Excessive cantilever lengths of fixed implant-supported prostheses may have functional and biomechanical disadvantages. This study reports the clinical outcomes of unconventional implants placed for distal support of a fixed implant-supported prostheses. Seven extraoral implants with intraosseous lengths of 2.5 to 4.0 mm were placed in four patients. Distal cantilevers had a mean length of 29.8 mm (range, 18.6 to 39.3 mm). No bone loss or other adverse events were found. The prosthetic plan was maintained in all patients. Within the limits of the employed research design, this concept seems to be a successful option for fixed complete implant-supported prosthesis treatment.
To assess the 5-year and 10-year survival and complication rates of implant-supported fixed reconstructions in partially and totally edentulous patients with regard to the optimal number and distribution of dental implants.
To assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological, technical, and aesthetic complications. The focused question was: What is the survival rate of implants supporting single crowns and implant-supported crowns with a mean follow-up of 5 years and to which extent do biological, technical, and aesthetic complications occur?
The final goal of mandibular reconstruction following ablative surgery for oral cancer is often considered to be dental implant-supported oral rehabilitation, for which bone grafts should ideally be placed in a suitable position taking subsequent prosthetic restoration into account. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a standardized treatment strategy for mandibular reconstruction according to the size of the bony defect and planned subsequent dental prosthetic rehabilitation. Data of 56 patients, who had undergone such a systematic mandibular fibula free flap reconstruction, were retrospectively analyzed. Early complications were observed in 41.5% of the patients but only in those who had been irradiated. Late complications were found in 38.2%. Dental implant survival rate was 92%, and dental prosthetic treatment has been completed in all classes of bony defects with an overall success rate of 42.9%. The main reasons for failure of the complete dental reconstruction were patients' poor cooperation (30.4%) and tumour recurrence (14.3%) followed by surgery-related factors (10.8%) such as implant failure and an unfavourable intermaxillary relationship between the maxilla and the mandible. A comparison of our results with the literature findings revealed no marked differences in the complication rates and implant survival rates. However, a systematic concept for the reconstructive treatment like the method presented here, plays an important role in the successful completion of dental reconstruction. The success rate could still be improved by some technical progress in implant and bone graft positioning.
This case series reports on the use of nonsilica-based high-strength full ceramics for different prosthetic indications. Fifty-two consecutive patients received tooth- or implant-supported zirconia reconstructions during a 2-year period. The observation period for reexamination was 12 to 30 months. The most frequent indications were single crowns and short-span fixed partial dentures. A few implant superstructures were screw-retained, whereas all remaining restorations were cemented on natural teeth or zirconia implant abutments. Clinical examination included biologic (probing depths, bleeding on probing) and esthetic (Papilla Index) parameters, as well as technical complications. No implant was lost or caused any problems, but two teeth were lost after horizontal fracture. Overall, the periodontal parameters were favorable. Fractures of frameworks or implant abutments were not observed. Abutment-screw loosening occurred once for one premolar single crown. Furthermore, five implant crowns in the posterior region exhibited chipping of the porcelain veneering material. With regard to esthetics, no reconstructions were considered unacceptable, but three crowns were remade shortly after delivery. In this short-term study, it was observed that biologic, esthetic, and mechanical properties of zirconia were favorable, and the material could be used in various prosthetic indications on teeth or implants.
The present paper deals with the double crown technique in removable prosthodontics. New ceramic materials like zirconia are increasingly used in combination with CAD/CAM technologies for framework fabrication of fixed prosthesis, tooth- or implant-supported. However, zirconia is also a newly accepted material in removable prosthodontics. It replaces gold alloys for the fabrication of primary telescopic crowns. The Galvanoforming technology is preferably used to fabricate the secondary crowns. The combination of both techniques and materials results in a prosthetic reconstruction of high quality, optimum fit and good biocompatibility.
