995 resultados para Michigan Tech Lode
Small clusters of gallium oxide, technologically important high temperature ceramic, together with interaction of nucleic acid bases with graphene and small-diameter carbon nanotube are focus of first principles calculations in this work. A high performance parallel computing platform is also developed to perform these calculations at Michigan Tech. First principles calculations are based on density functional theory employing either local density or gradient-corrected approximation together with plane wave and gaussian basis sets. The bulk Ga2O3 is known to be a very good candidate for fabricating electronic devices that operate at high temperatures. To explore the properties of Ga2O3 at nonoscale, we have performed a systematic theoretical study on the small polyatomic gallium oxide clusters. The calculated results find that all lowest energy isomers of GamOn clusters are dominated by the Ga-O bonds over the metal-metal or the oxygen-oxygen bonds. Analysis of atomic charges suggest the clusters to be highly ionic similar to the case of bulk Ga2O3. In the study of sequential oxidation of these slusters starting from Ga2O, it is found that the most stable isomers display up to four different backbones of constituent atoms. Furthermore, the predicted configuration of the ground state of Ga2O is recently confirmed by the experimental result of Neumark's group. Guided by the results of calculations the study of gallium oxide clusters, performance related challenge of computational simulations, of producing high performance computers/platforms, has been addressed. Several engineering aspects were thoroughly studied during the design, development and implementation of the high performance parallel computing platform, rama, at Michigan Tech. In an attempt to stay true to the principles of Beowulf revolutioni, the rama cluster was extensively customized to make it easy to understand, and use - for administrators as well as end-users. Following the results of benchmark calculations and to keep up with the complexity of systems under study, rama has been expanded to a total of sixty four processors. Interest in the non-covalent intereaction of DNA with carbon nanotubes has steadily increased during past several years. This hybrid system, at the junction of the biological regime and the nanomaterials world, possesses features which make it very attractive for a wide range of applicatioins. Using the in-house computational power available, we have studied details of the interaction between nucleic acid bases with graphene sheet as well as high-curvature small-diameter carbon nanotube. The calculated trend in the binding energies strongly suggests that the polarizability of the base molecules determines the interaction strength of the nucleic acid bases with graphene. When comparing the results obtained here for physisorption on the small diameter nanotube considered with those from the study on graphene, it is observed that the interaction strength of nucleic acid bases is smaller for the tube. Thus, these results show that the effect of introducing curvature is to reduce the binding energy. The binding energies for the two extreme cases of negligible curvature (i.e. flat graphene sheet) and of very high curvature (i.e. small diameter nanotube) may be considered as upper and lower bounds. This finding represents an important step towards a better understanding of experimentally observed sequence-dependent interaction of DNA with Carbon nanotubes.
Magmatic volatiles play a crucial role in volcanism, from magma production at depth to generation of seismic phenomena to control of eruption style. Accordingly, many models of volcano dynamics rely heavily on behavior of such volatiles. Yet measurements of emission rates of volcanic gases have historically been limited, which has restricted model verification to processes on the order of days or longer. UV cameras are a recent advancement in the field of remote sensing of volcanic SO2 emissions. They offer enhanced temporal and spatial resolution over previous measurement techniques, but need development before they can be widely adopted and achieve the promise of integration with other geophysical datasets. Large datasets require a means by which to quickly and efficiently use imagery to calculate emission rates. We present a suite of programs designed to semi-automatically determine emission rates of SO2 from series of UV images. Extraction of high temporal resolution SO2 emission rates via this software facilitates comparison of gas data to geophysical data for the purposes of evaluating models of volcanic activity and has already proven useful at several volcanoes. Integrated UV camera and seismic measurements recorded in January 2009 at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, provide new insight into the system’s shallow conduit processes. High temporal resolution SO2 data reveal patterns of SO2 emission rate relative to explosions and seismic tremor that indicate tremor and degassing share a common source process. Progressive decreases in emission rate appear to represent inhibition of gas loss from magma as a result of rheological stiffening in the upper conduit. Measurements of emission rate from two closely-spaced vents, made possible by the high spatial resolution of the camera, help constrain this model. UV camera measurements at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, in May of 2010 captured two occurrences of lava filling and draining within the summit vent. Accompanying high lava stands were diminished SO2 emission rates, decreased seismic and infrasonic tremor, minor deflation, and slowed lava lake surface velocity. Incorporation of UV camera data into the multi-parameter dataset gives credence to the likelihood of shallow gas accumulation as the cause of such events.
