11 resultados para Urban space reproduction

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Die dicht besiedelten lateinamerikanischen Metropolräume zeichnen sich heutzutage durch eine komplexe Dynamik der urbanen Sozialstruktur aus. Räumliche und soziokulturelle Segregationsprozesse – ausgelöst durch politische und ökonomische Umstrukturierungen und verstärkt durch die Einflüsse der Globalisierung – führten zu einer ausgeprägten Fragmentierung des urbanen Raumes. Soziale Ausgrenzung einerseits und bewusste Abschottung andererseits lassen innerhalb der einzelnen, immer stärker getrennten Stadtteile einen Drang zur Homogenisierung und Konzentration von Bevölkerungsgruppen mit ähnlichem sozioökonomischen Status feststellen. Im Zuge dieser urbanen Transformationen kommt der Identifikation mit einem bestimmten Ort innerhalb der Stadt eine stets größere Bedeutung zu. Dieses räumliche Verhalten ist Teil eines Lebensstils als ganzheitliches und vielschichtiges Phänomen (Auer 2007: 11), welches neben der Ortsgebundenheit auch durch soziokulturelle Verhaltensmuster, durch Konsumverhalten und schließlich durch den Sprachgebrauch zum Ausdruck kommt. Sprachliche Varietäten oder Merkmale als semiotisches Element konstituieren zusammen mit weiteren Faktoren den Lebensstil sozialer Gruppen im Raum und bilden demnach sowohl eine zentrale Komponente als auch ein Medium der sozialräumlichen Identitätskonstruktion. Unterschiede im Sprachgebrauch werden als Teil einer (räumlichen) Identität wahrgenommen, in Abhängigkeit der Repräsentationen und mentalen Bildern der Sprecher bezüglich des urbanen Raumes beurteilt und schließlich stilisiert. So spielen sie eine zentrale Rolle beim Ausdruck von Abgrenzung oder Zugehörigkeit zu einer sozialen Gruppe und geben vor dem historischen und geopolitischen Hintergrund einer Stadt Aufschluss über deren Sozialstruktur. Ausgehend von diesem konstruktivistischen Verständnis des Raumes als mehrdimensionales soziales Produkt im Sinne von Lefebvre (1974) werden an dem für die Entwicklungen der lateinamerikanischen Städte paradigmatischen Beispiel von Buenos Aires theoretische Überlegungen und methodische Herangehensweisen für die Erforschung des Zusammenhangs von sprachlicher Variation und sozialräumlicher Segregation dargestellt.


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Desde un enfoque constructivista del espacio urbano como producto social, en el presente artículo presentamos algunos aspectos teóricos y metodológicos para el análisis de las representaciones geosociales y la identidad urbana para luego investigar a partir de una selección de mapas mentales la imagen espacial que los hablantes expresan a través de las variedades lingüísticas que distinguen, estilizan y ubican en su cartografía mental de la ciudad. Se trata de un primer acercamiento a un corpus recopilado en 2013, que permite observar, por un lado, que la percepción del espacio urbano está basada en la fuerte identificación de los porteños con los barrios de la ciudad y, por otro lado, que existe en el imaginario colectivo una dicotomía norte-sur estilizada que se refleja tanto en lo social, lo espacial y lo lingüístico.


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The city of Malaga underwent considerable growth in the 19th and 20th centuries. The territorial expansion paired with a massive influx of immigrants occurred in three waves and as a consequence the city of Malaga remains divided into three different parts up to today. The differences between these three neighbourhoods of the city lie in the type of houses, different cultural and industrial activities, socioeconomic level, and very interestingly, also in speech. Thus, the aim of this study is an examination of the interrelation between speech (phonetic features) and urban space in Malaga. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis was used, based on two types of data: 1) production data stemming from recordings of 120 speakers; 2) perception data (salience, estimated frequency of use, attitude, spatial and social perception, imitation) which was collected from several surveys with 120 participants each. Results show that the speech production data divides the city of Malaga clearly into three different parts. This tripartition is confirmed by the analysis of the perception data. Moreover, the habitants of these three areas are perceived as different social types, to whom a range of social features is attributed. That is, certain linguistic features, the different neighbourhoods of the city and the social characteristics associated with them are undergoing a process of indexicalization and iconization. As a result, the linguistic features in question function as identity markers on the intraurban level.