The objective of this report is to summarize the results on survival and complication rates of different designs of fixed dental prostheses (FDP) published in a series of systematic reviews. Moreover, the various parameters for survival and risk assessment are to be used in attempt to perform treatment planning on the basis of scientific evidence. Three electronic searches complemented by manual searching were conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on FDP and implant-supported single crowns (SC) with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Patients had to have been examined clinically at the follow-up visit. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5- and 10-year survival proportions. Meta-analysis of the studies included indicated an estimated 5-year survival of conventional tooth-supported FDP of 93.8%, cantilever FDP of 91.4%, solely implant-supported FDP of 95.2%, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP of 95.5% and implant-supported SC of 94.5% as well as resin-bonded bridges 87.7%. Moreover, after 10 years of function the estimated survival decreased to 89.2% for conventional FDP, to 80.3% for cantilever FDP, to 86.7% for implant-supported FDP, to 77.8% for combined tooth-implant-supported FDP, to 89.4% for implant-supported SC and to 65% for resin-bonded bridges. When planning prosthetic rehabilitations, conventional end-abutment tooth-supported FDP, solely implant-supported FDP or implant-supported SC should be the first treatment option. Only as a second option, because of reasons such as financial aspects patient-centered preferences or anatomical structures cantilever tooth-supported FDP, combined tooth-implant-supported FDP or resin-bonded bridges should be chosen.
OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively, over at least 5 years, the incidences of technical and biological complications and failures in young adult patients with birth defects affecting the formation of teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All insurance cases with a birth defect that had crowns and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) inserted more than 5 years ago were contacted and asked to participate in a reexamination. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 19.3 years (range 16.6-24.7 years) when prosthetic treatment was initiated. Over the median observation period of 15.7 years (range 7.4-24.9 years) and considering the treatment needs at the reexamination, 19 out of 33 patients (58%) with reconstructions on teeth remained free from all failures or complications. From the patients with FDPs and single unit crowns (SCs) on implants followed over a median observation period of 8 years (range 4.6-15.3 years), eight out of 17% or 47% needed a retreatment or repair at some point due to a failure or a complication. From the three groups of patients, the cases with amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta demonstrated the highest failure and complication rates. In the cases with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) or hypodontia/oligodontia, 71% of the SCs and 73% of the FDPs on teeth (FDP T) remained complication free over a median observation period of about 16 years. Sixty-two percent of the SCs and 64% of the FDPs on implants remained complication free over 8 years. Complications occurred earlier with implant-supported reconstructions. CONCLUSIONS: Because healthy, pristine teeth can be left unprepared, implant-supported SCs and FDPs are the treatment choice in young adults with birth defects resulting in tooth agenesis and in whom the edentulous spaces cannot be closed by means of orthodontic therapy. However, the trend for earlier and more frequent complications with implant-supported reconstructions in young adults, expecting many years of function with the reconstructions, has to be weighed against the benefits of keeping teeth unprepared. In cases with CLAP in which anatomical conditions render implant placement difficult and in which teeth adjacent to the cleft require esthetic corrections, the conventional FDP T still remains the treatment of choice.
OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively the cumulative costs for the long-term oral rehabilitation of patients with birth defects affecting the development of teeth. METHODS: Patients with birth defects who had received fixed reconstructions on teeth and/or implants > or =5 years ago were asked to participate in a comprehensive clinical, radiographic and economic evaluation. RESULTS: From the 45 patients included, 18 were cases with a cleft lip and palate, five had amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta and 22 were cases with hypodontia/oligodontia. The initial costs for the first oral rehabilitation (before the age of 20) had been covered by the Swiss Insurance for Disability. The costs for the initial rehabilitation of the 45 cases amounted to 407,584 CHF (39% for laboratory fees). Linear regression analyses for the initial treatment costs per replaced tooth revealed the formula 731 CHF+(811 CHF x units) on teeth and 3369 CHF+(1183 CHF x units) for reconstructions on implants (P<.001). Fifty-eight percent of the patients with tooth-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 15.7 years). Forty-seven percent of the patients with implant-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 8 years). The long-term cumulative treatment costs for implant cases, however, were not statistically significantly different compared with cases reconstructed with tooth-supported fixed reconstructions. Twenty-seven percent of the initial treatment costs were needed to cover supportive periodontal therapy as well as the treatment of technical/biological complications and failures. CONCLUSION: Insurance companies should accept to cover implant-supported reconstructions because there is no need to prepare healthy teeth, fewer tooth units need to be replaced and the cumulative long-term costs seem to be similar compared with cases restored on teeth.
