38 resultados para Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

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Background During the Soviet era, malaria was close to eradication in Tajikistan. Since the early 1990s, the disease has been on the rise and has become endemic in large areas of southern and western Tajikistan. The standard national treatment for Plasmodium vivax is based on primaquine. This entails the risk of severe haemolysis for patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Seasonal and geographical distribution patterns as well as G6PD deficiency frequency were analysed with a view to improve understanding of the current malaria situation in Tajikistan. Methods Spatial and seasonal distribution was analysed, applying a risk model that included key environmental factors such as temperature and the availability of mosquito breeding sites. The frequency of G6PD deficiency was studied at the health service level, including a cross-sectional sample of 382 adult men. Results Analysis revealed high rates of malaria transmission in most districts of the southern province of Khatlon, as well as in some zones in the northern province of Sughd. Three categories of risk areas were identified: (i) zones at relatively high malaria risk with high current incidence rates, where malaria control and prevention measures should be taken at all stages of the transmission cycle; (ii) zones at relatively high malaria risk with low current incidence rates, where malaria prevention measures are recommended; and (iii) zones at intermediate or low malaria risk with low current incidence rates where no particular measures appear necessary. The average prevalence of G6PD deficiency was 2.1% with apparent differences between ethnic groups and geographical regions. Conclusion The study clearly indicates that malaria is a serious health issue in specific regions of Tajikistan. Transmission is mainly determined by temperature. Consequently, locations at lower altitude are more malaria-prone. G6PD deficiency frequency is too moderate to require fundamental changes in standard national treatment of cases of P. vivax.


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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, a frequent congenital human enzyme defect, is the most frequent cause of hemolytic anemia triggered by drugs or infectious diseases. Drugs which induce acute hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency are often used in anesthesia and perioperative pain therapy. Considering the fact that patients from geographic regions with a high prevalence of the disease are often treated in European hospitals, special attention should be paid to this problem. We report a case of a 30-year-old female patient with favism and review the disease and anesthesia-related implications.


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BACKGROUND: A false-positive sweat test in patients with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate-1-dehydrogenase (EC; G6PD) is repeatedly reported. METHODS: Sweat chloride or conductivity was measured in 11 patients with G6PD deficiency. RESULTS: Mean (SD) chloride level (n = 8, median age 9.2 years, range 1.9-48.5) was 18.8 (9.6 mmol/l) and, mean (SD) sodium level was 26.0 (10.0 mmol/l), respectively, and mean (SD) conductivity (n = 3, median age 6.6 years, range 1.9-40.5) was 34.3 (6.5 mmol/l). CONCLUSION: In sweat of 11 patients with G6PD deficiency we did not find any abnormality. The reason for alleged false-positive sweat test in patients with G6PD deficiency is not known and we were unable to identify any original reference. It appears that tables of putative false-positive sweat tests in several disease states have been directly "copied and pasted" from one paper or textbook to another without verifying the original literature, a phenomenon one can call "chain citation".


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BACKGROUND: The role of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) in the regulation of energy metabolism and immune system by locally reactivating glucocorticoids has been extensively studied. Experiments determining initial rates of enzyme activity revealed that 11beta-HSD1 can catalyze both the reductase and the dehydrogenase reaction in cell lysates, whereas it predominantly catalyzes the reduction of cortisone to cortisol in intact cells that also express hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which provides cofactor NADPH. Besides its role in glucocorticoid metabolism, there is evidence that 11beta-HSD1 is involved in the metabolism of 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-steroids; however the impact of H6PDH on this alternative function of 11beta-HSD1 has not been assessed. METHODOLOGY: We investigated the 11beta-HSD1-dependent metabolism of the neurosteroids 7-keto-, 7alpha-hydroxy- and 7beta-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 7-keto- and 7beta-hydroxy-pregnenolone, respectively, in the absence or presence of H6PDH in intact cells. 3D-structural modeling was applied to study the binding of ligands in 11beta-HSD1. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated that 11beta-HSD1 functions in a reversible way and efficiently catalyzed the interconversion of these 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-neurosteroids in intact cells. In the presence of H6PDH, 11beta-HSD1 predominantly converted 7-keto-DHEA and 7-ketopregnenolone into their corresponding 7beta-hydroxy metabolites, indicating a role for H6PDH and 11beta-HSD1 in the local generation of 7beta-hydroxy-neurosteroids. 3D-structural modeling offered an explanation for the preferred formation of 7beta-hydroxy-neurosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: Our results from experiments determining the steady state concentrations of glucocorticoids or 7-oxygenated neurosteroids suggested that the equilibrium between cortisone and cortisol and between 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-neurosteroids is regulated by 11beta-HSD1 and greatly depends on the coexpression with H6PDH. Thus, the impact of H6PDH on 11beta-HSD1 activity has to be considered for understanding both glucocorticoid and neurosteroid action in different tissues.