The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the practical use of data mining algorithms to cluster a solved steady-state computational fluids simulation (CFD) flow domain into a simplified lumped-parameter network. A commercial-quality code, “cfdMine” was created using a volume-weighted k-means clustering that that can accomplish the clustering of a 20 million cell CFD domain on a single CPU in several hours or less. Additionally agglomeration and k-means Mahalanobis were added as optional post-processing steps to further enhance the separation of the clusters. The resultant nodal network is considered a reduced-order model and can be solved transiently at a very minimal computational cost. The reduced order network is then instantiated in the commercial thermal solver MuSES to perform transient conjugate heat transfer using convection predicted using a lumped network (based on steady-state CFD). When inserting the lumped nodal network into a MuSES model, the potential for developing a “localized heat transfer coefficient” is shown to be an improvement over existing techniques. Also, it was found that the use of the clustering created a new flow visualization technique. Finally, fixing clusters near equipment newly demonstrates a capability to track temperatures near specific objects (such as equipment in vehicles).
The remarkable advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology over the last two decades allow one to manipulate individuals atoms, molecules and nanostructures, make it possible to build devices with only a few nanometers, and enhance the nano-bio fusion in tackling biological and medical problems. It complies with the ever-increasing need for device miniaturization, from magnetic storage devices, electronic building blocks for computers, to chemical and biological sensors. Despite the continuing efforts based on conventional methods, they are likely to reach the fundamental limit of miniaturization in the next decade, when feature lengths shrink below 100 nm. On the one hand, quantum mechanical efforts of the underlying material structure dominate device characteristics. On the other hand, one faces the technical difficulty in fabricating uniform devices. This has posed a great challenge for both the scientific and the technical communities. The proposal of using a single or a few organic molecules in electronic devices has not only opened an alternative way of miniaturization in electronics, but also brought up brand-new concepts and physical working mechanisms in electronic devices. This thesis work stands as one of the efforts in understanding and building of electronic functional units at the molecular and atomic levels. We have explored the possibility of having molecules working in a wide spectrum of electronic devices, ranging from molecular wires, spin valves/switches, diodes, transistors, and sensors. More specifically, we have observed significant magnetoresistive effect in a spin-valve structure where the non-magnetic spacer sandwiched between two magnetic conducting materials is replaced by a self-assembled monolayer of organic molecules or a single molecule (like a carbon fullerene). The diode behavior in donor(D)-bridge(B)-acceptor(A) type of single molecules is then discussed and a unimolecular transistor is designed. Lastly, we have proposed and primarily tested the idea of using functionalized electrodes for rapid nanopore DNA sequencing. In these studies, the fundamental roles of molecules and molecule-electrode interfaces on quantum electron transport have been investigated based on first-principles calculations of the electronic structure. Both the intrinsic properties of molecules themselves and the detailed interfacial features are found to play critical roles in electron transport at the molecular scale. The flexibility and tailorability of the properties of molecules have opened great opportunity in a purpose-driven design of electronic devices from the bottom up. The results that we gained from this work have helped in understanding the underlying physics, developing the fundamental mechanism and providing guidance for future experimental efforts.
The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) has been used to quantify SO2 emissions from passively degassing volcanoes. This dissertation explores ASTER’s capability to detect SO2 with satellite validation, enhancement techniques and extensive processing of images at a variety of volcanoes. ASTER is compared to the Mini UV Spectrometer (MUSe), a ground based instrument, to determine if reasonable SO2 fluxes can be quantified from a plume emitted from Lascar, Chile. The two sensors were in good agreement with ASTER proving to be a reliable detector of SO2. ASTER illustrated the advantages of imaging a plume in 2D, with better temporal resolution than the MUSe. SO2 plumes in ASTER imagery are not always discernible in the raw TIR data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Decorrelation Stretch (DCS) enhancement techniques were compared to determine how well they highlight a variety of volcanic plumes. DCS produced a consistent output and the composition of the plumes was easy to identify from explosive eruptions. As the plumes became smaller and lower in altitude they became harder to distinguish using DCS. PCA proved to be better at identifying smaller low altitude plumes. ASTER was used to investigate SO2 emissions at Lascar, Chile. Activity at Lascar has been characterized by cyclic behavior and persistent degassing (Matthews et al. 1997). Previous studies at Lascar have primarily focused on changes in thermal infrared anomalies, neglecting gas emissions. Using the SO2 data along with changes in thermal anomalies and visual observations it is evident that Lascar is at the end an eruptive cycle that began in 1993. Declining gas emissions and crater temperatures suggest that the conduit is sealing. ASTER and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) were used to determine the annual contribution of SO2 to the troposphere from the Central and South American volcanic arcs between 2000 and 2011. Fluxes of 3.4 Tg/a for Central America and 3.7 Tg/a for South America were calculated. The detection limits of ASTER were explored. The results a proved to be interesting, with plumes from many of the high emitting volcanoes, such as Villarrica, Chile, not being detected by ASTER.
