Brain lesions in the visual associative cortex are known to impair visual perception, i.e., the capacity to correctly perceive different aspects of the visual world, such as motion, color, or shapes. Visual perception can be influenced by non-invasive brain stimulation such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In a recently developed technique called high definition (HD) tDCS, small HD-electrodes are used instead of the sponge electrodes in the conventional approach. This is believed to achieve high focality and precision over the target area. In this paper we tested the effects of cathodal and anodal HD-tDCS over the right V5 on motion and shape perception in a single blind, within-subject, sham controlled, cross-over trial. The purpose of the study was to prove the high focality of the stimulation only over the target area. Twenty one healthy volunteers received 20 min of 2 mA cathodal, anodal and sham stimulation over the right V5 and their performance on a visual test was recorded. The results showed significant improvement in motion perception in the left hemifield after cathodal HD-tDCS, but not in shape perception. Sham and anodal HD-tDCS did not affect performance. The specific effect of influencing performance of visual tasks by modulating the excitability of the neurons in the visual cortex might be explained by the complexity of perceptual information needed for the tasks. This provokes a "noisy" activation state of the encoding neuronal patterns. We speculate that in this case cathodal HD-tDCS may focus the correct perception by decreasing global excitation and thus diminishing the "noise" below threshold.
Deep brain stimulation of different targets has been shown to drastically improve symptoms of a variety of neurological conditions. However, the occurrence of disabling side effects may limit the ability to deliver adequate amounts of current necessary to reach the maximal benefit. Computed models have suggested that reduction in electrode size and the ability to provide directional stimulation could increase the efficacy of such therapies. This has never been demonstrated in humans. In the present study, we assess the effect of directional stimulation compared to omnidirectional stimulation.
Auditory hallucinations comprise a critical domain of psychopathology in schizophrenia. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has shown promise as an intervention with both positive and negative reports. The aim of this study was to test resting-brain perfusion before treatment as a possible biological marker of response to repetitive TMS. Twenty-four medicated patients underwent resting-brain perfusion magnetic resonance imaging with arterial spin labeling (ASL) before 10 days of repetitive TMS treatment. Response was defined as a reduction in the hallucination change scale of at least 50%. Responders (n=9) were robustly differentiated from nonresponders (n=15) to repetitive TMS by the higher regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the left superior temporal gyrus (STG) (P<0.05, corrected) before treatment. Resting-brain perfusion in the left STG predicted the response to repetitive TMS in this study sample, suggesting this parameter as a possible bio-marker of response in patients with schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations. Being noninvasive and relatively easy to use, resting perfusion measurement before treatment might be a clinically relevant way to identify possible responders and nonresponders to repetitive TMS.
BACKGROUND "The feeling of being there" is one possible way to describe the phenomenon of feeling present in a virtual environment and to act as if this environment is real. One brain area, which is hypothesized to be critically involved in modulating this feeling (also called presence) is the dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), an area also associated with the control of impulsive behavior. METHODS In our experiment we applied transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to the right dlPFC in order to modulate the experience of presence while watching a virtual roller coaster ride. During the ride we also registered electro-dermal activity. Subjects also performed a test measuring impulsiveness and answered a questionnaire about their presence feeling while they were exposed to the virtual roller coaster scenario. RESULTS Application of cathodal tDCS to the right dlPFC while subjects were exposed to a virtual roller coaster scenario modulates the electrodermal response to the virtual reality stimulus. In addition, measures reflecting impulsiveness were also modulated by application of cathodal tDCS to the right dlPFC. CONCLUSION Modulating the activation with the right dlPFC results in substantial changes in responses of the vegetative nervous system and changed impulsiveness. The effects can be explained by theories discussing the top-down influence of the right dlPFC on the "impulsive system".
Recently transcranial electric stimulation (tES) has been widely used as a mean to modulate brain activity. The modulatory effects of tES have been studied with the excitability of primary motor cortex. However, tES effects are not limited to the site of stimulation but extended to other brain areas, suggesting a need for the study of functional brain networks. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) applies sinusoidal current at a specified frequency, presumably modulating brain activity in a frequency-specific manner. At a behavioural level, tACS has been confirmed to modulate behaviour, but its neurophysiological effects are still elusive. In addition, neural oscillations are considered to reflect rhythmic changes in transmission efficacy across brain networks, suggesting that tACS would provide a mean to modulate brain networks. To study neurophysiological effects of tACS, we have been developing a methodological framework by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), EEG and tACS. We have developed the optimized concurrent tACS-EEG recording protocol and powerful artefact removal method that allow us to study neurophysiological effects of tACS. We also established the concurrent tACS-TMS-EEG recording to study brain network connectivity while introducing extrinsic oscillatory activity by tACS. We show that tACS modulate brain activity in a phase-dependent manner. Our methodological advancement will open an opportunity to study causal role of oscillatory brain activity in neural transmissions in cortical brain networks.