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BACKGROUND The distribution of the enzymopathy glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is linked to areas of high malaria endemicity due to its association with protection from disease. G6PD deficiency is also identified as the cause of severe haemolysis following administration of the anti-malarial drug primaquine and further use of this drug will likely require identification of G6PD deficiency on a population level. Current conventional methods for G6PD screening have various disadvantages for field use. METHODS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS method, recently adapted for field use, was validated using a gold standard enzymatic assay (R&D Diagnostics Ltd ®) in a study involving 235 children under five years of age, who were recruited by random selection from a cohort study in Tororo, Uganda. Blood spots were collected by finger-prick onto filter paper at routine visits, and G6PD activity was determined by both tests. Performance of the WST8/1-methoxy PMS test under various temperature, light, and storage conditions was evaluated. RESULTS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was found to have 72% sensitivity and 98% specificity when compared to the commercial enzymatic assay and the AUC was 0.904, suggesting good agreement. Misclassifications were at borderline values of G6PD activity between mild and normal levels, or related to outlier haemoglobin values (<8.0 gHb/dl or >14 gHb/dl) associated with ongoing anaemia or recent haemolytic crises. Although severe G6PD deficiency was not found in the area, the test enabled identification of low G6PD activity. The assay was found to be highly robust for field use; showing less light sensitivity, good performance over a wide temperature range, and good capacity for medium-to-long term storage. CONCLUSIONS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was comparable to the currently used standard enzymatic test, and offers advantages in terms of cost, storage, portability and use in resource-limited settings. Such features make this test a potential key tool for deployment in the field for point of care assessment prior to primaquine administration in malaria-endemic areas. As with other G6PD tests, outlier haemoglobin levels may confound G6PD level estimation.


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As a member of the p53 gene family, p73 regulates cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, neurogenesis, immunity and inflammation. Recently, p73 has been shown to transcriptionally regulate selective metabolic enzymes, such as cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV isoform 1, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutaminase-2, resulting in significant effects on metabolism, including hepatocellular lipid metabolism, glutathione homeostasis and the pentose phosphate pathway. In order to further investigate the metabolic effect of p73, here, we compared the global metabolic profile of livers from p73 knockout and wild-type mice under both control and starvation conditions. Our results show that the depletion of all p73 isoforms cause altered lysine metabolism and glycolysis, distinct patterns for glutathione synthesis and Krebs cycle, as well as an elevated pentose phosphate pathway and abnormal lipid accumulation. These results indicate that p73 regulates basal and starvation-induced fuel metabolism in the liver, a finding that is likely to be highly relevant for metabolism-associated disorders, such as diabetes and cancer.


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BACKGROUND Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency- (MADD-), also called glutaric aciduria type 2, associated leukodystrophy may be severe and progressive despite conventional treatment with protein- and fat-restricted diet, carnitine, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10. Administration of ketone bodies was described as a promising adjunct, but has only been documented once. METHODS We describe a Portuguese boy of consanguineous parents who developed progressive muscle weakness at 2.5 y of age, followed by severe metabolic decompensation with hypoglycaemia and coma triggered by a viral infection. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed diffuse leukodystrophy. MADD was diagnosed by biochemical and molecular analyses. Clinical deterioration continued despite conventional treatment. Enteral sodium D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (NaHB) was progressively introduced and maintained at 600 mg/kg BW/d (≈3% caloric need). Follow up was 3 y and included regular clinical examinations, biochemical studies, and imaging. RESULTS During follow up, the initial GMFC-MLD (motor function classification system, 0 = normal, 6 = maximum impairment) level of 5-6 gradually improved to 1 after 5 mo. Social functioning and quality of life recovered remarkably. We found considerable improvement of MR imaging and spectroscopy during follow up, with a certain lag behind clinical recovery. There was some persistent residual developmental delay. CONCLUSION NaHB is a highly effective and safe treatment that needs further controlled studies.


