15 resultados para social research evaluation tool

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In chronic haemodialysis patients, anaemia is a frequent finding associated with high therapeutic costs and further expenses resulting from serial laboratory measurements. HemoHue HH1, HemoHue Ltd, is a novel tool consisting of a visual scale for the noninvasive assessment of anaemia by matching the coloration of the conjunctiva with a calibrated hue scale. The aim of the study was to investigate the usefulness of HemoHue in estimating individual haemoglobin concentrations and binary treatment outcomes in haemodialysis patients. A prospective blinded study with 80 hemodialysis patients comparing the visual haemoglobin assessment with the standard laboratory measurement was performed. Each patient's haemoglobin concentration was estimated by seven different medical and nonmedical observers with variable degrees of clinical experience on two different occasions. The estimated population mean was close to the measured one (11.06 ± 1.67 versus 11.32 ± 1.23 g/dL, P < 0.0005). A learning effect could be detected. Relative errors in individual estimates reached, however, up to 50%. Insufficient performance in predicting binary outcomes (ROC AUC: 0.72 to 0.78) and poor interrater reliability (Kappa < 0.6) further characterised this method.


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Systematic reviews are not an assembly of anecdotes but a distillation of current best available evidence on a particular topic and as such have an important role to play in evidence-based healthcare. A substantial proportion of these systematic reviews focus on interventions, and are able to provide clinicians with the opportunity to understand and translate the best available evidence on the effects of these healthcare interventions into clinical practice. The importance of systematic reviews in summarising and identifying the gaps in evidence which might inform new research initiatives is also widely acknowledged. Their potential impact on practice and research makes their methodological quality especially important as it may directly influence their utility for clinicians, patients and policy makers. The objectives of this study were to identify systematic reviews of oral healthcare interventions published in the Journal of Applied Oral Science (JAOS) and to evaluate their methodological quality using the evaluation tool, AMSTAR.


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Most desertification research focuses on degradation assessments without putting sufficient emphasis on prevention and mitigation strategies, although the concept of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) is increasingly being acknowledged. A variety of already applied conservation measures exist at the local level, but they are not adequately recognised, evaluated and shared, either by land users, technicians, researchers, or policy makers. Likewise, collaboration between research and implementation is often insufficient. The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology for a participatory process of appraising and selecting desertification mitigation strategies, and to present first experiences from its application in the EU-funded DESIRE project. The methodology combines a collective learning and decision approach with the use of evaluated global best practices. In three parts, it moves through a concise process, starting with identifying land degradation and locally applied solutions in a stakeholder workshop, leading to assessing local solutions with a standardised evaluation tool, and ending with jointly selecting promising strategies for implementation with the help of a decision support tool. The methodology is currently being applied in 16 study sites. Preliminary analysis from the application of the first part of the methodology shows that the initial stakeholder workshop results in a good basis for stakeholder cooperation, and in promising land conservation practices for further assessment. Study site research teams appreciated the valuable results, as burning issues and promising options emerged from joint reflection. The methodology is suitable to initiate mutual learning among different stakeholder groups and to integrate local and scientific knowledge.


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BACKGROUND:: Sometimes, a temporary increase in alkaline phosphatase level is found in healthy infants and toddlers without evidence of liver or bone disease. The condition is customarily termed transient benign hyperphosphatasemia of infancy and early childhood. Most textbooks do not refer to the condition. METHODS:: We completed a systematic review of the literature using the principles underlying the UK Economic and Social Research Council guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. RESULTS:: The 142 reports retained for analysis included 813 cases (male:female ratio = 1.1:1.0): 80 in subjects >18 years and 733 in subjects ≤18 years of age. The alkaline phosphatase ratio, calculated by dividing the measured level by the upper normal limit, was ≥5.0 in ≈70% and the duration of the elevation ≤4 months in 80% of the cases. Transient benign hyperphosphatasemia often followed a benign infection but available data fail to demonstrate a causal link. The prevalence of transient benign hyperphosphatasemia ranged 1.1-3.5% in infants 2 to 24 months of age. CONCLUSIONS:: Transient benign hyperphosphatasemia is likely the most common cause of hyperphosphatasemia among healthy infants and toddlers. Sometimes, it also occurs in older children and adults, indicating that the traditional term transient benign hyperphosphatasemia of infancy and early childhood might not be correct. The elevation in alkaline phosphatase persists for >4 months in ≈20% of the cases. Recognition of this benign condition is crucial to avoid unnecessary investigations.


