54 resultados para Marks of origin
Clutter elimination for deep clinical optoacoustic imaging using localised vibration tagging (LOVIT)
This paper investigates a novel method which allows clutter elimination in deep optoacoustic imaging. Clutter significantly limits imaging depth in clinical optoacoustic imaging, when irradiation optics and ultrasound detector are integrated in a handheld probe for flexible imaging of the human body. Strong optoacoustic transients generated at the irradiation site obscure weak signals from deep inside the tissue, either directly by propagating towards the probe, or via acoustic scattering. In this study we demonstrate that signals of interest can be distinguished from clutter by tagging them at the place of origin with localised tissue vibration induced by the acoustic radiation force in a focused ultrasonic beam. We show phantom results where this technique allowed almost full clutter elimination and thus strongly improved contrast for deep imaging. Localised vibration tagging by means of acoustic radiation force is especially promising for integration into ultrasound systems that already have implemented radiation force elastography.
BACKGROUND: Despite its limitations, citation analysis remains one of the best currently available tools for quantifying the impact of articles. Bibliometric studies list the "best-sellers" in a single location, and they have been published frequently in many fields during recent years. The purpose of the present study was to report the qualities and characteristics of citation classics in orthopaedic knee research. METHODS: The database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was utilized for identification of articles published from 1945 to March 2014. All knee articles that had been published in sixty-five orthopaedic and twenty-nine rheumatology journals and that had been cited at least 200 times were identified. The top 100 were selected for further analysis of authorship, source journal, number of citations, citation rate (both since publication and in 2013), geographic origin, article type, and level of evidence. RESULTS: The publication dates of the 100 most-cited articles ranged from 1948 to 2007, with the greatest number of articles published in the 1980s. Citations per article ranged from 2640 to 287. All articles were published in eleven of the ninety-four journals. The leading countries of origin were the U.S. followed by the U.K. and Sweden. The two main focus areas were sports traumatology and degenerative disease. The number of citations per article was also greatest for articles published in the 1980s. Basic research articles were cited more quickly, but not more often, than clinical articles. Most articles represented Level-IV evidence, followed by Levels II, III, and I. CONCLUSIONS: This bibliometric study is likely to include a list of intellectual milestones in orthopaedic knee research. It is apparent that a high level of evidence is not mandatory for an article to gain a large number of citations. Bibliometric reports provide a reflection of the quality of cited research published in a specific field and should therefore provoke thinking within the scientific community.
The following, from the 12th OESO World Conference: Cancers of the Esophagus, includes commentaries on the clinical differences between carcinomas arising slightly above, slightly below, and within the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ); information provided by biopsies; information provided by resection specimens following neoadjuvant therapy; histologic differences existing between carcinomas arising slightly above, slightly below, and within the GEJ; differences provided by immunohistochemistry in these tumors; information given by endoscopic mucosal resection specimens; the role of esophageal pyloric gland adenomas as precursors of adenocarcinomas in the region of the cardia; the role of pancreatic metaplasia; Her2 immunoreactivity to make distinctions in the site of origin; and intestinal metaplasia limited to the cardia as a precursor of adenocarcinoma.
Milan Kundera, an intellectual born in Moravia who emigrated to France in 1975, in L’Ignorance leans on the myth of Ulysses to question contemporary realities of exile and return, nostalgia and oblivion. Does the hope of returning to the place of origin really haunt the modern émigré? To what extent does the notion of homeland still have meaning for him? And what happens when the émigré, unlike Ulysses the great nostalgic, prefers to stay with Calypso his lover rather than return to his native land and faithful wife Penelope? With some cynicism, Kundera in L’Ignorance offers scenarios of exile which desecrate and destabilize historically and culturally available standards while allowing us to reflect on new paradigmatic figures of contemporary exile.
