62 resultados para Einhard, ca. 770-840.
To nie przypadek, że wyrażenie „wieczna kobiecość" ukute przez Goethego zbiega się w czasie z pierwszymi zachodnimi próbami emancypacji kobiet. W chwili, kiedy model kobiety istniejącej tylko w zależności od mężczyzny zaczyna być kwestionowany, kategoria wiecznej kobiecości pozwala ponownie potwierdzić ten model, wypełniając go pozytywnymi wartościami. Naturą kobiety jest być uległą i oddaną, a te cechy sprawiają, że kobieta jest depozytariuszem wszelkiej potencjalnej zbawczej łaski. Tak w Fauście Goethego, przypada Małgorzacie, dziewczynie naiwniej, niewinnej, niewykształconej i bez własnej woli, wykupić Fausta siłą swojej miłości. Wszystko dzieje się tak, jakby pozytywna kodyfikacja właściwości kobiet dzięki kategorii wiecznej kobiecości służyła tylko lepszemu ukryciu rzeczywistości ich ucisku; feministki jednak nie dają się zwieść: ideały popierane przez kategorię wiecznej kobiecości są a priori niezgodne z emancypacją kobiet. Karolina Světlá, jedna z najważniejszych postaci w walce o zrównanie praw między mężczyznami i kobietami w Czechach w XIX wieku, wykorzystywała przecież intensywnie w swojej literackiej twórczości ten model kobiety, która poświęca się dla kochanego mężczyzny i tym samym udaje się jej go "podciągnąć do góry" ("hinan zu ziehen", Goethe) oraz dać mu dostęp do "nieskończoności", "nieśmiertelności" i "wieczności". Czy jej teoretyczne pisma i jej działalność na rzecz emancypacji kobiet zaprzeczałyby jej tekstom literackim, na pierwszy rzut oka tak konwencjonalnym? W tym wykładzie podejmuję próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie uważną lekturą jednego z jej najbardziej faustowskich opowiadań, mianowice "Czarna dziewanna".
Prior to ca. 14,660 yr BP, during the early Late-glacial (Oldest Dryas), larval assemblages of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Gerzensee, Switzerland, were dominated by cold stenothermic taxa as well as by taxa typical of subalpine lakes today. This was the coldest period of the entire sequence. After ca. 14,660 yr BP, in the Late Glacial Interstadial (Bølling–Allerød), a temperature increase is recorded by a sharp rise in the oxygen-isotope ratio in lake marl and by an increase in the organic-matter content of the sediments. Changes in the chironomid fauna then are consistent with rising temperatures. This warming trend is interrupted between 14,070 and 13,940 yr BP, coinciding with the GI-1d cold oscillation, but the change in the chironomid assemblage is more consistent with a response to increasing lake depth and density of aquatic macrophytes than falling temperature. A rise in cold-adapted chironomid taxa between 13,840 and 13,710 yr BP suggests that summer air temperatures may have declined. Changes in the chironomid assemblage after 13,710 yr BP suggest a decline in submerged macrophytes coupled with a rise in lake productivity and summer temperature, although the latter is not reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. This suggests that there may have been increasing seasonality during this period when summer temperatures were rising, driven by rising summer insolation, and winters becoming cooler, which is largely reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. A decline in thermophilic chironomids and a rise in cold-adapted taxa after 13,180 yr BP suggest a response to cooling at the beginning of the Gerzensee Oscillation.
Sub-fossil Cladocera were studied in a core from Gerzensee (Swiss Plateau) for the late-glacial periods of Oldest Dryas, Bølling, and Allerød. Cladocera assemblages were dominated by cold-tolerant littoral taxa Chydorus sphaericus, Acroperus harpae, Alonella nana, Alona affinis, and Alonella excisa. The rapid warming at the beginning of the Bølling (GI-1e) ca. 14,650 yr before present (BP: before AD 1950) was indicated by an abrupt 2‰ shift in carbonate δ18O and a clear change in pollen assemblages. Cladocera assemblages, in contrast, changed more gradually. C. sphaericus and A. harpae are the most cold-tolerant, and their abundance was highest in the earliest part of the record. Only 150–200 years after the beginning of the Bølling warming we observed an increase in less cold-tolerant A. excisa and A. affinis. The establishment of Alona guttata, A. guttata var. tuberculata, and Pleuroxus unicatus was delayed by ca. 350, 770, and 800 years respectively after the onset of the Bølling. The development of the Cladocera assemblages suggests increasing water temperatures during the Bølling/Allerød, which agrees with the interpretation by von Grafenstein et al. (2013-this issue) that decreasing δ18O values in carbonates in this period reflect increasing summer water temperatures at the sediment–water interface. Other processes also affected the Cladocera community, including the development and diversification of aquatic vegetation favourable for Cladocera. The record is clearly dominated by Chydoridae, as expected for a littoral core. Yet, the planktonic Eubosmina-group occurred throughout the core, with the exception of a period at ca. 13,760–13,420 yr BP. Lake levels reconstructed for this period are relatively low, indicating that the littoral location might have become too shallow for Eubosmina in that period.
