28 resultados para ACUTE RETINAL NECROSIS

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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Infektiöse Ursachen bilden die größte ätiologische Gruppe posteriorer Uveitiden. Als Einzeldiagnosen stehen die Toxoplasmose als infektiöse Erkrankung und der Morbus Behçet als nicht infektiöse Erkrankung an erster Stelle. Bei akuten Entzündungsprozessen immunkompetenter Patienten ist eine exakte Diagnose häufig infolge einer recht dichten Glaskörperinfiltration schwierig zu stellen. In diesen Fällen trägt die Beurteilung des Krankheitsverlaufs zur Differenzialdiagnose wesentlich bei. Virale Netzhautnekrosen verschlechtern sich typischerweise hochakut, Sehstörungen und klinische Symptome bei Morbus Behçet und Toxoplasmose nehmen innerhalb weniger Tage bis 2 Wochen zu, während andere Erkrankungen einen eher schleichenden Verlauf zeigen. Die Dauer der Erkrankung und systemische Grunderkrankungen sind bei der ersten okulären Manifestation häufig nicht bekannt. Grundsätzlich ist die Sehfunktion bedroht, wenn die Makula in den entzündlichen Prozess einbezogen ist, wenn häufige Rezidive zu einer Beteiligung der Makula führen, aber auch wenn sich Sekundärkomplikationen wie ein Makulaödem entwickeln. Bei Kindern muss außerdem an die Gefahr einer Amblyopie infolge entzündlicher Medientrübungen gedacht werden, insbesondere bei Glaskörpertrübungen. Deshalb ist eine rasche interdisziplinäre diagnostische Abklärung und darauf basierende Therapiestrategie erforderlich. Diese muss einerseits ätiologisch abgestützt sein, andererseits sollte sie rechtzeitig steroidsparende Immunsuppresiva und eventuell chirurgische Maßnahmen beinhalten.


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Maleic acid (MA) is a common component of descaling products and is widely used in daily life. Accidental ingestion in relevant amounts does not play a major role in human beings; however, it seems to be highly toxic for dogs. It has been commonly used experimentally to induce Fanconi syndrome in dogs or small rodents. Two dogs were presented for acute kidney injury (AKI) after accidental ingestion of a descaling agent containing MA at an estimated amount of 70 mg/kg each. The third dog involved was euthanased by the referring veterinarian, and postmortem pathological analysis revealed severe acute tubular necrosis consistent with toxic nephropathy. The other dogs received symptomatic therapy for AKI including treatment with haemodialysis and showed complete normalisation of serum creatinine at a follow-up after five months. Renal damage can be very severe, but seems to be at least partially reversible and an attempt to treatment is warranted.


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We report of a 71-year-old woman with a history of chronic analgesic nephropathy, who underwent coronary angiography. Because of anterior ventricular aneurysm, anticoagulation with nadroparine was installed. Continued ACE-inhibitor and ASA with additional intravenous contrast substance lead to acute tubular necrosis with rapid decline of the renal function. Due to accumulation of the low molecular weight heparin, the patient developed an extensive retroperitoneal haematoma with circulatory shock and temporary anuric kidney failure. Low molecular weight heparins are commonly used during percutaneous coronary interventions. They are as safe and efficient compared to unfractioned heparin. But due to their renal elimination, they have to be monitored by measuring anti-factor Xa-activity if creatinine-clearance is <30 ml/min.


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Clostridium perfringens type C-induced enteritis necroticans is a rare but often fatal disease in humans. A consistent histopathological finding is an acute, deep necrosis of the small intestinal mucosa associated with acute vascular necrosis and massive haemorrhage in the lamina propria and submucosa. Retrospective immunohistochemical investigations of tissues from a diabetic adult who died of enteritis necroticans revealed endothelial localization of C. perfringens beta-toxin in small intestinal lesions. Our results indicate that vascular necrosis might be induced by a direct interaction between C. perfringens beta-toxin and endothelial cells and that targeted disruption of endothelial cells plays a role in the pathogenesis of enteritis necroticans.