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11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is essential for the local activation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Unlike unliganded cytoplasmic GR, 11beta-HSD1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-membrane protein with lumenal orientation. Cortisone might gain direct access to 11beta-HSD1 by free diffusion across membranes, indirectly via intracellular binding proteins or, alternatively, by insertion into membranes. Membranous cortisol, formed by 11beta-HSD1 at the ER-lumenal side, might then activate cytoplasmic GR or bind to ER-lumenal secretory proteins. Compartmentalization of 11beta-HSD1 is important for its regulation by hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which regenerates cofactor NADPH in the ER lumen and stimulates oxoreductase activity. ER-lumenal orientation of 11beta-HSD1 is also essential for the metabolism of the alternative substrate 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), a major cholesterol oxidation product found in atherosclerotic plaques and taken up from processed cholesterol-rich food. An 11beta-HSD1 mutant adopting cytoplasmic orientation efficiently catalyzed the oxoreduction of cortisone but not 7KC, indicating access to cortisone from both sides of the ER-membrane but to 7KC only from the lumenal side. These aspects may be relevant for understanding the physiological role of 11beta-HSD1 and for developing therapeutic interventions to control glucocorticoid reactivation.


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CONTEXT 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency (3βHSD) is a rare disorder of sexual development and steroidogenesis. There are two isozymes of 3βHSD, HSD3B1 and HSD3B2. Human mutations are known for the HSD3B2 gene which is expressed in the gonads and the adrenals. Little is known about testis histology, fertility and malignancy risk. OBJECTIVE To describe the molecular genetics, the steroid biochemistry, the (immuno-)histochemistry and the clinical implications of a loss-of-function HSD3B2 mutation. METHODS Biochemical, genetic and immunohistochemical investigations on human biomaterials. RESULTS A 46,XY boy presented at birth with severe undervirilization of the external genitalia. Steroid profiling showed low steroid production for mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex steroids with typical precursor metabolites for HSD3B2 deficiency. The genetic analysis of the HSD3B2 gene revealed a homozygous c.687del27 deletion. At pubertal age, he showed some virilization of the external genitalia and some sex steroid metabolites appeared likely through conversion of precursors secreted by the testis and converted by unaffected HSD3B1 in peripheral tissues. However, he also developed enlarged breasts through production of estrogens in the periphery. Testis histology in late puberty revealed primarily a Sertoli-cell-only pattern and only few tubules with arrested spermatogenesis, presence of few Leydig cells in stroma, but no neoplastic changes. CONCLUSIONS The testis with HSD3B2 deficiency due to the c.687del27 deletion does not express the defective protein. This patient is unlikely to be fertile and his risk for gonadal malignancy is low. Further studies are needed to obtain firm knowledge on malignancy risk for gonads harboring defects of androgen biosynthesis.


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myo-Inositol is an essential precursor for the production of inositol phosphates and inositol phospholipids in all eukaryotes. Intracellular myo-inositol is generated by de novo synthesis from glucose 6-phosphate or is provided from the environment via myo-inositol symporters. We show that in Trypanosoma brucei, the causative pathogen of human African sleeping sickness and nagana in domestic animals, myo-inositol is taken up via a specific proton-coupled electrogenic symport and that this transport is essential for parasite survival in culture. Down-regulation of the myo-inositol transporter using RNA interference inhibited uptake of myo-inositol and blocked the synthesis of the myo-inositol-containing phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol and inositol phosphorylceramide; in contrast, it had no effect on glycosylphosphatidylinositol production. This together with the unexpected localization of the myo-inositol transporter in both the plasma membrane and the Golgi demonstrate that metabolism of endogenous and exogenous myo-inositol in T. brucei is strictly segregated.


