32 resultados para FITS

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Gauging the maximum willingness to pay (WTP) of a product accurately is a critical success factor that determines not only market performance but also financial results. A number of approaches have therefore been developed to accurately estimate consumers’ willingness to pay. Here, four commonly used measurement approaches are compared using real purchase data as a benchmark. The relative strengths of each method are analyzed on the basis of statistical criteria and, more importantly, on their potential to predict managerially relevant criteria such as optimal price, quantity and profit. The results show a slight advantage of incentive-aligned approaches though the market settings need to be considered to choose the best-fitting procedure.


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When it comes to platform sustainability, mitigating user privacy concerns and enhancing trust represent two major tasks providers of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are facing today. State-of-the-art research advocates reliance on the justice-based measures as possible means to address these challenges. However, as providers are increasingly expanding into foreign markets, the effectiveness of these measures in a cross-cultural setting is questioned. In an attempt to address this set of issues, in this study we build on the existing model to examine the impact of culture on the robustness of four justice-based means in mitigating privacy concerns and ensuring trust. Survey responses from German and Russian SNS members are used to evaluate the two structural equation models, which are then compared. We find that perceptions regarding Procedural and Informational Justice are universally important and hence should be addressed as part of the basic strategy by the SNS provider. When expanding to collectivistic countries like Russia, measures enhancing perceptions of Distributive and Interpersonal Justice can be additionally applied. Beyond practical implications, our study makes a significant contribution to the theoretical discourse on the role of culture in determining individual perceptions and behavior.


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Radical cystectomy (RC) with pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) followed by urinary diversion is the treatment of choice for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (BC) and non-invasive BC refractory to transurethral resection of the bladder (TUR-B) and/or intravesical instillation therapies. Since the morbidity and possible mortality of this surgery are relevant, care must be taken in the preoperative selection of patients for the various organ-sparing procedures (e.g., bladder-sparing, nerve sparing, seminal vesicle sparing) and various types of urinary diversion. The patient’s performance status and comorbidities, along with individual tumor characteristics, determine possible surgical steps during RC. This individualized approach to RC in each patient can maximize oncological safety and minimize avoidable side effects, rendering ‘standard’ cystectomy a surgery of the past.


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In this study, the effect of time derivatives of flow rate and rotational speed was investigated on the mathematical modeling of a rotary blood pump (RBP). The basic model estimates the pressure head of the pump as a dependent variable using measured flow and speed as predictive variables. Performance of the model was evaluated by adding time derivative terms for flow and speed. First, to create a realistic working condition, the Levitronix CentriMag RBP was implanted in a sheep. All parameters from the model were physically measured and digitally acquired over a wide range of conditions, including pulsatile speed. Second, a statistical analysis of the different variables (flow, speed, and their time derivatives) based on multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the significant variables for pressure head estimation. Finally, different mathematical models were used to show the effect of time derivative terms on the performance of the models. In order to evaluate how well the estimated pressure head using different models fits the measured pressure head, root mean square error and correlation coefficient were used. The results indicate that inclusion of time derivatives of flow and speed can improve model accuracy, but only minimally.


