protection and the interpretation of the right of communication to the public with reference to the “essential element characterising” the work may be seen as welcome limitations of copyright protection in the interest of a free public domain which were not yet apparent in Infopaq. While Case C-393/09 has given a first definition of the computer program, the pending reference in Case C-406/10 is likely to clarify the scope of protection against nonliteral copying, namely in how far the protection extends beyond the text of the source code to the design of a computer program and where the limits of protection lie as regards the functionality of a program and mere “principles and ideas.” In light of the travaux préparatoires, it is submitted that the ECJ is also likely to grant protection for the design of a computer program, while excluding both the functionality and underlying principles and ideas from protection under the European copyright directives.


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The article presents the design process of intelligent virtual human patients that are used for the enhancement of clinical skills. The description covers the development from conceptualization and character creation to technical components and the application in clinical research and training. The aim is to create believable social interactions with virtual agents that help the clinician to develop skills in symptom and ability assessment, diagnosis, interview techniques and interpersonal communication. The virtual patient fulfills the requirements of a standardized patient producing consistent, reliable and valid interactions in portraying symptoms and behaviour related to a specific clinical condition.


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Complementary to automatic extraction processes, Virtual Reality technologies provide an adequate framework to integrate human perception in the exploration of large data sets. In such multisensory system, thanks to intuitive interactions, a user can take advantage of all his perceptual abilities in the exploration task. In this context the haptic perception, coupled to visual rendering, has been investigated for the last two decades, with significant achievements. In this paper, we present a survey related to exploitation of the haptic feedback in exploration of large data sets. For each haptic technique introduced, we describe its principles and its effectiveness.


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In this paper we present XSAMPL3D, a novel language for the high-level representation of actions performed on objects by (virtual) humans. XSAMPL3D was designed to serve as action representation language in an imitation-based approach to character animation: First, a human demonstrates a sequence of object manipulations in an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment. From this demonstration, an XSAMPL3D description is automatically derived that represents the actions in terms of high-level action types and involved objects. The XSAMPL3D action description can then be used for the synthesis of animations where virtual humans of different body sizes and proportions reproduce the demonstrated action. Actions are encoded in a compact and human-readable XML-format. Thus, XSAMPL3D describtions are also amenable to manual authoring, e.g. for rapid prototyping of animations when no immersive VR environment is at the animator's disposal. However, when XSAMPL3D descriptions are derived from VR interactions, they can accomodate many details of the demonstrated action, such as motion trajectiories,hand shapes and other hand-object relations during grasping. Such detail would be hard to specify with manual motion authoring techniques only. Through the inclusion of language features that allow the representation of all relevant aspects of demonstrated object manipulations, XSAMPL3D is a suitable action representation language for the imitation-based approach to character animation.


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We present an image-based method for relighting a scene by analytically fitting cosine lobes to the reflectance function at each pixel, based on gradient illumination photographs. Realistic relighting results for many materials are obtained using a single per-pixel cosine lobe obtained from just two color photographs: one under uniform white illumination and the other under colored gradient illumination. For materials with wavelength-dependent scattering, a better fit can be obtained using independent cosine lobes for the red, green, and blue channels, obtained from three achromatic gradient illumination conditions instead of the colored gradient condition. We explore two cosine lobe reflectance functions, both of which allow an analytic fit to the gradient conditions. One is non-zero over half the sphere of lighting directions, which works well for diffuse and specular materials, but fails for materials with broader scattering such as fur. The other is non-zero everywhere, which works well for broadly scattering materials and still produces visually plausible results for diffuse and specular materials. We also perform an approximate diffuse/specular separation of the reflectance, and estimate scene geometry from the recovered photometric normals to produce hard shadows cast by the geometry, while still reconstructing the input photographs exactly.


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Recently, stable markerless 6 DOF video based handtracking devices became available. These devices simultaneously track the positions and orientations of both user hands in different postures with at least 25 frames per second. Such hand-tracking allows for using the human hands as natural input devices. However, the absence of physical buttons for performing click actions and state changes poses severe challenges in designing an efficient and easy to use 3D interface on top of such a device. In particular, for coupling and decoupling a virtual object’s movements to the user’s hand (i.e. grabbing and releasing) a solution has to be found. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for efficient two-handed grabbing and releasing objects and intuitively manipulating them in the virtual space. This technique is integrated in a novel 3D interface for virtual manipulations. A user experiment shows the superior applicability of this new technique. Last but not least, we describe how this technique can be exploited in practice to improve interaction by integrating it with RTT DeltaGen, a professional CAD/CAS visualization and editing tool.


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This article begins with some recent considerations about real-time music, inspired by the latest contribution of French composer Philippe Manoury. Then, through the case study of the scenic performance La Traversée de la nuit, we analyse some perspectives for designing an Informed Virtual Environment dedicated to live show artistic domain.


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This contribution discusses the effects of camera aperture correction in broadcast video on colour-based keying. The aperture correction is used to ’sharpen’ an image and is one element that distinguishes the ’TV-look’ from ’film-look’. ’If a very high level of sharpening is applied, as is the case in many TV productions then this significantly shifts the colours around object boundaries with hight contrast. This paper discusses these effects and their impact on keying and describes a simple low-pass filter to compensate for them. Tests with colour-based segmentation algorithms show that the proposed compensation is an effective way of decreasing the keying artefacts on object boundaries.


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Given arbitrary pictures, we explore the possibility of using new techniques from computer vision and artificial intelligence to create customized visual games on-the-fly. This includes coloring books, link-the-dot and spot-the-difference popular games. The feasibility of these systems is discussed and we describe prototype implementation that work well in practice in an automatic or semi-automatic way.