12 resultados para fibrose angiocêntrica eosinofílica

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Aktueller Stand des Wissens über Cystische Fibrose


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Radiological investigations using gadolinium or intravenous iodinated contrast products are used cautiously in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease because of their risk of acute kidney injury and systemic nephrogenic fibrosis. In this article, we review several radiological alternatives that can be useful to obtain renal anatomical and/or functional information in this patient population. The basic principles, indications, and advantages and limitations of Doppler ultrasound with measurement of the resistance index, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, and a technique called BOLD-MRI (blood-oxygenation level dependent-MRI) are discussed.


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Die Systemsklerose ist charakterisiert durch autoimmune Phänomene und eine progressive Fibrose. Klinische Charakteristika sind neben der Sklerodermie ein ausgeprägtes Raynaud-Phänomen und Abnormitäten der Nagelfalzkapillaren, ferner pulmonale, renale, kardiale und intestinale Veränderungen. In der Regel wird eine diffuse von einer limitierten Form unterschieden. Die diffuse Form führt zu einer Sklerose des gesamten Integumentes, ist assoziiert mit dem Auto-antikörper Scl-70 und zeichnet sich durch eine rasche Krankheitsprogression aus. Die limitierte Form betrifft die distalen Extremitäten und das Gesicht, ist assoziiert mit dem centromer Autoantikörper und führt schleichend, über mehrere Jahre zu viszeralen Problemen. Neue therapeutische Möglichkeiten können zu einer besseren Lebensqualität verhelfen und verpflichten zu einem systematischen Krankheitsmonitoring.


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BACKGROUND From January 2011 onward, the Swiss newborn screening (NBS) program has included a test for cystic fibrosis (CF). In this study, we evaluate the first year of implementation of the CF-NBS program. METHODS The CF-NBS program consists of testing in two steps: a heel prick sample is drawn (= Guthrie test) for measurement of immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) and for DNA screening. All children with a positive screening test are referred to a CF center for further diagnostic testing (sweat test and genetic analysis). After assessment in the CF center, the parents are given a questionnaire. All the results of the screening process and the parent questionnaires were centrally collected and evaluated. RESULTS In 2011, 83 198 neonates were screened, 84 of whom (0.1%) had a positive screening result and were referred to a CF center. 30 of these 84 infants were finally diagnosed with CF (positive predictive value: 35.7%). There was an additional infant with CF and meconium ileus whose IRT value was normal. The 31 diagnosed children with CF correspond to an incidence of 1 : 2683. The average time from birth to genetically confirmed diagnosis was 34 days (range: 13-135). 91% of the parents were satisfied that their child had undergone screening. All infants receiving a diagnosis of CF went on to receive further professional care in a CF center. CONCLUSION The suggested procedure for CF-NBS has been found effective in practice; there were no major problems with its implementation. It reached high acceptance among physicians and parents.


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Over the last two decades, imaging of the aorta has undergone a clinically relevant change. As part of the change non-invasive imaging techniques have replaced invasive intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography as the former imaging gold standard for aortic diseases. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) constitute the backbone of pre- and postoperative aortic imaging because they allow for imaging of the entire aorta and its branches. The first part of this review article describes the imaging principles of CT and MRI with regard to aortic disease, shows how both technologies can be applied in every day clinical practice, offering exciting perspectives. Recent CT scanner generations deliver excellent image quality with a high spatial and temporal resolution. Technical developments have resulted in CT scan performed within a few seconds for the entire aorta. Therefore, CT angiography (CTA) is the imaging technology of choice for evaluating acute aortic syndromes, for diagnosis of most aortic pathologies, preoperative planning and postoperative follow-up after endovascular aortic repair. However, radiation dose and the risk of contrast induced nephropathy are major downsides of CTA. Optimisation of scan protocols and contrast media administration can help to reduce the required radiation dose and contrast media. MR angiography (MRA) is an excellent alternative to CTA for both diagnosis of aortic pathologies and postoperative follow-up. The lack of radiation is particularly beneficial for younger patients. A potential side effect of gadolinium contrast agents is nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). In patients with high risk of NSF unenhanced MRA can be performed with both ECG- and breath-gating techniques. Additionally, MRI provides the possibility to visualise and measure both dynamic and flow information.


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BACKGROUND Cystic Fibrosis is the most common autosomal-recessive hereditary disease among white Europeans. The average survival of CF patients has increased to above 40 years and transition from paediatric to adult care has therefore become a significant issue. AIM With this study, experiences of adolescents with CF and their parents with the transition from the paediatric to the adult care were explored. METHODS At a Swiss university CF centre, six adolescents and their mothers were recruited. Twelve narrative interviews were conducted on how the phase of transition was experienced. The transcribed interviews were analysed according to the method of hermeneutic phenomenology. RESULTS Positive and negative experiences with long term routine care in the paediatric service, general themes of adolescence and the quality of the relationship with paediatric doctors influenced the families' experience during transition significantly. For mothers, insensitive information on the CF diagnosis might have influenced the transition experience. The adolescents welcomed an individualized and age appropriate care. Continuity in care, the announcement of, and involvement in the planning of the transfer were of great importance. The families particularly appreciated the timed adaptations of the transfer to individual needs. CONCLUSIONS Flexibility and a strong collaboration between paediatric and adult CF teams are most relevant in the care of families.


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Der natürliche Verlauf einer HepatitisB-Virus(HBV)-Infektion ist komplex und wird einerseits durch das Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Infektion, anderseits durch Komorbiditäten bzw. Koinfektionen und zum Teil noch nicht identifizierte Faktoren bestimmt. Das HBV wird nie komplett eliminiert. Das Erreichen des inaktiven Trägerstatus ist aber ein realistisches Therapieziel. Zur Therapie stehen Nukleosid/NukleotidAnaloga sowie pegyliertes Interferonalpha zur Verfügung. Screening von bestimmten Patientengruppen und eine generelle Impfung sind wichtige prophylaktische Massnahmen. Die chronische Hepatitis-C-Virus(HCV) -Infektion führt in circa einem Drittel der Fälle zur Leberzirrhose. Eine Therapie ist generell ab Fibrosestadium Metavir 2 indiziert. Neue DAA (directly acting antivirals) erlauben kurzfristige, hochpotente und nebenwirkungsarme Therapieschemata.