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We report the analysis of the SI So rotational band contours of jet-cooled 5-methyl-2-hydroxypyrimidine (5M2HP), the enol form of deoxythymine. Unlike thymine, which exhibits a structureless spectrum, the vibronic spectrum of 5M2HP is well structured, allowing us to determine the rotational constants and the methyl group torsional barriers in the S-0 and S-1 states. The 0(0)(0), 6a(0)(1), 6b(0)(1), and 14(0)(1) band contours were measured at 900 MHz (0.03 cm(-1)) resolution using mass-specific two-color resonant two-photon ionization (2C-R2PI) spectroscopy. All four bands are polarized perpendicular to the pyrimidine plane (>90% c type), identifying the S-1 <- S-0 excitation of 5M2HP as a 1n pi* transition. All contours exhibit two methyl rotor subbands that arise from the lowest 5-methyl torsional states 0A '' and 1E ''. The S-0 and S-1 state torsional barriers were extracted from fits to the torsional subbands. The 3-fold barriers are V-3 '' = 13 cm(-1) and V3' = SI cm(-1); the 6-fold barrier contributions V-6 '' and V-6' are in the range of 2-3 cm(-1) and are positive in both states. The changes of A, B, and C rotational constants upon S-1 <- S-0 excitation were extracted from the contours and reflect an "anti-quinoidal" distortion. The 0(0)(0) contour can only be simulated if a 3 GHz Lorentzian line shape is included, which implies that the S-1(1n pi*) lifetime is similar to 55 ps. For the 6a(0)(1) and 6b(0)(1) bands, the Lorentzian component increases to 5.5 GHz, reflecting a lifetime decrease to similar to 30 ps. The short lifetimes are consistent with the absence of fluorescence from the 1n pi* state. Combining these measurements with the previous observation of efficient intersystem crossing (ISC) from the Si state to a long-lived T-1((3)n pi*) state that lies similar to 2200 cm(-1) below [S. Lobsiger, S. et al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2010, 12, 5032] implies that the broadening arises from fast intersystem crossing with k(ISC) approximate to 2 x 10(10) s(-1). In comparison to 5-methylpyrimidine, the ISC rate is enhanced by at least 10 000 by the additional hydroxy group in position 2.


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Argillaceous formations generally act as aquitards because of their low hydraulic conductivities. This property, together with the large retention capacity of clays for cationic contaminants, has brought argillaceous formations into focus as potential host rocks for the geological disposal of radioactive and other waste. In several countries, programmes are under way to characterise the detailed transport properties of such formations at depth. In this context, the interpretation of profiles of natural tracers in pore waters across the formations can give valuable information about the large-scale and long-term transport behaviour of these formations. Here, tracer-profile data, obtained by various methods of pore-water extraction for nine sites in central Europe, are compiled. Data at each site comprise some or all of the conservative tracers: anions (Cl(-), Br(-)), water isotopes (delta(18)O, delta(2)H) and noble gases (mainly He). Based on a careful evaluation of the palaeo-hydrogeological evolution at each site, model scenarios are derived for initial and boundary pore-water compositions and an attempt is made to numerically reproduce the observed tracer distributions in a consistent way for all tracers and sites, using transport parameters derived from laboratory or in situ tests. The comprehensive results from this project have been reported in Mazurek et al. (2009). Here the results for three sites are presented in detail, but the conclusions are based on model interpretations of the entire data set. In essentially all cases, the shapes of the profiles can be explained by diffusion acting as the dominant transport process over periods of several thousands to several millions of years and at the length scales of the profiles. Transport by advection has a negligible influence on the observed profiles at most sites, as can be shown by estimating the maximum advection velocities that still give acceptable fits of the model with the data. The advantages and disadvantages of different conservative tracers are also assessed. The anion Cl(-) is well suited as a natural tracer in aquitards, because its concentration varies considerably in environmental waters. It can easily be measured, although the uncertainty regarding the fraction of the pore space that is accessible to anions in clays remains an issue. The stable water isotopes are also well suited, but they are more difficult to measure and their values generally exhibit a smaller relative range of variation. Chlorine isotopes (delta(37)Cl) and He are more difficult to interpret because initial and boundary conditions cannot easily be constrained by independent evidence. It is also shown that the existence of perturbing events such as the activation of aquifers due to uplift and erosion, leading to relatively sharp changes of boundary conditions, can be considered as a pre-requisite to obtain well-interpretable tracer signatures. On the other hand, gradual changes of boundary conditions are more difficult to parameterise and so may preclude a clear interpretation.


