20 resultados para Coded aperture compressive sensing
em Digital Commons - Michigan Tech
In a statistical inference scenario, the estimation of target signal or its parameters is done by processing data from informative measurements. The estimation performance can be enhanced if we choose the measurements based on some criteria that help to direct our sensing resources such that the measurements are more informative about the parameter we intend to estimate. While taking multiple measurements, the measurements can be chosen online so that more information could be extracted from the data in each measurement process. This approach fits well in Bayesian inference model often used to produce successive posterior distributions of the associated parameter. We explore the sensor array processing scenario for adaptive sensing of a target parameter. The measurement choice is described by a measurement matrix that multiplies the data vector normally associated with the array signal processing. The adaptive sensing of both static and dynamic system models is done by the online selection of proper measurement matrix over time. For the dynamic system model, the target is assumed to move with some distribution and the prior distribution at each time step is changed. The information gained through adaptive sensing of the moving target is lost due to the relative shift of the target. The adaptive sensing paradigm has many similarities with compressive sensing. We have attempted to reconcile the two approaches by modifying the observation model of adaptive sensing to match the compressive sensing model for the estimation of a sparse vector.
Mobile sensor networks have unique advantages compared with wireless sensor networks. The mobility enables mobile sensors to flexibly reconfigure themselves to meet sensing requirements. In this dissertation, an adaptive sampling method for mobile sensor networks is presented. Based on the consideration of sensing resource constraints, computing abilities, and onboard energy limitations, the adaptive sampling method follows a down sampling scheme, which could reduce the total number of measurements, and lower sampling cost. Compressive sensing is a recently developed down sampling method, using a small number of randomly distributed measurements for signal reconstruction. However, original signals cannot be reconstructed using condensed measurements, as addressed by Shannon Sampling Theory. Measurements have to be processed under a sparse domain, and convex optimization methods should be applied to reconstruct original signals. Restricted isometry property would guarantee signals can be recovered with little information loss. While compressive sensing could effectively lower sampling cost, signal reconstruction is still a great research challenge. Compressive sensing always collects random measurements, whose information amount cannot be determined in prior. If each measurement is optimized as the most informative measurement, the reconstruction performance can perform much better. Based on the above consideration, this dissertation is focusing on an adaptive sampling approach, which could find the most informative measurements in unknown environments and reconstruct original signals. With mobile sensors, measurements are collect sequentially, giving the chance to uniquely optimize each of them. When mobile sensors are about to collect a new measurement from the surrounding environments, existing information is shared among networked sensors so that each sensor would have a global view of the entire environment. Shared information is analyzed under Haar Wavelet domain, under which most nature signals appear sparse, to infer a model of the environments. The most informative measurements can be determined by optimizing model parameters. As a result, all the measurements collected by the mobile sensor network are the most informative measurements given existing information, and a perfect reconstruction would be expected. To present the adaptive sampling method, a series of research issues will be addressed, including measurement evaluation and collection, mobile network establishment, data fusion, sensor motion, signal reconstruction, etc. Two dimensional scalar field will be reconstructed using the method proposed. Both single mobile sensors and mobile sensor networks will be deployed in the environment, and reconstruction performance of both will be compared.In addition, a particular mobile sensor, a quadrotor UAV is developed, so that the adaptive sampling method can be used in three dimensional scenarios.
