60 resultados para Formal languages.


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This article describes the formal behavior of some elements found in Mapudungun (isolate, South America): a question particle, a postposition, and several 3rd-person markers. Framed in terms of current theories of phonological and grammatical words, the paper argues that a useful characterization of the Mapudungun elements under scrutiny should acknowledge (a) that clitics are interestingly heterogeneous regarding how different bound elements stand in paradigmatic opposition to each other, and (b) that some of these elements can be meaningfully be called anti-clitics (i.e., they are p-words that are part of larger g-words).


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This volume focuses on word formation processes in smaller and so far underrepresented indigenous languages of South America. The data for the analyses have been mainly collected in the field by the authors. The several language families described here, among them Arawakan, Takanan, and Guaycuruan, as well as language isolates, such as Yurakaré and Cholón, reflect the linguistic diversity of South America. Equally diverse are the topics addressed, relating to word formation processes like reduplication, nominal and verbal compounding, clitic compounding, and incorporation. The traditional notions of the processes are discussed critically with respect to their implementation in minor indigenous languages. The book is therefore not only of interest to readers with an Amerindian background but also to typologists and historical linguists, and it is a supplement to more theory-driven approaches to language and linguistics.


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Whereas semantic, logical, and narrative features of verbal humor are well-researched, phonological and prosodic dimensions of verbal funniness are hardly explored. In a 2 × 2 design we varied rhyme and meter in humorous couplets. Rhyme and meter enhanced funniness ratings and supported faster processing. Rhyming couplets also elicited more intense and more positive affective responses, increased subjective comprehensibility and more accurate memory. The humor effect is attributed to special rhyme and meter features distinctive of humoristic poetry in several languages. Verses that employ these formal features make an artful use of typical poetic vices of amateurish poems written for birthday parties or other occasions. Their metrical patterning sounds “mechanical” rather than genuinely “poetic”; they also disregard rules for “good” rhymes. The processing of such verses is discussed in terms of a metacognitive integration of their poetically deviant features into an overall effect of processing ease. The study highlights the importance of nonsemantic rhetorical features in language processing.


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In this paper we introduce a class of descriptors for regular languages arising from an application of the Stone duality between finite Boolean algebras and finite sets. These descriptors, called classical fortresses, are object specified in classical propositional logic and capable to accept exactly regular languages. To prove this, we show that the languages accepted by classical fortresses and deterministic finite automata coincide. Classical fortresses, besides being propositional descriptors for regular languages, also turn out to be an efficient tool for providing alternative and intuitive proofs for the closure properties of regular languages.


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Dynamically typed languages lack information about the types of variables in the source code. Developers care about this information as it supports program comprehension. Ba- sic type inference techniques are helpful, but may yield many false positives or negatives. We propose to mine information from the software ecosys- tem on how frequently given types are inferred unambigu- ously to improve the quality of type inference for a single system. This paper presents an approach to augment existing type inference techniques by supplementing the informa- tion available in the source code of a project with data from other projects written in the same language. For all available projects, we track how often messages are sent to instance variables throughout the source code. Predictions for the type of a variable are made based on the messages sent to it. The evaluation of a proof-of-concept prototype shows that this approach works well for types that are sufficiently popular, like those from the standard librarie, and tends to create false positives for unpopular or domain specific types. The false positives are, in most cases, fairly easily identifiable. Also, the evaluation data shows a substantial increase in the number of correctly inferred types when compared to the non-augmented type inference.


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Previous research has demonstrated that adults are successful at visually tracking rigidly moving items, but experience great difficulties when tracking substance-like ‘‘pouring’’ items. Using a comparative approach, we investigated whether the presence/absence of the grammatical count–mass distinction influences adults and children’s ability to attentively track objects versus substances. More specifically, we aimed to explore whether the higher success at tracking rigid over substance-like items appears universally or whether speakers of classifier languages (like Japanese, not marking the object–substance distinction) are advantaged at tracking substances as compared to speakers of non-classifier languages (like Swiss German, marking the object–substance distinction). Our results supported the idea that language has no effect on low-level cognitive processes such as the attentive visual processing of objects and substances. We concluded arguing that the tendency to prioritize objects is universal and independent of specific characteristics of the language spoken.


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Adaptive selling (AS) and customer-oriented selling (COS) constitute two key customer-directed selling behaviors for the success of the modern sales force. However, knowledge regarding the organizational factors that can induce salespeople to engage in those behaviors is strikingly limited. Against this background, we develop a comprehensive model that delineates the influences of formal and informal sales controls on AS and COS and, through them, on sales unit effectiveness. Based on a sample of sales managers in a major European Union country, we present new evidence that (a) formal and informal sales controls exert differential impact on salespeople's AS and COS behaviors; (b) AS directly and positively influences sales unit effectiveness; (c) COS affects sales unit effectiveness only indirectly, i.e. by fostering AS; and (d) outcome and cultural controls directly improve sales unit effectiveness. We conclude with a discussion of our findings for academics and practitioners.


