13 resultados para ß-cell precursors
em BORIS: Bern Open Repository and Information System - Berna - Suiça
Agrin, an extracellular matrix protein belonging to the heterogeneous family of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), is expressed by cells of the hematopoietic system but its role in leukocyte biology is not yet clear. Here we demonstrate that agrin has a crucial, nonredundant role in myeloid cell development and functions. We have identified lineage-specific alterations that affect maturation, survival and properties of agrin-deficient monocytic cells, and occur at stages later than stem cell precursors. Our data indicate that the cell-autonomous signals delivered by agrin are sensed by macrophages through the α-DC (DG) receptor and lead to the activation of signaling pathways resulting in rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton during the phagocytic synapse formation and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk 1/2). Altogether, these data identify agrin as a novel player of innate immunity.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by the accumulation of immature blood cell precursors in the bone marrow. Pharmacologically overcoming the differentiation block in this condition is an attractive therapeutic avenue, which has achieved success only in a subtype of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Attempts to emulate this success in other AML subtypes have thus far been unsuccessful. Autophagy is a conserved protein degradation pathway with important roles in mammalian cell differentiation, particularly within the hematopoietic system. In the study described here, we investigated the functional importance of autophagy in APL cell differentiation. We found that autophagy is increased during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced granulocytic differentiation of the APL cell line NB4 and that this is associated with increased expression of LC3II and GATE-16 proteins involved in autophagosome formation. Autophagy inhibition, using either drugs (chloroquine/3-methyladenine) or short-hairpin RNA targeting the essential autophagy gene ATG7, attenuates myeloid differentiation. Importantly, we found that enhancing autophagy promotes ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation of an ATRA-resistant derivative of the non-APL AML HL60 cell line (HL60-Diff-R). These data support the development of strategies to stimulate autophagy as a novel approach to promote differentiation in AML.
BACKGROUND: Stem cells with the ability to form clonal floating colonies (spheres) were recently isolated from the neonatal murine spiral ganglion. To further examine the features of inner ear-derived neural stem cells and their derivatives, we investigated the effects of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a neurokine that has been shown to promote self-renewal of other neural stem cells and to affect neural and glial cell differentiation. RESULTS: LIF-treatment led to a dose-dependent increase of the number of neurons and glial cells in cultures of sphere-derived cells. Based on the detection of developmental and progenitor cell markers that are maintained in LIF-treated cultures and the increase of cycling nestin-positive progenitors, we propose that LIF maintains a pool of neural progenitor cells. We further provide evidence that LIF increases the number of nestin-positive progenitor cells directly in a cell cycle-independent fashion, which we interpret as an acceleration of neurogenesis in sphere-derived progenitors. This effect is further enhanced by an anti-apoptotic action of LIF. Finally, LIF and the neurotrophins BDNF and NT3 additively promote survival of stem cell-derived neurons. CONCLUSION: Our results implicate LIF as a powerful tool to control neural differentiation and maintenance of stem cell-derived murine spiral ganglion neuron precursors. This finding could be relevant in cell replacement studies with animal models featuring spiral ganglion neuron degeneration. The additive effect of the combination of LIF and BDNF/NT3 on stem cell-derived neuronal survival is similar to their effect on primary spiral ganglion neurons, which puts forward spiral ganglion-derived neurospheres as an in vitro model system to study aspects of auditory neuron development.
Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive tumour following a multistep progression model through precursors called pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN). Identification of reliable prognostic markers would help in improving survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the role as well as the prognostic significance of different cell cycle and proliferation markers, namely p21, p27, p53 and Ki-67, in pancreatic carcinogenesis.
The plasma membrane constitutes a barrier that maintains the essential differences between the cytosol and the extracellular environment. Plasmalemmal injury is a common event during the life of many cells that often leads to their premature, necrotic death. Blebbing - a display of plasmalemmal protrusions - is a characteristic feature of injured cells. In this study, we disclose a previously unknown role for blebbing in furnishing resistance to plasmalemmal injury. Blebs serve as precursors for injury-induced intracellular compartments that trap damaged segments of the plasma membrane. Hence, loss of cytosol and the detrimental influx of extracellular constituents are confined to blebs that are sealed off from the cell body by plugs of annexin A1 - a Ca(2+)- and membrane-binding protein. Our findings shed light on a fundamental process that contributes to the survival of injured cells. By targeting annexin A1/blebbing, new therapeutic approaches could be developed to avert the necrotic loss of cells in a variety of human pathologies.
The scope of this work was to examine in vitro responses of lung cells to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles, under realistic ambient air and physiological conditions occurring when particles are inhaled by mammals, using a novel particle deposition chamber. The cell cultures included cell types that are representative for the inner surface of airways and alveoli and are the target cells for inhaled particles. The results demonstrate that an exposure to SOA at ambient-air concentrations of about 10(4) particles/cm(3) for 2 h leads to only moderate cellular responses. There is evidence for (i) cell type specific effects and for (ii) different effects of SOA originating from anthropogenic and biogenic precursors, i.e. 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (TMB) and alpha-pinene, respectively. There was no indication for cytotoxic effects but for subtle changes in cellular functions that are essential for lung homeostasis. Decreased phagocytic activity was found in human macrophages exposed to SOA from alpha-pinene. Alveolar epithelial wound repair was affected by TMB-SOA exposure, mainly because of altered cell spreading and migration at the edge of the wound. In addition, cellular responses were found to correlate with particle number concentration, as interleukin-8 production was increased in pig explants exposed to TMB-SOA with high particle numbers.