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To analyze the mechanism of overjet correction and space closure when treating Class II Division 1 patients by extracting the maxillary first molars.


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Urban agriculture is a phenomenon that can be observed world-wide, particularly in cities of devel- oping countries. It is contributing significantly to food security and food safety and has sustained livelihood of the urban and peri-urban low income dwe llers in developing countries for many years. Population increase due to rural-urban migration and natural - formal as well as informal - urbani- sation are competing with urban farming for available space and scarce water resources. A mul- titemporal and multisensoral urban change analysis over the period of 25 years (1982-2007) was performed in order to measure and visualise the urban expansion along the Kizinga and Mzinga valley in the south of Dar Es Salaam. Airphotos and VHR satellite data were analysed by using a combination of a composition of anisotropic textural measures and spectral information. The study revealed that unplanned built-up area is expanding continuously, and vegetation covers and agricultural lands decline at a fast rate. The validation showed that the overall classification accuracy varied depending on the database. The extracted built-up areas were used for visual in- terpretation mapping purposes and served as information source for another research project. The maps visualise an urban congestion and expansion of nearly 18% of the total analysed area that had taken place in the Kizinga valley between 1982 and 2007. The same development can be ob- served in the less developed and more remote Mzinga valley between 1981 and 2002. Both areas underwent fast changes where land prices still tend to go up and an influx of people both from rural and urban areas continuously increase the density with the consequence of increasing multiple land use interests.


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In variational linguistics, the concept of space has always been a central issue. However, different research traditions considering space coexisted for a long time separately. Traditional dialectology focused primarily on the diatopic dimension of linguistic variation, whereas in sociolinguistic studies diastratic and diaphasic dimensions were considered. For a long time only very few linguistic investigations tried to combine both research traditions in a two-dimensional design – a desideratum which is meant to be compensated by the contributions of this volume. The articles present findings from empirical studies which take on these different concepts and examine how they relate to one another. Besides dialectological and sociolinguistic concepts also a lay perspective of linguistic space is considered, a paradigm that is often referred to as “folk dialectology”. Many of the studies in this volume make use of new computational possibilities of processing and cartographically representing large corpora of linguistic data. The empirical studies incorporate findings from different linguistic communities in Europe and pursue the objective to shed light on the inter-relationship between the different concepts of space and their relevance to variational linguistics.


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Access to sufficient quantities of safe drinking water is a human right. Moreover, access to clean water is of public health relevance, particularly in semi-arid and Sahelian cities due to the risks of water contamination and transmission of water-borne diseases. We conducted a study in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, to deepen the understanding of diarrhoeal incidence in space and time. We used an integrated geographical approach, combining socio-environmental, microbiological and epidemiological data from various sources, including spatially explicit surveys, laboratory analysis of water samples and reported diarrhoeal episodes. A geospatial technique was applied to determine the environmental and microbiological risk factors that govern diarrhoeal transmission. Statistical and cartographic analyses revealed concentration of unimproved sources of drinking water in the most densely populated areas of the city, coupled with a daily water allocation below the recommended standard of 20 l per person. Bacteriological analysis indicated that 93% of the non-piped water sources supplied at water points were contaminated with 10-80 coliform bacteria per 100 ml. Diarrhoea was the second most important disease reported at health centres, accounting for 12.8% of health care service consultations on average. Diarrhoeal episodes were concentrated in municipalities with the largest number of contaminated water sources. Environmental factors (e.g. lack of improved water sources) and bacteriological aspects (e.g. water contamination with coliform bacteria) are the main drivers explaining the spatio-temporal distribution of diarrhoea. We conclude that integrating environmental, microbiological and epidemiological variables with statistical regression models facilitates risk profiling of diarrhoeal diseases. Modes of water supply and water contamination were the main drivers of diarrhoea in this semi-arid urban context of Nouakchott, and hence require a strategy to improve water quality at the various levels of the supply chain.