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Sleeping disease is a contagious disease mainly of freshwater farmed rainbow trout, caused by salmonid alphavirus (SAV) Subtype 2. Here we describe the first case in Switzerland. Pathological changes ranged from acute pancreas necrosis to more chronic lesions with complete loss of exocrine pancreas and simultaneous degenerative, inflammatory and regenerative heart and muscle lesions. The partial sequencing of SAV E2 and nsp3 genes placed the Swiss SAV variant within the Subtype 2 clustering together with freshwater isolates from UK and continental Europe. Although mortality stayed low, growth rates were significantly reduced, making the disease economically relevant.


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INTRODUCTION: Adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) frequently present retinal abnormalities. We tried to find a relationship between fundus lesions and treatment responsiveness, prognosis, and several hematologic parameters. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We examined 178 adult patients with newly diagnosed AML. All patients were assigned to two groups regarding retinal parameters (1 or 2) and age (A or B). Group 1 included cases with retinal dysfunction classified as retinal abnormalities with impaired visual acuity; group 2 included cases with no or only minor retinal changes. Subgroup A included patients younger than 60 years (n=97), subgroup B patients older than 60 years (n=81). RESULTS: In this study, higher age and a lower Hb value were associated with retinal findings (group 1). Among the younger patients (subgroup A), 78% of those with complete remission had no retinal findings (group 2) compared to 18% of the nonresponders. In the elderly population (subgroup B), this ratio was 58% versus 19%. In the younger patients (subgroup A), the mean overall survival was 50 months if they had no retinal abnormalities (group 2) and 7 months in the case of retinal changes (group 1). In the older population (subgroup B), the ratio was 15 months versus 3 months, respectively. CONCLUSION: Retinal abnormalities in AML are generally associated with higher age, although they correlate with a shorter survival in both age groups. This association is stronger in younger patients.


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PURPOSE To quantitatively evaluate retinal layer thickness changes in acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN). METHODS AMN areas were identified using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) images. Intraretinal layer segmentation using Heidelberg software was performed. The inbuilt ETDRS -grid was moved onto the AMN lesion and the mean retinal layer thicknesses of the central grid were recorded and compared with the corresponding area of the fellow eye at initial presentation and during follow-up. RESULTS Eleven patients were included (mean age 26±6 years). AMN lesions at baseline had a significantly thinner outer nuclear layer (ONL) (51±21 µm vs 73±17 µm, p=0.002). The other layers, including inner nuclear layer (37±8 µm vs 38±6 µm, p=0.9) and outer plexiform layer (OPL) (45±19 µm vs 33±16 µm, p=0.1) did not show significant differences between the study eyes and fellow eyes. Adjacent to NIR image lesions, areas of OPL thickening were identified (study eye: 50±14 µm vs fellow eye: 39±16 µm, p=0.005) with corresponding thinning of ONL (study eye: 52±16 µm vs fellow eye: 69±16 µm, p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS AMN presents with characteristic quantitative retinal changes and the extent of the lesion may be more extensive than initially presumed from NIR image lesions.


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Although tumor necrosis factor (alpha) (TNF) exerts proinflammatory activities in a variety of diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, there is increasing evidence for antiinflammatory actions of TNF. In contrast, glucocorticoids (GCs) are steroid hormones that suppress inflammation, at least in part by regulating the expression and action of TNF. We report that TNF induces extraadrenal production of immunoregulatory GCs in the intestinal mucosa during acute intestinal inflammation. The absence of TNF results in a lack of colonic GC synthesis and exacerbation of dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis. TNF seems to promote local steroidogenesis by directly inducing steroidogenic enzymes in intestinal epithelial cells. Therapeutic administration of TNF induces GC synthesis in oxazolone-induced colitis and ameliorates intestinal inflammation, whereas inhibition of intestinal GC synthesis abrogates the therapeutic effect of TNF. These data show that TNF suppresses the pathogenesis of acute intestinal inflammation by promoting local steroidogenesis.