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La medicina tradicional no solamente sigue vigente en los Andes bolivianos, sino constituye la opción de primera elección para las familias rurales. Un estudio realizado en dos comunidades de la Subcentral Waka Playa, Municipio Tapacarí, muestra que los campesinos quechua-hablantes de los valles interandinos integran el sistema tradicional con el sistema de salud formal en el marco de sus estrategias familiares, reflejando un diálogo ínter-ontológico entre diferentes concepciones de salud y de enfermedad. A lo largo de una larga interacción con su entorno natural, los pobladores de los Andes han desarrollado concepciones específicas sobre el ser humano, su relación con la naturaleza, la salud y la enfermedad. Este proceso resultó en un sistema de salud complejo, donde intervienen expertos locales como son los curanderos-adivinos y los parteros y que se basa en un amplio uso y conocimiento de la flora y fauna nativas. A parte de estos conocimientos especializados, la medicina tradicional andina se expresa también en las prácticas terapéuticas diarias de la población, transmitidas y re-inventadas de generación en generación en el contexto de la familia y de la comunidad. La introducción del sistema de salud formal en el área de estudio en los años 90, representado por una posta de salud, impactó las comunidades locales principalmente por el acceso a vacunas – y la consecuente erradicación de algunas enfermedades - y a métodos contraceptivos. Sin embargo, la biomedicina es todavía de acceso muy limitado además de, según la población local, no tener la capacidad para curar ciertas enfermedades locales como el “susto,” el “mal viento” o la “colerina”. Como en otras áreas del conocimiento ecológico local, se observa una pérdida general de los conocimientos vinculados a la medicina tradicional andina debido a varios factores socioeconómicos, el más impactante siendo el proceso masivo de migración de las zonas rurales a los centros urbanos y al trópico boliviano. Sin embargo, estos conocimientos todavía se mantienen vigentes y son altamente valorizados por la población local, como un elemento del mantenimiento de sus formas de vida y de relacionamiento con la “Madre Tierra” (Pachamama). Las familias de Waka Playa integran la medicina tradicional y el sistema de salud formal en sus estrategias de vida, en diferentes grados según factores como la migración, la educación, el sexo y la edad. El uso de la flora medicinal local también es diferenciado según la localización de la vivienda principal de las familias y la consecuente concentración geográfica de sus actividades en las diferentes zonas de producción agroecológicas. Por ultimo, el interés personal influye sobre el grado y el tipo de conocimiento de cada familia. La medicina tradicional juega un rol fundamental en el bien-estar de las familias campesinas andinas y por ello constituye un potencial importante para un desarrollo sostenible. En esta perspectiva, la revalorización de los saberes locales y la construcción de puentes de diálogo con el sistema de salud local son sumamente importantes. Este punto de vista tiene perspectivas prometedoras en el contexto político actual boliviano, que apoya la medicina tradicional en el marco del reconocimiento de las identidades indígenas, en miras a un desarrollo endógeno.


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Information systems (IS) outsourcing projects often fail to achieve initial goals. To avoid project failure, managers need to design formal controls that meet the specific contextual demands of the project. However, the dynamic and uncertain nature of IS outsourcing projects makes it difficult to design such specific formal controls at the outset of a project. It is hence crucial to translate high-level project goals into specific formal controls during the course of a project. This study seeks to understand the underlying patterns of such translation processes. Based on a comparative case study of four outsourced software development projects, we inductively develop a process model that consists of three unique patterns. The process model shows that the performance implications of emergent controls with higher specificity depend on differences in the translation process. Specific formal controls have positive implications for goal achievement if only the stakeholder context is adapted, while they are negative for goal achievement if in the translation process tasks are unintendedly adapted. In the latter case projects incrementally drift away from their initial direction. Our findings help to better understand control dynamics in IS outsourcing projects. We contribute to a process theoretic understanding of IS outsourcing governance and we derive implications for control theory and the IS project escalation literature.


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Native languages of the Americas whose predicate and clause structure reflect nominal hierarchies show an interesting range of structural diversity not only with respect to morphological makeup of their predicates and arguments but also with respect to the factors governing obviation status. The present article maps part of such diversity. The sample surveyed here includes languages with some sort of nonlocal (third person acting on third person) direction-marking system.