Spectrum sensing is currently one of the most challenging design problems in cognitive radio. A robust spectrum sensing technique is important in allowing implementation of a practical dynamic spectrum access in noisy and interference uncertain environments. In addition, it is desired to minimize the sensing time, while meeting the stringent cognitive radio application requirements. To cope with this challenge, cyclic spectrum sensing techniques have been proposed. However, such techniques require very high sampling rates in the wideband regime and thus are costly in hardware implementation and power consumption. In this thesis the concept of compressed sensing is applied to circumvent this problem by utilizing the sparsity of the two-dimensional cyclic spectrum. Compressive sampling is used to reduce the sampling rate and a recovery method is developed for re- constructing the sparse cyclic spectrum from the compressed samples. The reconstruction solution used, exploits the sparsity structure in the two-dimensional cyclic spectrum do-main which is different from conventional compressed sensing techniques for vector-form sparse signals. The entire wideband cyclic spectrum is reconstructed from sub-Nyquist-rate samples for simultaneous detection of multiple signal sources. After the cyclic spectrum recovery two methods are proposed to make spectral occupancy decisions from the recovered cyclic spectrum: a band-by-band multi-cycle detector which works for all modulation schemes, and a fast and simple thresholding method that works for Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signals only. In addition a method for recovering the power spectrum of stationary signals is developed as a special case. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed spectrum sensing algorithms can significantly reduce sampling rate without sacrifcing performance. The robustness of the algorithms to the noise uncertainty of the wireless channel is also shown.
This Ultra High Performance Concrete research involves observing early-age creep and shrinkage under a compressive load throughout multiple thermal curing regimes. The goal was to mimic the conditions that would be expected of a precast/prestressing plant in the United States, where UHPC beams would be produced quickly to maximize a manufacturing plant’s output. The practice of steam curing green concrete to accelerate compressive strengths for early release of the prestressing tendons was utilized (140°F [60°C], 95% RH, 14 hrs), in addition to the full thermal treatment (195°F [90°C], 95% RH, 48 hrs) while the specimens were under compressive loading. Past experimental studies on creep and shrinkage characteristics of UHPC have only looked at applying a creep load after the thermal treatment had been administered to the specimens, or on ambient cured specimens. However, this research looked at mimicking current U.S. precast/prestressed plant procedures, and thus characterized the creep and shrinkage characteristics of UHPC as it is thermally treated under a compressive load. Michigan Tech has three moveable creep frames to accommodate two loading criteria per frame of 0.2f’ci and 0.6f’ci. Specimens were loaded in the creep frames and moved into a custom built curing chamber at different times, mimicking a precast plant producing several beams throughout the week and applying a thermal cure to all of the beams over the weekend. This thesis presents the effects of creep strain due to the varying curing regimes. An ambient cure regime was used as a baseline for the comparison against the varying thermal curing regimes. In all cases of thermally cured specimens, the compressive creep and shrinkage strains are accelerated to a maximum strain value, and remain consistent after the administration of the thermal cure. An average creep coefficient for specimens subjected to a thermal cure was found to be 1.12 and 0.78 for the high and low load levels, respectively. Precast/pressed plants can expect that simultaneously thermally curing UHPC elements that are produced throughout the week does not impact the post-cure creep coefficient.
The degree of polarization of a refected field from active laser illumination can be used for object identifcation and classifcation. The goal of this study is to investigate methods for estimating the degree of polarization for refected fields with active laser illumination, which involves the measurement and processing of two orthogonal field components (complex amplitudes), two orthogonal intensity components, and the total field intensity. We propose to replace interferometric optical apparatuses with a computational approach for estimating the degree of polarization from two orthogonal intensity data and total intensity data. Cramer-Rao bounds for each of the three sensing modalities with various noise models are computed. Algebraic estimators and maximum-likelihood (ML) estimators are proposed. Active-set algorithm and expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm are used to compute ML estimates. The performances of the estimators are compared with each other and with their corresponding Cramer-Rao bounds. Estimators for four-channel polarimeter (intensity interferometer) sensing have a better performance than orthogonal intensities estimators and total intensity estimators. Processing the four intensities data from polarimeter, however, requires complicated optical devices, alignment, and four CCD detectors. It only requires one or two detectors and a computer to process orthogonal intensities data and total intensity data, and the bounds and estimator performances demonstrate that reasonable estimates may still be obtained from orthogonal intensities or total intensity data. Computational sensing is a promising way to estimate the degree of polarization.