Ethanol-gasoline fuel blends are increasingly being used in spark ignition (SI) engines due to continued growth in renewable fuels as part of a growing renewable portfolio standard (RPS). This leads to the need for a simple and accurate ethanol-gasoline blends combustion model that is applicable to one-dimensional engine simulation. A parametric combustion model has been developed, integrated into an engine simulation tool, and validated using SI engine experimental data. The parametric combustion model was built inside a user compound in GT-Power. In this model, selected burn durations were computed using correlations as functions of physically based non-dimensional groups that have been developed using the experimental engine database over a wide range of ethanol-gasoline blends, engine geometries, and operating conditions. A coefficient of variance (COV) of gross indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) correlation was also added to the parametric combustion model. This correlation enables the cycle combustion variation modeling as a function of engine geometry and operating conditions. The computed burn durations were then used to fit single and double Wiebe functions. The single-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used the least squares method to compute the single-Wiebe parameters, while the double-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used an analytical solution to compute the double-Wiebe parameters. These compounds were then integrated into the engine model in GT-Power through the multi-Wiebe combustion template in which the values of Wiebe parameters (single-Wiebe or double-Wiebe) were sensed via RLT-dependence. The parametric combustion models were validated by overlaying the simulated pressure trace from GT-Power on to experimentally measured pressure traces. A thermodynamic engine model was also developed to study the effect of fuel blends, engine geometries and operating conditions on both the burn durations and COV of gross IMEP simulation results.
Satellite measurement validations, climate models, atmospheric radiative transfer models and cloud models, all depend on accurate measurements of cloud particle size distributions, number densities, spatial distributions, and other parameters relevant to cloud microphysical processes. And many airborne instruments designed to measure size distributions and concentrations of cloud particles have large uncertainties in measuring number densities and size distributions of small ice crystals. HOLODEC (Holographic Detector for Clouds) is a new instrument that does not have many of these uncertainties and makes possible measurements that other probes have never made. The advantages of HOLODEC are inherent to the holographic method. In this dissertation, I describe HOLODEC, its in-situ measurements of cloud particles, and the results of its test flights. I present a hologram reconstruction algorithm that has a sample spacing that does not vary with reconstruction distance. This reconstruction algorithm accurately reconstructs the field to all distances inside a typical holographic measurement volume as proven by comparison with analytical solutions to the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral. It is fast to compute, and has diffraction limited resolution. Further, described herein is an algorithm that can find the position along the optical axis of small particles as well as large complex-shaped particles. I explain an implementation of these algorithms that is an efficient, robust, automated program that allows us to process holograms on a computer cluster in a reasonable time. I show size distributions and number densities of cloud particles, and show that they are within the uncertainty of independent measurements made with another measurement method. The feasibility of another cloud particle instrument that has advantages over new standard instruments is proven. These advantages include a unique ability to detect shattered particles using three-dimensional positions, and a sample volume size that does not vary with particle size or airspeed. It also is able to yield two-dimensional particle profiles using the same measurements.
Sustainable yields from water wells in hard-rock aquifers are achieved when the well bore intersects fracture networks. Fracture networks are often not readily discernable at the surface. Lineament analysis using remotely sensed satellite imagery has been employed to identify surface expressions of fracturing, and a variety of image-analysis techniques have been successfully applied in “ideal” settings. An ideal setting for lineament detection is where the influences of human development, vegetation, and climatic situations are minimal and hydrogeological conditions and geologic structure are known. There is not yet a well-accepted protocol for mapping lineaments nor have different approaches been compared in non-ideal settings. A new approach for image-processing/synthesis was developed to identify successful satellite imagery types for lineament analysis in non-ideal terrain. Four satellite sensors (ASTER, Landsat7 ETM+, QuickBird, RADARSAT-1) and a digital elevation model were evaluated for lineament analysis in Boaco, Nicaragua, where the landscape is subject to varied vegetative cover, a plethora of anthropogenic features, and frequent cloud cover that limit the availability of optical satellite data. A variety of digital image processing techniques were employed and lineament interpretations were performed to obtain 12 complementary image products that were evaluated subjectively to identify lineaments. The 12 lineament interpretations were synthesized to create a raster image of lineament zone coincidence that shows the level of agreement among the 12 interpretations. A composite lineament interpretation was made using the coincidence raster to restrict lineament observations to areas where multiple interpretations (at least 4) agree. Nine of the 11 previously mapped faults were identified from the coincidence raster. An additional 26 lineaments were identified from the coincidence raster, and the locations of 10 were confirmed by field observation. Four manual pumping tests suggest that well productivity is higher for wells proximal to lineament features. Interpretations from RADARSAT-1 products were superior to interpretations from other sensor products, suggesting that quality lineament interpretation in this region requires anthropogenic features to be minimized and topographic expressions to be maximized. The approach developed in this study has the potential to improve siting wells in non-ideal regions.