The therapy of traumatized front teeth with ankylosis and additional root resorption is a real challenge for the clinician. Due to the infraposition ankylosed teeth are useless and esthetically unsatisfactory. The progressive replacement resorption and the vertical growth inhibition render an intervention inevitable. In the following case report, the prophylaxis of the alveolar ridge is brought into focus. The treatment of two ankylosed teeth by decoronation, preservation of the alveolar ridge and an implant-supported supraconstruction will be presented. The additional histological assessment confirms the diagnosis and the choice of treatment.
The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.
OBJECTIVE To compare the precision of fit of full-arch implant-supported screw-retained computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured (CAD/CAM) titanium-fixed dental prostheses (FDP) before and after veneering. The null-hypothesis was that there is no difference in vertical microgap values between pure titanium frameworks and FDPs after porcelain firing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five CAD/CAM titanium grade IV frameworks for a screw-retained 10-unit implant-supported reconstruction on six implants (FDI tooth positions 15, 13, 11, 21, 23, 25) were fabricated after digitizing the implant platforms and the cuspid-supporting framework resin pattern with a laser scanner (CARES(®) Scan CS2; Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland). A bonder, an opaquer, three layers of porcelain, and one layer of glaze were applied (Vita Titankeramik) and fired according to the manufacturer's preheating and fire cycle instructions at 400-800°C. The one-screw test (implant 25 screw-retained) was applied before and after veneering of the FDPs to assess the vertical microgap between implant and framework platform with a scanning electron microscope. The mean microgap was calculated from interproximal and buccal values. Statistical comparison was performed with non-parametric tests. RESULTS All vertical microgaps were clinically acceptable with values <90 μm. No statistically significant pairwise difference (P = 0.98) was observed between the relative effects of vertical microgap of unveneered (median 19 μm; 95% CI 13-35 μm) and veneered FDPs (20 μm; 13-31 μm), providing support for the null-hypothesis. Analysis within the groups showed significantly different values between the five implants of the FDPs before (P = 0.044) and after veneering (P = 0.020), while a monotonous trend of increasing values from implant 23 (closest position to screw-retained implant 25) to 15 (most distant implant) could not be observed (P = 0.169, P = 0.270). CONCLUSIONS Full-arch CAD/CAM titanium screw-retained frameworks have a high accuracy. Porcelain firing procedure had no impact on the precision of fit of the final FDPs. All implant microgap measurements of each FDP showed clinically acceptable vertical misfit values before and after veneering. Thus, the results do not only show accurate performance of the milling and firing but show also a reproducible scanning and designing process.
BACKGROUND AND AIM So far there is little evidence from randomised clinical trials (RCT) or systematic reviews on the preferred or best number of implants to be used for the support of a fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla or mandible, and no consensus has been reached. Therefore, we reviewed articles published in the past 30 years that reported on treatment outcomes for implant-supported fixed prostheses, including survival of implants and survival of prostheses after a minimum observation period of 1 year. MATERIAL AND METHODS MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched to identify eligible studies. Short and long-term clinical studies were included with prospective and retrospective study designs to see if relevant information could be obtained on the number of implants related to the prosthetic technique. Articles reporting on implant placement combined with advanced surgical techniques such as sinus floor elevation (SFE) or extensive grafting were excluded. Two reviewers extracted the data independently. RESULTS A primary search was broken down to 222 articles. Out of these, 29 studies comprising 26 datasets fulfilled the inclusion criteria. From all studies, the number of planned and placed implants was available. With two exceptions, no RCTs were found, and these two studies did not compare different numbers of implants per prosthesis. Eight studies were retrospective; all the others were prospective. Fourteen studies calculated cumulative survival rates for 5 and more years. From these data, the average survival rate was between 90% and 100%. The analysis of the selected articles revealed a clear tendency to plan 4 to 6 implants per prosthesis. For supporting a cross-arch fixed prosthesis in the maxilla, the variation is slightly greater. CONCLUSIONS In spite of a dispersion of results, similar outcomes are reported with regard to survival and number of implants per jaw. Since the 1990s, it was proven that there is no need to install as many implants as possible in the available jawbone. The overwhelming majority of articles dealing with standard surgical procedures to rehabilitate edentulous jaws uses 4 to 6 implants.
