33 resultados para SSO
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
A 19-year old female patient was referred for removal of her wisdom teeth. The panoramic radiograph showed bilateral retromolar canals in the mandible. Since the retromolar canal is neglected in anatomical textbooks and is rarely documented in scientific publications, the case prompted us to perform further diagnostic examinations with informed consent by the patient. A limited cone beam computed tomography was made and, during the surgical removal of the patient's lower right wisdom tooth, a biopsy of the soft tissue bundle emerging from the retromolar foramen was taken. In accordance with the literature, the histology revealed myelinated nerve fibers, small arteries and venules. The limited data available in the literature about the retromolar canal report that this bony canal may convey an aberrant buccal nerve. In addition, sensory nerve fibers entering the retromolar canal from above and branching to the mandibular molars may evade a block anesthesia at the mandibular foramen. These rare anatomic features may explain why the elements of the retromolar canal account for failures of mandibular block anesthesia or postsurgical sensitivity changes in the supply area of the buccal nerve.
The therapy of traumatized front teeth with ankylosis and additional root resorption is a real challenge for the clinician. Due to the infraposition ankylosed teeth are useless and esthetically unsatisfactory. The progressive replacement resorption and the vertical growth inhibition render an intervention inevitable. In the following case report, the prophylaxis of the alveolar ridge is brought into focus. The treatment of two ankylosed teeth by decoronation, preservation of the alveolar ridge and an implant-supported supraconstruction will be presented. The additional histological assessment confirms the diagnosis and the choice of treatment.
Since the introduction of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), this 3-dimensional diagnostic imaging technique has been established in a growing number of fields in dental medicine. It has become an important tool for both diagnosis and treatment planning, and is also able to support endodontic treatments. However, the higher effective dose of ionizing radiation compared to conventional 2-dimensional radiographs is not justifiable in every case. CBCT allows for a more precise diagnosis of periapical lesions, root fractures as well as external and internal resorptions. Concerning the utility of CBCT in treatment planning decisions, the gain of information through 3-dimensional imaging for any of these pathologies has to be evaluated carefully on an individual basis. Moreover, radioopaque materials such as root canal filling and posts often create artefacts, which may compromise diagnosis. The aim of this review is to summarize the possibilities and limits of CBCT imaging in endodontology as well as introduce guidelines for daily clinical practice. Furthermore, the article presents possible therapeutic advantages of preexisting CBCT scans for root canal treatments.
This paper presents a clinical and anatomical review of the mental foramen (MF) based on recent publications (since 1990). Usually, the MF is located below the 2nd premolar or between the two premolars, but it may also be positioned below the 1st premolar or below the mesial root of the 1st molar. At the level of the MF, lingual canals may join the mandibular canal (hence the term "crossroads"). Accessory MF are frequently described in the literature with large ethnic variations in incidence. The emergence pattern of the mental canal usually has an upward and posterior direction. The presence and extent of an "anterior loop" of the mental canal may be overestimated with panoramic radiography. Limited cone-beam computed tomography currently appears to be the most precise radiographic technique for assessment of the "anterior loop". The mental nerve exiting the MF usually has three to four branches for innervation of the soft tissues of the chin, lower lip, facial gingiva and mucosa in the anterior mandible. The clinician is advised to observe a safety distance when performing incisions and osteotomies in the vicinity of the MF.
The aim of this randomized, controlled clinical study was to compare the short-term effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy with the additional administration of systemic antibiotics (AB) and the same therapy with additional photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of patients with aggressive periodontitis (AP). Thirty-six patients with AP received full-mouth nonsurgical periodontal treatment (SRP) and were then randomly divided into two groups of 18 subjects each. Group AB received amoxicillin and metronidazole three times a day for 7 days. Group PDT received two applications of PDT on the day of SRP as well as at follow-up after 7 days. The following clinical parameters were measured at baseline and 3 months after therapy: plaque index (PLI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), and clinical attachment level (CAL). After 3 months, PD was significantly reduced in both groups (from 5.0±0.8 mm to 3.2±0.4 mm with AB, and 5.1±0.5 mm to 4.0±0.8 mm with PDT; both p<0.001), while AB revealed significantly lower values compared to PDT (p = 0.001). In both groups, GR was not significantly changed. CAL was significantly reduced in both groups (PDT: 5.7±0.8 mm to 4.7±1.1 mm; p=0.011; AB: 5.5±1.1 mm to 3.9±1.0 mm; p<0.001) and differed significantly between the groups (p=0.025). The number of residual pockets (PD ≥4 mm) and positive BOP was reduced by AB from 961 to 377, and by PDT from 628 to 394. Pockets with PD ≥7 mm were reduced by AB from 141 to 7, and by PDT from 137 to 61. After 3 months, both treatments led to statistically significant clinical improvements. The systemic administration of antibiotics, however, resulted in significantly higher reduction of PD and a lower number of deep pockets compared to PDT.
