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In this article, we develop the a priori and a posteriori error analysis of hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for strongly monotone quasi-Newtonian fluid flows in a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ ℝd, d = 2, 3. In the latter case, computable upper and lower bounds on the error are derived in terms of a natural energy norm, which are explicit in the local mesh size and local polynomial degree of the approximating finite element method. A series of numerical experiments illustrate the performance of the proposed a posteriori error indicators within an automatic hp-adaptive refinement algorithm.
Article preview View full access options BoneKEy Reports | Review Print Email Share/bookmark Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength Philippe K Zysset, Enrico Dall'Ara, Peter Varga & Dieter H Pahr Affiliations Corresponding author BoneKEy Reports (2013) 2, Article number: 386 (2013) doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.120 Received 03 January 2013 Accepted 25 June 2013 Published online 07 August 2013 Article tools Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Abstract Abstract• References• Author information Finite element (FE) analysis has been applied for the past 40 years to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone. Although several validation studies have been performed on specific anatomical sites and load cases, this study aims to review the predictability of human bone strength at the three major osteoporotic fracture sites quantified in recently completed in vitro studies at our former institute. Specifically, the performance of FE analysis based on clinical computer tomography (QCT) is compared with the ones of the current densitometric standards, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and areal BMD (aBMD). Clinical fractures were produced in monotonic axial compression of the distal radii, vertebral sections and in side loading of the proximal femora. QCT-based FE models of the three bones were developed to simulate as closely as possible the boundary conditions of each experiment. For all sites, the FE methodology exhibited the lowest errors and the highest correlations in predicting the experimental bone strength. Likely due to the improved CT image resolution, the quality of the FE prediction in the peripheral skeleton using high-resolution peripheral CT was superior to that in the axial skeleton with whole-body QCT. Because of its projective and scalar nature, the performance of aBMD in predicting bone strength depended on loading mode and was significantly inferior to FE in axial compression of radial or vertebral sections but not significantly inferior to FE in side loading of the femur. Considering the cumulated evidence from the published validation studies, it is concluded that FE models provide the most reliable surrogates of bone strength at any of the three fracture sites.
The planning of refractive surgical interventions is a challenging task. Numerical modeling has been proposed as a solution to support surgical intervention and predict the visual acuity, but validation on patient specific intervention is missing. The purpose of this study was to validate the numerical predictions of the post-operative corneal topography induced by the incisions required for cataract surgery. The corneal topography of 13 patients was assessed preoperatively and postoperatively (1-day and 30-day follow-up) with a Pentacam tomography device. The preoperatively acquired geometric corneal topography – anterior, posterior and pachymetry data – was used to build patient-specific finite element models. For each patient, the effects of the cataract incisions were simulated numerically and the resulting corneal surfaces were compared to the clinical postoperative measurements at one day and at 30-days follow up. Results showed that the model was able to reproduce experimental measurements with an error on the surgically induced sphere of 0.38D one day postoperatively and 0.19D 30 days postoperatively. The standard deviation of the surgically induced cylinder was 0.54D at the first postoperative day and 0.38D 30 days postoperatively. The prediction errors in surface elevation and curvature were below the topography measurement device accuracy of ±5μm and ±0.25D after the 30-day follow-up. The results showed that finite element simulations of corneal biomechanics are able to predict post cataract surgery within topography measurement device accuracy. We can conclude that the numerical simulation can become a valuable tool to plan corneal incisions in cataract surgery and other ophthalmosurgical procedures in order to optimize patients' refractive outcome and visual function.
OBJECTIVES: To characterize Tn6198, a novel conjugative transposon from the clinical Listeria monocytogenes strain TTH-2007, which contains the tetracycline and trimethoprim resistance genes tet(M) and dfrG, respectively, and to assess its transferability in vitro and in situ. METHODS: The complete sequence of Tn6198 was determined using a primer walking strategy. Horizontal gene transfer studies were performed by filter matings, as well as on the surface of smear-ripened cheese and smoked salmon. The presence of Tn916-like circular intermediates was determined by PCR. Antibiotic resistance was determined by the broth microdilution method and microarray hybridization. RESULTS: Sequencing of Tn6198 revealed that a 3.3 kb fragment containing dfrG was integrated between open reading frames 23 and 24 of Tn916. Furthermore, an additional copy of Tn916 was present in L. monocytogenes TTH-2007. Both elements were transferred simultaneously and separately in vitro to recipients L. monocytogenes 10403S and Enterococcus faecalis JH2-2 by conjugation, resulting in either tetracycline- and trimethoprim-resistant or solely tetracycline-resistant transconjugants. On the surface of cheese and salmon, only L. monocytogenes 10403S transconjugants were detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first Tn916-like element associated with a trimethoprim resistance gene, as well as the first fully characterized transposon conferring multidrug resistance in L. monocytogenes. This is of concern, as trimethoprim is administered to listeriosis patients with β-lactam allergy and as Tn6198 has a large potential for dissemination, indicated by both intra-species and inter-genus transfer.