One of the scarcest resources in the wireless communication system is the limited frequency spectrum. Many wireless communication systems are hindered by the bandwidth limitation and are not able to provide high speed communication. However, Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication promises a high speed communication because of its very wide bandwidth of 7.5GHz (3.1GHz-10.6GHz). The unprecedented bandwidth promises many advantages for the 21st century wireless communication system. However, UWB has many hardware challenges, such as a very high speed sampling rate requirement for analog to digital conversion, channel estimation, and implementation challenges. In this thesis, a new method is proposed using compressed sensing (CS), a mathematical concept of sub-Nyquist rate sampling, to reduce the hardware complexity of the system. The method takes advantage of the unique signal structure of the UWB symbol. Also, a new digital implementation method for CS based UWB is proposed. Lastly, a comparative study is done of the CS-UWB hardware implementation methods. Simulation results show that the application of compressed sensing using the proposed method significantly reduces the number of hardware complexity compared to the conventional method of using compressed sensing based UWB receiver.
Understanding the canopy cover of an urban environment leads to better estimates of carbon storage and more informed management decisions by urban foresters. The most commonly used method for assessing urban forest cover type extent is ground surveys, which can be both timeconsuming and expensive. The analysis of aerial photos is an alternative method that is faster, cheaper, and can cover a larger number of sites, but may be less accurate. The objectives of this paper were (1) to compare three methods of cover type assessment for Los Angeles, CA: handdelineation of aerial photos in ArcMap, supervised classification of aerial photos in ERDAS Imagine, and ground-collected data using the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model protocol; (2) to determine how well remote sensing methods estimate carbon storage as predicted by the UFORE model; and (3) to explore the influence of tree diameter and tree density on carbon storage estimates. Four major cover types (bare ground, fine vegetation, coarse vegetation, and impervious surfaces) were determined from 348 plots (0.039 ha each) randomly stratified according to land-use. Hand-delineation was better than supervised classification at predicting ground-based measurements of cover type and UFORE model-predicted carbon storage. Most error in supervised classification resulted from shadow, which was interpreted as unknown cover type. Neither tree diameter or tree density per plot significantly affected the relationship between carbon storage and canopy cover. The efficiency of remote sensing rather than in situ data collection allows urban forest managers the ability to quickly assess a city and plan accordingly while also preserving their often-limited budget.
A post classification change detection technique based on a hybrid classification approach (unsupervised and supervised) was applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat Enhanced Thematic Plus (ETM+), and ASTER images acquired in 1987, 2000 and 2004 respectively to map land use/cover changes in the Pic Macaya National Park in the southern region of Haiti. Each image was classified individually into six land use/cover classes: built-up, agriculture, herbaceous, open pine forest, mixed forest, and barren land using unsupervised ISODATA and maximum likelihood supervised classifiers with the aid of field collected ground truth data collected in the field. Ground truth information, collected in the field in December 2007, and including equalized stratified random points which were visual interpreted were used to assess the accuracy of the classification results. The overall accuracy of the land classification for each image was respectively: 1987 (82%), 2000 (82%), 2004 (87%). A post classification change detection technique was used to produce change images for 1987 to 2000, 1987 to 2004, and 2000 to 2004. It was found that significant changes in the land use/cover occurred over the 17- year period. The results showed increases in built up (from 10% to 17%) and herbaceous (from 5% to 14%) areas between 1987 and 2004. The increase of herbaceous was mostly caused by the abandonment of exhausted agriculture lands. At the same time, open pine forest and mixed forest areas lost (75%) and (83%) of their area to other land use/cover types. Open pine forest (from 20% to 14%) and mixed forest (from18 to 12%) were transformed into agriculture area or barren land. This study illustrated the continuing deforestation, land degradation and soil erosion in the region, which in turn is leading to decrease in vegetative cover. The study also showed the importance of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to estimate timely changes in the land use/cover, and to evaluate their causes in order to design an ecological based management plan for the park.