The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.
This in vitro study investigated the erosion-inhibiting properties of dental rinses during erosion in the presence of the salivary pellicle. The erosion inhibition by a Sn/F containing dental rinse (800 ppm Sn2+, 500 ppm F –, pH = 4.5) was compared with a fluoridated solution (500 ppm F –, pH = 4.5) and water(control). Calcium release and enamel softening were significantly reduced among enamel samples exposed to the Sn/F rinse (group SF)compared to those treated with the fluoride solution (group F) and the control (p 0.05). SEM showed slightly etched enamel interfaces in group SF, whereas the erosion was more pronounced in group F and even more severe in the control group. In conclusion, the Sn/F combination provided the best inhibition of erosion among tested solutions. This study demonstrates the application of different analytical tools for comparative erosion quantification.A strong correlation (r2 ≥ 0.783) was shown between calcium release and enamel softening during demineralization.
The indications for direct resin composite restorations are nowadays extended due to the development of modern resin materials with improved material properties. However, there are still some difficulties regarding handling of resin composite material, especially in large restorations. The reconstruction of a functional and individual occlusion is difficult to achieve with direct application techniques. The aim of the present publication was to introduce a new "stamp"-technique for placing large composite restorations. The procedure of this "stamp"-technique is presented by three typical indications: large single-tooth restoration, occlusal rehabilitation of a compromised occlusal surface due to erosions and direct fibre-reinforced fixed partial denture. A step-by-step description of the technique and clinical figures illustrates the method. Large single-tooth restorations can be built-up with individual, two- piece silicone stamps. Large occlusal abrasive and/or erosive defects can be restored by copying the wax-up from the dental technician using the "stamp"-technique. Even fiber-reinforced resin-bonded fixed partial dentures can be formed with this intraoral technique with more precision and within a shorter treatment time. The presented "stamp"-technique facilitates the placement of large restoration with composite and can be recommended for the clinical use.
The intention of an authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) is to simplify and unify access to different web resources. With a single login, a user can access web applications at multiple organizations. The Shibboleth authentication and authorization infrastructure is a standards-based, open source software package for web single sign-on (SSO) across or within organizational boundaries. It allows service providers to make fine-grained authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources. The Shibboleth system is a widely used AAI, but only supports protection of browser-based web resources. We have implemented a Shibboleth AAI extension to protect web services using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Besides user authentication for browser-based web resources, this extension also provides user and machine authentication for web service-based resources. Although implemented for a Shibboleth AAI, the architecture can be easily adapted to other AAIs.
OBJECTIVE To survey retention procedures used in orthodontic practices in Switzerland. MATERIAL AND METHODS A questionnaire previously developed by Renkema et al. (2009) was sent to 223 Swiss orthodontists. The questionnaire comprised six parts, mainly containing multiple-choice questions. Information as to background education of the individual orthodontist, retention in general, frequency of different types of removable or bonded retainers that were used, retention pro- tocol, and the type and size of the wire used for bonded retainers was assessed. RESULTS The overall response rate was 65 percent. Most orthodontists placed a bonded retainer in the upper and lower arch, except when the upper arch was expanded during treatment or when extractions were performed in the upper arch, in which case they placed a combination of fixed and removable retainers. Opinions varied with regard to how many hours the removable retainers should be worn and the duration of the retention phase. As far as bonded retainers were concerned, 87 percent of the orthodontists preferred life-long retention. Ninety-three percent of the orthodontists considered that the development of a guide- line on retention procedures would be useful. CONCLUSIONS The choice of retention procedures is mostly based on orthodontists personal preference. A further research into the long-term effectiveness of individual retention protocols is needed.
INTRODUCTION The first ophthalmologic complication in conjunction with a dental anesthesia was reported in 1936. The objective of the present study was a detailed analysis of case reports about that topic. MATERIAL AND METHODS After conducting a literature search in PubMed this study analyzed 108 ophthalmologic complications following intraoral local anesthesia in 65 case reports with respect to patient-, anesthesia-, and complication- related factors. RESULTS The mean age of the patients was 33.8 years and females predominated (72.3%). The most commonly reported complication was diplopia (39.8%), mostly resulting from paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle. Other relatively frequent complications included ptosis (16.7%), mydriasis (14.8%) and amaurosis (13%). Ophthalmologic complications were mainly associated with block anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve (45.8%) or the posterior superior alveolar nerve (40.3%). Typically, the ophthalmologic complications in conjunction with intraoral local anesthesia had an immediate to short onset, and disappeared as the anesthesia subsided. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The increased number of ophthalmologic complications after intraoral local anesthesia in females may suggest a gender effect. Double vision (diplopia) is the most frequently described complication, which is usually completely reversible like the other reported ophthalmologic complications.