Camels are the most valuable livestock species in the Horn of Africa and play a pivotal role in the nutritional sustainability for millions of people. Their health status is therefore of utmost importance for the people living in this region. Streptococcus agalactiae, a Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is an important camel pathogen. Here we present the first epidemiological study based on genetic and phenotypic data from African camel derived GBS. Ninety-two GBS were characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), capsular polysaccharide typing and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing. We analysed the GBS using Bayesian linkage, phylogenetic and minimum spanning tree analyses and compared them with human GBS from East Africa in order to investigate the level of genetic exchange between GBS populations in the region. Camel GBS sequence types (STs) were distinct from other STs reported so far. We mapped specific STs and capsular types to major disease complexes caused by GBS. Widespread resistance (34%) to tetracycline was associated with acquisition of the tetM gene that is carried on a Tn916-like element, and observed primarily among GBS isolated from mastitis. The presence of tetM within different MLST clades suggests acquisition on multiple occasions. Wound infections and mastitis in camels associated with GBS are widespread and should ideally be treated with antimicrobials other than tetracycline in East Africa.
Genetic characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) from Thailand and Israel revealed the presence of a predominant atypical clonal lineage which was not typeable by SmaI-PFGE and SCCmec typing. All the atypical isolates (n = 34) belonged to CC45 (30 ST45 and 2 ST179 isolates, 1 ST57 isolate, and 1 ST85 isolate). The isolates originated from healthy and diseased dogs and cats, as well as from the environment of one clinic. Cfr9I-pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (Cfr9I-PFGE) and dru typing permitted the further distinction of CC45 isolates from the two different countries. Microarray analysis identified genes that confer resistance to β-lactams (mecA; blaZ), aminoglycosides [aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia; aph(3')-III; ant(6)-Ia], macrolides and lincosamides [erm(B)], tetracyclines [tet(M)], trimethoprim [dfr(G)], streptothricin (sat4), and chloramphenicol (catpC221). Fluoroquinolone resistance was attributed to specific amino acid substitutions, i.e., Ser84Leu in GyrA and Ser80Ile and Asp84Asn in GrlA. A novel pseudo-staphylococcal cassette chromosome (ΨSCCmec57395) element was identified in MRSP strain 57395 (sequence type ST45) by whole-genome sequencing. The 12,282-bp ΨSCCmec57395 element contained a class C1 mec gene complex but no ccr genes. In addition to the methicillin resistance gene mecA, ΨSCCmec57395 also carried determinants of resistance to heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, and copper. Bsu36I restriction analysis of the ΨSCCmec57395 element amplified by long-range PCR revealed the presence of ΨSCCmec57395 in the 33 additional isolates of MRSP CC45. The ΨSCCmec57395 element represents a new class of SCCmec and has been identified in MRSP of CC45, which is a predominant clonal lineage in Israel and Thailand.
The outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Great Britain in 2001 let to discussions and especially emergency vaccination was deemed as an alternative to the culling of vast numbers of healthy animals. The project emergency vaccination for FMD in Switzerland was conducted to compare the effectiveness of conventional control strategies during a FMD outbreak alone and with ring vaccination of 3 km and 10 km, respectively. The results of this project showed that emergency vaccination conducted at the beginning of an epidemic was not favorable compared to conventional disease control strategy in Switzerland. In case of an advanced FMD epidemic, a 10 km ring vaccination could support the disease control in a positive way. However, the goal of emergency vaccination to save animal live can hardly be achieved due to actual legal basis and the consequent restriction measures within vaccination zones which will lead to welfare culling.