The traditional view of a predominant inferior parietal representation of gestures has been recently challenged by neuroimaging studies demonstrating that gesture production and discrimination may critically depend on inferior frontal lobe function. The aim of the present work was therefore to investigate the effect of transient disruption of these brain sites by continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) on gesture production and recognition.
In the present multi-modal study we aimed to investigate the role of visual exploration in relation to the neuronal activity and performance during visuospatial processing. To this end, event related functional magnetic resonance imaging er-fMRI was combined with simultaneous eye tracking recording and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Two groups of twenty healthy subjects each performed an angle discrimination task with different levels of difficulty during er-fMRI. The number of fixations as a measure of visual exploration effort was chosen to predict blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes using the general linear model (GLM). Without TMS, a positive linear relationship between the visual exploration effort and the BOLD signal was found in a bilateral fronto-parietal cortical network, indicating that these regions reflect the increased number of fixations and the higher brain activity due to higher task demands. Furthermore, the relationship found between the number of fixations and the performance demonstrates the relevance of visual exploration for visuospatial task solving. In the TMS group, offline theta bursts TMS (TBS) was applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) before the fMRI experiment started. Compared to controls, TBS led to a reduced correlation between visual exploration and BOLD signal change in regions of the fronto-parietal network of the right hemisphere, indicating a disruption of the network. In contrast, an increased correlation was found in regions of the left hemisphere, suggesting an intent to compensate functionality of the disturbed areas. TBS led to fewer fixations and faster response time while keeping accuracy at the same level, indicating that subjects explored more than actually needed.
Standard methods for the estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI, time since death), based on the cooling of the corpse, are limited to about 48 h after death. As an alternative, noninvasive postmortem observation of alterations of brain metabolites by means of (1)H MRS has been suggested for an estimation of the PMI at room temperature, so far without including the effect of other ambient temperatures. In order to study the temperature effect, localized (1)H MRS was used to follow brain decomposition in a sheep brain model at four different temperatures between 4 and 26°C with repeated measurements up to 2100 h postmortem. The simultaneous determination of 25 different biochemical compounds at each measurement allowed the time courses of concentration changes to be followed. A sudden and almost simultaneous change of the concentrations of seven compounds was observed after a time span that decreased exponentially from 700 h at 4°C to 30 h at 26°C ambient temperature. As this represents, most probably, the onset of highly variable bacterial decomposition, and thus defines the upper limit for a reliable PMI estimation, data were analyzed only up to this start of bacterial decomposition. As 13 compounds showed unequivocal, reproducible concentration changes during this period while eight showed a linear increase with a slope that was unambiguously related to ambient temperature. Therefore, a single analytical function with PMI and temperature as variables can describe the time courses of metabolite concentrations. Using the inverse of this function, metabolite concentrations determined from a single MR spectrum can be used, together with known ambient temperatures, to calculate the PMI of a corpse. It is concluded that the effect of ambient temperature can be reliably included in the PMI determination by (1)H MRS.
Left-sided spatial neglect is a common neurological syndrome following right-hemispheric stroke. The presence of spatial neglect is a powerful predictor of poor rehabilitation outcome. In one influential account of spatial neglect, interhemispheric inhibition is impaired and leads to a pathological hyperactivity in the contralesional hemisphere, resulting in a biased attentional allocation towards the right hemifield. Inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation can reduce the hyperactivity of the contralesional, intact hemisphere and thereby improve spatial neglect symptoms. However, it is not known whether this improvement is also relevant to the activities of daily living during spontaneous behaviour. The primary aim of the present study was to investigate whether the repeated application of continuous theta burst stimulation trains could ameliorate spatial neglect on a quantitative measure of the activities of daily living during spontaneous behaviour. We applied the Catherine Bergego Scale, a standardized observation questionnaire that can validly and reliably detect the presence and severity of spatial neglect during the activities of daily living. Eight trains of continuous theta burst stimulation were applied over two consecutive days on the contralesional, left posterior parietal cortex in patients suffering from subacute left spatial neglect, in a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled design, which also included a control group of neglect patients without stimulation. The results showed a 37% improvement in the spontaneous everyday behaviour of the neglect patients after the repeated application of continuous theta burst stimulation. Remarkably, the improvement persisted for at least 3 weeks after stimulation. The amelioration of spatial neglect symptoms in the activities of daily living was also generally accompanied by significantly better performance in the neuropsychological tests. No significant amelioration in symptoms was observed after sham stimulation or in the control group without stimulation. These results provide Class I evidence that continuous theta burst stimulation is a viable add-on therapy in neglect rehabilitation that facilitates recovery of normal everyday behaviour.