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Dynamik der Gewalteskalation bei kritischen Situationen am Beispiel des Fußballstadions Alain Brechbühl, Annemarie Schumacher-Dimech & Roland Seiler Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Bern Schlüsselwörter: Zuschauergewalt, Wahrnehmung, Fußball, Massenveranstaltungen, Fan Einleitung Zuschauergewalt bei Fußballspielen ist in der Schweiz ein aktuelles Thema, wie etwa politische Debatten um Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Eskalationen zeigen. Während in anderen Ländern bereits verschiedene Studien durchgeführt wurden (bspw. Hylander & Granström, 2010), existiert in der Schweiz kaum Forschung zur Dynamik und den möglichen Faktoren, die den Unterschied zwischen einer Eskalation oder Nichteskalation ausmachen könnten. Insbesondere die Sicht beteiligter Personen ist dazu von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das vorliegende Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der subjektiv wahrgenommenen Gewaltsituation und deren zentralen Faktoren und Ursachen im Kontext des Fußballs. Methode Aufgrund der spärlichen Forschungslage in der Schweiz wurde eine explorative qualitative Studie mit involvierten und nichtinvolvierten Personen (Fußballfans, Sicherheitspersonal und die Polizei) durchgeführt, um Daten über kritische Situationen bei Spielen der Raiffeisen Super League zu erheben. Die ausgewählten Personen wurden einzeln mit narrativen Interviews zu der erlebten Situation befragt um genauere Erkenntnisse zur Situation zu erhalten. Zu vier Situationen wurden 34 Interviews durchgeführt (12 mit Polizeiangehörigen, 11 mit Fans, 9 mit Fanarbeitern und 2 mit Sicherheitsarbeitern). Die Auswertung erfolgte mit der interpretativen phänomenologischen Analyse. Ergebnisse Es zeigten sich individuelle und gruppenspezifische Wahrnehmungen in kritischen Situationen. Bei den befragten Personen herrschte häufig eine Tendenz zur (negativen) Stereotypisierung der gegenüberstehenden Gruppenmitglieder. Schnelle und klare Kommunikation, genügend Distanz zwischen den Gruppen und das Entfernen von gruppenspezifisch bedrohlichen Hinweisreizen (bspw. Polizei-Rüstungen) konnten als relevante Faktoren für gewaltfreie Lösungen festgestellt werden. Diskussion Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse sprechen für die Aufrechterhaltung einer differenzierten Betrachtungsweise und das Beiziehen von Vermittlungspersonen (von Fan- wie auch Polizeiseite) in kritischen Situationen, um Eskalationen vermeiden zu können. Es zeigen sich Ähnlichkeiten zu den Ergebnissen von Hylander & Granström (2010). Es werden noch weitere kritische Situationen analysiert, um konkrete Praxisempfehlungen zu formulieren. Literatur Hylander, I., & Granström, K. (2010). Organizing for a peaceful crowd: an example of a football match. Fo-rum Qualitative Social Research, 11 (2), Zugriff am 22.01.2014 unter http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1462/2969.


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How do institutional settings and their embedded policy principles affect gender-typed enrolment in educational programmes? Based on gender-sensitive theories on career choice, we hypothesised that gender segregation in education is higher with a wider range of offers of vocational programmes. By analysing youth survey and panel data, we tested this assumption for Germany, Norway and Canada, three countries whose educational systems represent a different mix of academic, vocational and universalistic education principles. We found that vocational programmes are considerably more gender-segregated than are academic (e.g. university) programmes. Men, more so than women, can avoid gender-typed programmes by passing on to a university education. This in turn means that as long as their secondary school achievement does not allow for a higher education career, they have a higher likelihood of being allocated to male-typed programmes in the vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, social background and the age at which students have to choose educational offers impact on the transition to gendered educational programmes. Overall, gender segregation in education is highest in Germany and the lowest in Canada. We interpret the differences between these countries with respect to the constellations of educational principles and policies in the respective countries.


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This introductory chapter develops the overall research focus and the aim of the present special issue ‘Gender segregation in vocational education’. Against the backdrop of strong horizontal gender segregation in vocational education and training (VET), we ask how institutional arrangements affect gendered (self-)selection into VET, and to what extent the patterns of the latter vary by context and over time. In order to expand our knowledge about the impact of educational offers and policies on gendered educational pathways and gender segregation in the labour market, we have gathered comparative quantitative studies that analyse the relationship between national variations in the organization of VET and cross-national differences in educational and occupational gender segregation from an institutional perspective. Following a review of the core literature within the field of gender segregation in VET, this introduction presents a discussion of education system classifications and institutional level mechanisms based on the contributions made in this volume. We then discuss gendered educational choices at the individual level, with particular emphasis on variation across the life course. Finally, we conclude our introductory chapter by commenting on the main contributions of the volume as a whole, as well as addressing suggestions for further research.


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Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon ist ein in der bisherigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung vernachlässigtes Alltagsphänomen. Die vorliegende Studie zur Analyse dieses Phänomens wurde repräsentativ für Deutschland durchgeführt. In der ersten Phase der Studie wurde eine Ausgangsstich-probe von mehr als 3000 Personen mündlich mittels eines Fragebogens zu unerwünschten Ereignissen am Telefon im vorangegangenen Jahr befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche verschiedenen Formen von Belästigung in welchem Umfang vorkommen (Stöhnanrufe, sexuelle Beleidigungen etc.). Dabei wurden die Häufigkeit sowie das Ausmaß der durch die sexuelle Belästigung hervorgerufenen Belastung analysiert. In der zweiten Phase wurde den Personen, die im vorangegangenen Jahr oder jemals in ihrem Leben ein Ereignis am Telefon als sexuell belästigend erlebt hatten, ein ausführlicher Fragebogen zu der von ihnen erlebten Belästigung zur schriftlichen Beantwortung vorgegeben. Schwerpunkt war dabei die Analyse des Verarbeitungsprozesses. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welches (verbreitete) unmittelbare emotionale und kognitive Reaktionen auf sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon sind (Angst, Ärger etc.) und welche Copingstrategien angewandt werden (Vermeidung, positive Selbstinstruktion, Informationssuche, Suche nach sozialer Unterstützung etc.). Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit attributions-, kontroll- und streßtheoretische Ansätze Vorhersagen für die Bewältigung dieser Erfahrung ermöglichen.