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Bone research is limited by the methods available for detecting changes in bone metabolism. While dual X-ray absorptiometry is rather insensitive, biochemical markers are subject to significant intra-individual variation. In the study presented here, we evaluated the isotopic labeling of bone using 41Ca, a long-lived radiotracer, as an alternative approach. After successful labeling of the skeleton, changes in the systematics of urinary 41Ca excretion are expected to directly reflect changes in bone Ca metabolism. A minute amount of 41Ca (100 nCi) was administered orally to 22 postmenopausal women. Kinetics of tracer excretion were assessed by monitoring changes in urinary 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios up to 700 days post-dosing using accelerator mass spectrometry and resonance ionization mass spectrometry. Isotopic labeling of the skeleton was evaluated by two different approaches: (i) urinary 41Ca data were fitted to an established function consisting of an exponential term and a power law term for each individual; (ii) 41Ca data were analyzed by population pharmacokinetic (NONMEM) analysis to identify a compartmental model that describes urinary 41Ca tracer kinetics. A linear three-compartment model with a central compartment and two sequential peripheral compartments was found to best fit the 41Ca data. Fits based on the use of the combined exponential/power law function describing urinary tracer excretion showed substantially higher deviations between predicted and measured values than fits based on the compartmental modeling approach. By establishing the urinary 41Ca excretion pattern using data points up to day 500 and extrapolating these curves up to day 700, it was found that the calculated 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios in urine were significantly lower than the observed 41Ca/40Ca isotope ratios for both techniques. Compartmental analysis can overcome this limitation. By identifying relative changes in transfer rates between compartments in response to an intervention, inaccuracies in the underlying model cancel out. Changes in tracer distribution between compartments were modeled based on identified kinetic parameters. While changes in bone formation and resorption can, in principle, be assessed by monitoring urinary 41Ca excretion over the first few weeks post-dosing, assessment of an intervention effect is more reliable approximately 150 days post-dosing when excreted tracer originates mainly from bone.


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BACKGROUND: The Mannheimia species encompass a wide variety of bacterial lifestyles, including opportunistic pathogens and commensals of the ruminant respiratory tract, commensals of the ovine rumen, and pathogens of the ruminant integument. Here we present a scenario for the evolution of the leukotoxin promoter among representatives of the five species within genus Mannheimia. We also consider how the evolution of the leukotoxin operon fits with the evolution and maintenance of virulence. RESULTS: The alignment of the intergenic regions upstream of the leukotoxin genes showed significant sequence and positional conservation over a 225-bp stretch immediately proximal to the transcriptional start site of the lktC gene among all Mannheimia strains. However, in the course of the Mannheimia genome evolution, the acquisition of individual noncoding regions upstream of the conserved promoter region has occurred. The rate of evolution estimated branch by branch suggests that the conserved promoter may be affected to different extents by the types of natural selection that potentially operate in regulatory regions. Tandem repeats upstream of the core promoter were confined to M. haemolytica with a strong association between the sequence of the repeat units, the number of repeat units per promoter, and the phylogenetic history of this species. CONCLUSION: The mode of evolution of the intergenic regions upstream of the leukotoxin genes appears to be highly dependent on the lifestyle of the bacterium. Transition from avirulence to virulence has occurred at least once in M. haemolytica with some evolutionary success of bovine serotype A1/A6 strains. Our analysis suggests that changes in cis-regulatory systems have contributed to the derived virulence phenotype by allowing phase-variable expression of the leukotoxin protein. We propose models for how phase shifting and the associated virulence could facilitate transmission to the nasopharynx of new hosts.


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K`4 decays are interesting for several reasons: They allow an accurate measurement of a combination of S-wave pp scattering lengths, one form factor of the decay is connected to the chiral anomaly and the decay is the best source for the determination of some low energy constants of ChPT. We present a dispersive approach to K`4 decays, which takes rescattering effects fully into account. Some fits to NA48/2 and E865 measurements and results of the matching to ChPT are shown.


