89 resultados para Apparecchiature biomediche, Tomografia Computerizzata, Cone Beam CT, Odontoiatria
To estimate the applicability of potential sites for insertion of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) by a systematic review of studies that used computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT to evaluate anatomical bone quality and quantity parameters, such as bone thickness, available space, and bone density.
Conclusion: A robot built specifically for stereotactic cochlear implantation provides equal or better accuracy levels together with a better integration into a clinical environment, when compared to existing approaches based on industrial robots. Objectives: To evaluate the technical accuracy of a robotic system developed specifically for lateral skull base surgery in an experimental setup reflecting the intended clinical application. The invasiveness of cochlear electrode implantation procedures may be reduced by replacing the traditional mastoidectomy with a small tunnel slightly larger in diameter than the electrode itself. Methods: The end-to-end accuracy of the robot system and associated image-guided procedure was evaluated on 15 temporal bones of whole head cadaver specimens. The main components of the procedure were as follows: reference screw placement, cone beam CT scan, computer-aided planning, pair-point matching of the surgical plan, robotic drilling of the direct access tunnel, and post-operative cone beam CT scan and accuracy assessment. Results: The mean accuracy at the target point (round window) was 0.56 ± 41 mm with an angular misalignment of 0.88 ± 0.41°. The procedural time of the registration process through the completion of the drilling procedure was 25 ± 11 min. The robot was fully operational in a clinical environment.
Image-guided microsurgery requires accuracies an order of magnitude higher than today's navigation systems provide. A critical step toward the achievement of such low-error requirements is a highly accurate and verified patient-to-image registration. With the aim of reducing target registration error to a level that would facilitate the use of image-guided robotic microsurgery on the rigid anatomy of the head, we have developed a semiautomatic fiducial detection technique. Automatic force-controlled localization of fiducials on the patient is achieved through the implementation of a robotic-controlled tactile search within the head of a standard surgical screw. Precise detection of the corresponding fiducials in the image data is realized using an automated model-based matching algorithm on high-resolution, isometric cone beam CT images. Verification of the registration technique on phantoms demonstrated that through the elimination of user variability, clinically relevant target registration errors of approximately 0.1 mm could be achieved.
PURPOSE : For the facilitation of minimally invasive robotically performed direct cochlea access (DCA) procedure, a surgical planning tool which enables the surgeon to define landmarks for patient-to-image registration, identify the necessary anatomical structures and define a safe DCA trajectory using patient image data (typically computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT) is required. To this end, a dedicated end-to-end software planning system for the planning of DCA procedures that addresses current deficiencies has been developed. METHODS : Efficient and robust anatomical segmentation is achieved through the implementation of semiautomatic algorithms; high-accuracy patient-to-image registration is achieved via an automated model-based fiducial detection algorithm and functionality for the interactive definition of a safe drilling trajectory based on case-specific drill positioning uncertainty calculations was developed. RESULTS : The accuracy and safety of the presented software tool were validated during the conduction of eight DCA procedures performed on cadaver heads. The plan for each ear was completed in less than 20 min, and no damage to vital structures occurred during the procedures. The integrated fiducial detection functionality enabled final positioning accuracies of [Formula: see text] mm. CONCLUSIONS : Results of this study demonstrated that the proposed software system could aid in the safe planning of a DCA tunnel within an acceptable time.
PURPOSE To investigate the adequacy of potential sites for insertion of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) in the anterior alveolar region (delimited by the first premolars) through a systematic review of studies that used computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT (CBCT) to assess anatomical hard tissue parameters, such as bone thickness, available space, and bone density. MATERIALS AND METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched to identify all relevant papers published between 1980 and September 2011. An extensive search strategy was performed that included the key words "computerized (computed) tomography" and "mini-implants." Information was extracted from the eligible articles for three anatomical areas: maxillary anterior buccal, maxillary anterior palatal, and mandibular anterior buccal. Quantitative data obtained for each anatomical variable under study were evaluated qualitatively with a scoring system. RESULTS Of the 790 articles identified by the search, 8 were eligible to be included in the study. The most favorable area for OMI insertion in the anterior maxilla (buccally and palatally) and mandible is between the canine and the first premolar. The best alternative area in the maxilla (buccally) and the mandible is between the lateral incisor and the canine, while in the maxillary palatal area it is between the central incisors or between the lateral incisor and the canine. CONCLUSIONS Although there is considerable heterogeneity among studies, there is a good level of agreement regarding the optimal site for OMI placement in the anterior region among investigations of anatomical hard tissue parameters based on CT or CBCT scans. In this context, the area between the lateral incisor and the first premolar is the most favorable. However, interroot distance seems to be a critical factor that should be evaluated carefully.
