10 resultados para Deleuze, Gilles

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Background Repetitive behaviours (RB) in patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) are frequent. However, a controversy persists whether they are manifestations of obssessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or correspond to complex tics. Methods 166 consecutive patients with GTS aged 15–68 years were recruited and submitted to extensive neurological, psychiatric and psychological evaluations. RB were evaluated by the YBOCS symptom checklist and Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I), and classified on the basis of a semi-directive psychiatric interview as compulsions or tics. Results RB were present in 64.4% of patients with GTS (107/166) and categorised into 3 major groups: a ‘tic-like’ group (24.3%–40/166) characterised by RB such as touching, counting, ‘just right’ and symmetry searching; an ‘OCD-like’ group (20.5%–34/166) with washing and checking rituals; and a ‘mixed’ group (13.2%–22/166) with both ‘tics-like’ and ‘OCD-like’ types of RB present in the same patient. In 6.3% of patients, RB could not be classified into any of these groups and were thus considered ‘undetermined’. Conclusions The results confirm the phenomenological heterogeneity of RB in GTS patients and allows to distinguish two types: tic-like behaviours which are very likely an integral part of GTS; and OCD-like behaviours, which can be considered as a comorbid condition of GTS and were correlated with higher score of complex tics, neuroleptic and SSRIs treatment frequency and less successful socio-professional adaptation. We suggest that a meticulous semiological analysis of RB in GTS patients will help to tailor treatment and allow to better classify patients for future pathophysiologic studies. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00169351


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When a hand-held object is moved, grip and load force are accurately coordinated for establishing grasp stability. In the present work, the question was raised whether patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (TS), who show tic-like movements, are impaired in grip-load force control when executing a manipulative task. To this end, we assessed force regulation during action patterns that required rhythmical unimanual or bimanual (iso-directional/anti-directional) movements. Results showed that the profile of grip-load force ratio was characterized by maxima and minima that were realized at upward and downward hand positions, respectively. TS patients showed increased force ratios during unimanual and bimanual movements, compared with control subjects, indicative of an inaccurate specification of the precision grip. Functional imaging data complemented the behavioural results and revealed that secondary motor areas showed no (or greatly reduced) activation in TS patients when executing the movement tasks as compared with baseline conditions. This indicates that the metabolic level in the secondary motor areas was equal during rest and task performance. At the neuronal level, this observation suggests that these cortical areas were continuously involved in movement preparation. Based on these data, we conclude that the ongoing activation of secondary motor areas may be explained by the TS patients' involuntary urges to move. Accordingly, interference will prevent an accurate planning of voluntary behaviour. Together, these findings reveal modulations in movement organization in patients with TS and exemplify degrading consequences for manual function.


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Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the presence of motor and vocal tics. We hypothesized that patients with this syndrome would present an aberrant pattern of cortical formation, which could potentially reflect global alterations of brain development. Using 3 Tesla structural neuroimaging, we compared sulcal depth, opening, and length and thickness of sulcal gray matter in 52 adult patients and 52 matched controls. Cortical sulci were automatically reconstructed and identified over the whole brain, using BrainVisa software. We focused on frontal, parietal, and temporal cortical regions, in which abnormal structure and functional activity were identified in previous neuroimaging studies. Partial correlation analysis with age, sex, and treatment as covariables of noninterest was performed amongst relevant clinical and neuroimaging variables in patients. Patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome showed lower depth and reduced thickness of gray matter in the pre- and post-central as well as superior, inferior, and internal frontal sulci. In patients with associated obsessive-compulsive disorder, additional structural changes were found in temporal, insular, and olfactory sulci. Crucially, severity of tics and of obsessive-compulsive disorder measured by Yale Global Tic severity scale and Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive scale, respectively, correlated with structural sulcal changes in sensorimotor, temporal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and middle cingulate cortical areas. Patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome displayed an abnormal structural pattern of cortical sulci, which correlated with severity of clinical symptoms. Our results provide further evidence of abnormal brain development in GTS. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.


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Die Arbeit stellt sich in die Reihe von Studien, die den Status des lyrischen Subjekts innerhalb der Dichtung „nach Auschwitz“ untersucht haben, versucht aber selbst einen neuen Weg einzuschlagen, indem sie die Problematik der (historischen, ethischen) Subjektbestimmung aus ihrer rhetorischen und linguistischen Natur herleitet. Durch detaillierte formale Lektüre wird die selbstreflexive Funktion der Personalpronomina in den Sonetten Shakespeares sowie in der Übersetzung Celans analysiert. Die übersetzungstheoretischen Implikationen der Selbstreflexivität werden vor allem in Bezug auf die Werke von Antoine Berman und Henri Meschonnic erklärt. Präzise identifiziert und deutet der Verfasser syntaktische, grammatikalische, rhetorische und metrische Merkmale der untersuchten Gedichte, um Celans Verfahren en détail zu beschreiben: Tempus und Modus, Enjambement und Zäsur, Synkope und Anakoluth, Katapher und Chiasmus, Satz- und Ausführungszeichen, Kursivschrift und graphische Elemente. Theoretisch stützt sich die Arbeit auf bestimmte Hauptbegriffe von Jean Bollack (Virtualität, Poetik der Fremdheit, Trennung von den Mitmenschen, Schreiben auf seiten des Todes) und Gilles Deleuze (Virtualität, Differenz und Repetition, Ordnung der leeren Zeit). Der Begriff von Virtualität fungiert in diesem Zusammenhang als trait d'union zwischen den beiden Autoren, in dem Versuch, ihre unterschiedlichen, teilweise entgegengesetzten Positionen in einem Punkt konvergieren zu lassen: der Neudefinition eines gespaltenen Subjektes und seines subversiven Potentials in einem direkten politischen Sinne. Diese Neudefinition der pronominalen Funktionen und die ihres politischen Widerstands werden darüber hinaus als übersetzungstheoretische Kriterien in der Interpretation der Nationalliteratur und der Rezeptionsgeschichte in Deutschland verwendet. Aus dieser Perspektive wird der theoretische Rahmen dieser Arbeit, nach den Hauptfiguren von Bollack und Deleuze, von Foucault Auffassung der Historizität und des politischen Werts des Subjektbegriffs ergänzt. Die Poetik der Übersetzung wird als Vorgang der “Wiederholung” konzipiert, der letztendlich eine “Differenz” hervorbringt, wie auch eine Neubestimmung der Zeitlichkeit als nicht-lineare Erscheinung.