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Internet of Things based systems are anticipated to gain widespread use in industrial applications. Standardization efforts, like 6L0WPAN and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) have made the integration of wireless sensor nodes possible using Internet technology and web-like access to data (RESTful service access). While there are still some open issues, the interoperability problem in the lower layers can now be considered solved from an enterprise software vendors' point of view. One possible next step towards integration of real-world objects into enterprise systems and solving the corresponding interoperability problems at higher levels is to use semantic web technologies. We introduce an abstraction of real-world objects, called Semantic Physical Business Entities (SPBE), using Linked Data principles. We show that this abstraction nicely fits into enterprise systems, as SPBEs allow a business object centric view on real-world objects, instead of a pure device centric view. The interdependencies between how currently services in an enterprise system are used and how this can be done in a semantic real-world aware enterprise system are outlined, arguing for the need of semantic services and semantic knowledge repositories. We introduce a lightweight query language, which we use to perform a quantitative analysis of our approach to demonstrate its feasibility.


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Species coexistence has been a fundamental issue to understand ecosystem functioning since the beginnings of ecology as a science. The search of a reliable and all-encompassing explanation for this issue has become a complex goal with several apparently opposing trends. On the other side, seemingly unconnected with species coexistence, an ecological state equation based on the inverse correlation between an indicator of dispersal that fits gamma distribution and species diversity has been recently developed. This article explores two factors, whose effects are inconspicuous in such an equation at the first sight, that are used to develop an alternative general theoretical background in order to provide a better understanding of species coexistence. Our main outcomes are: (i) the fit of dispersal and diversity values to gamma distribution is an important factor that promotes species coexistence mainly due to the right-skewed character of gamma distribution; (ii) the opposite correlation between species diversity and dispersal implies that any increase of diversity is equivalent to a route of “ecological cooling” whose maximum limit should be constrained by the influence of the third law of thermodynamics; this is in agreement with the well-known asymptotic trend of diversity values in space and time; (iii) there are plausible empirical and theoretical ways to apply physical principles to explain important ecological processes; (iv) the gap between theoretical and empirical ecology in those cases where species diversity is paradoxically high could be narrowed by a wave model of species coexistence based on the concurrency of local equilibrium states. In such a model, competitive exclusion has a limited but indispensable role in harmonious coexistence with functional redundancy. We analyze several literature references as well as ecological and evolutionary examples that support our approach, reinforcing the meaning equivalence between important physical and ecological principles.


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Based on the results from detailed structural and petrological characterisation and on up-scaled laboratory values for sorption and diffusion, blind predictions were made for the STT1 dipole tracer test performed in the Swedish A¨ spo¨ Hard Rock Laboratory. The tracers used were nonsorbing, such as uranine and tritiated water, weakly sorbing 22Na+, 85Sr2 +, 47Ca2 +and more strongly sorbing 86Rb+, 133Ba2 +, 137Cs+. Our model consists of two parts: (1) a flow part based on a 2D-streamtube formalism accounting for the natural background flow field and with an underlying homogeneous and isotropic transmissivity field and (2) a transport part in terms of the dual porosity medium approach which is linked to the flow part by the flow porosity. The calibration of the model was done using the data from one single uranine breakthrough (PDT3). The study clearly showed that matrix diffusion into a highly porous material, fault gouge, had to be included in our model evidenced by the characteristic shape of the breakthrough curve and in line with geological observations. After the disclosure of the measurements, it turned out that, in spite of the simplicity of our model, the prediction for the nonsorbing and weakly sorbing tracers was fairly good. The blind prediction for the more strongly sorbing tracers was in general less accurate. The reason for the good predictions is deemed to be the result of the choice of a model structure strongly based on geological observation. The breakthrough curves were inversely modelled to determine in situ values for the transport parameters and to draw consequences on the model structure applied. For good fits, only one additional fracture family in contact with cataclasite had to be taken into account, but no new transport mechanisms had to be invoked. The in situ values for the effective diffusion coefficient for fault gouge are a factor of 2–15 larger than the laboratory data. For cataclasite, both data sets have values comparable to laboratory data. The extracted Kd values for the weakly sorbing tracers are larger than Swedish laboratory data by a factor of 25–60, but agree within a factor of 3–5 for the more strongly sorbing nuclides. The reason for the inconsistency concerning Kds is the use of fresh granite in the laboratory studies, whereas tracers in the field experiments interact only with fracture fault gouge and to a lesser extent with cataclasite both being mineralogically very different (e.g. clay-bearing) from the intact wall rock.