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) has been used to quantify SO2 emissions from passively degassing volcanoes. This dissertation explores ASTER’s capability to detect SO2 with satellite validation, enhancement techniques and extensive processing of images at a variety of volcanoes. ASTER is compared to the Mini UV Spectrometer (MUSe), a ground based instrument, to determine if reasonable SO2 fluxes can be quantified from a plume emitted from Lascar, Chile. The two sensors were in good agreement with ASTER proving to be a reliable detector of SO2. ASTER illustrated the advantages of imaging a plume in 2D, with better temporal resolution than the MUSe. SO2 plumes in ASTER imagery are not always discernible in the raw TIR data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Decorrelation Stretch (DCS) enhancement techniques were compared to determine how well they highlight a variety of volcanic plumes. DCS produced a consistent output and the composition of the plumes was easy to identify from explosive eruptions. As the plumes became smaller and lower in altitude they became harder to distinguish using DCS. PCA proved to be better at identifying smaller low altitude plumes. ASTER was used to investigate SO2 emissions at Lascar, Chile. Activity at Lascar has been characterized by cyclic behavior and persistent degassing (Matthews et al. 1997). Previous studies at Lascar have primarily focused on changes in thermal infrared anomalies, neglecting gas emissions. Using the SO2 data along with changes in thermal anomalies and visual observations it is evident that Lascar is at the end an eruptive cycle that began in 1993. Declining gas emissions and crater temperatures suggest that the conduit is sealing. ASTER and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) were used to determine the annual contribution of SO2 to the troposphere from the Central and South American volcanic arcs between 2000 and 2011. Fluxes of 3.4 Tg/a for Central America and 3.7 Tg/a for South America were calculated. The detection limits of ASTER were explored. The results a proved to be interesting, with plumes from many of the high emitting volcanoes, such as Villarrica, Chile, not being detected by ASTER.
This study investigates the compressive properties of concrete incorporating Mature Fine Tailings (MFTs) waste stream from a tar sands mining operation. The objectives of this study are to investigate material properties of the MFT material itself, as well as establish general feasibility of the utilization of MFT material in concrete mixtures through empirical data and visual observations. Investigations undertaken in this study consist of moisture content, materials finer than No. 200 sieve, Atterburg Limits as well as visual observations performed on MFT material as obtained. Control concrete mixtures as well as MFT replacement mixture designs (% by wt. of water) were guided by properties of the MFT material that were experimentally established. The experimental design consists of compression testing of 4”-diameter concrete cylinders of a control mixture, 30% MFT, 50% MFT and 70% MFT replacement mixtures with air-entrainer additive, as well as a control mixture and 30% MFT replacement mixture with no air-entrainer. A total of 6 mixtures (2 control mixtures, 4 replacement mixtures) moist-cured in lime water after 24 hours initial curing were tested for ultimate compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days in accordance to ASTM C39. The test results of fresh concrete material show that the addition of air-entrainer to the control mixture increases slump from 4” to 5.5”. However, the use of MFT material in concrete mixtures significantly decreases slump as compared to controls. All MFT replacement mixtures (30%, 50%, and 70%) with air-entrainer present slumps of 1”. 30% MFT with no air-entrainer presents a slump of 1.5”. It was found that 7-day ultimate compressive stress was not a good predictor of 28-day ultimate compressive stress. 28-day results indicate that the use of MFT material in concrete with air-entrainer decreases ultimate compressive stress for 30%, 50% and 70% MFT replacement amounts by 14.2%, 17.3% and 25.1% respectively.
