14 resultados para 2003-09-BS

em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça


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The growth/differentiation factors (GDFs) are a subgroup of the bone morphogenetic proteins best known for their role in joint formation and chondrogenesis. Mice deficient in one of these signaling proteins, GDF-5, exhibit numerous skeletal abnormalities, including shortened limb bones. The primary aim of this study was determine whether GDF-5 deficiency would alter the growth rate in growth plates from the long bones in mice and, if so, how this is achieved. Stereologic and cell kinetic parameters in proximal tibial growth plates from 5-week-old female GDF-5 -/- mice and control littermates were examined. GDF-5 deficiency resulted in a statistically significant reduction in growth rate (-14%, p=0.03). The effect of genotype on growth rate was associated with an altered hypertrophic phase duration, with hypertrophic cells from GDF-5 deficient mice exhibiting a significantly longer phase duration compared to control littermates (+25%, p=0.006). These data suggest that one way in which GDF-5 might modulate the rate of endochondral bone growth could be by affecting the duration of the hypertrophic phase in growth plate chondrocytes.


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Earlier investigations have shown that 'Haemophilus somnus', 'Haemophilus agni' and 'Histophilus ovis' represent the same species. In the present investigation, the taxonomic position of this species is explored further by sequencing the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes of strains that were investigated previously by DNA-DNA hybridization. These results clearly support the allocation of this species to a novel genus within the family PASTEURELLACEAE: The phenotypic separation of Histophilus somni gen. nov., sp. nov. from other members of the family can, for most strains, be based on capnophilia, yellowish pigmentation and indole production. However, due to phenotypic variation, the use of a species-specific PCR test based on the 16S rRNA gene is included in the species description. This is justified by the high sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene within the species and the fact that the highest sequence similarity to any other taxon within the family is 93.4 %. The type strain, 8025(T)=ATCC 43625(T)=CCUG 36157(T), was isolated in the USA from a bovine brain with lesions of thromboembolic meningoencephalitis.


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Major blood stage antimalarial drugs like chloroquine and artemisinin target the heme detoxification process of the malaria parasite. Hemozoin formation reactions in vitro using the Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 (Pfhrp-2), lipids, and auto-catalysis are slow and could not explain the speed of detoxification needed for parasite survival. Here, we show that malarial hemozoin formation is a coordinated two component process involving both lipids and histidine-rich proteins. Hemozoin formation efficiency in vitro is 1-2% with Pfhrp-2 and 0.25-0.5% with lipids. We added lipids after 9h in a 12h Pfhrp-2 mediated reaction that resulted in sixfold increase in hemozoin formation. However, a lipid mediated reaction in which Pfhrp-2 was added after 9h produced only twofold increase in hemozoin production compared to the reaction with Pfhrp-2 alone. Synthetic peptides corresponding to the Pfhrp-2 heme binding sequences, based on repeats of AHHAAD, neither alone nor in combination with lipids were able to generate hemozoin in vitro. These results indicate that hemozoin formation in malaria parasite involves both the lipids and the scaffolding proteins. Histidine-rich proteins might facilitate hemozoin formation by binding with a large number of heme molecules, and facilitating the dimer formation involving iron-carboxylate bond between two heme molecules, and lipids may then subsequently assist the mechanism of long chain formation, held together by hydrogen bonds or through extensive networking of hydrogen bonds.