A main assumption of social production function theory is that status is a major determinant of subjective well-being (SWB). From the perspective of the dissociative hypothesis, however, upward social mobility may be linked to identity problems, distress, and reduced levels of SWB because upwardly mobile people lose their ties to their class of origin. In this paper, we examine whether or not one of these arguments holds. We employ the United Kingdom and Switzerland as case studies because both are linked to distinct notions regarding social inequality and upward mobility. Longitudinal multilevel analyses based on panel data (UK: BHPS, Switzerland: SHP) allow us to reconstruct individual trajectories of life satisfaction (as a cognitive component of SWB) along with events of intragenerational and intergenerational upward mobility—taking into account previous levels of life satisfaction, dynamic class membership, and well-studied determinants of SWB. Our results show some evidence for effects of social class and social mobility on well-being in the UK sample, while there are no such effects in the Swiss sample. The UK findings support the idea of dissociative effects in terms of a negative effect of intergenerational upward mobility on SWB.
OBJECTIVE Narcolepsy with cataplexy is tightly associated with the HLA class II allele DQB1*06:02. Evidence indicates a complex contribution of HLA class II genes to narcolepsy susceptibility with a recent independent association with HLA-DPB1. The cause of narcolepsy is supposed be an autoimmune attack against hypocretin-producing neurons. Despite the strong association with HLA class II, there is no evidence for CD4+ T-cell-mediated mechanism in narcolepsy. Since neurons express class I and not class II molecules, the final effector immune cells involved might include class I-restricted CD8+ T-cells. DESIGN HLA class I (A, B, and C) and II (DQB1) genotypes were analyzed in 944 European narcolepsy with cataplexy patients and in 4043 control subjects matched by country of origin. All patients and controls were DQB1*06:02 positive and class I associations were conditioned on DQB1 alleles. RESULTS HLA-A*11:01 (OR = 1.49 [1.18-1.87] P = 7.0*10-4), C*04:01 (OR = 1.34 [1.10-1.63] P = 3.23*10-3), and B*35:01 (OR=1.46 [1.13-1.89] P = 3.64*10-3) were associated with susceptibility to narcolepsy. Analysis of polymorphic class I amino-acids revealed even stronger associations with key antigen-binding residues HLA-A-Tyr9 (OR = 1.32 [1.15-1.52] P = 6.95*10-5) and HLA-C-Ser11 (OR=1.34 [1.15-1.57] P = 2.43*10-4). CONCLUSIONS Our findings provide a genetic basis for increased susceptibility to infectious factors or an immune cytotoxic mechanism in narcolepsy, potentially targeting hypocretin neurons.
The anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASAN) is a branch of the infraorbital nerve. Only few studies have morphometrically evaluated the course of the ASAN. Midfacial segments of ten hemisectioned fresh adult cadaver heads were dissected to uncover the anterior wall of the maxilla. Specimens were subsequently decalcified and the bone overlying the ASAN was removed under a microscope to expose the ASAN. Its branching pattern from the infraorbital nerve was recorded, and the course of the ASAN within the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus was morphometrically assessed measuring distances to predefined landmarks using a digital caliper. A distinct ASAN was observed in all specimens. It arose lateral (six cases) or inferior (four cases) from the infraorbital nerve. The point of origin was located at a mean distance of 12.2 ± 5.79 mm posterior to the infraorbital foramen. The ASAN was located on average 2.8 ± 5.13 mm lateral to the infraorbital foramen. After coursing medially, the ASAN ran inferior to the foramen at a mean distance of 5.5 ± 3.07 mm. When approaching the nasal aperture, the loop of the ASAN was on average 13.6 ± 3.07 mm above the nasal floor. The horizontal mean distance from the ASAN to the nasal aperture was 4.3 ± 2.74 mm halfway down from the loop, and 3.3 ± 2.60 mm at the floor of the nose, respectively. In conclusion, the present study evaluated the course of the ASAN relative to the infraorbital foramen and nasal aperture. This information is helpful to avoid damage to this anatomical structure during interventions in the infraobrital region of the maxilla. Further, knowledge of the course of the ASAN and of its bony correlate (canalis sinuosus) may be valuable in interpreting anesthetic or radiologic findings in the anterior maxilla.