Bacteriorhodopsin (bR), an optoelectric protein found in Halobacterium salinarum, has the potential for use in protein hybrid sensing systems. Bacteriorhodopsin has no intrinsic sensing properties, however molecular and chemical tools permit production of bR protein hybrids with transducing and sensing properties. As a proof of concept, a maltose binding protein-bacteriorhodopsin ([MBP]-bR) hybrid was developed. It was proposed that the energy associated with target molecule binding, maltose, to the hybrid sensor protein would provide a means to directly modulate the electrical output from the MBP-bR bio-nanosensor platform. The bR protein hybrid is produced by linkage between bR (principal component of purified purple membrane [PM]) and MBP, which was produced by use of a plasmid expression vector system in Escherichia coli and purified utilizing an amylose affinity column. These proteins were chemically linked using 1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), which facilitates formation of an amide bond between a primary carboxylic acid and a primary amine. The presence of novel protein hybrids after chemical linkage was analyzed by SDSPAGE. Soluble proteins (MBP-only derivatives and unlinked MBP) were separated from insoluble proteins (PM derivatives and unlinked PM) using size exclusion chromatography. The putatively identified MBP-bR protein hybrid, in addition to unlinked bR, was collected. This sample was normalized for bR concentration to native PM and both were deposited onto indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slides by electrophoretic sedimentation. The photoresponse of both samples, activated using 100 Watt tungsten lamp at 10 cm distance, were equal at 175 mV. Testing of deposited PM with 1 mM sucrose or 1 mM maltose showed no change in the photoresponse of the xiv material, however addition of 1 mM maltose to the deposited MBP-bR linked hybrid material elicited a 57% decrease in photoresponse indicating a positive response for targeting of maltose. This chemically linked MBP-bR hybrid protein, with bacteriorhodopsin, as a photoresponsive transducing substrate, shows promise for creation of a universal sensing array by attachment of other pertinent sensing materials, in lieu of the maltose binding protein utilized. This strategy would allow significant reduction in sensor size, while increasing responsiveness and sensitivity at nano and picomolar levels.
Volcanoes pose a threat to the human population at regional and global scales and so efficient monitoring is essential in order to effectively manage and mitigate the risks that they pose. Volcano monitoring from space has been possible for over thirty years and now, more than ever, a suite of instruments exists with the capability to observe emissions of gas and ash from a unique perspective. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the use of a range of satellite-based sensors in order to detect and quantify volcanic sulphur dioxide, and to assess the relative performances of each sensor against one another. Such comparisons are important in order to standardise retrievals and permit better estimations of the global contribution of sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere from volcanoes for climate modelling. In this work, retrievals of volcanic sulphur dioxide from a number of instruments are compared, and the individual performances at quantifying emissions from large, explosive volcanic eruptions are assessed. Retrievals vary widely from sensor to sensor, and often the use of a number of sensors in synergy can provide the most complete picture, rather than just one instrument alone. Volcanic emissions have the ability to result significant economic loses by grounding aircraft due to the high risk associated with ash encountering aircraft. As sulphur dioxide is often easier to measure than ash, it is often used as a proxy. This work examines whether this is a reasonable assumption, using the Icelandic eruption in early 2010 as a case study. Results indicate that although the two species are for the most part collocated, separation can occur under some conditions, meaning that it is essential to accurately measure both species in order to provide effective hazard mitigation. Finally, the usefulness of satellite remote sensing in quantifying the passive degassing from Turrialba, Costa Rica is demonstrated. The increase in activity from 2005 – 2010 can be observed in satellite data prior to the phreatic phase of early 2010, and can therefore potentially provide a useful indication of changing activity at some volcanoes.
We used active remote sensing technology to characterize forest structure in a northern temperate forest on a landscape- and local-level in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Specifically, we used a form of active remote sensing called light detection and ranging (e.g., LiDAR) to aid in the depiction of current forest structural stages and total canopy gap area estimation. On a landscape-level, LiDAR data are shown not only to be a useful tool in characterizing forest structure, in both coniferous and deciduous forest cover types, but also as an effective basis for data-driven surrogates for classification of forest structure. On a local-level, LiDAR data are shown to be a benchmark reference point to evaluate field-based canopy gap area estimations, due to the highly accurate nature of such remotely sensed data. The application of LiDAR remote sensed data can help facilitate current and future sustainable forest management.