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The diffusion of radionuclides is an important safety aspect for nuclear waste disposal in argillaceous host rocks. A long-term diffusion experiment, termed DI-A, is being carried out at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory in the Opalinus Clay formation. The aim of this experiment is the understanding of the migration and sorption behaviour of cationic and anionic species in consolidated clays. This study reports on the experimental layout and the first results obtained from the DI-A experiment, which include the investigation of HTO, Na-22(+), Cs+, and I- migration during a period of 1 year by analysing these tracers in the water circulating in the borehole. In addition, results obtained from through-diffusion experiments on small-sized samples with HTO, I-, and Cl-36(-) are presented. The decrease of tracer concentrations in the borehole is fastest for Cs+, followed by Na-22(+), HTO, and finally I-. The chemical composition of the artificial pore water in the borehole shows very little variation with time, thus indicating almost no chemical disturbance around the borehole. Through-diffusion experiments in the laboratory that were performed parallel to the bedding plane with two different methods yielded effective diffusion coefficients for HTO of 4-5 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) and significantly lower ones for anions Cl- and I- (0.7-1.6 X 10(-11) m(2) s(-1)). The results indicate the importance of anion exclusion effects arising from the negatively charged clay surfaces. Furthermore, they demonstrate the anisotropic diffusion properties of the clay formation with significantly increased diffusion rates parallel to bedding relative to the perpendicular direction. The tracer data of the in situ experiment were successfully described with 2D diffusion models using diffusion and sorption parameters obtained from the above mentioned and other laboratory studies. The modelling results indicate that HTO and I- diffused with no retardation. The retardation of Na+ and Cs+ could be described by empirical sorption expressions from previously derived batch sorption (Cs+) or diffusion (Na+) experiments. Overall, the obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of the technical concept to study the diffusion of nonsorbing and sorbing tracers in consolidated clays. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Integrins are matrix receptors that regulate cell-matrix interactions during development and in adult tissue. In the adult kidney, the alpha8 chain is specifically expressed in glomerular mesangial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. alpha8-deficient (alpha8-/-) mice demonstrate reductions in renal mass, which can range from complete renal agenesis to the development of kidneys that are only slightly smaller than wild-type kidneys. No histologic abnormalities of these kidneys have been described. However, considering the prominent expression of alpha8 in glomeruli and renal vessels, it seemed unlikely that the kidneys of alpha8-/- mice would be completely normal. Therefore, the renal phenotype of adult alpha8-/- mice was investigated, for assessment of more subtle morphologic alterations in kidney tissue. alpha8-/- mice displayed a significant reduction in nephron number and an increase in glomerular volume, compared with wild-type control animals. Albuminuria was not different in wild-type and alpha8-/- mice. Quantitative morphologic analyses revealed that the glomeruli of alpha8-/- mice were hypercellular, with an increased number of mesangial cells, compared with wild-type mice. Mesangial matrix deposition (as demonstrated for collagen IV and the alpha8 ligand fibronectin) was expanded in alpha8-/- mice, compared with wild-type mice. Collagens I and III, which are not normally present in glomeruli, were detected in the glomeruli of alpha8-/- mice. Staining for other glomerular integrins demonstrated an increased abundance of the collagen receptor alpha2 integrin in alpha8-/- mice. The glomerular capillary length density was significantly greater in alpha8-/- mice than in wild-type mice. Cortical arterial vessel walls were not altered in alpha8-/- mice, but the capillaries of the peritubular network were widened. Despite the strong mesangial and vascular expression of alpha8, glomerular and renal vascular alterations in alpha8-/- mice were relatively mild. Only aged alpha8-/- mice demonstrated increased glomerular capillary widening, compared with control animals. The results suggest that the lack of alpha8 can be largely compensated for, at least in younger alpha8-/- mice. It is not yet clear whether the occurrence of collagens that are not normally present in glomeruli and the increased abundance of the collagen receptor alpha2 contribute to maintaining the glomerular structure in alpha8-/- mice. The compensatory mechanisms involved will be the subject of future research.


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In an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis the effect of dexamethasone on neuronal injury in the hippocampus and on learning disability after recovery from the disease was examined. Treatment with dexamethasone or vehicle was started 18 h after infection, concomitant with antibiotics. Neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus 34 h after infection was significantly aggravated by dexamethasone treatment compared with vehicle controls (p = 0.02). Three weeks after acute pneumococcal meningitis, learning capacity of animals was assessed in the Morris water maze. The results showed a significantly impaired learning performance of infected animals treated with dexamethasone compared with vehicle controls (p = 0.01). Dexamethasone had no effect on hippocampal injury or learning in uninfected controls. Thus, dexamethasone as adjuvant therapy increased hippocampal cell injury and reduced learning capacity in this model of pneumococcal meningitis in infant rats.