With proper application of Best Management Practices (BMPs), the impact from the sediment to the water bodies could be minimized. However, finding the optimal allocation of BMP can be difficult, since there are numerous possible options. Also, economics plays an important role in BMP affordability and, therefore, the number of BMPs able to be placed in a given budget year. In this study, two methodologies are presented to determine the optimal cost-effective BMP allocation, by coupling a watershed-level model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), with two different methods, targeting and a multi-objective genetic algorithm (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, NSGA-II). For demonstration, these two methodologies were applied to an agriculture-dominant watershed located in Lower Michigan to find the optimal allocation of filter strips and grassed waterways. For targeting, three different criteria were investigated for sediment yield minimization, during the process of which it was found that the grassed waterways near the watershed outlet reduced the watershed outlet sediment yield the most under this study condition, and cost minimization was also included as a second objective during the cost-effective BMP allocation selection. NSGA-II was used to find the optimal BMP allocation for both sediment yield reduction and cost minimization. By comparing the results and computational time of both methodologies, targeting was determined to be a better method for finding optimal cost-effective BMP allocation under this study condition, since it provided more than 13 times the amount of solutions with better fitness for the objective functions while using less than one eighth of the SWAT computational time than the NSGA-II with 150 generations did.
Excessive Cladophora growth in the Great Lakes has led to beach fouling and the temporary closure of nuclear power plants and has been associated with avian botulism and the persistence of human pathogens. As the growth-limiting nutrient for Cladophora, phosphorus is the appropriate target for management efforts. Dreissenids (zebra and quagga mussels) have the ability to capture particulate phase phosphorus (otherwise unavailable to Cladophora) and release it in a soluble, available form. The significance of this potential nutrient source is, in part, influenced by the interplay between phosphorus flux from the mussel bed and turbulent mixing in establishing the phosphorus levels to which Cladophora is exposed. It is hypothesized that under quiescent conditions phosphorus will accumulate near the sediment-water interface, setting up vertical phosphorus gradients and favorable conditions for resource delivery to Cladophora. These gradients would be eliminated under conditions of wind mixing, reducing the significance of the dreissenid-mediated nutrient contribution. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) levels were monitored over dreissenid beds (densities on the order of 350•m-2 and 3000∙m-2) at a site 8 m deep in Lake Michigan. Monitoring was based on the deployment of Modified Hesslein Samplers which collected samples for SRP analysis over a distance of 34 cm above the bottom in 2.5 cm intervals. Deployment intervals were established to capture a wind regime (calm, windy) that persisted for an interval consistent with the sampler equilibration time of 7 hours. Results indicate that increased mussel density leads to an increased concentration boundary layer; increased wind speed leads to entrainment of the concentration boundary layer; and increased duration of quiescent periods leads to an increased concentration boundary layer. This concentration boundary layer is of ecological significance and forms in the region inhabited by Cladophora
High resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) of Santiaguito and Pacaya volcanoes, Guatemala, were used to estimate volume changes and eruption rates between 1954 and 2001. The DEMs were generated from contour maps and aerial photography, which were analyzed in ArcGIS 9.0®. Because both volcanoes were growing substantially over the five decade period, they provide a good data set for exploring effective methodology for estimating volume changes. The analysis shows that the Santiaguito dome complex grew by 0.78 ± 0.07 km3 (0.52 ± 0.05 m3 s-1) over the 1954-2001 period with nearly all the growth occurring on the El Brujo (1958-75) and Caliente domes (1971-2001). Adding information from field data prior to 1954, the total volume extruded from Santiaguito since 1922 is estimated at 1.48 ± 0.19 km3. Santiaguito’s growth rate is lower than most other volcanic domes, but it has been sustained over a much longer period and has undergone a change toward more exogenous and progressively slower extrusion with time. At Santiaguito some of the material being added at the dome is subsequently transported downstream by block and ash flows, mudflows and floods, creating channel shifting and areas of aggradation and erosion. At Pacaya volcano a total volume of 0.21 ± 0.05 km3 was erupted between 1961 and 2001 for an average extrusion rate of 0.17 ± 0.04 m3 s-1. Both the Santiaguito and Pacaya eruption rate estimates reported here are minima, because they do not include estimates of materials which are transported downslope after eruption and data on ashfall which may result in significant volumes of material spread over broad areas. Regular analysis of high resolution DEMs using the methods outlined here, would help quantify the effects of fluvial changes to downstream populated areas, as well as assist in tracking hazards related to dome collapse and eruption.