Ninety-one Swiss veal farms producing under a label with improved welfare standards were visited between August and December 2014 to investigate risk factors related to antimicrobial drug use and mortality. All herds consisted of own and purchased calves, with a median of 77.4% of purchased calves. The calves' mean age was 29±15days at purchasing and the fattening period lasted at average 120±28 days. The mean carcass weight was 125±12kg. A mean of 58±33 calves were fattened per farm and year, and purchased calves were bought from a mean of 20±17 farms of origin. Antimicrobial drug treatment incidence was calculated with the defined daily dose methodology. The mean treatment incidence (TIADD) was 21±15 daily doses per calf and year. The mean mortality risk was 4.1%, calves died at a mean age of 94±50 days, and the main causes of death were bovine respiratory disease (BRD, 50%) and gastro-intestinal disease (33%). Two multivariable models were constructed, for antimicrobial drug treatment incidence (53 farms) and mortality (91 farms). No quarantine, shared air space for several groups of calves, and no clinical examination upon arrival at the farm were associated with increased antimicrobial treatment incidence. Maximum group size and weight differences >100kg within a group were associated with increased mortality risk, while vaccination and beef breed were associated with decreased mortality risk. The majority of antimicrobial treatments (84.6%) were given as group treatments with oral powder fed through an automatic milk feeding system. Combination products containing chlortetracycline with tylosin and sulfadimidine or with spiramycin were used for 54.9%, and amoxicillin for 43.7% of the oral group treatments. The main indication for individual treatment was BRD (73%). The mean age at the time of treatment was 51 days, corresponding to an estimated weight of 80-100kg. Individual treatments were mainly applied through injections (88.5%), and included administration of fluoroquinolones in 38.3%, penicillines (amoxicillin or benzylpenicillin) in 25.6%, macrolides in 13.1%, tetracyclines in 12.0%, 3th and 4th generation cephalosporines in 4.7%, and florfenicol in 3.9% of the cases. The present study allowed for identifying risk factors for increased antimicrobial drug treatment and mortality. This is an important basis for future studies aiming at reducing treatment incidence and mortality in veal farms. Our results indicate that improvement is needed in the selection of drugs for the treatment of veal calves according to the principles of prudent use of antibiotics.
We used meat-inspection data collected over a period of three years in Switzerland to evaluate slaughterhouse-level, farm-level and animal-level factors that may be associated with whole carcass condemnation (WCC) in cattle after slaughter. The objective of this study was to identify WCC risk factors so they can be communicated to, and managed by, the slaughter industry and veterinary services. During meat inspection, there were three main important predictors of the risk of WCC; the slaughtered animal's sex, age, and the size of the slaughterhouse it was processed in. WCC for injuries and significant weight loss (visible welfare indicators) were almost exclusive to smaller slaughterhouses. Cattle exhibiting clinical syndromes that were not externally visible (e.g. pneumonia lesions) and that are associated with fattening of cattle, end up in larger slaughterhouses. For this reason, it is important for animal health surveillance to collect data from both types of slaughterhouses. Other important risk factors for WCC were on-farm mortality rate and the number of cattle on the farm of origin. This study highlights the fact that the many risk factors for WCC are as complex as the production system itself, with risk factors interacting with one another in ways which are sometimes difficult to interpret biologically. Risk-based surveillance aimed at farms with reoccurring health problems (e.g. a history of above average condemnation rates) may be more appropriate than the selection, of higher-risk animals arriving at slaughter. In Switzerland, the introduction of a benchmarking system that would provide feedback to the farmer with information on condemnation reasons, and his/her performance compared to the national/regional average could be a first step towards improving herd-management and financial returns for producers.