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Plants exhibit life-long organogenic and histogenic activity in a specialised organ, the shoot apical meristem. Leaves and flowers are formed within the ring-shaped peripheral zone, which surrounds the central zone, the site of the stem cells. We have undertaken a series of high-precision laser ablation and microsurgical tissue removal experiments to test the functions of different parts of the tomato meristem, and to reveal their interactions. Ablation of the central zone led to ectopic expression of the WUSCHEL gene at the periphery, followed by the establishment of a new meristem centre. After the ablation of the central zone, organ formation continued without a lag. Thus, the central zone does not participate in organogenesis, except as the ultimate source of founder cells. Microsurgical removal of the external L-1 layer induced periclinal cell divisions and terminal differentiation in the subtending layers. In addition, no organs were initiated in areas devoid of L-1, demonstrating an important role of the L-1 in organogenesis. L-1 ablation had only local effects, an observation that is difficult to reconcile with phyllotaxis theories that invoke physical tension operating within the meristem as a whole. Finally, regeneration of L-1 cells was never observed after ablation. This shows that while the zones of the meristem show a remarkable capacity to regenerate after interference, elimination of the L-1 layer is irreparable and causes terminal differentiation.


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Leafing phenology of two dry-forest sites on soils of different depth (S = shallow, D = deep) at Shipstern Reserve, Belize, were compared at the start of the rainy season (April-June 2000). Trees greater than or equal to 2.5 cm dbh were recorded weekly for 8 wk in three 0.04-ha plots per site. Ten species were analysed individually for their phenological patterns, of which the three most common were Bursera simaruba, Metopium brownei and Jatropha gaumeri. Trees were divided into those in the canopy (> 10 cm dbh) and the subcanopy (less than or equal to 10 cm dbh). Site S had larger trees on average than site D. The proportion of trees flushing leaves at any one time was generally higher in site S than in site D, for both canopy and subcanopy trees. Leaf flush started 2 wk earlier in site S than site D for subcanopy trees, but only 0.5 wk earlier for the canopy trees. Leaf flush duration was 1.5 wk longer in site S than site D. Large trees in the subcanopy flushed leaves earlier than small ones at both sites but in the canopy just at site D. Large trees flushed leaves earlier than small ones in three species and small trees flushed leaves more rapidly in two species. Bursera and Jatropha followed the general trends but Metopium, with larger trees in site D than site S, showed the converse with onset of flushing I wk earlier in site D than site S. Differences in response of the canopy and subcanopy trees on each site can be accounted for by the predominance of spring-flushing or stem-succulent species in site S and a tendency for evergreen species to occur in site D. Early flushing of relatively larger trees in site D most likely requires access to deeper soil water reserves but small and large trees utilize stored tree water in site S.


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Vitamin A (VA) deficiency and Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP), a protein that binds retinol and retinyl esters in canine urine, might be involved in the pathogenesis of urolithiasis in dogs. In the present study, we assessed levels of retinol, retinyl esters, retinol-binding protein (RBP) and THP in plasma and urine of dogs with a history of urolithiasis (n = 25) compared with clinically healthy controls (n = 18). Plasma retinol concentrations were higher in dogs with uroliths of struvit (P < 0.01), calcium oxalate (P < 0.05), urate (P < 0.01) and cysteine, but there were no differences in the concentrations of plasma RBP and retinyl esters. Excretion of urinary retinol and retinyl esters were tentatively, but not significantly higher in the stone-forming groups, which was accompanied by increased levels of urinary RBP (P < 0.01) and lower excretions in THP (P < 0.01). The results show that VA deficiency may be excluded as a potential cause for canine urolithiasis. However, the occurrence of RBP and a concomitant reduction of THP in urine indicates a disturbed kidney function as cause or consequence of stone formation in dogs.