Mapping and monitoring are believed to provide an early warning sign to determine when to stop tumor removal to avoid mechanical damage to the corticospinal tract (CST). The objective of this study was to systematically compare subcortical monopolar stimulation thresholds (1-20 mA) with direct cortical stimulation (DCS)-motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring signal abnormalities and to correlate both with new postoperative motor deficits. The authors sought to define a mapping threshold and DCS-MEP monitoring signal changes indicating a minimal safe distance from the CST.
This paper provides a theoretical assessment of the safety considerations encountered in the simultaneous use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and neurological interventions involving implanted metallic electrodes, such as electrocorticography. Metal implants are subject to magnetic forces due to fast alternating magnetic fields produced by the TMS coil. The question of whether the mechanical movement of the implants leads to irreversible damage of brain tissue is addressed by an electromagnetic simulation which quantifies the magnitude of imposed magnetic forces. The assessment is followed by a careful mechanical analysis determining the maximum tolerable force which does not cause irreversible tissue damage. Results of this investigation provide useful information on the range of TMS stimulator output powers which can be safely used in patients having metallic implants. It is shown that conventional TMS applications can be considered safe when applied on patients with typical electrode implants as the induced stress in the brain tissue remains well below the limit of tissue damage.
The ability of the brain to adjust to changing environments and to recover from damage rests on its remarkable capacity to adapt through plastic changes of underlying neural networks. We show here with an eye movement paradigm that a lifetime of plastic changes can be extended to several hours by repeated applications of theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation to the frontal eye field of the human cortex. The results suggest that repeated application of the same stimulation protocol consolidates short-lived plasticity into long-lasting changes.
The aim of the study was to compare the effect duration of two different protocols of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on saccade triggering. In four experiments, two regions (right frontal eye field (FEF) and vertex) were stimulated using a 1-Hz and a theta burst protocol (three 30Hz pulses repeated at intervals of 100ms). The same number of TMS pulses (600 pulses) was applied with stimulation strength of 80% of the resting motor threshold for hand muscles. Following stimulation the subjects repeatedly performed an oculomotor task using a modified overlap paradigm, and saccade latencies were measured over a period of 60min. The results show that both 1-Hz and theta burst stimulation had inhibitory effects on saccade triggering when applied over the FEF, but not over the vertex. One-hertz rTMS significantly increased saccade latencies over a period of about 8min. After theta burst rTMS, this effect lasted up to 30min. Furthermore, the decay of rTMS effects was protocol-specific: After 1-Hz stimulation, saccade latencies returned to a baseline level much faster than after theta burst stimulation. We speculate that these time course differences represent distinct physiological mechanisms of how TMS interacts with brain function.
Dysferlin is a muscle protein involved in cell membrane repair and its deficiency is associated with muscular dystrophy. We describe that dysferlin is also expressed in leaky endothelial cells. In the normal central nervous system (CNS), dysferlin is only present in endothelial cells of circumventricular organs. In the inflamed CNS of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) or in animals with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, dysferlin reactivity is induced in endothelial cells and the expression is associated with vascular leakage of serum proteins. In MS, dysferlin expression in endothelial cells is not restricted to vessels with inflammatory cuffs but is also present in noninflamed vessels. In addition, many blood vessels with perivascular inflammatory infiltrates lack dysferlin expression in inactive lesions or in the normal-appearing white matter. In vitro, dysferlin can be induced in endothelial cells by stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Hence, dysferlin is not only a marker for leaky brain vessels, but also reveals dissociation of perivascular inflammatory infiltrates and blood-brain barrier disturbance in multiple sclerosis.