89 resultados para CCD PHOTOMETRY
OBJECTIVES: To assess feasibility and outcomes of left atrial appendage (LAA) closure when using a patent foramen ovale (PFO) for left atrial access. Background: Because of the fear of entering the left atrium too high, using a PFO for left atrial access during LAA occlusion (LAAO) is generally discouraged. We report our single-center experience using a concomitant PFO for LAAO, thereby avoiding transseptal puncture. METHODS: LAAO was performed with local anesthesia and fluoroscopic guidance only (no echocardiography). The Amplatzer Cardiac Plug (ACP) was used in all patients. After LAAO, the PFO was closed at the same sitting, using an Amplatzer occluder through the ACP delivery sheath. Patients were discharged the same or the following day on dual antiplatelet therapy for 1-6 months, at which time a follow-up transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) was performed. RESULTS: In 49 (96%) of 51 patients (35 males, age 70.9 ± 11.9 years), LAAO was successful using the PFO for left atrial access. In one patient, a long tunnel PFO precluded LAAO, which was performed via a more caudal transseptal puncture. In a second patient, a previously inserted ASD occluder precluded LAAO, which was abandoned because of pericardial bleeding. PFO closure was successful in all patients. Follow-up TEE was performed in 43 patients 138 ± 34 days after the procedure. It showed proper sitting of both devices in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: Using a PFO for LAAO had a high success rate and could be the default access in all patients with a PFO, potentially reducing procedural complications arising from transseptal puncture.
OBJECTIVES Individual mutations in the SCN5A-encoding cardiac sodium channel alpha-subunit cause single cardiac arrhythmia disorders, but a few cause multiple distinct disorders. Here we report a family harboring an SCN5A mutation (L1821fs/10) causing a truncation of the C-terminus with a marked and complex biophysical phenotype and a corresponding variable and complex clinical phenotype with variable penetrance. METHODS AND RESULTS A 12-year-old male with congenital sick sinus syndrome (SSS), cardiac conduction disorder (CCD), and recurrent monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) had mutational analysis that identified a 4 base pair deletion (TCTG) at position 5464-5467 in exon 28 of SCN5A. The mutation was also present in six asymptomatic family members only two of which showed mild ECG phenotypes. The deletion caused a frame-shift mutation (L1821fs/10) with truncation of the C-terminus after 10 missense amino acid substitutions. When expressed in HEK-293 cells for patch-clamp study, the current density of L1821fs/10 was reduced by 90% compared with WT. In addition, gating kinetic analysis showed a 5-mV positive shift in activation, a 12-mV negative shift of inactivation and enhanced intermediate inactivation, all of which would tend to reduce peak and early sodium current. Late sodium current, however, was increased in the mutated channels. CONCLUSIONS The L1821fs/10 mutation causes the most severe disruption of SCN5A structure for a naturally occurring mutation that still produces current. It has a marked loss-of-function and unique phenotype of SSS, CCD and VT with incomplete penetrance.
OBJECTIVE The Coherex-EU Study evaluated the safety and efficacy of PFO closure utilizing novel in-tunnel PFO closure devices. BACKGROUND Transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) followed the development of transcatheter closure devices designed to patch atrial septal defects (ASDs). The Coherex FlatStent™ and FlatStent™ EF devices were designed specifically to treat PFO anatomy. METHODS A total of 95 patients with a clinical indication for PFO closure were enrolled in a prospective, multicenter first in man study at six clinical sites. Thirty-six patients received the first-generation FlatStent study device, and 57 patients received the second-generation FlatStent EF study device, which was modified based on clinical experience during the first 38 cases. Two patients enrolled to receive the first generation did not receive a device. RESULTS At 6 months post-procedure, 45% (17/38) of the intention-to-treat (ITT) cohort receiving the first-generation FlatStent device had complete closure, 26% (10/38) had a trivial residual shunt, and 29% (11/38) had a moderate to large residual shunt. In the ITT cohort receiving the second-generation FlatStent EF device, 76% (43/57) had complete closure, 12% (7/57) had a trivial shunt, and 12% had a moderate to large shunt. Five major adverse events occurred, all without sequelae. CONCLUSION This initial study of the Coherex FlatStent/FlatStent EF PFO Closure System demonstrated the potential for in-tunnel PFO closure. The in-tunnel Coherex FlatStent EF may offer an alternative to septal repair devices for PFO closure in appropriately selected patients; however, further investigation will be necessary to establish the best use of this device.