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myo-Inositol is a building block for all inositol-containing phospholipids in eukaryotes. It can be synthesized de novo from glucose-6-phosphate in the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum. Alternatively, it can be taken up from the environment via Na(+)- or H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters. While Na(+)-coupled myo-inositol transporters are found exclusively in the plasma membrane, H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporters are detected in intracellular organelles. In Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human African sleeping sickness, myo-inositol metabolism is compartmentalized. De novo-synthesized myo-inositol is used for glycosylphosphatidylinositol production in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the myo-inositol taken up from the environment is used for bulk phosphatidylinositol synthesis in the Golgi complex. We now provide evidence that the Golgi complex-localized T. brucei H(+)-linked myo-inositol transporter (TbHMIT) is essential in bloodstream-form T. brucei. Downregulation of TbHMIT expression by RNA interference blocked phosphatidylinositol production and inhibited growth of parasites in culture. Characterization of the transporter in a heterologous expression system demonstrated a remarkable selectivity of TbHMIT for myo-inositol. It tolerates only a single modification on the inositol ring, such as the removal of a hydroxyl group or the inversion of stereochemistry at a single hydroxyl group relative to myo-inositol.


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Elevation of ketone bodies in dairy cows frequently occurs in early lactation, usually concomitantly with a lack of energy and glucose. The objective of this study was to induce an elevated plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration over 48 h in mid-lactating dairy cows (i.e., during a period of positive energy balance and normal glucose plasma concentrations). Effects of BHBA infusion on feed intake, metabolism, and performance were investigated. Thirteen cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 infusion groups, including an intravenous infusion with Na-dl-β-OH-butyrate (1.7 mol/L) to achieve a plasma concentration of 1.5 to 2.0 mmol/L of BHBA (HyperB; n=5), or an infusion of 0.9% saline solution (control; n=8). Blood was sampled before and hourly during the 48 h of infusion. In the liver, mRNA transcripts related to gluconeogenesis (pyruvate carboxylase, glucose 6-phosphatase, mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase), phosphofructokinase, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and fatty acid synthesis (acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid synthase) were measured by real-time PCR. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and ubiquitin were used as housekeeping genes. Changes (difference between before and after 48-h infusion) during the infusion period were evaluated by ANOVA with treatment as fixed effect, and area under the curve of variables was calculated on the second day of experiment. The plasma BHBA concentration in HyperB cows was 1.74 ± 0.02 mmol/L (mean ± SE) compared with 0.59 ± 0.02 mmol/L for control cows. The change in feed intake, milk yield, and energy corrected milk did not differ between the 2 experimental groups. Infusion of BHBA reduced the plasma glucose concentration (3.47 ± 0.11 mmol/L) in HyperB compared with control cows (4.11 ± 0.08 mmol/L). Plasma glucagon concentration in HyperB was lower than the control group. All other variables measured in plasma were not affected by treatment. In the liver, changes in mRNA abundance for the selected genes were similar between 2 groups. Results demonstrate that intravenous infusion of BHBA decreased plasma glucose concentration in dairy cows, but this decrease could not be explained by alterations in insulin concentrations or key enzymes related to gluconeogenesis. Declined glucose concentration is likely functionally related to decreased plasma glucagon concentration.


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Insufficient feed intake during early lactation results in elevated body fat mobilization to meet energy demands for milk production. Hepatic energy metabolism is involved by increasing endogenous glucose production and hepatic glucose output for milk synthesis and by adaptation of postcalving fuel oxidation. Given that cows differ in their degree of fat mobilization around parturition, indicated by variable total liver fat concentration (LFC), the study investigated the influence of peripartum fat mobilization on hepatic gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, and cholesterol synthesis, as well as transcriptional factors referring to energy metabolism. German Holstein cows were grouped according to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 after parturition as low [<200mg of total fat/g of dry matter (DM); n=10], medium (200-300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=10), and high (>300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=7), indicating fat mobilization during early lactation. Cows were fed total mixed rations ad libitum and held under equal conditions. Liver biopsies were taken at d 56 and 15 before and d 1, 14, 28, and 49 after parturition to measure mRNA abundances of pyruvate carboxylase (PC); phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; glucose-6-phosphatase; propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase α; carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1A (CPT1A); acyl-CoA synthetase, long chain 1 (ASCL1); acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain; 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 and 2; sterol regulatory element-binding factor 1; and peroxisome proliferator-activated factor α. Total LFC postpartum differed greatly among cows, and the mRNA abundance of most enzymes and transcription factors changed with time during the experimental period. Abundance of PC mRNA increased at parturition to a greater extent in high- and medium-LFC groups than in the low-LFC group. Significant LFC × time interactions for ACSL1 and CPT1A during the experimental period indicated variable gene expression depending on LFC after parturition. Correlations between hepatic gene expression and performance data and plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones showed time-specific relations during the transition period. Elevated body fat mobilization during early lactation affected gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis to a greater extent than gene expression involved in lipid metabolism, indicating the dependence of hepatic glucose metabolism on hepatic lipid status and fat mobilization during early lactation.