One of two active volcanoes in the western branch of the East African Rift, Nyamuragira (1.408ºS, 29.20ºE; 3058 m) is located in the D.R. Congo. Nyamuragira emits large amounts of SO2 (up to ~1 Mt/day) and erupts low-silica, alkalic lavas, which achieve flow rates of up to ~20 km/hr. The source of the large SO2 emissions and pre-eruptive magma conditions were unknown prior to this study, and 1994-2010 lava volumes were only recently mapped via satellite imagery, mainly due to the region’s political instability. In this study, new olivine-hosted melt inclusion volatile (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) and major element data from five historic Nyamuragira eruptions (1912, 1938, 1948, 1986, 2006) are presented. Melt compositions derived from the 1986 and 2006 tephra samples best represent pre-eruptive volatile compositions because these samples contain naturally glassy inclusions that underwent less post-entrapment modification than crystallized inclusions. The total amount of SO2 released from the 1986 (0.04 Mt) and 2006 (0.06 Mt) eruptions are derived using the petrologic method, whereby S contents in melt inclusions are scaled to erupted lava volumes. These amounts are significantly less than satellite-based SO2 emissions for the same eruptions (1986 = ~1 Mt; 2006 = ~2 Mt). Potential explanations for this observation are: 1) accumulation of a vapor phase within the magmatic system that is only released during eruptions, and/or 2) syn-eruptive gas release from unerupted magma. Post-1994 Nyamuragira lava volumes were not available at the beginning of this study. These flows (along with others since 1967) are mapped with Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+, Hyperion, and ALI satellite data and combined with published flow thicknesses to derive volumes. Satellite remote sensing data was also used to evaluate Nyamuragira SO2 emissions. These results show that the most recent Nyamuragira eruptions injected SO2 into the atmosphere between 15 km (2006 eruption) and 5 km (2010 eruption). This suggests that past effusive basaltic eruptions (e.g., Laki 1783) are capable of similar plume heights that reached the upper troposphere or tropopause, allowing SO2 and resultant aerosols to remain longer in the atmosphere, travel farther around the globe, and affect global climates.
We hypothesized that the spatial distribution of groundwater inflows through river bottom sediments is a critical factor associated with the selection of coaster brook trout (a life history variant of Salvelinus fontinalis,) spawning sites. An 80-m reach of the Salmon Trout River, in the Huron Mountains of the upper peninsula of Michigan, was selected to test the hypothesis based on long-term documentation of coaster brook trout spawning at this site. Throughout this site, the river is relatively similar along its length with regard to stream channel and substrate features. A monitoring well system consisting of an array of 27 wells was installed to measure subsurface temperatures underneath the riverbed over a 13-month period. The monitoring well locations were separated into areas where spawning has and has not been observed. Over 200,000 total temperature measurements were collected from 5 depths within each of the 27 monitoring wells. Temperatures within the substrate at the spawning area were generally cooler and less variable than river temperatures. Substrate temperatures in the non-spawning area were generally warmer, more variable, and closely tracked temporal variations in river temperatures. Temperature data were inverted to obtain subsurface groundwater velocities using a numerical approximation of the heat transfer equation. Approximately 45,000 estimates of groundwater velocities were obtained. Estimated velocities in the spawning and non-spawning areas confirmed that groundwater velocities in the spawning area were primarily in the upward direction, and were generally greater in magnitude than velocities in the non-spawning area. In the non-spawning area there was a greater occurrence of velocities in the downward direction, and velocity estimates were generally lesser in magnitude than in the spawning area. Both the temperature and velocity results confirm the hypothesis that spawning sites correspond to areas of significant groundwater influx to the river bed.