We have measured the bidirectional reflectance of analogs of dry, wet, and frozen Martian soils over a wide range of phase angles in the visible spectral range. All samples were produced from two geologic samples: the standard JSC Mars-1 soil simulant and Hawaiian basaltic sand. In a first step, experiments were conducted with the dry samples to investigate the effects of surface texture. Comparisons with results independently obtained by different teams with similar samples showed a satisfying reproducibility of the photometric measurements as well as a noticeable influence of surface textures resulting from different sample preparation procedures. In a second step, water was introduced to produce wet and frozen samples and their photometry investigated. Optical microscope images of the samples provided information about their microtexture. Liquid water, even in relatively low amount, resulted in the disappearance of the backscattering peak and the appearance of a forward-scattering peak whose intensity increases with the amount of water. Specular reflections only appeared when water was present in an amount large enough to allow water to form a film at the surface of the sample. Icy samples showed a wide variability of photometric properties depending on the physical properties of the water ice. We discuss the implications of these measurements in terms of the expected photometric behavior of the Martian surface, from equatorial to circum-polar regions. In particular, we propose some simple photometric criteria to improve the identification of wet and/or icy soils from multiple observations under different geometries.
Toll-like receptor-2 (TLR2) mediates host responses to gram-positive bacterial wall components. TLR2 function was investigated in a murine Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis model in wild-type (wt) and TLR2-deficient (TLR2(-/-)) mice. TLR2(-/-) mice showed earlier time of death than wt mice (P<.02). Plasma interleukin-6 levels and bacterial numbers in blood and peripheral organs were similar for both strains. With ceftriaxone therapy, none of the wt but 27% of the TLR2(-/-) mice died (P<.04). Beyond 3 hours after infection, TLR2(-/-) mice had higher bacterial loads in brain than did wt mice, as assessed with luciferase-tagged S. pneumoniae by means of a Xenogen-CCD (charge-coupled device) camera. After 24 h, tumor necrosis factor activity was higher in cerebrospinal fluid of TLR2(-/-) than wt mice (P<.05) and was related to increased blood-brain barrier permeability (Evans blue staining, P<.02). In conclusion, the lack of TLR2 was associated with earlier death from meningitis, which was not due to sepsis but to reduced brain bacterial clearing, followed by increased intrathecal inflammation.
During the last years the use of tracking cameras for SLR observations became less important due to the high accuracy of the predicted orbits. Upcoming new targets like satellites in eccentric orbits and space debris objects, however, require tracking cameras again. In 2013 the interline CCD camera was replaced at the Zimmerwald Observatory with a so called scientific CMOS camera. This technology promises a better performance for this application than all kinds of CCD cameras. After the comparison of the different technologies the focus will be on the integration in the Zimmerwald SLR system.
Directly imaged exoplanets are unexplored laboratories for the application of the spectral and temperature retrieval method, where the chemistry and composition of their atmospheres are inferred from inverse modeling of the available data. As a pilot study, we focus on the extrasolar gas giant HR 8799b, for which more than 50 data points are available. We upgrade our non-linear optimal estimation retrieval method to include a phenomenological model of clouds that requires the cloud optical depth and monodisperse particle size to be specified. Previous studies have focused on forward models with assumed values of the exoplanetary properties; there is no consensus on the best-fit values of the radius, mass, surface gravity, and effective temperature of HR 8799b. We show that cloud-free models produce reasonable fits to the data if the atmosphere is of super-solar metallicity and non-solar elemental abundances. Intermediate cloudy models with moderate values of the cloud optical depth and micron-sized particles provide an equally reasonable fit to the data and require a lower mean molecular weight. We report our best-fit values for the radius, mass, surface gravity, and effective temperature of HR 8799b. The mean molecular weight is about 3.8, while the carbon-to-oxygen ratio is about unity due to the prevalence of carbon monoxide. Our study emphasizes the need for robust claims about the nature of an exoplanetary atmosphere to be based on analyses involving both photometry and spectroscopy and inferred from beyond a few photometric data points, such as are typically reported for hot Jupiters.