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Fas/CD95 is a critical mediator of cell death in many chronic and acute liver diseases and induces apoptosis in primary hepatocytes in vitro. In contrast, the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) fails to provoke cell death in isolated hepatocytes but has been implicated in hepatocyte apoptosis during liver diseases associated with chronic inflammation. Here we report that TNFα sensitizes primary murine hepatocytes cultured on collagen to Fas ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis. This synergism is time-dependent and is specifically mediated by TNFα. Fas itself is essential for the sensitization, but neither Fas up-regulation nor endogenous FasL is responsible for this effect. Although FasL is shown to induce Bid-independent apoptosis in hepatocytes cultured on collagen, the sensitizing effect of TNFα is clearly dependent on Bid. Moreover, both c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation and Bim, another B cell lymphoma 2 homology domain 3 (BH3)-only protein, are crucial mediators of TNFα-induced apoptosis sensitization. Bim and Bid activate the mitochondrial amplification loop and induce cytochrome c release, a hallmark of type II apoptosis. The mechanism of TNFα-induced sensitization is supported by a mathematical model that correctly reproduces the biological findings. Finally, our results are physiologically relevant because TNFα also induces sensitivity to agonistic anti-Fas-induced liver damage. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that TNFα can cooperate with FasL to induce hepatocyte apoptosis by activating the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bid.


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Despite the availability of effective antibiotic therapies, pneumococcal meningitis (PM) has a case fatality rate of up to 30% and causes neurological sequelae in up to half of the surviving patients. The underlying brain damage includes apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampus and necrosis in the cortex. Therapeutic options to reduce acute injury and to improve outcome from PM are severely limited.With the aim to develop new therapies a number of pharmacologic interventions have been evaluated. However, the often unpredictable outcome of interventional studies suggests that the current concept of the pathophysiologic events during bacterial meningitis is fragmentary. The aim of this work is to describe the transcriptomic changes underlying the complex mechanisms of the host response to pneumococcal meningitis in a temporal and spatial context using a well characterized infant rat model.


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Toll interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) 8 (TIR8), also known as single Ig IL-1 receptor (IL-R)-related molecule, or SIGIRR, is a member of the IL-1R-like family, primarily expressed by epithelial cells. Current evidence suggests that TIR8 plays a nonredundant role as a negative regulator in vivo under different inflammatory conditions that are dependent on IL-R and Toll-like receptor (TLR) activation. In the present study, we examined the role of TIR8 in innate resistance to acute lung infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative pathogen responsible for life-threatening infections in immunocompromised individuals and cystic fibrosis patients. We show that Tir8 deficiency in mice was associated with increased susceptibility to acute P. aeruginosa infection, in terms of mortality and bacterial load, and to exacerbated local and systemic production of proinflammatory cytokines (gamma interferon [IFN-γ], tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α], IL-1β, and IL-6) and chemokines (CXCL1, CXCL2, and CCL2). It has been reported that host defense against P. aeruginosa acute lung infection can be improved by blocking IL-1 since exaggerated IL-1β production may be harmful for the host in this infection. In agreement with these data, IL-1RI deficiency rescues the phenotype observed in Tir8-deficient mice: in Tir8-/- IL-1RI-/- double knockout mice we observed higher survival rates, enhanced bacterial clearance, and reduced levels of local and systemic cytokine and chemokine levels than in Tir8-deficient mice. These results suggest that TIR8 has a nonredundant effect in modulating the inflammation caused by P. aeruginosa, in particular, by negatively regulating IL-1RI signaling, which plays a major role in the pathogenesis of this infectious disease.