Nitric oxide has the potential to greatly improve intravascular measurements by locally inhibiting thrombus formation and dilating blood vessels. pH, the partial pressure of oxygen, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide are three arterial blood parameters that are of interest to clinicians in the intensive care unit that can benefit from an intravascular sensor. This work explores fabrication of absorbance and fluorescence based pH sensing chemistry, the sensing chemistries' compatibility with nitric oxide, and a controllable nitric oxide releasing polymer. The pH sensing chemistries utilized various substrates, dyes, and methods of immobilization. Absorbance sensing chemistries used sol-gels, fumed silica particles, mesoporous silicon oxide, bromocresol purple, phenol red, bromocresol green, physical entrapment, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. Covalently linking the dyes to fumed silica particles and mesoporous silicon oxide eliminated leaching in the absorbance sensing chemistries. The structures of the absorbance dyes investigated were similar and bromocresol green in a sol-gel was tested for compatibility with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide did not interfere with the use of bromocresol green in a pH sensor. Investigated fluorescence sensing chemistries utilized silica optical fibers, poly(allylamine) hydrogel, SNARF-1, molecular interactions, and covalent linking. SNARF-1 covalently linked to a modified poly(allylamine) hydrogel was tested in the presence of nitric oxide and showed no interference from the nitric oxide. Nitric oxide release was controlled through the modulation of a light source that cleaved the bond between the nitric oxide and a sulfur atom in the donor. The nitric oxide donor in this work is S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D-penicillamine which was covalently linked to a silicone rubber made from polydimethylsiloxane. It is shown that the surface flux of nitric oxide released from the polymer films can be increased and decreased by increasing and decreasing the output power of the LED light source. In summary, an optical pH sensing chemistry was developed that eliminated the chronic problem of leaching of the indicator dye and showed no reactivity to nitric oxide released, thereby facilitating the development of a functional, reliable intravascular sensor.
The integration of remote monitoring techniques at different scales is of crucial importance for monitoring of volcanoes and assessment of the associated hazard. In this optic, technological advancement and collaboration between research groups also play a key role. Vhub is a community cyberinfrastructure platform designed for collaboration in volcanology research. Within the Vhub framework, this dissertation focuses on two research themes, both representing novel applications of remotely sensed data in volcanology: advancement in the acquisition of topographic data via active techniques and application of passive multi-spectral satellite data to monitoring of vegetated volcanoes. Measuring surface deformation is a critical issue in analogue modelling of Earth science phenomena. I present a novel application of the Microsoft Kinect sensor to measurement of vertical and horizontal displacements in analogue models. Specifically, I quantified vertical displacement in a scaled analogue model of Nisyros volcano, Greece, simulating magmatic deflation and inflation and related surface deformation, and included the horizontal component to reconstruct 3D models of pit crater formation. The detection of active faults around volcanoes is of importance for seismic and volcanic hazard assessment, but not a simple task to be achieved using analogue models. I present new evidence of neotectonic deformation along a north-south trending fault from the Mt Shasta debris avalanche deposit (DAD), northern California. The fault was identified on an airborne LiDAR campaign of part of the region interested by the DAD and then confirmed in the field. High resolution LiDAR can be utilized also for geomorphological assessment of DADs, and I describe a size-distance analysis to document geomorphological aspects of hummock in the Shasta DAD. Relating the remote observations of volcanic passive degassing to conditions and impacts on the ground provides an increased understanding of volcanic degassing and how satellite-based monitoring can be used to inform hazard management strategies in nearreal time. Combining a variety of satellite-based spectral time series I aim to perform the first space-based assessment of the impacts of sulfur dioxide emissions from Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica, on vegetation in the surrounding environment, and establish whether vegetation indices could be used more broadly to detect volcanic unrest.