PURPOSE The aim of this work was to study the peri-implant soft tissues response, by evaluating both the recession and the papilla indexes, of patients treated with implants with two different configurations. In addition, data were stratified by tooth category, smoking habit and thickness of buccal bone wall. MATERIALS AND METHODS The clinical trial was designed as a prospective, randomized-controlled multicenter study. Adults in need of one or more implants replacing teeth to be removed in the maxilla within the region 15-25 were recruited. Following tooth extraction, the site was randomly allocated to receive either a cylindrical or conical/cylindrical implant. The following parameters were studied: (i) Soft tissue recession (REC) measured by comparing the gingival zenith (GZ) score at baseline (permanent restoration) with that of the yearly follow-up visits over a period of 3 years (V1, V2 and V3). (ii) Interdental Papilla Index (PI): PI measurements were performed at baseline and compared with that of the follow-up visits. In addition, data were stratified by different variables: tooth category: anterior (incisors and canine) and posterior (first and second premolar); smoking habit: patient smoker (habitual or occasional smoker at inclusion) or non-smoker (non-smoker or ex-smoker at inclusion) and thickness of buccal bone wall (TB): TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) or TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall). RESULTS A total of 93 patients were treated with 93 implants. At the surgical re-entry one implant was mobile and then removed; moreover, one patient was lost to follow-up. Ninety-one patients were restored with 91 implant-supported permanent single crowns. After the 3-year follow-up, a mean gain of 0.23 mm of GZ was measured; moreover, 79% and 72% of mesial and distal papillae were classified as >50%/ complete, respectively. From the stratification analysis, not significant differences were found between the mean GZ scores of implants with TB ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall) and TB > 1 mm (thick buccal wall), respectively (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) at baseline, at V1, V2 and V3 follow-up visits. Also, the other variables did not seem to influence GZ changes over the follow-up period. Moreover, a re-growth of the interproximal mesial and distal papillae was the general trend observed independently from the variables studied. CONCLUSIONS Immediate single implant treatment may be considered a predictable option regarding soft tissue stability over a period of 3 years of follow-up. An overall buccal soft tissue stability was observed during the GZ changes from the baseline to the 3 years of follow-up with a mean GZ reduction of 0.23 mm. A nearly full papillary re-growth can be detectable over a minimum period of 2 years of follow-up for both cylindrical and conical/cylindrical implants. Both the interproximal papilla filling and the midfacial mucosa stability were not influenced by variables such as type of fixture configuration, tooth category, smoke habit, and thickness of buccal bone wall of ≤ 1 mm (thin buccal wall).
OBJECTIVES This clinical study measured the dimensional changes of existing lower complete dentures due to the integration of a prefabricated implant bar. Additionally, the impact of this dimensional change on patient satisfaction and oral function was analyzed. METHODS Twenty edentulous patients (10 men/10 women; aged 65.9 ± 11.8 years) received two interforaminal implants. Subsequent to surgery, a chair side adapted, prefabricated bar (SFI Bar(®), C+M, Biel, Switzerland) was inserted, and the matrix was polymerized into the existing lower denture. The change of the denture's lingual dimension was recorded by means of a bicolored, silicone denture duplicate that was sectioned in the oro-vestibular direction in the regions of the symphysis (S) and the implants (I-left, I-right). On the sections, the dimensional increase was measured using a light microscope. Six months after bar insertion, patients answered a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS All dentures exhibited increased lingual volume, more extensively at S than at I (P = 0.001). At S, the median diagonal size of the denture was doubled (+4.33 mm), and at I, the median increase was 50% (I-left/-right = +2.66/+2.62 mm). The original denture size influenced the volume increase (P = 0.024): smaller dentures led to a larger increase. The amount of denture increase did not have negative impact on either self-perceived oral function or patient satisfaction. Approximately, 95% of the patients were satisfied with the treatment results. CONCLUSIONS The lingual size of a lower denture was enlarged by the integration of a prefabricated bar without any negative side effects. Thus, this attachment system is suitable to convert an existing full denture into an implant-supported overdenture.