Nearly 22 million Americans operate as shift workers, and shift work has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study is aimed at identifying pivotal risk factors of CVD by assessing 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure, state anxiety levels and sleep patterns in 12 hour fixed shift workers. We hypothesized that night shift work would negatively affect blood pressure regulation, anxiety levels and sleep patterns. A total of 28 subjects (ages 22-60) were divided into two groups: 12 hour fixed night shift workers (n=15) and 12 hour fixed day shift workers (n=13). 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements (Space Labs 90207) were taken twice: once during a regular work day and once on a non-work day. State anxiety levels were assessed on both test days using the Speilberger’s State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Total sleep time (TST) was determined using self recorded sleep diary. Night shift workers demonstrated increases in 24 hour systolic (122 ± 2 to 126 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.012); diastolic (75 ± 1 to 79 ± 2 mmHg, P=0.001); and mean arterial pressures (90 ± 2 to 94 ± 2mmHg, P<0.001) during work days compared to off days. In contrast, 24 hour blood pressures were similar during work and off days in day shift workers. Night shift workers reported less TST on work days versus off days (345 ± 16 vs. 552 ± 30 min; P<0.001), whereas day shift workers reported similar TST during work and off days (475 ± 16 minutes to 437 ± 20 minutes; P=0.231). State anxiety scores did not differ between the groups or testing days (time*group interaction P=0.248), suggesting increased 24 hour blood pressure during night shift work is related to decreased TST, not short term anxiety. Our findings suggest that fixed night shift work causes disruption of the normal sleep-wake cycle negatively affecting acute blood pressure regulation, which may increase the long-term risk for CVD.
The Kenya (a.k.a., Gregory) Rift is a geologically active area located within the eastern branch of the larger East African Rift System (EARS). The study area is located in the southern Kenya Rift between 1° South and the Kenya-Tanzania border (covering approximately 1.5 square degrees, semi-centered on Lake Magadi) and is predominantly filled with extrusive igneous rocks (mostly basalts, phonolites and trachytes) of Miocene age or younger. Sediments are thin, less than 1.5Ma, and are confined to small grabens. The EARS can serve both as an analogue for ancient continental rifting and as a modern laboratory to observe the geologic processes responsible for rifting. This study demonstrates that vintage (as in older, quality maps published by the Kenya Geological Survey, that may be outdated based on newer findings) quarter-degree maps can be successfully combined with recently published data, and used to interpret satellite (mainly Landsat 7) images to produce versatile, updated digital maps. The study area has been remapped using this procedure and although it covers a large area, the mapping retains a quadrangle level of detail. Additionally, all geologic mapping elements (formations, faults, etc.) have been correlated across older map boundaries so that geologic units don't end artificially at degree boundaries within the study area. These elements have also been saved as individual digital files to facilitate future analysis. A series of maps showing the evolution of the southern Kenya rift from the Miocene to the present was created by combining the updated geologic map with age dates for geologic formations and fault displacements. Over 200 age dates covering the entire length of the Kenya Rift have been compiled for this study, and 6 paleo-maps were constructed to demonstrate the evolution of the area, starting with the eruption of the Kishalduga and Lisudwa melanephelinites onto the metamorphic basement around 15Ma. These eruptions occurred before the initial rift faulting and were followed by a massive eruption of phonolites between 13-10 Ma that covered most of the Kenya dome. This was followed by a period of relative quiescence, until the initial faulting defined the western boundary of the rift around 7Ma. The resulting graben was asymmetrical until corresponding faults to the east developed around 3Ma. The rift valley was flooded by basalts and trachytes between 3Ma and 700ka, after which the volcanic activity slowed to a near halt. Since 700ka most of the deposition has been comprised of sediments, mainly from lakes occupying the various basins in the area. The main results of this study are, in addition to a detailed interpretation of the rift development, a new geologic map that correlates dozens of formations across old map boundaries and a compilation of over 300 age dates. Specific products include paleomaps, tables of fault timing and displacement, and volume estimates of volcanic formations. The study concludes with a generalization of the present environment at Magadi including discussions of lagoon chemistry, mantle gases in relation to the trona deposit, and biology of the hot springs. Several biologic samples were collected during the 2006 field season in an attempt to characterize the organisms that are commonly seen in the present Lake Magadi environment. Samples were selected to represent the different, distinctive forms that are found in the hotsprings. Each sample had it own distinctive growth habit, and analysis showed that each was formed by a different cyanobacterial. Actual algae was rare in the collected samples, and represented by a few scattered diatoms.