HYPOTHESIS A previously developed image-guided robot system can safely drill a tunnel from the lateral mastoid surface, through the facial recess, to the middle ear, as a viable alternative to conventional mastoidectomy for cochlear electrode insertion. BACKGROUND Direct cochlear access (DCA) provides a minimally invasive tunnel from the lateral surface of the mastoid through the facial recess to the middle ear for cochlear electrode insertion. A safe and effective tunnel drilled through the narrow facial recess requires a highly accurate image-guided surgical system. Previous attempts have relied on patient-specific templates and robotic systems to guide drilling tools. In this study, we report on improvements made to an image-guided surgical robot system developed specifically for this purpose and the resulting accuracy achieved in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS The proposed image-guided robotic DCA procedure was carried out bilaterally on 4 whole head cadaver specimens. Specimens were implanted with titanium fiducial markers and imaged with cone-beam CT. A preoperative plan was created using a custom software package wherein relevant anatomical structures of the facial recess were segmented, and a drill trajectory targeting the round window was defined. Patient-to-image registration was performed with the custom robot system to reference the preoperative plan, and the DCA tunnel was drilled in 3 stages with progressively longer drill bits. The position of the drilled tunnel was defined as a line fitted to a point cloud of the segmented tunnel using principle component analysis (PCA function in MatLab). The accuracy of the DCA was then assessed by coregistering preoperative and postoperative image data and measuring the deviation of the drilled tunnel from the plan. The final step of electrode insertion was also performed through the DCA tunnel after manual removal of the promontory through the external auditory canal. RESULTS Drilling error was defined as the lateral deviation of the tool in the plane perpendicular to the drill axis (excluding depth error). Errors of 0.08 ± 0.05 mm and 0.15 ± 0.08 mm were measured on the lateral mastoid surface and at the target on the round window, respectively (n =8). Full electrode insertion was possible for 7 cases. In 1 case, the electrode was partially inserted with 1 contact pair external to the cochlea. CONCLUSION The purpose-built robot system was able to perform a safe and reliable DCA for cochlear implantation. The workflow implemented in this study mimics the envisioned clinical procedure showing the feasibility of future clinical implementation.
PURPOSE The objectives of this systematic review are (1) to quantitatively estimate the esthetic outcomes of implants placed in postextraction sites, and (2) to evaluate the influence of simultaneous bone augmentation procedures on these outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Electronic and manual searches of the dental literature were performed to collect information on esthetic outcomes based on objective criteria with implants placed after extraction of maxillary anterior and premolar teeth. All levels of evidence were accepted (case series studies required a minimum of 5 cases). RESULTS From 1,686 titles, 114 full-text articles were evaluated and 50 records included for data extraction. The included studies reported on single-tooth implants adjacent to natural teeth, with no studies on multiple missing teeth identified (6 randomized controlled trials, 6 cohort studies, 5 cross-sectional studies, and 33 case series studies). Considerable heterogeneity in study design was found. A meta-analysis of controlled studies was not possible. The available evidence suggests that esthetic outcomes, determined by esthetic indices (predominantly the pink esthetic score) and positional changes of the peri-implant mucosa, may be achieved for single-tooth implants placed after tooth extraction. Immediate (type 1) implant placement, however, is associated with a greater variability in outcomes and a higher frequency of recession of > 1 mm of the midfacial mucosa (eight studies; range 9% to 41% and median 26% of sites, 1 to 3 years after placement) compared to early (type 2 and type 3) implant placement (2 studies; no sites with recession > 1 mm). In two retrospective studies of immediate (type 1) implant placement with bone graft, the facial bone wall was not detectable on cone beam CT in 36% and 57% of sites. These sites had more recession of the midfacial mucosa compared to sites with detectable facial bone. Two studies of early implant placement (types 2 and 3) combined with simultaneous bone augmentation with GBR (contour augmentation) demonstrated a high frequency (above 90%) of facial bone wall visible on CBCT. Recent studies of immediate (type 1) placement imposed specific selection criteria, including thick tissue biotype and an intact facial socket wall, to reduce esthetic risk. There were no specific selection criteria for early (type 2 and type 3) implant placement. CONCLUSIONS Acceptable esthetic outcomes may be achieved with implants placed after extraction of teeth in the maxillary anterior and premolar areas of the dentition. Recession of the midfacial mucosa is a risk with immediate (type 1) placement. Further research is needed to investigate the most suitable biomaterials to reconstruct the facial bone and the relationship between long-term mucosal stability and presence/absence of the facial bone, the thickness of the facial bone, and the position of the facial bone crest.
