99 resultados para internal resultants
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
An examination chair to measure internal rotation of the hip in routine settings: a validation study
OBJECTIVE: To determine the performance of a newly developed examination chair as compared with the clinical standard of assessing internal rotation (IR) of the flexed hip with a goniometer.
METHODS: The examination chair allowed measurement of IR in a sitting position simultaneously in both hips, with hips and knees flexed 90 degrees, lower legs hanging unsupported and a standardized load of 5 kg applied to both ankles using a bilateral pulley system. Clinical assessment of IR was performed in supine position with hips and knees flexed 90 degrees using a goniometer. Within the framework of a population-based inception cohort study, we calculated inter-observer agreement in two samples of 84 and 64 consecutive, unselected young asymptomatic males using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and determined the correlation between IR assessed with examination chair and clinical assessment.
RESULTS: Inter-observer agreement was excellent for the examination chair (ICC right hip, 0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.89-0.95; ICC left hip, 0.90, 95% CI 0.86-0.94), and considerably higher than that seen with clinical assessment (ICC right hip, 0.65, 95% CI 0.49-0.77; ICC left hip, 0.69, 95% CI 0.54-0.80, P for difference in ICC between examination chair and clinical assessment
To investigate the clinical and radiographic results after operative treatment of complete symphyseal disruption resulting from childbirth and to evaluate residual pain and implant failure in relation to the timing of surgery.
Gross dissection for demonstrating anatomy of the human pelvis has traditionally involved one of two approaches, each with advantages and disadvantages. Classic hemisection in the median plane through the pelvic ring transects the visceral organs but maintains two symmetric pelvic halves. An alternative paramedial transection compromises one side of the bony pelvis but leaves the internal organs intact. The authors propose a modified technique that combines advantages of both classical dissections. This novel approach involves dividing the pubic symphysis and sacrum in the median plane after shifting all internal organs to one side. The hemipelvis without internal organs is immediately available for further dissection of the lower limb. The hemipelvis with intact internal organs is ideal for showing the complex spatial relationships of the pelvic organs and vessels relative to the intact pelvic floor.
The paralysis-by-analysis phenomenon, i.e., attending to the execution of one's movement impairs performance, has gathered a lot of attention over recent years (see Wulf, 2007, for a review). Explanations of this phenomenon, e.g., the hypotheses of constrained action (Wulf et al., 2001) or of step-by-step execution (Masters, 1992; Beilock et al., 2002), however, do not refer to the level of underlying mechanisms on the level of sensorimotor control. For this purpose, a “nodal-point hypothesis” is presented here with the core assumption that skilled motor behavior is internally based on sensorimotor chains of nodal points, that attending to intermediate nodal points leads to a muscular re-freezing of the motor system at exactly and exclusively these points in time, and that this re-freezing is accompanied by the disruption of compensatory processes, resulting in an overall decrease of motor performance. Two experiments, on lever sequencing and basketball free throws, respectively, are reported that successfully tested these time-referenced predictions, i.e., showing that muscular activity is selectively increased and compensatory variability selectively decreased at movement-related nodal points if these points are in the focus of attention.
Smoking not only increases the risk that coronary heart disease will develop but also morbidity and mortality in patients with known coronary atherosclerosis and after coronary artery bypass grafting. Excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been implicated as the final common pathway for the development of endothelial dysfunction in various cardiovascular risk factors. This study assessed the influence of smoking on two different human arteries routinely used as coronary artery bypass graft conduits.
Purpose: A recent in vivo study has shown considerable contamination of internal implant and suprastructure components with great biodiversity, indicating bacterial leakage along the implant-abutment interface, abutment-prosthesis interface, and restorative margins. The goal of the present study was to compare microbiologically the peri-implant sulcus to these internal components on implants with no clinical signs of peri-implantitis and in function for many years. Checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization was used to identify and quantify 40 species. Material and Methods: Fifty-eight turned titanium Brånemark implants in eight systemically healthy patients (seven women, one man) under regular supportive care were examined. All implants had been placed in the maxilla and loaded with a screw-retained full-arch bridge for an average of 9.6 years. Gingival fluid samples were collected from the deepest sulcus per implant for microbiological analysis. As all fixed restorations were removed, the cotton pellet enclosed in the intra-coronal compartment and the abutment screw were retrieved and microbiologically evaluated. Results: The pellet enclosed in the suprastructure was very similar to the peri-implant sulcus in terms of bacterial detection frequencies and levels for practically all the species included in the panel. Yet, there was virtually no microbial link between these compartments. When comparing the abutment screw to the peri-implant sulcus, the majority of the species were less frequently found, and in lower numbers at the former. However, a relevant link in counts for a lot of bacteria was described between these compartments. Even though all implants in the present study showed no clinical signs of peri-implantitis, the high prevalence of numerous species associated with pathology was striking. Conclusions: Intra-coronal compartments of screw-retained fixed restorations were heavily contaminated. The restorative margin may have been the principal pathway for bacterial leakage. Contamination of abutment screws most likely occurred from the peri-implant sulcus via the implant-abutment interface and abutment-prosthesis interface.
PURPOSE: The purpose of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of computed tomography (CT), digital radiography (DR) and low-dose linear slit digital radiography (LSDR, Lodox(®)) in the detection of internal cocaine containers. METHODS: Institutional review board approval was obtained. The study collectively consisted of 83 patients (76 males, 7 females, 16-45 years) suspected of having incorporated cocaine drug containers. All underwent radiological imaging; a total of 135 exams were performed: nCT=35, nDR=70, nLSDR=30. An overall calculation of all "drug mules" and a specific evaluation of body packers, pushers and stuffers were performed. The gold standard was stool examination in a dedicated holding cell equipped with a drug toilet. RESULTS: There were 54 drug mules identified in this study. CT of all drug carriers showed the highest diagnostic accuracy 97.1%, sensitivity 100% and specificity 94.1%. DR in all cases was 71.4% accurate, 58.3% sensitive and 85.3% specific. LSDR of all patients with internal cocaine was 60% accurate, 57.9% sensitive and 63.4% specific. CONCLUSIONS: CT was the most accurate test studied. Therefore, the detection of internal cocaine drug packs should be performed by CT, rather than by conventional X-ray, in order to apply the most sensitive exam in the medico-legal investigation of suspected drug carriers. Nevertheless, the higher radiation applied by CT than by DR or LSDR needs to be considered. Future studies should include evaluation of low dose CT protocols in order to address germane issues and to reduce dosage.