72 resultados para geologia micropaleontologia foraminiferi torbiditi HAT


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This article responds to Gottfried Hagen’s extensive review (see Der Islam 2/2013) of my book Islamische Verantwortungsethik im 17. Jahrhundert. Ein weberianisches Verständnis der Handlungsvorstellungen Kātib Čelebis (1609– 1657). Whilst I benefitted greatly from some of Hagen’s critical remarks and his- torical elucidations, his review not only misstates crucial passages of my book but also largely disregards its main objective, which is to develop a systematic model for understanding Kātib Čelebi’s ethical stance. Besides reiterating cru- cial arguments ignored and rectifying central aspects misrepresented in Hagen’s review, I here ask how the more fundamental misunderstandings – exceeding differences in theoretical positions or empirical observations – between the au- thor’s intentions and the reviewer’s reception may be explained. Gottfried Hagen’s historiographical perspective on Kātib Čelebi diverges from my sociological take on the same subject matter to the extent that both perspectives are struggling to enter into dialogue. Such dialogue, however, remains highly desirable so as to complement a historical reconstruction of Kātib Čelebi’s life and times with a systematic, theoretically grounded understanding of his views.


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Spreading the PSF over a quite large amount of pixels is an increasingly used observing technique in order to reach extremely precise photometry, such as in the case of exoplanets searching and characterization via transits observations. A PSF top-hat profile helps to minimize the errors contribution due to the uncertainty on the knowledge of the detector flat field. This work has been carried out during the recent design study in the framework of the ESA small mission CHEOPS. Because of lack of perfect flat-fielding information, in the CHEOPS optics it is required to spread the light of a source into a well defined angular area, in a manner as uniform as possible. Furthermore this should be accomplished still retaining the features of a true focal plane onto the detector. In this way, for instance, the angular displacement on the focal plane is fully retained and in case of several stars in a field these look as separated as their distance is larger than the spreading size. An obvious way is to apply a defocus, while the presence of an intermediate pupil plane in the Back End Optics makes attractive to introduce here an optical device that is able to spread the light in a well defined manner, still retaining the direction of the chief ray hitting it. This can be accomplished through an holographic diffuser or through a lenslet array. Both techniques implement the concept of segmenting the pupil into several sub-zones where light is spread to a well defined angle. We present experimental results on how to deliver such PSF profile by mean of holographic diffuser and lenslet array. Both the devices are located in an intermediate pupil plane of a properly scaled laboratory setup mimicking the CHEOPS optical design configuration. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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Im Urteil Michel g. Schweiz vom 8. Juli 2014, Nr. 3235/09, wiederholt der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) einmal mehr den Grundsatz der Subsidiarität der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK). Vor Einlegung einer Beschwerde an den EGMR müssen die nationalen Rechtsbehelfe ausgeschöpft und die behaupteten Konventionsverletzungen im innerstaatlichen Beschwerdeverfahren zumindest in der Substanz («au moins en substance») gerügt werden. Die Beschwerde wurde wegen Nichterschöpfung aller innerstaatlichen Rechtsbehelfe in Anwendung von Art. 35 Abs. 1 EMRK für unzulässig erklärt.


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Die junge Generation will mitreden, ihre Stimme einbringen und ihre Ansichten äussern. Zwei von drei im Herbst 2015 erstmals Stimmberechtigte beabsichtigen, an den Wahlen teilzunehmen. Ihre politischen Überzeugungen unterscheiden sich dabei nicht grundsätzlich von denen der älteren Generationen. Dies ergab die landesweite Befragung 17-jähriger Jugendlicher, die im Auftrag der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Kinder und Jugendfragen (EKKJ) durchgeführt wurde.


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