Cancer most probably originates from stem/progenitor cells and exhibits a similar cell hierarchy as normal tissues. Moreover, there is growing evidence that only the stem cells are capable of metastasis formation. We have previously shown that overexpression of a dominant negative ephrin-B2 mutant interferes with mammary gland differentiation and confers a metastatic phenotype to NeuT-induced mammary tumors with an increase in cells with stem/progenitor characteristics. To investigate the role of ephrin-B2 in the control of the mammary stem cell niche, we analyzed the mammary stem and progenitor cell populations in transgenic mice overexpressing the mutant ephrin-B2. Quantification by FACS analysis revealed a significant increase of cells in the basal/alveolar cell-, the bi-potent progenitor- and the stem cell-enriched fractions. Moreover, the supposed precursors of estrogen receptor-positive cells were elevated in the stem cell-enriched fraction. In contrast, the epithelium from transgenic mice overexpressing the native ephrin-B2 gene showed an augmentation of the luminal cell- and the bi-potent progenitor-enriched fractions. Repopulation assays revealed that the epithelial cells of truncated ephrin-B2 transgenic epithelial cells have a higher regeneration capacity than those of controls and of native ephrin-B2 transgenic mice, confirming the augmentation of stem cells. Morphologically, these outgrowths exhibited impaired basal/luminal compartmentalization and epithelial polarization. These results demonstrate that deregulated ephrin-B2 expression interferes with the regulation of the stem cell niche and leads to a shift of the differentiation pathway and may thereby contribute to the acquisition of the metastatic phenotype long before carcinogenic growth becomes apparent.
Current methods to characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are limited to CD marker expression, plastic adherence and their ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. It seems evident that stem cells undergoing differentiation should differ in many aspects, such as morphology and possibly also behaviour; however, such a correlation has not yet been exploited for fate prediction of MSCs. Primary human MSCs from bone marrow were expanded and pelleted to form high-density cultures and were then randomly divided into four groups to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic chondrogenic and myogenic progenitor cells. The cells were expanded as heterogeneous and tracked with time-lapse microscopy to record cell shape, using phase-contrast microscopy. The cells were segmented using a custom-made image-processing pipeline. Seven morphological features were extracted for each of the segmented cells. Statistical analysis was performed on the seven-dimensional feature vectors, using a tree-like classification method. Differentiation of cells was monitored with key marker genes and histology. Cells in differentiation media were expressing the key genes for each of the three pathways after 21 days, i.e. adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic, which was also confirmed by histological staining. Time-lapse microscopy data were obtained and contained new evidence that two cell shape features, eccentricity and filopodia (= 'fingers') are highly informative to classify myogenic differentiation from all others. However, no robust classifiers could be identified for the other cell differentiation paths. The results suggest that non-invasive automated time-lapse microscopy could potentially be used to predict the stem cell fate of hMSCs for clinical application, based on morphology for earlier time-points. The classification is challenged by cell density, proliferation and possible unknown donor-specific factors, which affect the performance of morphology-based approaches. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. The presence of circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients with myeloproliferative diseases (MPD) has been described. However, the exact nature of such progenitor cells has not been specified until now. The aim of this work was to investigate the presence of endothelial precursor cells in the blood of patients with MPD and to assess the role of the endothelial cell lineage in the pathophysiology of this disease. DESIGN AND METHODS. Endothelial progenitor cell marker expression (CD34, prominin (CD133), kinase insert domain receptor (KDR) or vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), and von Willebrand factor) was assessed in the blood of 53 patients with MPD by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Clonogenic stem cell assays were performed with progenitor cells and monocytes to assess differentiation towards the endothelial cell lineage. The patients' were divided according to whether they had essential thrombocythemia (ET, n=17), polycythemia vera (PV, n=21) or chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF, n=15) and their data compared with data from normal controls (n=16) and patients with secondary thrombo- or erythrocytosis (n=17). RESULTS. Trafficking of CD34-positive cells was increased above the physiological level in 4/17 patients with ET, 5/21 patients with PV and 13/15 patients with CIMF. A subset of patients with CIMF co-expressed the markers CD34, prominin (CD133) and KDR, suggesting the presence of endothelial precursors among the circulating progenitor cells. Clonogenic stem cell assays confirmed differentiation towards both the hematopoietic and the endothelial cell lineage in 5/10 patients with CIMF. Furthermore, the molecular markers trisomy 8 and JAK2 V617F were found in the grown endothelial cells of patients positive for trisomy 8 or JAK2 V617F in the peripheral blood, confirming the common clonal origin of both hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS. Endothelial precursor cells are increased in the blood of a subset of patients with CIMF, and peripheral endothelial cells bear the same molecular markers as hematopoietic cells, suggesting a primary role of pathological endothelial cells in this disease.
Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) is a recently introduced, indolent neoplasm composed of diminutive circular aggregates of neurocytic-like cells on a noninfiltrative astrocytic background, typically located in the cerebellar midline The traded concept of RGNT being derived from site-specific periventricular precursors may be questioned in the face of extracerebellar examples as well as ones occurring in combination with other representatives of the glioneuronal family. We describe a hitherto not documented example of asymptomatic RGNT discovered during autopsy of a 74-year-old male. Located in the tuberal vermis, this lesion of 6 mm diameter consisted of several microscopic nests of what were felt to represent nascent stages of RGNT, all of them centered on the internal granular layer, and ranging from mucoid dehiscences thereof to fully evolved - if small - tumor foci. Molecular genetic analysis revealed a missense mutation in Exon 20 of the PIK3CA gene involving an A→G transition at Nucleotide 3140. On the other hand, neither codeletion of chromosomes 1p/19q nor pathogenic mutations of IDH1/2 were detected. By analogy with in situ paradigms in other organs, we propose that this tumor is likely to have arisen from the internal granular layer, rather than the plate of the 4th ventricle. A suggestive departure from the wholesale argument of "undifferentiated precursors", this finding also indirectly indicates that a subset of non-classical RGNTs - in particular extracerebellar examples, whose origin cannot be mechanistically accounted for by either of the above structures - may possibly reflect an instance of phenotypic convergence, rather than a lineage-restricted entity.
The stromal scaffold of the lymph node (LN) paracortex is built by fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs). Conditional ablation of lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) expression in LN FRCs and their mesenchymal progenitors in developing LNs revealed that LTβR-signaling in these cells was not essential for the formation of LNs. Although T cell zone reticular cells had lost podoplanin expression, they still formed a functional conduit system and showed enhanced expression of myofibroblastic markers. However, essential immune functions of FRCs, including homeostatic chemokine and interleukin-7 expression, were impaired. These changes in T cell zone reticular cell function were associated with increased susceptibility to viral infection. Thus, myofibroblasic FRC precursors are able to generate the basic T cell zone infrastructure, whereas LTβR-dependent maturation of FRCs guarantees full immunocompetence and hence optimal LN function during infection.
Whisker follicles have multiple stem cell niches, including epidermal stem cells in the bulge as well as neural crest-derived stem cells and mast cell progenitors in the trabecular region. The neural crest-derived stem cells are a pool of melanocyte precursors. Previously, we found that the extracellular matrix glycoproteins tenascin-C and tenascin-W are expressed near CD34-positive cells in the trabecular stem cell niche of mouse whisker follicles. Here, we analyzed whiskers from tenascin-C knockout mice and found intrafollicular adipocytes and supernumerary mast cells. As Wnt/β-catenin signaling promotes melanogenesis and suppresses the differentiation of adipocytes and mast cells, we analyzed β-catenin subcellular localization in the trabecular niche. We found cytoplasmic and nuclear β-catenin in wild-type mice reflecting active Wnt/β-catenin signaling, whereas β-catenin in tenascin-C knockout mice was mostly cell membrane-associated and thus transcriptionally inactive. Furthermore, cells expressing the Wnt/β-catenin target gene cyclin D1 were enriched in the CD34-positive niches of wild-type compared to tenascin-C knockout mice. We then tested the effects of tenascins on this signaling pathway. We found that tenascin-C and tenascin-W can be co-precipitated with Wnt3a. In vitro, substrate bound tenascins promoted β-catenin-mediated transcription in the presence of Wnt3a, presumably due to the sequestration and concentration of Wnt3a near the cell surface. We conclude that the presence of tenascin-C in whiskers assures active Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the niche thereby maintaining the stem cell pool and suppressing aberrant differentiation, while in the knockout mice with reduced Wnt/β-catenin signaling, stem cells from the trabecular niche can differentiate into ectopic adipocytes and mast cells.
The lifespan of plants ranges from a few weeks in annuals to thousands of years in trees. It is hard to explain such extreme longevity considering that DNA replication errors inevitably cause mutations. Without purging through meiotic recombination, the accumulation of somatic mutations will eventually result in mutational meltdown, a phenomenon known as Muller’s ratchet. Nevertheless, the lifespan of trees is limited more often by incidental disease or structural damage than by genetic aging. The key determinants of tree architecture are the axillary meristems, which form in the axils of leaves and grow out to form branches. The number of branches is low in annual plants, but in perennial plants iterative branching can result in thousands of terminal branches. Here, we use stem cell ablation and quantitative cell-lineage analysis to show that axillary meristems are set aside early, analogous to the metazoan germline. While neighboring cells divide vigorously, axillary meristem precursors maintain a quiescent state, with only 7–9 cell divisions occurring between the apical and axillary meristem. During iterative branching, the number of branches increases exponentially, while the number of cell divisions increases linearly. Moreover, computational modeling shows that stem cell arrangement and positioning of axillary meristems distribute somatic mutations around the main shoot, preventing their fixation and maximizing genetic heterogeneity. These features slow down Muller’s ratchet and thereby extend lifespan.