HYPOTHESIS To evaluate the feasibility and the results of insertion of two types of electrode arrays in a robotically assisted surgical approach. BACKGROUND Recent publications demonstrated that robot-assisted surgery allows the implantation of free-fitting electrode arrays through a cochleostomy drilled via a narrow bony tunnel (DCA). We investigated if electrode arrays from different manufacturers could be used with this approach. METHODS Cone-beam CT imaging was performed on fivecadaveric heads after placement of fiducial screws. Relevant anatomical structures were segmented and the DCA trajectory, including the position of the cochleostomy, was defined to target the center of the scala tympani while reducing the risk of lesions to the facial nerve. Med-El Flex 28 and Cochlear CI422 electrodes were implanted on both sides, and their position was verified by cone-beam CT. Finally, temporal bones were dissected to assess the occurrence of damage to anatomical structures during DCA drilling. RESULTS The cochleostomy site was directed in the scala tympani in 9 of 10 cases. The insertion of electrode arrays was successful in 19 of 20 attempts. No facial nerve damage was observed. The average difference between the planned and the postoperative trajectory was 0.17 ± 0.19 mm at the level of the facial nerve. The average depth of insertion was 305.5 ± 55.2 and 243 ± 32.1 degrees with Med-El and Cochlear arrays, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Robot-assisted surgery is a reliable tool to allow cochlear implantation through a cochleostomy. Technical solutions must be developed to improve the electrode array insertion using this approach.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate soft tissue image quality of a mobile cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner with an integrated flat-panel detector. STUDY DESIGN: Eight fresh human cadavers were used in this study. For evaluation of soft tissue visualization, CBCT data sets and corresponding computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data sets were acquired. Evaluation was performed with the help of 10 defined cervical anatomical structures. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the scoring results of 3 examiners revealed the CBCT images to be of inferior quality regarding the visualization of most of the predefined structures. Visualization without a significant difference was found regarding the demarcation of the vertebral bodies and the pyramidal cartilages, the arteriosclerosis of the carotids (compared with CT), and the laryngeal skeleton (compared with MRI). Regarding arteriosclerosis of the carotids compared with MRI, CBCT proved to be superior. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of a flat-panel detector improves soft tissue visualization using a mobile CBCT scanner.
Le collage d’un fil torsadé souple sur les faces linguales des six dents antérieures mandibulaires est une modalité de contention couramment utilisée. Les complications sont rares mais peuvent être assez sérieuses pour provoquer des dégâts biologiques. Cet article présente une complication sérieuse d’un fil de contention torsadé souple, collé en lingual. Quatre ans après son traitement orthodontique, un homme de 20 ans a consulté pour la rupture d’un fil de contention torsadé souple. L’examen clinique a montré un torque radiculo-vestibulaire d’environ 35° d’une dent. Une image en tomographie volumique à faisceau conique (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography ou CBCT) a montré que la racine et l’apex de la dent étaient presque totalement hors de l’os du côté vestibulaire. Étonnamment, la vitalité de la dent était préservée. La dent a été ramenée presque jusqu’à sa position initiale; cliniquement, seule une récession gingivale a persisté. Les orthodontistes et les dentistes devraient être conscients des complications possibles des contentions collées. Les patients devraient être clairement informés de la manière dont les problèmes peuvent être détectés à un stade précoce.