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The freezing behavior of water confined in compacted charged and uncharged clays (montmorillonite in Na-and Ca-forms, illite in Na-and Ca-forms, kaolinite and pyrophyllite) was investigated by neutron scattering. Firstly, the amount of frozen (immobile) water was measured as a function of temperature at the IN16 backscattering spectrometer, Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL). Water in uncharged, partly hydrophobic (kaolinite) and fully hydrophobic (pyrophyllite) clays exhibited a similar freezing and melting behavior to that of bulk water. In contrast, water in charged clays which are hydrophilic could be significantly supercooled. To observe the water dynamics in these clays, further experiments were performed using quasielastic neutron scattering. At temperatures of 250, 260 and 270 K the diffusive motion of water could still be observed, but with a strong reduction in the water mobility as compared with the values obtained above 273 K. The diffusion coefficients followed a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence well described by the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann and the fractional power relations. The fits revealed that Na-and Ca-montmorillonite and Ca-illite have similar Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperatures (T-VFT, often referred to as the glass transition temperature) of similar to 120 K and similar temperatures at which the water undergoes the 'strong-fragile' transition, T-s similar to 210 K. On the other hand, Na-illite had significantly larger values of T-VFT similar to 180 K and T-s similar to 240 K. Surprisingly, Ca-illite has a similar freezing behavior of water to that of montmorillonites, even though it has a rather different structure. We attribute this to the stronger hydration of Ca ions as compared with the Na ions occurring in the illite clays.


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The northern section of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin has been the site of intensive U exploitation with harmful impacts on groundwater quality. The understanding of groundwater flow and age distribution is crucial for the prediction of the future dispersion and impact of the contamination. State of the art tracer methods (3H, 3He, 4He, 85Kr, 39Ar and 14C) were, therefore, used to obtain insights to ageing and mixing processes of groundwater along a north–south flow line in the centre of the two most important aquifers of Cenomanian and middle Turonian age. Dating of groundwater is particularly complex in this area as: (i) groundwater in the Cenomanian aquifer is locally affected by fluxes of geogenic and biogenic gases (e.g. CO2, CH4, He) and by fossil brines in basement rocks rich in Cl and SO4; (ii) a thick unsaturated zone overlays the Turonian aquifer; (iii) a periglacial climate and permafrost conditions prevailed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and iv) the wells are mostly screened over large depth intervals. Large disagreements in 85Kr and 3H/3He ages indicate that processes other than ageing have affected the tracer data in the Turonian aquifer. Mixing with older waters (>50 a) was confirmed by 39Ar activities. An inverse modelling approach, which included time lags for tracer transport throughout the unsaturated zone and degassing of 3He, was used to estimate the age of groundwater. Best fits between model and field results were obtained for mean residence times varying from modern up to a few hundred years. The presence of modern water in this aquifer is correlated with the occurrence of elevated pollution (e.g. nitrates). An increase of reactive geochemical indicators (e.g. Na) and radiogenic 4He, and a decrease in 14C along the flow direction confirmed groundwater ageing in the deeper confined Cenomanian aquifer. Radiocarbon ages varied from a few hundred years to more than 20 ka. Initial 14C activity for radiocarbon dating was calibrated by means of 39Ar measurements. The 14C age of a sample recharged during the LGM was further confirmed by depleted stable isotope signatures and near freezing point noble gas temperature. Radiogenic 4He accumulated in groundwater with concentrations increasing linearly with 14C ages. This enabled the use of 4He to validate the dating range of 14C and extend it to other parts of this aquifer. In the proximity of faults, 39Ar in excess of modern concentrations and 14C dead CO2 sources, elevated 3He/4He ratios and volcanic activity in Oligocene to Quaternary demonstrate the influence of gas of deeper origin and impeded the application of 4He, 39Ar and 14C for groundwater dating.