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OBJECTIVES To compare the free-hand (FH) technique of placing interlocking screws to a commercially available electromagnetic (EM) targeting system in terms of operating time, radiation dose, and accuracy of screw placement. METHODS Between September 2011 and July 2012, we prospectively randomized 100 consecutive femur shaft fractures in 99 patients requiring intramedullary nails to either FH using fluoroscopy (n = 43) or EM targeting (n = 38; Sureshot). SETTING Single Level 1 University Hospital Trauma Center. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS The 2 groups were assessed for distal locking with respect to time, radiation, and accuracy. RESULTS Eight-one fractures had data accurately recorded (38 EM/43 FH). The average total operative time was 50 minutes (range, 25-88 minutes; SD, 13.9 minutes) for the FH group and 57 minutes (range, 40-103 minutes; SD, 16.12 minutes) for the EM group. The average time for distal locking was 10 minutes (range, 4-16 minutes; SD, 3.56 minutes) with FH and 11 minutes (range, 6-28 minutes; SD, 10.24 minutes) with EM. Average radiation dose for distal locking was significantly less (P < 0.0001) for EM at 230.54 μGy (range, 51-660 μGy; SD, 0.17 μGy) compared with 690.27 μGy (range, 200-2310 μGy; SD, 0.52 μGy) for FH. There were 2 misplaced drill bits in FH and 3 in EM. This was not statistically significant (P = 0.888). CONCLUSIONS The electromagnetic targeting device (Sureshot) significantly reduced radiation exposure during placement of distal interlocking screws, without sacrificing operative time, and was equivalent in accuracy when compared with the FH technique. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Therapeutic level II.
Aggretin is a C-type lectin purified from Calloselasma rhodostoma snake venom. It is a potent activator of platelets, resulting in a collagen-like response by binding and clustering platelet receptor CLEC-2. We present here the crystal structure of aggretin at 1.7 A which reveals a unique tetrameric quaternary structure. The two alphabeta heterodimers are arranged through 2-fold rotational symmetry, resulting in an antiparallel side-by-side arrangement. Aggretin thus presents two ligand binding sites on one surface and can therefore cluster ligands in a manner reminiscent of convulxin and flavocetin. To examine the molecular basis of the interaction with CLEC-2, we used a molecular modeling approach of docking the aggretin alphabeta structure with the CLEC-2 N-terminal domain (CLEC-2N). This model positions the CLEC-2N structure face down in the "saddle"-shaped binding site which lies between the aggretin alpha and beta lectin-like domains. A 2-fold rotation of this complex to generate the aggretin tetramer reveals dimer contacts for CLEC-2N which bring the N- and C-termini into the proximity of each other, and a series of contacts involving two interlocking beta-strands close to the N-terminus are described. A comparison with homologous lectin-like domains from the immunoreceptor family reveals a similar but not identical dimerization mode, suggesting this structure may represent the clustered form of CLEC-2 capable of signaling across the platelet membrane.
BACKGROUND The treatment of proximal humerus fractures in patients with poor bone quality remains a challenge in trauma surgery. Augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is a possible method to strengthen the implant anchorage in osteoporotic bone and to avoid loss of reduction and reduce the cut-out risk. The polymerisation of PMMA during cement setting leads, however, to an exothermic reaction and the development of supraphysiological temperatures may harm the bone and cartilage. This study addresses the issue of heat development during augmentation of subchondrally placed proximal humerus plate screws with PMMA and the possible risk of bone and cartilage necrosis and apoptosis. METHODS Seven fresh frozen humeri from geriatric female donors were instrumented with the proximal humerus interlocking system (PHILOS) plate and placed in a 37°C water bath. Thereafter, four proximal perforated screws were augmented with 0.5 ml PMMA each. During augmentation, the temperatures in the subchondral bone and on the articular surface were recorded with K-type thermocouples. The measured temperatures were compared to threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of bone and cartilage reported in the literature. RESULTS The heat development was highest around the augmented tips of the perforated screws and diminished with growing distance from the cement cloud. The highest temperature recorded in the subchondral bone reached 43.5°C and the longest exposure time above 42°C was 86s. The highest temperature measured on the articular surface amounted to 38.6°C and the longest exposure time above 38°C was 5 min and 32s. CONCLUSION The study shows that augmentation of the proximal screws of the PHILOS plate with PMMA leads to a locally limited development of supraphysiological temperatures in the cement cloud and closely around it. The critical threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of cartilage and subchondral bone reported in the literature, however, are not reached. In order to avoid cement extravasation, special care should be taken in detecting perforations or intra-articular cracks in the humeral head.