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Penetrating hand wounds are common and these are managed by thorough debridement. However, stab wounds without evidence of divided structures are often treated with irrigation using antiseptic substances, antibiotic therapy, and immobilization. Octenisept® (Schülke & Mayr Ltd) is a widely used antiseptic agent for disinfection of acute or chronic wounds. It has a broad spectrum of antiseptic efficacy and has become an antiseptic of first choice in many hospitals. Within a few months, four patients presented to us with chronic inflammation and severe tissue necrosis after irrigation of penetrating hand wounds with Octenisept®. Repeated surgery and debridement was required in all patients. Wound healing was prolonged and patients had persisting oedema. Penetrating hand wounds must not be irrigated with Octenisept®.


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An unintentional embolization of retinal arteries is rare and has been documented as a complication after embolization of arteries supplying head and neck tumors. However, occlusion of the central retinal artery with severe loss of vision has never been reported to be a complication from embolization of tumor-supplying ethmoidal branches of the ophthalmic artery. A 40 year-old male patient with a history of right nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma underwent preoperative radiological embolization of an ethmoidal metastasis after having experienced a life-threatening sinus bleeding. Repeated probing of the ophthalmic artery with an endovascular microcatheter for particle embolization of the tumor-supplying arteries was performed under anticoagulation with heparin. Postoperatively, a standard ophthalmological examination including extended vascular evaluation by angiography was performed. After extended probing of the ophthalmic artery a marked reduction in its blood flow occurred. Despite post-interventional imaging showing persisting perfusion of the central retinal and ciliary arteries, the patient developed complete loss of vision on this side four days later. At this time fundoscopy and fluorescein angiography revealed a recanalized central artery occlusion, while indocyanin angiography showed infarctions of the choroid. Radiological intervention via the ophthalmic artery can result in complete loss of vision, even after limited and transient obstruction of the vessel.


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BACKGROUND: We wished to investigate the toxicity of four immunosuppressant and antimetabolic drugs, which are known to influence postoperative wound healing, on three different human ocular cell lines. METHODS: Acute toxicity to cyclosporin A, azathioprine, mitomicyn C and daunorubicin was assessed in Chang cells by monitoring their uptake of propidium iodide during a 3-h period. Chronic toxicity was assessed by monitoring the proliferation and viability of subconfluent cultures of Chang cells, human corneal endothelial cells (HCECs) and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells after continuous exposure to the drugs for 7 days. RESULTS: Acute toxicity testing revealed no obvious effects. However, the chronic toxicity tests disclosed a narrow concentration range over which cell proliferation decreased dramatically but calcein metabolism was sustained. Although the three lines reacted similarly to each agent, HCECs were the most vulnerable to daunorubicin and mitomycin. At a daunorubicin concentration of 0.05 microg/ml, a 75% decrease in calcein metabolism (P < 0.001) and a > or = 95% cell loss (P < 0.001) were observed. At a mitomycin concentration of 0.01 mug/ml, cell density decreased by 61% (P < 0.001) without a change in calcein metabolism, but at 0.1 microg/ml, the latter parameter decreased to 12% (P = 0.00014). At this concentration the proliferation of Chang and RPE cells decreased by more than 50%, whilst calcein metabolism was largely sustained. Cyclosporin inhibited cell proliferation moderately at lower concentrations (< 5 microg/ml; P=0.05) and substantially at higher ones, with a corresponding decline in calcein metabolism. Azathioprine induced a profound decrease in both parameters at concentrations above 5 microg/ml. CONCLUSION: Daunorubicin, cyclosporin and azathioprine could be used to inhibit excessive intraocular scarring after glaucoma and vitreoretinal surgery without overly reducing cell viability. The attributes of immunosuppressants lie in their combined antiproliferative and immunomodulatory effects.


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The acute compartment syndrome describes a posttraumatic or inflammatory edema, which leads to a painful constraint of muscular movement and paresthesia. An increase in pressure in the anatomical compartment is postulated. The main symptoms include local swelling, sensory loss, local muscle weakness as well as late livid discoloration. Therapy of choice is an early fasciotomy with decompression to avoid serious complications like muscle necrosis. Here we report a 22 year old patient who postoperatively suffered from a bilateral paresis of the foot jack. Further examinations by electromyography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) led to the diagnosis of an acute bilateral compartment syndrome.