BACKGROUND Drug eluting stents for the treatment of small vessel coronary artery disease have traditionally yielded inferior clinical outcomes compared to the use of DES in large vessels. The benefit of the second-generation Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent (R-ZES) in small vessels was examined. METHODS Two-year clinical outcomes from five combined R-ZES studies were compared between patients with small (reference vessel diameter [RVD] ≤2.5 mm; n = 1,956) and large (RVD >2.5 mm; n = 3174) vessels. RESULTS Despite a higher incidence of comorbidities in the small vessel group, there was no significant difference in target lesion failure (TLF) (10.1% vs. 8.7%; P = 0.54) at 2 years. When the subgroup of patients with diabetes was examined (n = 1,553) there was no significant difference in 2-year TLF in small compared to large vessels (11.2% vs. 11.1%; P = 0.17). Similarly, within the small vessel cohort, no significant difference was seen regarding TLF at 2 years between people with and without diabetes (11.2% vs 9.6%; P = 0.28). CONCLUSION When used for the treatment of small vessels, the R-ZES appears to provide acceptable clinical results at 2 years when compared to its performance in large vessels.
CMOS-sensors, or in general Active Pixel Sensors (APS), are rapidly replacing CCDs in the consumer camera market. Due to significant technological advances during the past years these devices start to compete with CCDs also for demanding scientific imaging applications, in particular in the astronomy community. CMOS detectors offer a series of inherent advantages compared to CCDs, due to the structure of their basic pixel cells, which each contains their own amplifier and readout electronics. The most prominent advantages for space object observations are the extremely fast and flexible readout capabilities, feasibility for electronic shuttering and precise epoch registration,and the potential to perform image processing operations on-chip and in real-time. Here, the major challenges and design drivers for ground-based and space-based optical observation strategies for objects in Earth orbit have been analyzed. CMOS detector characteristics were critically evaluated and compared with the established CCD technology, especially with respect to the above mentioned observations. Finally, we simulated several observation scenarios for ground- and space-based sensor by assuming different observation and sensor properties. We will introduce the analyzed end-to-end simulations of the ground- and spacebased strategies in order to investigate the orbit determination accuracy and its sensitivity which may result from different values for the frame-rate, pixel scale, astrometric and epoch registration accuracies. Two cases were simulated, a survey assuming a ground-based sensor to observe objects in LEO for surveillance applications, and a statistical survey with a space-based sensor orbiting in LEO observing small-size debris in LEO. The ground-based LEO survey uses a dynamical fence close to the Earth shadow a few hours after sunset. For the space-based scenario a sensor in a sun-synchronous LEO orbit, always pointing in the anti-sun direction to achieve optimum illumination conditions for small LEO debris was simulated.
A 76-year-old male patient was admitted for percutaneous left atrial appendage (LAA) closure because of chronic atrial fibrillation and a history of gastrointestinal bleeding under oral anticoagulation. The procedure was complicated by perforation of the LAA with the lobe of the closure device being placed in the pericardial space. Keeping access to the pericardial space with the delivery sheath, the LAA closure device was replaced by an atrial septal defect closure device to seal the perforation. Then the initial LAA closure device was reimplanted in a correct position. Needle pericardiocentesis was required but the subsequent course was uneventful.
Aims. 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is the target comet of the ESA’s Rosetta mission. After commissioning at the end of March 2014, the Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS) onboard Rosetta, started imaging the comet and its dust environment to investigate how they change and evolve while approaching the Sun. Methods. We focused our work on Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) orange images and Wide Angle Camera (WAC) red and visible-610 images acquired between 2014 March 23 and June 24 when the nucleus of 67P was unresolved and moving from approximately 4.3 AU to 3.8 AU inbound. During this period the 67P – Rosetta distance decreased from 5 million to 120 thousand km. Results. Through aperture photometry, we investigated how the comet brightness varies with heliocentric distance. 67P was likely already weakly active at the end of March 2014, with excess flux above that expected for the nucleus. The comet’s brightness was mostly constant during the three months of approach observations, apart from one outburst that occurred around April 30 and a second increase in flux after June 20. Coma was resolved in the profiles from mid-April. Analysis of the coma morphology suggests that most of the activity comes from a source towards the celestial north pole of the comet, but the outburst that occurred on April 30 released material in a different direction.
The CHaracterizing ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) is an ESA Small Mission whose launch is planned for the end of 2017. It is a Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a 320 mm aperture providing a FoV of 0.32 degrees, which will target nearby bright stars already known to host planets, and measure, through ultrahigh precision photometry, the radius of exo-planets, allowing to determine their composition. This paper will present the details of the AIV plan for a demonstration model of the CHEOPS Telescope with equivalent structure but different CTEs. Alignment procedures, needed GSEs and devised verification tests will be described and a path for the AIV of the flight model, which will take place at industries premises, will be sketched. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).