AB A fundamental capacity of the human brain is to learn relations (contingencies) between environmental stimuli and the consequences of their occurrence. Some contingencies are probabilistic; that is, they predict an event in some situations but not in all. Animal studies suggest that damage to limbic structures or the prefrontal cortex may disturb probabilistic learning. The authors studied the learning of probabilistic contingencies in amnesic patients with limbic lesions, patients with prefrontal cortex damage, and healthy controls. Across 120 trials, participants learned contingent relations between spatial sequences and a button press. Amnesic patients had learning comparable to that of control subjects but failed to indicate what they had learned. Across the last 60 trials, amnesic patients and control subjects learned to avoid a noncontingent choice better than frontal patients. These results indicate that probabilistic learning does not depend on the brain structures supporting declarative memory.
Car interaction and the organisation of multi-activity in cars have become a fertile topic of research within CA and EM (Laurier 2005, Haddington & Keisanen 2009). While previous research has focused exclusively on everyday car rides, in this paper we will analyse a specific kind of car interaction, namely driving lessons. In addition to"driving" and"talking", as the two main parallel activities in everyday car rides (Mondada in press), in driving lessons a central activity is"instructing", that we understand to be a collaborative accomplishment (Sanchez Svensson et al. 2009). Drawing on a corpus of 7 video-recorded driving lessons, we will analyse the sequential organisation of"instruction sequences", i.e. of those actions that are initiated by the driving instructor with a turn projecting the next relevant action to be executed by the learner. Learners carry out next actions in two different ways: a) as"single" actions (e.g. using the indicator); b) as a complex series of overlapping or parallel actions. We will show that"single" actions occur as responses to instructions concerning the learner's command of the car, while complex actions occur when the instructors formulate direction indications. The aims of our analyses are twofold. Firstly, we will analyse how instruction sequences are fitted to the emerging contingencies of the car ride (movement in space, changing environment): we will show that a) the turn format of the instruction initiation displays the degree of"urgency" of the requested action; b) learners have the possibility to start the relevant"next" before the instruction initiation comes to completion. Secondly, we will focus on those"seconds" that the driving instructor treats as problematic by initiating a repair sequence (e.g. an improper use of the indicator). Our research contributes to the discussion about the multimodal resources that participants can employ to fulfil a projected action. In addition, it offers insights in a hitherto scarcely investigated topic, namely the organisation of instructions and the ecology of apprenticeship. References HADDINGTON, P. & KEISANEN, T. (2009) Location, mobility and the body as resources in selecting a route. Journal of Pragmatics 41 (10), 1938-1961. LAURIER, Eric (2005): Searching for a parking space. Intellectica 41-42/2-3: 101-116. MONDADA, Lorenza (in press). Talking and driving: multi-activity in the car. Semiotica. SANCHEZ SVENSSON, M. et al. (2009) "Embedding instruction in practice: contingency and collaboration during surgical training", Sociology of Health & Illness, 31/6: 889-906.
Gesellschaft erscheint uns heute im flackernden Licht der Verunsicherung. Nicht erst seit der Finanzkrise erweisen sich stabil geglaubte Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse als prekär. Der Autor stellt die wichtigsten ökonomischen und soziologischen Theorien der Prekarisierung vor und zeigt: Prekarität hat die Gesellschaft in ihrer Gesamtheit erfasst. Wir leben in der Prekarisierungsgesellschaft. Aber was ist daraus zu schließen? Marchart beschreibt die gegenwärtigen Sozialproteste und ihre Forderungen. Er untersucht ihre demokratiepolitischen Implikationen und führt hin zu einer Gesellschaftstheorie des Konflikts und der Kontingenz.