Das Studium der Überlieferung und Repertoirbildung gibt über die Art der Nutzung von musikalischen Werken Aufschluss. Im iberischen Raum wurde im 16. Jh. das internationale Messenrepertoire aus Italien und Flamen ausgiebig genutzt, doch waren die kommerziellen Wege für die Beziehung wichtiger als politische Allianzen.
Der Katalog inventarisiert alle erhaltenen und dokumentierten Quellen zwischen 1490 und 1630 aus dem iberischen und Lateinamerikanischen Raum, die mehrstimmige Ordinariumskompositionen, Requiemskompositionen oder Einzelsätze überliefern mit Quellenbeschreibung und Inhaltsangabe.
Availability of voltage-gated calcium channels (Cav) at the plasma membrane is paramount to maintaining the calcium homeostasis of the cell. It is proposed that the ubiquitylation/de-ubiquitylation balance regulates the density of ion channels at the cell surface. Voltage-gated calcium channels Cav1.2 have been found to be ubiquitylated under basal conditions both in vitro and in vivo. In a previous study, we have shown that Cav1.2 channels are ubiquitylated by neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally downregulated 4 (Nedd4-1) ubiquitin ligases, but the identity of the counterpart de-ubiquitylating enzyme remained to be elucidated. Regarding sodium and potassium channels, it has been reported that the action of the related isoform Nedd4-2 is counteracted by the ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 2-45. In this study, we show that USP 2-45 also de-ubiquitylates Cav channels. We co-expressed USPs and Cav1.2 channels together with the accessory subunits β2 and α2δ-1, in tsA-201 and HEK-293 mammalian cell lines. Using whole-cell current recordings and surface biotinylation assays, we show that USP2-45 specifically decreases both the amplitude of Cav currents and the amount of Cav1.2 subunits inserted at the plasma membrane. Importantly, co-expression of the α2δ-1 accessory subunit is necessary to support the effect of USP2-45. We further show that USP2-45 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits. Remarkably, α2δ-1, but not Cav1.2 nor β2, co-precipitated with USP2-45. These results suggest that USP2-45 binding to α2δ-1 promotes the de-ubiquitylation of both Cav1.2 and α2δ-1 subunits, in order to regulate the expression of Cav1.2 channels at the plasma membrane.
The new mineral species vapnikite, Ca3UO6, was found in larnite pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation at Jabel Harmun in the Judean desert, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel. Vapnikite is an analogue of the synthetic ordered double-perovskite β-Ca3UO6 and is isostructural with the natural fluorperovskite – cryolite Na3AlF6. Vapnikite Ca3UO6 (P21/n,Z = 2, a = 5.739(1), b = 5.951(1), c = 8.312(1) Å, β = 90.4(1)°, V = 283.9(1) Å3) forms yellow-brown xenomorphic grains with a strong vitreous lustre. Small grains up to 20 – 30 m m in size are wedged between larnite, brownmillerite and ye'elimite. Vapnikite has irregular fracture, cleavage and parting were not observed. The calculated density is 5.322 g cm–3, the microhardness is VHN25 = 534 kg mm–2 (mean of seven measurements) corresponding to the hardness of ~5 on the Mohs scale. The crystal structure of vapnikite Ca3UO6 differs from that of its synthetic analogue β-Ca3UO6 by having a larger degree of Ca, U disorder. Vapnikite formed at the high-temperature retrograde stage of pyrometamorphism when larnite rocks were altered by fluids/melts of high alkalinity.
The study focuses on gender norms and practices in Chinese Christian communities established by Jesuit missionary activity during the long seventeenth century. It analyzes how European and Chinese gender norms and practices affected each other in the context of the Sino-Western cultural contact initiated by the missionaries. The thesis consists of two parts. First, it analyzes the ways in which European Jesuits engaged with Chinese gender relations in the course of their mission in China. The study demonstrates that the Jesuits’ adoption of the Chinese scholar-gentry’s habitus entailed a partial adaptation to Confucian gender norms. The latter placed great emphasis on gender segregation and therefore discouraged direct communication between missionaries and Chinese women. This resulted in the emergence of organizational and devotional arrangements of Christian communities specific to China. Second, the study discusses Chinese Christian women's religious culture that emerged in the absence of a strong missionary presence among female devotees. It points out that Chinese Christian women created their own ritual culture and religious sociability in the domestic context, and that they actively took part in shaping Chinese Christianity as masters of domestic rituals.