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Hypoglycemia is a characteristic condition of early lactation dairy cows and is subsequently dependent on, and may affect, metabolism in the liver. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of induced hypoglycemia, maintained for 48 h, on metabolic parameters in plasma and liver of mid-lactation dairy cows. The experiment involved 3 treatments, including a hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemic clamp (HypoG, n=6) to obtain a glucose concentration of 2.5 mmol/L, a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (EuG, n=6) in which the effect of insulin was studied, and a control treatment with a 0.9% saline solution (NaCl, n=6). Blood samples for measurements of insulin, metabolites, and enzymes were taken at least once per hour. Milk yield was recorded and milk samples were collected before and after treatment. Liver biopsies were obtained before and after treatment to measure mRNA abundance by real-time, quantitative reverse transcription-PCR of 12 candidate genes involved in the main metabolic pathways. Milk yield decreased in HypoG and NaCl cows, whereas it remained unaffected in EuG cows. Energy-corrected milk yield (kg/d) was only decreased in HypoG cows. In plasma, concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate decreased in response to treatment in EuG cows and was lower (0.41+/-0.04 mmol/L) on d 2 of the treatment compared with that in HypoG and NaCl cows (on average 0.61+/-0.03 mmol/L, respectively). Nonesterified fatty acids remained unaffected in all treatments. In the liver, differences between treatments for their effects were only observed in case of mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCKm) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC). In HypoG, mRNA abundance of PEPCKm was upregulated, whereas in EuG and NaCl cows, it was downregulated. The EuG treatment downregulated mRNA expression of G6PC, a marked effect compared with the unchanged transcript expression in NaCl. The mRNA abundance of the insulin receptor remained unaffected in all treatments, and no significant treatment differences were observed for genes related to lipid metabolism. In conclusion, low glucose concentrations in dairy cows affect liver metabolism at a molecular level through upregulation of PEPCKm mRNA abundance. Metabolic regulatory events in the liver are directed, apart from hormones, by the level of metabolites, either in excess (e.g., free fatty acids) or in shortage (e.g., glucose).


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The objective was to study changes in plasma leptin concentration parallel to changes in the gene expression of lipogenic- and lipolytic-related genes in adipose tissue of dairy cows around parturition. Subcutaneous fat biopsies were taken from 27 dairy cows in week 8 antepartum (a.p.), on day 1 postpartum (p.p.) and in week 5 p.p. Blood samples were assayed for concentrations of leptin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Subcutaneous adipose tissue was analysed for mRNA abundance by real-time qRT-PCR encoding for leptin, adiponectin receptor 1 (AdipoR1), adiponectin receptor 2 (AdipoR2), hormones-sensitive lipase (HSL), perilipin (PLIN), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acyl-CoA synthase long-chain family member 1 (ACSL1), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), fatty acid synthase (FASN) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (GPD2). Body weight and body condition score of the cows were lower after parturition than before parturition. The calculated energy balance was negative in week 1 and 5 p.p., with higher negative energy balance in week 1 p.p. compared with that in week 5 p.p. On day 1 p.p., highest concentrations of NEFA (353.3 mumol/l) were detected compared with the other biopsy time-points (210.6 and 107.7 mumol/l, in week 8 a.p., and week 5 p.p. respectively). Reduced plasma concentrations of leptin during p.p. when compared with a.p. would favour increasing metabolic efficiency and energy conservation for mammary function and reconstitution of body reserves. Lower mRNA abundance of ACC and FASN expression on day 1 p.p. compared with other biopsy time-points suggests an attenuation of fatty acid synthesis in subcutaneous adipose tissue shortly after parturition. Gene expression of AdipoR1, AdipoR2, HSL, PLIN, LPL, ACSL1 and GPD2 was unchanged over time.