Background Finite element models of augmented vertebral bodies require a realistic modelling of the cement infiltrated region. Most methods published so far used idealized cement shapes or oversimplified material models for the augmented region. In this study, an improved, anatomy-specific, homogenized finite element method was developed and validated to predict the apparent as well as the local mechanical behavior of augmented vertebral bodies. Methods Forty-nine human vertebral body sections were prepared by removing the cortical endplates and scanned with high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT before and after injection of a standard and a low-modulus bone cement. Forty-one specimens were tested in compression to measure stiffness, strength and contact pressure distributions between specimens and loading-plates. From the remaining eight, fourteen cylindrical specimens were extracted from the augmented region and tested in compression to obtain material properties. Anatomy-specific finite element models were generated from the CT data. The models featured element-specific, density-fabric-based material properties, damage accumulation, real cement distributions and experimentally determined material properties for the augmented region. Apparent stiffness and strength as well as contact pressure distributions at the loading plates were compared between simulations and experiments. Findings The finite element models were able to predict apparent stiffness (R2 > 0.86) and apparent strength (R2 > 0.92) very well. Also, the numerically obtained pressure distributions were in reasonable quantitative (R2 > 0.48) and qualitative agreement with the experiments. Interpretation The proposed finite element models have proven to be an accurate tool for studying the apparent as well as the local mechanical behavior of augmented vertebral bodies.
The scaphoid is the most frequently fractured carpal bone. When investigating fixation stability, which may influence healing, knowledge of forces and moments acting on the scaphoid is essential. The aim of this study was to evaluate cartilage contact forces acting on the intact scaphoid in various functional wrist positions using finite element modeling. A novel methodology was utilized as an attempt to overcome some limitations of earlier studies, namely, relatively coarse imaging resolution to assess geometry, assumption of idealized cartilage thicknesses and neglected cartilage pre-stresses in the unloaded joint. Carpal bone positions and articular cartilage geometry were obtained independently by means of high resolution CT imaging and incorporated into finite element (FE) models of the human wrist in eight functional positions. Displacement driven FE analyses were used to resolve inter-penetration of cartilage layers, and provided contact areas, forces and pressure distribution for the scaphoid bone. The results were in the range reported by previous studies. Novel findings of this study were: (i) cartilage thickness was found to be heterogeneous for each bone and vary considerably between carpal bones; (ii) this heterogeneity largely influenced the FE results and (iii) the forces acting on the scaphoid in the unloaded wrist were found to be significant. As major limitations, accuracy of the method was found to be relatively low, and the results could not be compared to independent experiments. The obtained results will be used in a following study to evaluate existing and recently developed screws used to fix scaphoid fractures.
High-resolution quantitative computed tomography (HRQCT)-based analysis of spinal bone density and microstructure, finite element analysis (FEA), and DXA were used to investigate the vertebral bone status of men with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO). DXA of L1–L3 and total hip, QCT of L1–L3, and HRQCT of T12 were available for 73 men (54.6±14.0years) with GIO. Prevalent vertebral fracture status was evaluated on radiographs using a semi-quantitative (SQ) score (normal=0 to severe fracture=3), and the spinal deformity index (SDI) score (sum of SQ scores of T4 to L4 vertebrae). Thirty-one (42.4%) subjects had prevalent vertebral fractures. Cortical BMD (Ct.BMD) and thickness (Ct.Th), trabecular BMD (Tb.BMD), apparent trabecular bone volume fraction (app.BV/TV), and apparent trabecular separation (app.Tb.Sp) were analyzed by HRQCT. Stiffness and strength of T12 were computed by HRQCT-based nonlinear FEA for axial compression, anterior bending and axial torsion. In logistic regressions adjusted for age, glucocorticoid dose and osteoporosis treatment, Tb.BMD was most closely associated with vertebral fracture status (standardized odds ratio [sOR]: Tb.BMD T12: 4.05 [95% CI: 1.8–9.0], Tb.BMD L1–L3: 3.95 [1.8–8.9]). Strength divided by cross-sectional area for axial compression showed the most significant association with spine fracture status among FEA variables (2.56 [1.29–5.07]). SDI was best predicted by a microstructural model using Ct.Th and app.Tb.Sp (r2=0.57, p<0.001). Spinal or hip DXA measurements did not show significant associations with fracture status or severity. In this cross-sectional study of males with GIO, QCT, HRQCT-based measurements and FEA variables were superior to DXA in discriminating between patients of differing prevalent vertebral fracture status. A microstructural model combining aspects of cortical and trabecular bone reflected fracture severity most accurately.