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A set of seven Sm proteins assemble on the Sm-binding site of spliceosomal U snRNAs to form the ring-shaped Sm core. The U7 snRNP involved in histone RNA 3' processing contains a structurally similar but biochemically unique Sm core in which two of these proteins, Sm D1 and D2, are replaced by Lsm10 and by another as yet unknown component. Here we characterize this factor, termed Lsm11, as a novel Sm-like protein with apparently two distinct functions. In vitro studies suggest that its long N-terminal part mediates an important step in histone mRNA 3'-end cleavage, most likely by recruiting a zinc finger protein previously identified as a processing factor. In contrast, the C-terminal part, which comprises two Sm motifs interrupted by an unusually long spacer, is sufficient to assemble with U7, but not U1, snRNA. Assembly of this U7-specific Sm core depends on the noncanonical Sm-binding site of U7 snRNA. Moreover, it is facilitated by a specialized SMN complex that contains Lsm10 and Lsm11 but lacks Sm D1/D2. Thus, the U7-specific Lsm11 protein not only specifies the assembly of the U7 Sm core but also fulfills an important role in U7 snRNP-mediated histone mRNA processing.


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IgG autoantibodies against the alpha-chain of the high affinity IgE receptor are claimed to play a pathogenetic role in autoimmune urticaria. The best methods for detection of functional autoantibodies are currently the autologous serum skin test and the basophil histamine release assay. A simplified and feasible screening test would facilitate the diagnosis of autoimmune urticaria. Here we offer an explanation for the difficulties in establishing a screening test for autoantibodies directed against the alpha-chain of the high affinity IgE receptor in autoimmune urticaria. Identical autoantibodies in chronic urticaria patients and healthy donors belonging to the natural autoantibody repertoire were found by sequence analysis of anti-alpha-chain autoantibodies isolated by repertoire cloning from antibody libraries. These natural autoantibodies bound to the receptor and triggered histamine release but only if IgE was previously removed from the receptor. Diagnostic assays used for detection of antibodies directed against the IgE receptor may require signal comparison with and without the artificial removal of IgE, immune complexes, and complement in order to avoid false positive or negative results. After IgE removal diagnostic tests will detect natural autoantibodies against the high affinity IgE receptor regardless of whether they are pathogenic or not.


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Climatic relationships were established in two 210Pb dated pollen sequences from small mires closely surrounded by forest just below actual forest limits (but about 300 m below potential climatic forest limits) in the northern Swiss Alps (suboceanic in climate; mainly with Picea) and the central Swiss Alps (subcontinental; mainly Pinus cembra and Larix) at annual or near-annual resolution from ad 1901 to 1996. Effects of vegetational succession were removed by splitting the time series into early and late periods and by linear detrending. Both pollen concentrations detrended by the depth-age model and modified percentages (in which counts of dominant pollen types are down-weighted) are correlated by simple linear regression with smoothed climatic parameters with one-and two-year timelags, including average monthly and April/September daylight air temperatures and with seasonal and annual precipitation sums. Results from detrended pollen concentrations suggest that peat accumulation is favoured in the northern-Alpine mire either by early snowmelt or by summer precipitation, but in the central-Alpine mire by increased precipitation and cooler summers, suggesting a position of the northern-Alpine mire near the upper altitudinal limit of peat formation, but of the central-Alpine mire near the lower limit. Results from modified pollen percentages indicate that pollen pro duction by plants growing near their upper altitudinal limit is limited by insufficient warmth in summer, and pollen production by plants growing near their lower altitudinal limit is limited by too-high temperatures. Only weakly significant pollen/climate relationships were found for Pinus cembra and Larix, probably because they experience little climatic stress growing 300 m below the potential climatic forest limit.