PURPOSE: The advent of imaging software programs has proved to be useful for diagnosis, treatment planning, and outcome measurement, but precision of 3-dimensional (3D) surgical simulation still needs to be tested. This study was conducted to determine whether the virtual surgery performed on 3D models constructed from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can correctly simulate the actual surgical outcome and to validate the ability of this emerging technology to recreate the orthognathic surgery hard tissue movements in 3 translational and 3 rotational planes of space. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Construction of pre- and postsurgery 3D models from CBCTs of 14 patients who had combined maxillary advancement and mandibular setback surgery and 6 patients who had 1-piece maxillary advancement surgery was performed. The postsurgery and virtually simulated surgery 3D models were registered at the cranial base to quantify differences between simulated and actual surgery models. Hotelling t tests were used to assess the differences between simulated and actual surgical outcomes. RESULTS: For all anatomic regions of interest, there was no statistically significant difference between the simulated and the actual surgical models. The right lateral ramus was the only region that showed a statistically significant, but small difference when comparing 2- and 1-jaw surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: Virtual surgical methods were reliably reproduced. Oral surgery residents could benefit from virtual surgical training. Computer simulation has the potential to increase predictability in the operating room.
A 19-year old female patient was referred for removal of her wisdom teeth. The panoramic radiograph showed bilateral retromolar canals in the mandible. Since the retromolar canal is neglected in anatomical textbooks and is rarely documented in scientific publications, the case prompted us to perform further diagnostic examinations with informed consent by the patient. A limited cone beam computed tomography was made and, during the surgical removal of the patient's lower right wisdom tooth, a biopsy of the soft tissue bundle emerging from the retromolar foramen was taken. In accordance with the literature, the histology revealed myelinated nerve fibers, small arteries and venules. The limited data available in the literature about the retromolar canal report that this bony canal may convey an aberrant buccal nerve. In addition, sensory nerve fibers entering the retromolar canal from above and branching to the mandibular molars may evade a block anesthesia at the mandibular foramen. These rare anatomic features may explain why the elements of the retromolar canal account for failures of mandibular block anesthesia or postsurgical sensitivity changes in the supply area of the buccal nerve.
Bonding a flexible spiral wire retainer to the lingual surfaces of all 6 anterior mandibular teeth is a commonly used type of retention. Complications are rare but can be serious enough to produce biologic damage. This article presents a serious complication of a lingual flexible spiral wire retainer. Four years after the orthodontic treatment, a 20-year-old man sought treatment for a broken flexible spiral wire retainer. The clinical examination showed about 35° of buccal root torque of that tooth. A cone-beam computed tomography image showed that the root and the apex of the tooth were almost completely out of the bone on its buccal side. Surprisingly, the tooth's vitality was preserved. The tooth was moved back, nearly to its original position; clinically, only a gingival recession remained. Orthodontists and dentists should be aware of possible complications of bonded retainers. Patients should be clearly informed how to detect problems at an early stage.
Morphea is a cutaneous disorder characterized by an excessive collagen deposition. While in almost all cases the sclerosing process exclusively affects the skin, there are anecdotal cases in which associated mucosal involvement has been described. We here report the case of a woman developing a whitish indurated plaque over the left upper vestibular mucosa and hard palate leading to dental mobility and exposure of the roots of several teeth. Cone beam computed tomography of the left maxilla showed bone resorption involving the upper cuspid to the second molar region with widened periodontal ligament spaces, while light microscopy studies demonstrated epithelial atrophy and fibrosis of the dermis extending into the submucosa with hyalinization of subepithelial collagen. Our observation expands the spectrum of clinical presentations of morphea and provides the first example of isolated oral morphea. Its recognition is important to avoid significant local complications.
Diagnostics imaging is an essential component of patient selection and treatment planning in oral rehabilitation by means of osseointegrated implants. In 2002, the EAO produced and published guidelines on the use of diagnostic imaging in implant dentistry. Since that time, there have been significant developments in both the application of cone beam computed tomography as well as in the range of surgical and prosthetic applications that can potentially benefit from its use. However, medical exposure to ionizing radiation must always be justified and result in a net benefit to the patient. The as low a dose as is reasonably achievable principle must also be applied taking into account any alternative techniques that might achieve the same objectives. This paper reports on current EAO recommendations arising from a consensus meeting held at the Medical University of Warsaw (2011) to update these guidelines. Radiological considerations are detailed, including justification and optimization, with a special emphasis on the obligations that arise for those who prescribe or undertake such investigations. The paper pays special attention to clinical indications and radiographic diagnostic considerations as well as to future developments and trends.