229 resultados para Fight Sport
Physical fitness can be evaluated in competitive and school sports with different field tests under different conditions and goals. To produce valid results, a field test must be practical and reach high standards of test criteria (objectivity, reliability, validity). The purpose of this study was to investigate the test criteria and the practicability of a group of field tests called «SUISSE Sport Test Konzept Basis Feldtestbatterie». For 20-m sprint, ventral trunk muscle test, standing long jump, 2-kg medicine ball shot, obstacle course and cooper-test, test quality and practicability were evaluated. 221 children and adolescents from competitive sports and different school levels took part in the study. According to school level, they were divided into 3 groups (P: 7–11.5 y, S1: 11.6–15.5 y, S2: 15.6–21.8 y). Objectivity was tested for time or distance measurement in all tests as well as for error rating in obstacle test. For reliability measurement, 162 subjects performed the field tests twice within a few weeks. For validity results of standing long jump were compared with counter movement jump performance on a force plate. Correlation analysis was performed and level of significance was set for p < 0.05. For accuracy standard error was calculated. All tests achieved sufficient to excellent objectiv - ity with correlation-coefficient (r) lying between 0.85 and 0.99. Reliability was very good (r = 0.84–0.97). In cooper- and trunk test, reliability was higher for athletes than for pupils (trunk test: r = 0.95 vs. r = 0.62, cooper-test: r = 0.90 vs. r = 0.78). In those tests the reliability decreases with increasing age (cooper-test: P: r = 0.84, S1: r = 0.69, S2: r = 0.52; trunk-test: P: r = 0.69, S1: r = 0.71; S2: r = 0.39). Validity for standing long jump was good (r = 0.75–0.86). The standard error of the mean was between 4–8%, with the exception for cooper-test (athletes: 6%, pupils: 11%) and trunk test (athletes: 14%, pupils: 46%). The results show that the evaluated group of field tests is a practicable, objective and reliable tool to determine physical skills in young athletes as well as in a scholar setting over a broad age range. Most of the tests achieved the test criteria with the grades good to excellent. The lower coefficient of reliability for cooper- and trunk test by the pupils could be explained by motivational problems in this setting. For up to 20 subjects, a tester can accomplish the tests within 3 h. Finally, age-dependent grades were elaborated
Sportliche Aktivitäten sind in vielfältiger Art und Weise in sozial strukturierte Handlungssituationen eingebettet und institutionalisiert. Dabei sind soziale Strukturen des Sports in Form von Regeln, Normen, Werten und Rollen für das sportliche Handeln von wichtiger Bedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich folgende Fragen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven: Wie erwerben Menschen im Sport soziale Handlungsfähigkeit und Rollensicherheit, die sozial konformes und gleichzeitig eigenständiges Handeln ermöglichen? Inwieweit lassen sich die im Sport erworbenen sozialen Kompetenzen, Handlungsorientierungen und Werte auch auf andere Bereiche übertragen? Von welchen sozialen Faktoren ist der Zugang zu gruppenbezogenen Sportaktivitäten abhängig? Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthält alle Abstracts zu den Hauptvorträgen sowie den Vorträgen aus den Arbeitskreisen der Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportsoziologie in Kooperation mit der Sektion Sportpädagogik, die vom 17.-19. September 2008 in Chemnitz stattfand. Der Band gibt damit einen umfassenden Überblick zur aktuellen Diskussion der sportbezogenen Sozialisationsforschung.